Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 28, 1992.
As of Monday, March 10th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts


This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-183-4
  • Executive Order 183-4 / D183-4
  • ARB # D-183-4
  • Executive Order No: D-183-4
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-183-4
  • Resolution D-183-4
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Download: Executive Order D-183-4 PDF

D-183-4 Document:


                                                                           {Page 1 of 2)

                                                 State of California
                                                 AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                            EXECUTIVE ORDER b—183—4
                                  Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                             of the Vehicle Code

                                 "3—WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER PART NUMBERS
                          23002, 23005, 23007) 23008 23032, 23035, 23037, 23038"

           WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 77156 and Title                     a ifornia Code of
           Regulations (hereafter "CCR") S
                                                                                Mmpt new aftermarket
           catalytic converters from the                                            e Sections 27156
           and 38391.

           WHEREAS, Perfection Automotive Products               Corporation of 12445 Levan Road,
           Livonia, Michigan 481             s                             for exemption from the

           Aftermarket three—way ¢         alytic converter         C) for the following
           application:                               ‘
soeyrn e

           Type             Part NumbeTs                     :                    Max. Veh. Wt.
           TWC        23002, 23005     007, 23008      3.8             j           4250 lbs.
                      23032, 23035,) 23037, 23038

           WHEREAS, pursua     6 the authority vésted in the Executive Officer by Health
           and Safety Code S#Ition 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Division by
           Health and Safety Code Section      16 and Executive Order G—45—5, the ARB
           finds that the, abo                  talytic converter complies with the
           California      cle Code Sectio      156 and 38391, and Title 13, California
           Code of RegulatYons, Section 2222Z¥§M).  Emission performance of the catalytic

           IT IS            RESOLVED that the above catalytic converter is exempt from the
           prohibA       pis in Vehicle Code Sect/ions 27156 — and 38391 for installation on
           applicaB{l&    vehicles subject to        e following conditions:

                 1.   N                       @ to the catalytic converter as described in
                       he applxcatlon for exemption.   Any changes to the catalytic
                      Converter or ‘any_of   eir components, applicable model year, or other
                        ctors address    in/this order must be evaluated and approved by the
                      ARB prior to marketing in California.

                 2.   Marketing of the‘ converter using identifications other than those
                      shown in    the   ption application or marketing of the catalytic
                      converter   fofvehicle application other than the one listed in this
                                   iz;firohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the
                      ARB.   Exémpti   of this product shall not be construed as an
                      exemption to ‘gell, offer for sale, or advertise any components of the
                      catalytic converter as individual devices.

                                              PERFECTION AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS CORP ;                  EXECUTIVE ORDER D—183—4
                                              "TWC PART NUMBERS 23002, 23005, 23007,                 (Page 2 of 2)
                                              23008, 23032, 23035, 23037, 23038"

                                                 3.   Any oral or written referancesitc this Executive Order or its content
                                                      by Perfection Automotive Products Corporation, its principals,
                                                      agents, employees, distributors, dealers, or other representatives
                                                      must include the disclaimer that the Executive Order or the exemption
                                                      it provides is not an endorsement or approval of any emissions
                                                      reduction claims for the catalytic converter and is only a finding
                                                      that the catalytic converter is exempt from the prohibitions of
                                                      Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391.

                                                 4.   Upon installation, the catalytic converter must carry a
                                                      manufacturer‘s warranty for 25,000 miles on the substrates and 50,000
                                                      miles or five years on the shell.

                                              Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
                                              this order.  The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
                                              intention to revoke it, during which period the holder of the order may
                                              request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.  If a
                                              hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
                                              request, and the order may not be revoked until a deterrination is made,
                                              after the hearing, that grounds for révocétion exist.
rvcneslfi n nbie Sale 300Mrtme ioh ine .. ce

                                              Execut;ve Order No. D—183—3 dated October 28,       1992,   is superseded and of no
                                              furtherforce and effect.                        }

                                              Executed at El Monte, California, this                 of February,   1993.

                                                                                R.B, Summerfield
                                                                                Assistant Division Chief
                                                                                Mobile Source Division

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:57
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:57

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