Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 8, 1991.
As of Saturday, March 29th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification
WI-TEC-721989-1991 Chevrolet and GMC 1/2 and 3/4 ton light-duty trucks with a 350 CID fuel injected engineSpark timing is retarded up to 5 degrees to prevent detonation

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-231
  • Executive Order 231 / D231
  • ARB # D-231
  • Executive Order No: D-231
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-231
  • Resolution D-231
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D-231 Document:


                                                          (Page 1 of 2)

                                    State of California
                                    AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                   EXECUTIVE ORDER D—231
                         Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                    of the Vehicle Code

                                      WHIPPLE INDUSTRIES
                              SUPERCHARGER KIT NUMBER WI—TEC—72

         Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
         of the Vehicle Code; and

         Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
         39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

         IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the add—on
         supercharger kit WI—TEC—72, manufactured by Whipple Industries of 3292 1/2
         N. Weber, Fresno, CA 93722 , has been found not to reduce the effectiveness
         of the applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt
         from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1989—1991
         model—year Chevrolet and GMC 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton light—duty trucks with a
         350 CID (5.0L/5.7L) fuel injection engine.

         This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
         this supercharger kit will not recommend tuning the vehicle to
         specifications different from those submitted by Whipple Industries.

         Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the supercharger kit,

         as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance
         of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive
         Order .

         Marketing of this supercharger kit using any identification other than that
         shown in this Executive Order or marketing of this supercharger kit for an
         application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be
         prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.
         Exemption of the supercharger kit shall not be construed as exemption to
         sell, offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an individual

         This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the
         use of this supercharger kit may have on any warranty either expressed or
         implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

         This Executive Order is granted based on results from emissions tests
         conducted in accordance with Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure.
         However, the ARB finds that reasonable grounds exist to believe that use of
         the supercharger kit may adversely affect emissions of motor vehicles when
         operating under conditions outside the parameters of the previously
         prescribed test procedures. Accordingly, the ARB reserves the right to
         conduct additional emission tests, in the future, as such tests are

WHIPPLE INDUSTRIES                                EXECUTIOZ ORDER D—231
SsUPERCHARGER KIT WI—TEC—72                       (Page 2 s3f 2)

developed, that will more adequately measure emissions ‘rom all cycle
phases.  If such test results demonstrate that the supe—charger kit
adversely affects emissions during off—cycle conditions {defined as those
conditions which are beyond the parameters of the Cold—itart CVS—75 Federal
Test Procedure), this Executive Order shall be effectively rescinded as of
the date the test results are validated. Further, if s.csh test results or
other evidence provides the ARB with reason to suspect that the supercharger
kit will affect the durability of the emission control system, Whipple
Industries shall be required to submit durability data :s show that the
durability of the vehicle emission control system is nct, if fact, affected
and/or that the add—on or modified part demonstrates acsquate durability.

In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the right in the future to
review this Executive Order and the exemption provided —srein to assure that
the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the standards and
procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations section 2222 et seq.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resow.rces Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any adve—tising or other
oral or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor .

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

      "43644,   (a)   No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
      advertise, or, except in an application to the stats board for
      certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
      pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that
      device has been certified by the state board. No zrerson shall sell,
      offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vshicle pollution
      control device as a certified device which, if fact, is not a certified
      device. Any violation of this subdivision is a misiemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Execut‘ve Order may result
 in its rescission or submission to the Attorney General sf California for
 such action as he deems advisable.          ;%gih_

 Executed at E1 Monte, California, this         day    Octc:er, 1991 .

                                          R. Bfi Summerfiel:
                                          Assistant Divisict Chief
                                          Mobile Source Division

                       State of California
                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                            October 1991

                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                           Mobile Source Division
                            State of California
                            Air Resources Board
                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                          E1 Monte, CA 91731—2990

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)


       Whipple Industries of 3292 1/2 N. Weber, Fresno, CA. 93722 has applied

for an exemption from the prohibitions in Section 27156 of the California

Vehicle Code (VC) for the Supercharger Kit WI—TEC—72.   The supercharger kit is

designed for installation on 1989—91 Chevrolet and GMC 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton

light—duty trucks powered by a 305/350 CID (5.0L/5.7L) fuel—injected engine.

       Based on the resuits from exhaust emission test data performed at an

independent laboratory on a 1990 GMC Sierra pick—up truck, and from the

confirmatory tests performed by the ARB, the staff concludes that Whipple

Industries‘ supercharger kit WI—TEC—72 will not adversely affect exhaust

emissions from vehicles for which an exemption is requested.

