Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on July 16, 2003.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks
Series 430002001 and older Dodge and Jeep trucks and vans.NonePlease contact the manufacturer for the exact part number for a specific vehicle.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-193-25
  • Executive Order 193-25 / D193-25
  • ARB # D-193-25
  • Executive Order No: D-193-25
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-193-25
  • Resolution D-193-25
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-193-25 PDF

D-193-25 Document:


                                                                            (Page 1 of 3)

                                  State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—193—25
                      Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                                   of the Vehicle Code

                           Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc.
                     "Three—way Catalytic Converter Series 43000"

WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27156, and Title 13, California Code of Regulations
(hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(h), authorize the California Air Resources Board (ARB) and
its Executive Officer to exempt new aftermarket catalytic converters from the prohibitions of
Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc. (Car Sound) of 22961 Arroyo Vista, Rancho
Santa Margarita, California 92688, has applied to the ARB for exemption from the
prohibitions in Vehicle Code Sections 27156 to market their new aftermarket series 43000
three—way catalytic converter (TWC) on 2001 and older Dodge and Jeep trucks and vans
equipped with an on—board diagnostic l1 (OBD—I1) system as specified in Appendix A and
incorporated herein. The application coverage excludes vehicles equipped with a warm—up
catalyst. The TWC will be used in single underbody vehicle applications. The series 43000
TWC may also be installed on non—OBD II vehicles (1995 and older) similar in engine and
exhaust configuration to those listed in Appendix A.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health and Safety
Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations Division by Health and
Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—02—003, the ARB finds that the above
aftermarket catalytic converter complies with the California Vehicle Code Section 27156 and
Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222(h). The emissions performance of the
catalytic converter was based on durability bench—aging by Delphi Engine and Chassis
Systems using the ARB—modified RAT—A bench—aging cycle for 100 hours, as specified for
category 2 vehicles in the "Optional Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—original
Equipment Catalytic Converters Equipped With On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD I!) Systems."

WHEREAS, emissions tests conducted at the Automotive Testing and Development Services
{ATDS), Ontario, California, with Series 43000 TWC installed on a 1999 5.9L Dodge
Durango, test group XCRXAO360H32, certified to the Medium—Duty Vehicle 2, Low Emission
Vehicle emission standards (MDV2, LEV), showed that the catalytic converter met the
applicable emission standards. The following are the test results in grams per mile:

                                               NMOG          cCO           NOx
MDV2 120K LEV standards                         0.230        6.4           0.6
Average with Series 43000 TWC                   0.217        4.4           0.5


IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the above catalytic converter is exempt from the prohibitions
in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on the approved vehicle applications specified
in Appendix A subject to the following conditions:

      1.     No changes are permitted to the catalytic converter as described in the
             application for exemption. Any changes to the catalytic converter or any of its
             components, and other factors addressed in this order must be evaluated and
             approved by the ARB prior to marketing in California.

             Marketing of the catalytic converter using identifications other than those shown
             in the exemption application, and in this Executive Order, or marketing of the
             catalytic converter for application other than the ones shown in this Executive
             Order shall be prohibited uniess prior approval is obtained from the ARB.
             Exemption of this product shall not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer
             for sale, or advertise any components of the catalytic converter as individual

             Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its content by Car
             Sound Exhaust System, Inc., its principals, agents, employees, distributors,
             dealers, or other representatives must include the disclaimer that the Executive
             Order or the exemption it provides is not an endorsement or approval of any
             emission reduction claims for the catalytic converter and is only a finding that
             the catalytic converter is exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section

             Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc.‘s installation instructions for the new catalytic
             converter must conform to requirements in Paragraphs | and X of the "Optional
             Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—original Equipment Catalytic
             Converters Equipped With On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD !1) Systems."

             Upon installation, the catalytic converter must carry a manufacturer‘s warranty
             for 50,000 miles on the substrates and 50,000 miles or five years on the shell
             and end pipes.

             Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc. and its vendors may not advertise the new
             aftermarket catalytic converter as a "high or easy flow" catalytic converter or
             use any phrase that could make it appear to perform better than an OEM
             catalytic converter.



Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of intention to revoke it, during which
period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed
revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request,
and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made, after the hearing, that
grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this /éfllday of July 2003.

