Approval Details

Valid E.O.


As of Monday, March 10th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-193-127
  • Executive Order 193-127 / D193-127
  • ARB # D-193-127
  • Executive Order No: D-193-127
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-193-127
  • Resolution D-193-127
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Vehicle: ApplicationPart NumberType - LocationTotal CountCert Level / Class
1992 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 352801DIRECT FIT - Front of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1992 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357204UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1992 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357205UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1992 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357801DIRECT FIT - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1993 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 352801DIRECT FIT - Front of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1993 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357204UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1993 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357205UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1993 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357801DIRECT FIT - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1994 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 352801DIRECT FIT - Front of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1994 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357204UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1994 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357205UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1994 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357801DIRECT FIT - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1995 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 352801DIRECT FIT - Front of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1995 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357204UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
1995 Toyota Camry 2.20LALLCar Sound / Magnaflow 357205UNIVERSAL - Rear of the vehicle2PRE-OBDII / PC-2
Download: Executive Order D-193-127 PDF

D-193-127 Document:


                                                                            Appendix D-193-127
                                                              Car Sound Exhaust Systems, Inc. 352000 / 357000

                                                                                                                                                                      Monitored Converter
                                                  Engine Size (liters)

                                                                                    Certification Level

                                                                                                                                                    Total Converter

                                                                                                                                                                                            Conv. Location
                                                                                                                         Exhaust Type
                                                                                                          Weight Class

                                                                          Test                                                                                                                               Converter     MFR
      Model                                                                                                                             Converter

No.               Make              Model                                Group                                                                                                                                 Part        Part
      Year                                                                                                                                Type
                                                                         Name                                                                                                                                  Type       Number

 1     1992       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    F            DIRECT FIT   352801     ALL
 2     1992       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357204     ALL
 3     1992       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357205     ALL
 4     1992       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            DIRECT FIT   357801     ALL
 5     1993       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    F            DIRECT FIT   352801     ALL
 6     1993       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357204     ALL
 7     1993       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357205     ALL
 8     1993       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            DIRECT FIT   357801     ALL
 9     1994       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    F            DIRECT FIT   352801     ALL
 10    1994       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357204     ALL
 11    1994       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357205     ALL
 12    1994       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            DIRECT FIT   357801     ALL
 13    1995       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    F            DIRECT FIT   352801     ALL
 14    1995       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357204     ALL
 15    1995       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            UNIVERSAL    357205     ALL
 16    1995       Toyota            Camry         2.2                            PRE-OBDII                PC-2              S            TWC(2)         2                  0                    R            DIRECT FIT   357801     ALL

Test Group Name is optional for pre-OBD II vehicles.                                Page 1 of 1                                                                                                                                       12-9-2015

Document Created: 2016-02-18 11:33:47
Document Modified: 2016-02-18 11:33:47

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