       The staff recommends that Whipple Industries be granted an exemption as

requested and that Executive Order D—231 be issued.

                                                                    Page Number

SUMMARY                                                                   1

CONTENTS                                                                 i1

I.        INTRODUCTION                                                    1

II.       CONCLUSION                                                      1

III.      RECOMMENDATION                                                  1

IV.       SUPERCHARGER KIT DESCRIPTION                                    2

V.        D1ISCUSSION                                          ‘          3

          APPENDIX                                                        5



                        CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS


       Whipple Industries of 3292 1/2 N. Weber, Fresno, CA. 93722 has applied

for an exemption from the prohibitions in Section 27156 of the California

Vehicle Code for the Supercharger Kit WI—TEC—72.   The supercharger kit is

designed for installation on 1989—91 Chevrolet and GMC 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton

light—duty trucks powered by a 305/350 CID (5.0L/5.7L) fuel—injected engine.

       Whipple Industries has submitted emissions test data conducted on a 1990

GMC Sierra pick—up truck at California Environmental Engineering (CEE),

Anaheim, California. Confirmatory tests were conducted on the same vehicle at

the Air Resources Board‘s (ARB) Haagen—Smit laboratory in El Monte, California.


       Based on the results from comparative exhaust emission tests performed

at CEE on a 1990 GMC Sierra pick—up truck, and the confirmatory test performed

by the ARB on the same vehicle, the staff concludes that Whipple Industries

supercharger kit WI—TEC—72 will not adversely affect exhaust emissions from

vehicles for which an exemption is requested.


        The staff recommends that Whipple Industries be granted an exemption for

their add—on supercharger kit WI—TEC—72 for installation on 1989—1991 model—

year Chevrolet and GMC 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton light—duty trucks powered by a fuel—

 injected 305/350 CID (5.0L/5.7L) engine.   The staff also recommends that

 Executive Order D—231 be issued.

IV.                   K        R     0

          The Whipple Industries supercharger kit WI—TEC—72 is designed for

installation on 1989—91 Chevrolet and GMC vehicles powered by a 305/350 CID

{(5.0L/5.7L) fuel—injected engine.       The kit operates in conjunction with the

original equipment manufacturer (OEM) computer controlled electronic port fuel

injection and the emission control system already certified with the stock


          The purpose of supercharging an engine is to increase its volumetric

efficiency by forcing more air into the engine than it consumes in the normally

aspirated, non—supercharged condition.        This is accomplished by the addition of

a positive displacement Sprintex screw rotor compressor (blower).        Rotation of

the crankshaft causes rotation of the compressor at a predetermined rate.           This

predetermined drive rate controls the maximum boost level available to the

engine and controls the increase in volumetric flow rate required.        The drive

ratio of 3:1 is obtained by the standard serpentine drive belt system used on

the engine.     The compressor used is a screw type compressor.     The air/fuel

mixture is allowed to enter the inlet end of the unit through the throttle

body.     The amount of flow is controlled by the throttle plate, the same as OEM.

The mixture is trapped between segments of the rotors and then compressed

during rotation until the outlet port opens and the higher—pressure air/fuel

mixture exits to the engine inlet manifold.        No lubrication of the compression

chamber is required.      Maximum positive manifold pressure or boost is limited to

 5 psi by the blower scroll housing and the impeller design.       No wastegate or

 other active boost limiting device is used.

       To provide additional fuel to maintain the proper air/fuel ratio during

boost conditions, the pressure regulator cover in the factory throttle body is

replaced with a new housing.     A vacuum switch and solenoid are also provided

with the kit.     This modification will provide the extra fuel needed under boost

conditions only.     A complete air cleaner system is also provided with the

supercharger Kit.     The air cleaner is equipped with the original factory type

heated air intake valve and necessary ducting from the exhaust manifold.       A

recalibrated prom (re—matches volumetric efficiency) to meet emissions

standards is also provided with the supercharger kit.     The purpose of the

prom/chip is to improve engine performance by determining the proper fuel

delivery and spark timing under both closed and open loop conditions.        During

closed loop operations the manifold pressure, coolant temperature and RPM‘s are

measured to determine the correct fuel delivery.     Fuel delivery is increased

during acceleration at partial and wide open throttle to optimize power output

for premium fuel.     The spark timing is retarded up to 5 degrees to prevent

detonation under high boost {wide open throttle) conditions.      The throttle body

fuel injection is mounted sideways on the blower to allow for the hood

clearance for the blower.     All other emission controls are left intact.