                                    AIIe%%yons, Chief
                                    Mobile Source Operations Division





                 s—— o



           FULL SIZE VANS
 Dodge     [VAN B1500/B2500                 8    |. 3.9L      1998      Tier1 [TCR239H8GA1EK        43297           43006     _SINGLE |. 52020284
 Dodge     |VAN B1500/B2500                 6       3.9L      1997      Tier 1 [VCR239HBG1EK        43202           43006      SiNGLE    52020225
 Dodge     [VAN B1500/82500               . 6       3.9L      1998      }Tier1|TBD .. .      _.       TBD           43037      SINGLE §2022020AB
 Dedge     |VAN B1500/B2500                 6       3.9L      1999      Tier 1 |[XCRXAO239H11       — TBD           43037      SINGLE < 52022020AB
 Dodge |VAN B1500/B2500                     6      3.9L.      2000 |Tier 1 |YCRXAO239H11             TBD            43037      SINGLE    52103346AD
 Dodge |VAN B1500B2500                      6      3.9L.      2001 Tier 1 ACRXTO3.95B9               TBD      |     43037      SINGLE    52103346AE

   Dodge   |VAN B1500/B2500/B3500            8    5.21           1986   Tier 1 [TCR31828G1FK         43292             43006       SINGLE    52020285
   Dodge   (VAN B1500/82500/83500            a    52L            1996   Tier 1 [TCR3BOJBG1EK         43202             43006       SINGLE    52020285
.| Dodge   |VAN B1500/82500/8B3500 .. .   LLB. . 52L .        |. 1997   Tier 1 [VCRSEOHBGIEL.. |. .. 43202.       |._. 43037.. |.. SINGLE |. 52022022
   Dodge   |VAN B1500/B2500/B3500         L. 8 .  521 .|         1997   Tier t |VCR3BOJBGAEL ..     43292              43037 _.| SINGLE      52022022
   Dodge   |VAN B1500/02500/83500            B    5.2L           1998     LEV |WCRXAOsEOUJ31          TBD              43037       SINGLE 521035304A
   Dodge   |VAN B1500/82500/83500            B    5.2L.__|       1998   Tier 1 [WGRXAD3SOJ11      ._ TBD               43037       SINGLE    52022022
   Dodge   |VAN B1500/82500/B3500            8 . 5.21            1999   Tier 1.|XCRXA0O36OJ11         TBD              43037       SINGLE    52022022
   Dodge   |VAN B1500/B2500/B3500            B    52L            1999     LEV |XCRXA0360J31           TBD:             43037       SINGLE 521035304A
   Dodge   |VAN B1500/B2500/83500            8    5.2L__|        2000    Tier 1 |YCRXA0360H11         TBD              43037       SINGLE 52103441AD
   Dodge   |VAN B1500/B2500/83500            8    5.21           2000    Tier 1 |YCERXAOI6QJ11        TBD              43037       SINGLE 52103347AD
   Dodge   {VAN B1500/B2500/83500            8    5.20           2001   [Tier 1 1CRXAO360J11          TBD              43037       SINGLE 52103441AE
 Dodge |VAN B1500/B2500/83500               8      5.91        1996     Tier 1   |TCR360H8G1EK       43292          43006       SINGLE     52020285
 Dodge |VAN B1500/62500/83500               B      5.9L__|     1997     Tier 1   |VCR360HBGA1EL      43292          43006       SINGLE     52022022
 Dodge |VAN B1500/82500783500               8      5.91        1998      LEV     |WCRXAO38OU31        TBD           43037       SINGLE    521035314A
 Dodge [VAN B1500/B2500/83500,              8      5.9L.       1999      LEV     |XCRXA0360J31        TBD           43037       SINGLE    52103531MA
 Dordge (VAN B1500/82500/B3500              8      5.9L.       2000     Tier 1   [YCRXAD360H11        TBD           43037       SINGLE    52103347AD
 Dodge |VAN 81500/B2500/B3500               8      5.91        2000     Tier 1   |YCRXAO36OJ11        TBD           43037       SINGLE    52103347AD
 Dodge |VAN B1500/B2500/83500               8      5.9L__|     2001     Tier 1   [1CRXAO36OJ11        TBD           43037       SINGLE    52103347AE
 Dodge |VAN Cab Chassts 3500 4wd HDV        8      5.9L.__|    2001     Tier 1   [1CRXAO360Ki11       TBD           43037       SINGLE        TBD
 Dodge |VAN Cab Chassis 3500 4wd            8       5.91       2001     Tier 1   |1GRXA03GOK18        TBD           43037       SINGLE        TBD

    Revised 7/11/03          j                                          Page 1 of 4



‘Dodge |Durango ..     _                   8. .     |__3.9L _.| 1998| Tier 1 |WCRXAO239H12     |_   TBD      ._ 43006 ..|   SINGLE        _ TBD _
Dodge |Durango                             6         3.91.      1999 Tier 1 [XCRXA0239H12           TBD         43006       SINGLE          TBD

Dodge |Durango ——                          8        5.2L —    1998   LEV |WCRXAO360H32              TBD        43006.       SINGLE_|     52103383A8
Dodge |Durange                             8        5.2L      1989   LEV [XCRXA0O360H32             TBD        43006        SINGLE       52103383AB
Dodge |Durango                             8        5.21      2000   LEV [YCRXAO36OH32              TaDp      43006         SINGLE       52103374AG

 Dodge   |Durango                          8        5.91       1998 LEV |WCRXAOa6oHaz                  TBD        43006       SINGLE     52103383A8
 Dodge   |Durango                          8        5.9L       1999 LEV |XCRXA0O3GOH32                 TBD        43006       SINGLE .   52103383A6
—Dodge   |Durango. . — ..                . &8. |"   5.91 ..   2000 | LEV |YeRxAose0H32          _ |. _ TBD..._| _ 43006 __|__ SNGLE..    52103374AC
 Dodge   |Durango 4WD                    B |        59L        2000 LEV.|YCRXAD3EDH32               |. TBD       43006..      SINGLE     |52103373AG
         FULL Size PICKUPS
Dodge    |PU 1500                          6        3.91.     1996   Tier 1   |TCR23OHSGTIEK        43285       43037 .     SINGLE        52019292
Dodge    |PU 1500                          6        3.9L      1997   Tier 1   |VCRz39H8G1EK         43285       43037       SINGLE        52103174
Dodge    |PU 1500                          6        3.9L      1998   Tier 1   |TBD                  43285       43037       SINGLE       521032224A
Dodge    |PU 1500                          6        3.9L.     1999   Tier 1   |XCRXAD8HA11          43285       43037       SINGLE       52103222AA
Dodge    [PU 1500                          6        3.9L.     2000   Tier 1   [YCGRXA0239H11        43285       43037       SINGLE       |52103203AB]   .

Dodge    |PU 1500/2500 2WD                 8        5.21      1996    Tier 1 |TCR3GOHSG1EK          43265       43037        SINGLE    52019294
Dodge    |PU 1500/2500 2WD                 8        5.2L.     1997    Tier 1 |VCR31BHBG1EK          43285       43037        SINGLE    52013202
Dodge    |PU 1500/2500 2WD/AWD             8        5.2L.     1997    Tier 1 |VCR3BOH8G1EL          43285       43037        SINGLE    52013202
Dodge    (PU 1500/2500 2WD                 8        5.21      1997    Tier 1 |VCR3GOJ8G1EL          43285       43037        SINGLE    52013202
Dodge    |PU 150072500 4WD                 8        5.2L      1997    Tier 1 |VCR3GOJ8G1EK          43285       43037        SINGLE    52013202
Dodge    |PL 150072500 4WD                 8        5.2L      1997    Tier 1 |VCR3GOHSG1EL          43285       43037        SINGLE    52013202
Dodge    |PU 150072500                     8        5.2L      1998   [Tier 1_|[WERXAD31BHA11        43285       43037        SINGLE    52013202
Dodge    |PU 150072500                     8        5.2L      1998     LEV |WCRXA0360H31            43285       43037        SINGLE 52103225AG
Dodge    |PU 150072500                     8        5.2L      1999     LEV |XCRXAO3GOJ31            43285       43037        SINGLE . 52103225AG

  Revised 7/11/03                                                    Page 2 of 4



     MAKE_|MODEL                                 CYL ENGINE YEAR CERT |ENGINE FAMILY__                     DIRECT F[T |UNIVERSAL]           NUMBER_|DODGEAEEP