       A 1990 California certified GMC Sierra pickup truck with a 5.7 liter

 (350 CID) fuel—injected gasoline engine and automatic transmission was used for

emissions testing.      The test program consisted of one FTP CVS—75 (cold start)

test on the vehicle in the modified configuration (tested against the

standard).      A confirmatory test was performed at the ARB following the same

test sequence.      The results of the exhaust emissions tests performed at CEE and

the ARB are shown in Table 1 and 2 respectively.

                                      Table 1

                              CVS—75 TEST RESULTS

                   (California Environmental Engineering)

                                                HC     cCO    NOx
                 Emission standards             0.50   9.00   1.0

                 Supercharger Kit               0.32   2.63   0 .64


                                      Table 2

                              CVS—75 TEST RESULTS
                                  (ARB Laboratory)

                                                 HC     CO    NOx
                  Emissions   Standards         0.50   9.00   1.0

                  Supercharger Kit              0.37   4.22   0 .74

       The CVS—75 emissions test results at CEE and confirmatory testing at the

ARB indicate that HC, CO and NOx emissions of the vehicle with the WI—TEC—72

supercharger kit installed are well below the emissions standards.    This

demonstrates that the installation of Whipple Industries WI—TEC—72 supercharger

kit on specified vehicles will not adversely affect the exhaust emissions.

       Whipple Industries submitted all the required information and fulfillied

the requirements for exemption.


           APPENDIX A

                         BLOWER INSTALLATION — KIT# WI—TEC—72
                           1989 CHEVROLET/GMC LIGHT TRUCK

 Step by Step Procedure —

 Warning! The most important precaution you must take with the Sprintex
 Supercharger is cleaniness. This supercharger is a close tolerance, high quality
 compressor that can not be subjected to dirt or any type of foreign material. Foreign
 material entering the compressor will automatically void the warranty. Do not remove
 protective seals on supercharger prior to installation.

  The following tools are required to complete the installation; Metric socket set, Standard
  socket set, Large channel locks, accurate fuel pressure guage, screwdrivers, torque
~ head sockets, 1/2 breaker bar.

  It should be noted at this time that in order to get maximum performance and economy
  from your Supercharger kit you must first check your fuel systern for adaquete fuel
  delivery. Drain old gas if not 92 octane.

  1. Your first step is to install a fuel pressure guage in your fuel line using special fitting
  supplied with kit. This fitting is installed at the fuel filter located on the left side frame rail
  under the driver seat.

    a. Remove air cleaner and vent tube adapter. Raise front of truck (use jack stands for
  safety) and instail special fuel pressure fitting. Remove upper and lower fuel line clamps
  in order to gain some extra length of hose. After you tighten the special fitting in the fuel
  filter you will need to loosen the opposite end of the filter and rotate the filter so as to
  have access to the 1/8 pipe plug hole. Re—tighten filter; you can now screw your fuel
  pressure guage fittings in at this location.

   b. With guage instailed, start you engine and check pressure, it should have between ;
  11 172 & 12 1/2 Ibs. Make sure you check for fuel léeaks. Make all pressure checks with
  guage in upright position. If pressure does not fall within specs, try a second guage, if
  reading is still incorrect then contact Whipple Industries for further instructions, otherwise
  proceed to the next step.

   2. It is now time to modify throttle body (pressure regmator) to supply necessary fuel
   delivery under boost. You must first remove 8 torque head serews on top of throttle body
   to access pressure regulator. Remove regulator and gently hold in a bench vice.

   3. Remove 4 torque head screws and replace factory regulator cover with supplied
   aluminum housing. There is a heavy spring inside this cover, so remove carefully.

———4,. Reassemble with new cover & spring taking care not to damage gasket. Re—install
   modified regulator to throttle body. Start engine to be sure you are still maintaining the
   proper fuel pressure. Check the throttle body for leaks.

      5. After pressure checks have been made, remove pressure guage and install 1/8 pipe
      plug in aluminum fitting. Plug is supplied with kit. Seal plug with teflon sealer.