     Dodge |PU 1500/2500 ©                           8       5.91        1996    Tier 1 TCR360H8G1EK         43285                 43037    SINGLE         52019294
      Dodge,   |PU 1500/2500/3500 2WD/AWD___|.       8..   |. 5.9L_.     1997 Tier 1 |VCR3GOJ8G1EK      43285 .                 . 43037     SINGLE        52013202
      Dodge    |PU 1500/2500/3500 2WD/MAWD           8         5.91      1997 Tier 1 |VCR36OJBG1EL      43285                     43037     SINGLE        52013202
    , Dodge.   |PU .1500/2500 2WDMAWD                8.      . 5.9L      1997 Tier1 |VCR3GOHBG1EL _.|. 43285                   . 43037.     .SINGLE    |. 52013202
      Dedge    |PU 150072500                         8         5.91      1998 LEV |WCRXADIEOJ3M —       43285                     43037     SINGLE *     52103225AC
      Dodge    |PU 1500/2500                         8         5.9L      1999 LEV |XCRXAO36OH31         43285                     43037     SINGLE      52103225AC
      Dodge    |PU 1500/2500 ‘Automatic Trans        8         5.9L°_|   1999] LEV {XCRXAO36OJ31      _ 43285                     43037 °   SINGLE       52103224AA
     Doilge JPU 3500                                 8       5.9L.       2000 Tier 1 |YCRXAO360)11           43285 .,              43037    SINGLE     52103203AB
     Dodge |PL 3500 4WD HDV                          8       5.9L.       2001 Tier 1 }1CRXAO36OJ11           43285                 43037    SINGLE     §210378AH
     Dodge |PU 3500 2WD HDV                          8       5.9L.       2001 Tier 1 [1CRXAO36OJ18           43285                 43037    SINGLE     5210378AH

     ..   —|SMALL PICKUPS                        —                           —            m l                —            +f   >                       —
     Dodge |Dakota                                   6       3.9L        1996    Tier 1 |TCR23928G1EK            43294             43006    SINGLE           TBD
     Dodge |Dakota                                   6       3.9L        1997    Tier 1 |VCR239H8G1EK            432904            43006    SINGLE           TBD
     Dodge |Dakota _                                 6        3.9L       1998 Tier 1 JTBD         —              43294             43006    SINGLE           TBD
     Dodge [Dakota                                   6       3.9L        1999    Tier 1 |XCRXT0239211            43294             43006    SINGLE           TBD
     Dodge |Dakota                                   6        3.91.      2000 TLEV |YCRXTO3.9201                 TBD               43006    SINGLE           TBD

     Dodge |Dakota_2WD short wh                      8        5.21.      1996 Tier 1 [TCR31828G1EK               43294             43006    SINGLE         52020272
     Dodge |Dakota 2WD tong wh >                     8:     ©5.2L; ‘|    1996:] Tier1|TCR3182BG1EK —       |— ©43294 >         _~ 43006     SINGLE:        52020277
     Dodge |Dakola 4WD short wh                      8        5.21       1996 Tier 1 |TCR3182BGA1EL              43204             43006    SINGLE         52103166
     Dodge |Dakota 4WD fong wh                       8        5.2L       1996 Tier 1 |TCR31828G1EL               43294             43006    SINGLE         52020275
     Dodge     |Dakota 2WD _                         8        5.2L       1997    Tier 1   |VCR318H8G1EK          43294             43006    SINGLE     52019300AC
     Dodge     |Dakota 4WD short wh                  8        §.2L       1997    Tier 1   |VCR36028G1EL          43294             43006    SINGLE      52019325
     Dodge     |Dakola 4WD tong wh                   8        5.2L        1997   Tier 1   |VCR36028G1EL          43294             43006    SINGLE      52103077
     Dodge     |Dakola 2WD                           8        5.2L       1997    Tier 1   |VCR36OH8G1EL          43294             43006    SINGLE     52019300AC
     Dodge     jDakota 2WD                           8        5.2L       1998     LEV     |WCRXAOIEOH31          43294             43006     SINGLE    52103192¥A
     Dodge     |Dakota 4WD long wh                   8        5.2L.      1998    Ter 1    |WCRXA0O3B8H11         43294             43006     SINGLE    52103077AB
     Dodge     |Dakota 4WD short wh                  8        5.2L.      1998    Tier 1   |WCRXAO318H11          43294             43006     SINGLE    52103214MA
     Dodge     (Dakola 2WD                           8        5.2L       1999    Tier 1   JXCRXAO318H11          43294             43006     SINGLE    521031924A
     Dodge     {Dakola 4WD long wh                   8        5.2L       1999    Tier 1   |XCRXAO360211          43204             43006     SINGLE    5210307748

       Revised 7/ 1/03                                                           Page 3 of 4


MAKE |MODEL                              CYL   ENGINE YEAR| CERT |ENGINE FAMILY                     DIRECT FIT| UNIVERSAL|_NUMBER                     _jDODGENEEP

Dodge {Dakota 4WD short wh                B         §.2L     1999 Tier 1 [XCRXAO360211                   43294        43006           SINGLE          521032 14MA
Dodge |Dakota                             8         5.21     2000 LEV. |\YCRXAO3GOH32               _     _TBD        43006 .         SINGLE            — TBD,

 Dordge.   [Dakota 2WD short wh         . B         5.91     1996    Tier 1   |TCR360H8G1EK                TBD.          43006 . |. SINGLE             |. 52020272 .
‘Dodge     |Dakota 4WD short wh           8         §.9L.    1996    Tier 1   |TCR360HB8G1EL               TBD           43006            SINGLE —|       52103166
 Dodge     |Dakota 2WD                    8         5.9L.    1997    Tier 1   |VCR36028G1EK                TBD           43006            SINGLE       52019300AC
 Dodge     |Dakota AWD long wh _          8         5.91     1997    Tier 1   |VCR36OH8G1EL                TBD           43006 °‘‘|       SINGLE      { 52103077
 Dodge     |Dakota 2ZWD                   B         5.91     1998    Tier1    |WCRXAO318H11                TBD :;        43006            SINGLE          52103364
 Dodge     |Dakota 4WD                    B         5.91     1998    Tier 1   |WCRXA0O318H11               TBD           43006            SINGLE        52103238AA
 Dodge     |Dakota                        8         5.91     1999    Tier 1   |XCRXA0360211                TBD           43006            SINGLE        52103077AB
Dodge      |Dakota. ..                  «.8 +|...   5.95 [   2000     LEV.    [YCERXAODs60H32—..|       .. TBD..    |... 43006.     _|; . SINGLE..|       ... TBD.. _..| .

  Jeep     _|Wrangler 4WD                6     4.0L          1997    Tier 1   |VCR24228G1EK                TBD         43005          SINGLE    52020064
  Jeep     _|Wrangler~ .                 6     4.0L          1997    Tier 1   |VCR24228GTEL                TBD         43005          SINGLE    52020064
  Jeep     [Cherokee 2WD                 6     4.0L          1996    Tier 1   |TCRAMAMSG1EK               43226        43005          SINGLE    52019481
  Jeep     _|Cherkee 4WD                 6:    4.0L          1996    Tier 1   |TCR2A21BGIFK               43226        43005          SINGLE    52019481
  Jeep     _|Cherokee 2WD/AWD           _6     4.0L.         1997    Tier 1   |\VCR24228G1EK              43226        43006          SINGLE   52022019A8
  Jeep     |Cherokee 4WD                 6     4.0L          1997    Tier 1   |VCR24228G1EL               43226        43006          SINGLE   §2022019AB
  Jeep     {Grand Cherokee              6: —]— 4.0L—         1996    Tier 1   [TCR24228G1EK —            ©43226—     — 43006        —SINGLE —| 52022019A8B
  Jeep     {Grand Cherokes 4AWD          6     4.0.          1998    Tier 1   |YCR24228G1FK               43226        43006          SINGLE   52022019AB
‘ Jeep     |Grand Cherokes 2WD/ZWD       6     4.0L__|        1997   Tier 1   |VCR24228G2JK               43226        43006          SINGLE   52022019A8
  Jeep     {Grand Cherokee 2WD           B     5.2L.          1996   Tier 1   |TCR31828G1EK             ‘ 43226        43006          SINGLE       TBD
  Jeep     {Grand Cherokee AWD           8     5.2L           1996   Ter J    |TCR31828G1EL               43226        43006          SINGLE       TBD
  Jeep     jGrand Cherakee               8     §.2L           1997   Tier 1   |VCR3G02BG1EK               43226        43006          SINGLE       TBD
  Jeep     }Grand Cherokee               8     5.91           1996   Tier 1   |TCR380HB8G1EL              43226        43006          SINGLE _     TBD
  Jeep     _|Grand Cherokee 4WD          8     §.0L           1996   Tier 1   |TCR36028G1EL               43226        43006;         SINGLE       TBD
  Jeaep    |Grand Cherakee               8      5.9L__|       1997   Tier 1   |VCR3G02BG1IEK              43226        43006          SINGLE       TBD

    Revised 7/11/03                                                  Page 4 of 4

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:53
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:53

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