       6. Disconnect battery and drain water at lower radiator hose. |

       7. Remove air silencer (two 5/16 boits) and plastic fender adapter.

       8. Reinstall fender plastic but rotate 180 degrees from original position.

       9. Release tension on fan belt & remove beit.

       10. it is necessary to remove upper half of the fan shroud,(#10 metric socket—7 bolts in

       11. Disconnect vacuum lines from throttle body. (TB)

     — 12. Carefully remove air cleaner gasket, unplug injector wires & unplug wires to the
       Id}e air control (IAC) vaive & Throttle position switch. (TPS)

       13. Use 3/4 & 5/8 tubing wrench to remove fuel lines from TB — retighten fittings in
       throttle body.   .                                      .
    —— 14. Disconnect accelerator cable, transmission cable, cruise control cable, (if used)
       and remove Throttle body. (3 bolits—1/2 " socket.)

        15. Remove belt tensioner.

        16. Remove thermostat housing and thermostat.

       17. Replace old housing with new one provided with kit and re—install with new gasket.

       18. Reattach ground strap to the closest intake manifold stud instead of the thermostat
       housing.                                              '

       19. . Position new tensioner & boit on air conditioner bracket and mark bracket for drilting
       (see attached drawing) Drill 3/8 hole to a depth equal to the thickness of the bracket.

       20. Attach tensioner & new bolit {12x90 mm cap screw) to modified bracket.

       21. Reinstall upper fan shroud.

       22. Un—boit coil from manifold—lay to one side.

       23. Remove cables from throttle bracket, rernove throttle bracket & reinstall bolts to

 24.    Reroute transmission cable to the opposite side of transmission dip stick tube. This
 provides some extra length of cable necessary for throttle bracket relocation.

— 25. You will also need to remove lower fuel line clamps, if you have not all ready done
  so, in order to reroute fuel lines to the throttle body.

  26. Install coil bracket supplied with kit and reinstall coil on new bracket. Use same coil
  bracket holes and boits with long side of bracket towards front of engine.

   27. Install new upper radiator hose: (You will need to cut approximately 2" off the 90°
   end.) This end goes towards thermostat housing. Take precautions to keep any part of
 | engine from wearing a hole in radiator hose.                        —

  28. It is necessary to bend engine lifting br'ackét towards vailve cover for clearance or
  remove completely if so desired.

  29. Instalil ‘supercharger adapter and new gasket to factory manifold. Torgue boits to
  22—24 ft.ibs. Install O—Ring in manifold base. Install new vacuum hose (7/32 x 10") from
  MAP sensor to vacuum port on adapter. Use larger brass hosennpple and install in
  adapter w:th teflon sealer

  30. lnstall preassembled blower to manifold adapter with 5/16 boits. Be sure to pull
  down boits a little at a time so that the plate is pulled down evenly to avoid distortion or
  binding of the adapter topplate. Remember to remove protective seal on blower before

~ 31. Install fuel lines to throttle before re—installing throttle body to blower, be sure
  vacuum hose (5/32 x 60) is installed on aluminum pressure regulator housing and
  pushed all the way on. This vac hose should be installed with T B off of supercharger.
  Then plug "F" port on throttle body.

  32. Install blower drive support bracket and 3/8 x 3 1/2 round aluminum spacer plate to
  the original tensioner bracket with a 5/16 x 1 1/2 boit using hole at approximately 12
  o‘clock position on the original tensioner bracket. Spacer goes on first. Then use the
  original tensioner bolit to install new idler and aluminum (1 3/8 O. D.) spacer to the
  blower extension housing support bracket. Do not force any bolts. Alignment is critical.
  Now tighten allen boit on blower extension housing support.

  33. Install smooth faced idler and (1 1/2 0. D.) spacer with 45.4 mm bolt to alternator
  side of extension housing support. You will need the assistance of a friend to install this
  idler and new belt. Have assistant release all pressure from tensioner using 1/2 drive
  breaker bar. This makes installation of belt and idler much easier. Tighten idler bolt and
  then let tensioner slowly apply pressure to beit,. Make sure beit is in grooves of all
  pulleys, check carefully.

 34. Tighten support from thermostat housing to idler bracket last so as to avoid any
 binding. (Make sure all previously installed boits are tight first.)

 35. Install new throttle bracket supplied with kit to T.B. adapter with 2 1/4" boits. (Attach
 all cables to bracket before installing) Gently bend power brake tube towards valve
 cover in order to get necessary clearance for throttle bracket.

 36. Re—attach all cables to throttle body.

 37. Trace and remove the injector wires attached to the 2 injfectors on throttle body from
 the wiring harness. Pull wires from toom until you have enough slack to reach the
 relocated throttle body.

 38. Bend MAP sensor bracket down towards valve cover in order to get clearance for
 new air cleaner.

 39. Install vacuum hose 5/32 x 24" from EGR solenoid to "J" port on throfttle body.

 40. Install vacuum hose 7/32 x 15" from vacflum canister to "A" port on throttle body.

 41. Install vacuum hose 3/8 x 15" from PVC vaive to "C" port 6n throttle body. Route all
 hoses and wiring neatly to sulite your own personal taste.

A 42. Install air cleaner stud and gasket to throttle body.

 43. Install original air cleaner adapter and 90 degree cover to throttle body and tighten
 with original wing nut.                       |

 44. It will be necéssary to bend transmission dip stick tube towards right fender to get
 adaquate clearance for new air cleaner assembly.

 '45. Reinstall valve cover vent to factory air cleaner adapter (turn grommet in valve cover
  1/4 turn for ease of installation).             '

  46. Install original flexible air cleaner hose to supplied 90 degree cover with a 4" hose
  clamps (#64) supplied with kit.

  47. Install 4" x 6" long aluminum tubing to flex hose.

  48. Install new air cleaner bracket to the original location on fender. Be sure to install
  support plate on the under side of fender with two 5/16 x 7/8 boits.

  49. Use air cleaner clamp to mount preassembled air cleaner housing to new fender
  bracket. Install 90 degree 4" rubber elbow from air cleaner housing to 4" x 6" alurninum
  tube with two 4" hose clamps.

  50. Install oil reservoir and bracket to front right side of supercharger and add approx.10
  oz. of oil. Lip on reservoir should be in the slot on gold clamp. Oil level should be even
_ with bottom of gold clamp. (see illustration)

 51. Next step is to install the fuel boost control system. Mount control solenoid valve and
 vacuum switch away from heat (under cruise control unit seems to work well.)

 52. You can splice into the pink wire on your cruise control. This will supply the voltage
 needed to activate the fuel boost control system. Use the enclosed schemnatic to
 complete the wiring of the fuel boost system. A diagram of the necessary additional
 vacuum lines is also attached.

 53. Install new computer chip supplied with your kit to the computer of your vehicle.
 Re—connect battery. Battery should be disconnected any time you change computer
 proms forat least 20 second in order to clear computer memory.

 54. Turn irgniti'on switch on and off at least 3 times and check for fuel leaks at throttle
 body fittings.

 55. You can now add anti—freeze and start engine. It may be necessary to add
 additional anti—freeze as the engine begins to warm up. Recheck water level and install
 radiator cap. Air pockets in radiator will show a false water level. Check timing and set to
 factory specifications This completes the installation of your Supercharger Kit.

 Caution: If after instailation of Supercharger kit you experience pinging or detonation
 you should immediately contact Whipple Industries for advice on how to effectively solve
 the problem. 92 Octane gasoline is mandatory!!

Whipple Industries hereby represents and warrants that all Supercharger kits sold to
original purchaser shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of
6 months from the date the parts are shipped. Warranty provisions are void if any attempt
is made to dismantle or modify the supercharger.

Maintenance and Service

It is recommended that the following items be inspected and serviced at the normal
engine service intervals;
a. Check supercharger oil level—add as necessary.
b. Check belt condition—replace if necessary.
c. Clean and re—oil K & N air filter. Replace‘if necessary. See enclosed K &N |
d. Change oil insupercharger every 12000 mlles

                                    Whipple Industries
                                   3292 1/2 Weber Ave
                                    Fresno, CA 93722
                                     (209) 442—1261

                             BLOWER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS
                              1990-91 CHEVROLET/GMC LIGHT TRUCK
                                         KIT # WI—TEC—72

 Step by Step Procedure

 Warning! The most important precaution you must take with the Sprintex
 Supercharger is cleaniness. This supercharger is a close tolerance, high quality
 compressor that can not be subjected to dirt or any type of foreign material. Foreign
 material entering the compressor will automatically void the warranty. Do not remove
 protectxve seals on supercharger prior to installation.

 The following tools are required to complete the installation; Metric socket set, Standard
 socket set, Large channel locks, accurate fuel pressure guage, screwdrivers, torx head
 sockets.                .

 it should be noted atthis time that in order to get maximum performance and economy
 fromyour Supercharger kit you must first check your fuel system for adaquete fuel
 dellvery                       .

  1. Your first step is to install a fuel pressure guage in your fuel line using special fitting
~ supplied with kit. This fitting is mstalled at the fuel filter located on the left side frame rail
 under the driver seat.

_ _a. Remove air cleaner and vent tube adapter. Raise front of truck (use jack stands for
 safety) and install new flexible fuel lines and special fuel pressure fitting. Flex lines are
 required on all models with hard fuel lines. They are installed between fuel filter and
 throttle body. After you tighten the special fitting in the fuel filter you will need to loosen
 the opposite end of the filter and rotate the filter so as to have access to the 1/8 pipe plug
 hole. Re—tighten filter; you can now screwyour fuel pressure guage fittings in at this

   b. With guage installed, start you engine and check pressure, it should have between
  11 172 & 12 1/2 Ibs. Make sure you check for fuel leaks. Make all pressure checks with
  guage in upright position. If pressure does not fall within specs, try a second guage, if
  reading is still incorrect then contact Whipple Industries for further instructions, otherwise
  proceed to the next step.

 2. It is now time to modify throttle body (pressure regulator) to supply necessary fuel
 delivery under boost. You must first remove 8 torx head screws on top of throttle body to
 access pressure regulator. Remove regulator and gently hold in a bench vice.

  a. Remove 4 torx head screws and replace factory regulator cover (there is a heavy
 spring inside this cover, remove carefully) with supplied aluminum housing.

  b. Reassemble cover, & spring taking care not to damage gasket. Re—install modified
 regulator to throttle body. Start engine to be sure you are still maintaining the proper fuel
 pressure. Check the throttle body for leaks.

  c. After pressure checks have been made, remove pressure guage and plug special!
 aluminum fitting with 1/8 pipe plug supplied with kit. Seal plug with teflon sealer.

 3. Disconnect battery and drain water at lower radiator hose.

_ 4. Remove air silencer (two 5/16 boits) and plastic fender adapter.

 5. Reinstall fender plastic but rotate 180 degrees from original position.

  6. Release tension on fan belt & remove beit.

  7. Disconnect vacuum lines from throttle body. (TB)

 8. Carefully remove air cleaner gasket, unplug injector wires & unplug wires to the Idie
 air control (IAC) valve & Throttle position switch. (TPS)

  9. Use 3/4 & 5/8 tubing wrench to remove fuel lines from TB — retighten fittings in throttle
  body.                    .

  10. Disconnect accelerator cable, transmission cable, cruise control cable, (if used)
  and remove Throttle body. (3 bolits—1/2 " socket.)

| 1 1. Remove beit tensioner.

   12. Remove thermostat housing and thermostat.

   13. Replace old housing with new one provided with kit and re—install thermostat.

      14. Reattach ground strap to the closest intake manifold stud instead of the thermostat

       15. Attach tensioner & new boit (12x90 mm cap screw) to lower corner of air conditioner
      bracket. Rotate tensioner with large channel lock pliers until spring tang locks in upside
      down V groove on air conditioner bracket. While keeping tension on tensioner tighten
      12 mm bolit securely.

     16. Un—boit coil from manifold—lay to one side.

      17. Remove cables from throttle bracket, remove throttle bracket & reinstall boits to

      18. Reroute transmission cable fo the oppossite side of transmission dip stick tube. This
       provides some extra length of cable necessary for throttle bracket relocation.

       19. You will also need to remove lower fuel line clampsin order to reroute fuel lines to
      the throttle body

~_     20. Install coil bracket supplied with kit and reinstall coil on new bracket. Use same coil
     _ bracket holes and bolitswith long side of bracket towards front of engine.

       21. Install new upper radiator hose. (You will need to cut approximately 2" off the 90°
       end.) This end goes towards thermostat housing. Take precautions to keep any part of
       engine from wearing a hole in radiator hose. It is necessary to bend engine lifting
       bracket towards vailve for clearance or remove completely if so desired.

       22. Install supercharger adapter and new gasket to factory manifold. Torgue bolts to
       22—24 ft.lbs. Install O—Ring in manifold base. Instail new vacuum hose (7/32 x 10") from
       MAP sensor to vacuum port on adapter Use larger brass hose nipple and install in
       adapter with teflon sealer.

       23. Install p_reassembled blower to manifold adapter with 5/16 bolts. Be sure to pull
       down boits a little at a time so that the plate is pulled down evenly to avoid distortion or
       binding of the adapter top plate. Remember to remove protective seal on blower before
       installation. —

       24. Re—install throttle body to blower, be sure vacuum hose (5/32 x 60) is installed on
       aluminum pressure regulator housing and pushed all the way on. This vac hose should
       be installed with T B offof supercharger. Then plug "F" port on throttle body.

 25. Install blower drive support bracket and. 3/8 x 3 1/2 round aluminum spacer plate to
 the original tensioner bracket using hole at approximately 12 o‘clock position on the
 original tensioner bracket. (10x75 mm cap screw and nut; do not use a washer under
 head of boit ) Spacer goes on first. Then use 12x90 boit to install new idler and
 aluminum (1 3/8 O. D.) spacer to the blower extension housing support bracket.(Use boit
 provided with kit. Do not force any bolts. Alignment is critical. Now tighten allen bolit on
 blower extension housing support.

 26. Install smooth faced idler and (1 1/2 0. D.) spacer with 45.4 mm bolit to alternator
  side of extension housing support. You will need the assistance of a friend to install this
  idler and new belt. Have assistant release all pressure from tensioner using 1/2 drive
~ breaker bar. This makes instailation of belt and idler much easier. Tighten idler bolt and
  thenlet tensioner slowly apply pressure to belt Make sure belt is in grooves of all
  pulleys check carefully.

 27. Tighten support fromthermostat housing to ldler bracket last so as to avoid any
 binding. (Make sure all previously installed bolts are tight first.)

  28. Install new throttle bracket supplied with kit to T.B. adapter with 2 1/4" bolts. (Attach
  all cables to bracket before installing) Gently bend power brake tube towards valve
  cover in order to get necessary clearance for throttle bracket.

  29. Re—aftach all cables to throttle body.

  30. Trace and remove the injector wires attached to the 2 injectors on throttle body from
  the wiring harness. Pull wires from loom until you have enough slack to reach the
  relocated throttle body.

  31. Bend MAP sensor bracket down towards valve cover in order to get clearance for
  new air cleaner.

  32. Install vacuum hose 5/32 x 24" from EGR solenoid to "J" port on throttle body.

  33. Install vacuum hose 7/32 x 15" from vacuum canister to "A" port on throttle body.

  34. Install vacuum hose 3/8 x 15" from PVC valve to "C" port on throttle body. Route all
  hoses and wiring neatly to suite your own personal taste.

  35. Install air cleaner stud and gasket to throttle body.

  36. Install original air cleaner adapter and 90 degree cover to throttle body and tighten
  with original wing nut.

   a, It will be necessary to bend transmission dip stick tube towards right fender to get
  adaquate clearance for new air cleaner assembly.

  37. Reinstall vailve covervent to factory air cleaner adapter (turn grommet in valve cover
  1/4 turn for easeof installation).

  38. Install original flexible air cleaner hose to supplied 90 degree cover with a 4" hose
  clamps (#64) supplied with kit.

  39. Install 4" x 6" long aluminum tubing toflex hose.
  401.‘ Install hew air cleaner bracket to the original location on fender. Be sure to install
  support plate on the under side of fender with two 5/16 x 7/8 bolts.

| 41. Use air—cleaner clamp to mount preassembled air cleaner housing to new fender
  bracket. Install 90 degree 4" rubber elbow from air cleaner housing to 4" x 6" aluminum
  tube with two 4" hose clamps.         |

  42. lnstall oil reservoir and bracket tofront right side of supercharger and add approx.
  10 oz. of oil. Lip on reservoir should be in the slot on gold clamp. Oil level should be
  even'with bottom qf gold clamp. (see ilustration)

  43. Next step is to install thé fuel boost control system. Mount control solenoid valve and
_ vacuum switch away from heat (under cruise control unit seems to work well.)

  44. You can splice into the pink wire on your cruise control. This will supply the voltage
  needed to activate the fuel boost control system. Use the enclosed schematic to
  complete the wiring of the fuel boost system. A diagram of the necessary additional
  vacuum lines is also attached.

  45. Install new computer chip supplied with your kit to the computer of your vehicle.
  Re—connect battery. Battery should be disconnectedany time you change computer
  proms for at least 20 seconds in order to clear computer memory.

 46. Turn ignition switch on and off at least 3 times and check for fuel leaks at throttle
 body fittings.

 46 You can now add anti—freeze and start engine. It may be necessary to add additional
 anti—freeze as the engine begins to warm up. Recheck water level and install radiator
 cap. Air pockets in radiator will show a false water level. Check timing and set to factory
 specifications This completes the installation of your Supercharger Kit.


 Whipple Industries hereby represents and warrants that all Supercharger kits sold to
 original purchaser shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of
 6 months from the date the parts are shipped. Warranty provisions are void if any attempt
 is made to dismantle or modify the supercharger.

Maintenance and Service

 . It is recommended that the following items be inspected and serviced at the normal
 engine service intervals;
~ a. Check supercharger oil level—add as necessary.
  b. Check belt condition—replace if necessary.              °
  c. Clean and re—oil K & N air filter. Replace if necessary. See enclosed K &N
  d. Change oil in SUpercharger every 12000 miles

                                        Whipple Industries
                                      3292 1/2 Weber Ave
                                      ‘Fresno, CA 93722
                                        (209) 442—1261

                                                         89 TO 91 CHEV/GMC PICKUP PARTS LUST
                                                                      KITH Wi—TEC—72

                                                         S—102 COMPRESSOR

                                                         REAR MANIFOLD

                                                         LOWER MANIFOLD

                                                         LOWER MANIFOLD CcovEenr
                                                         BLOWER STABLIZER BRACKET—1 (1990—91)
                                                         BLOWER STABLIZER BRACKET—2 (1989)
                                                         THROTTLE BRACKET
                                                         BELT TENSIONER

                                                         5" FRONT DRIVE ASsSEMBLY
                                                         2 1/2 DRIVE PULLEY
                                                         THROTTLE BODY CovER
                                                         THERMOSTAT HOoUsSinNG
                                                         THERMOSTAT HOUSING GASKET
                                                         THROTTLE BODY BASE GASKET
                                                         SET FUEL LINES (1990—91)
                                                         QT. GEAR oiL
                                                         COIL BRKT
                                                         OILER BRKT

                                                         AIR FILTER SUPPORT BRKT
                                                         AIR FILTER SUPPORT BARKT (HEINFORCEMENT)
                                                         AIR FILTERASSEMBLY
                                                         4" 90 DEGREE HOSE
                                                         4" HOSE CLAMPS
                                                         7" AIR FILTER CLAMP
                                                         TOP RADIATOR Hose
                                                         MANIFOLD O RING
                                                         PRESSURE REGULATOR SOLENOID
                                                         VACUUM PRESSURE SWITCH
                                                          FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR COVER

                                                         .015 PRESS. REG. SHIMS
                                                         .030 PRESS. REG. SHIMS
                                                         COMPUTER PROM # Wi—TEC—cTE001
                                                         OIL CANISTER
                                                         4" X 6" TUBE
                                                         FRONT STABILIZER SPACER
                                                         IDLER SPACER (LARGE OD)
                                                         IDLER SPACER {(SMALL OD)
                                                         IDLER PULLEY
                                                         SMALL PARTS KIT {(SEE ATTACHED)



         5/16 NC NUTS
         5/16 NC LOCK NUTS (1989)
         1/4 NC NUT
         1/4 NC LOCK NUT
         1/8 PIPE PLUG
         1/4 X 1 1/4 NC ALLEN SCREW
         516X 1 NC ALLEN SCREW
         1/4 X 1/2 NCCAP SCREW _
         14 X 1 NC CAP SCREW
        5/16 AN WASHERS (1989}
        76 AN WASHER (1990)
        1/2 AN WASHER
        5/16 X 3/4 CS TORQUE HEAD SCcREW _
        5/16 X 7/8 NC CAP SCREW
        516 FLAT WASHERS
         516 LOCK WASHERS
         1/4 LOCK WASHERS
         VAC CAP
         5/32 VAC TEE
         5/32 X 1/8 PIPE FITTING
         7/32 X 1/8 PIPE FITTING
         516 X 1 172 NC CAP SCREW (1989)
         3/8 X 2 NC CAP SCREW
         # 10 SHEET METAL SCREW
         SCOTCH LOCK
         SMALL TIES
         LARGE TiESs          .
          10 MM NUT (1990—91)
          10 X 75 MM CAP SCREW (1990—91).
          12 X 75 MMCAP SCREW
          12 X 90 MM CAP SCREW
 20"      5/32 HOSE — EGR
 60"      5/32 HOSE — PRESSURE CONTROL
 12"      7/32 HOSE — MAP SENSOR
 12"      7/32 HOSE — OIL CANISTER
 185"     3/8 HOSE — PVC        ’
          # 14 RED WIRE
  — P

           #10 WIRE END

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:45:52
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:45:52

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