Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on January 31, 1975.
As of Friday, March 14th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975 model year and older model year vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-24-3
  • Executive Order 24-3 / D24-3
  • ARB # D-24-3
  • Executive Order No: D-24-3
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-24-3
  • Resolution D-24-3
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-24-3 PDF

D-24-3 Document:


                        State of California
                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—24—3
             Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                         of the Vehicle Code

                             LIFT, INC.
                    "LIFT FUEL EFFICIENCY SYSTEM"

 Pursuant to authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of "Lift Fuel Effi—
ciency System" distributed by Lift, Inc. of 7819 Santa Monica Bivd.,
Los Angeles, California 90046, has been found to not reduce the effec—
tiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices and, there—
fore is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code
for 1975 model—year and older model—year vehicles.

 This device consists of a plastic bottle, rubber hose, plastic tee for
 connection into the PCV system, mounting brackets, and bottle cap with a
 vapor outlet port incorporating a 0.022 inch orifice diameter (Identified
 by Part No. B—1) and air inlet port. The composition of the fluid is
identified by Kem Krest Fluid Specification No. 1072.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design, operating conditions of the device or    .
composition of the fluid as originally submitted to the Air Resources
Board for evaluation that adversely affect the performance of the
vehicle‘s pollution control devices shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than thoss listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited
unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

"LIFT FUEL EFFICIENCY SYSTEM"                           EXECUTIVE ORDER D—24—3

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unflawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.                                                          C

.Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an applicatfon to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."                      :

     "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device.     Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
mitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executive Order D—24—2 dated July 12, 1974 is hereby rescinded.

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   ;’/      day of January, 1975.

                                  WILLIAM STMMONS
                                  Executive Officer

                               State of California

                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                   Staff Report

                                December 30, 1974

                 Evaluation of the Lift, Inc. "Lift Fuel Efficiency
                   System" Yapor Injector for Compliance with the
                 Requirements of Section 27156 of the California
             —                 Motor Yehicle Code


       Lift, Inc. of 7819 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, California

       90046 has submitted an application requesting an exemption from Vehicle

       Code Section 27156 (Referencé — Exhibit A — AppTicatiow) for the "Lift

       Fuel Efficiency System".    This Section of the Vehicle Code prohibits the

       installation of any device or mechanism which would adversely affect the

       performance of the emission control system.      The applicant is requesting

       to extend their exemption to include the 1975 model year vehicles.

       Lift, Inc, was granted an exemption to VYehicle Code Section 27156

       by Executive Order D—23—2 dated July 12, 1974.      The staff has previously

       evaluated this device and found it to have no adverse effect on 1974 and
      older model—year vehicles (Reference — Exhibit C and Exhibit 0 — January

      22, 1974 and July 3, 1974 Staff Reports}.

On.    System Description

      The "Lift Fuel Efficiency System" is a vapor injector device where

      the vapor enters the engine through the PCV system (Reference —

      \Exhiblt B — Installation Instructibns).       The device consists of a

       plastic tee, plastic bottle, rubber hose, mounting brackets, and

       bottle cap containing an 0.022 inch restriction orifice.       For a

Evaluation of the Lift, Inc. "Lift Fuel Efficiency
System" Vapor Injector for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California              December 30, 1974
Motor Vehicle Code

     description concerning the operation of this device, refer to the

     staff report dated January 22, 1974 (Reference — Exhibit C).

     Thevfluid is a proprietary blend of      alcohol and water solution.

     This fluid is manufactured by Kem Krest Product      Company, 24684

     Hathaway, Farmington, Michigan 48024.     The composition of this fluid

     is identified by Kem Krest Specificat%on Number 1072 and is on file

    with the Air Resources Board.    The applicant has requested the fiuid

     composition be treated as confidential information.

III. System Evaluation

    bThe staff has determined from previous evaluations of vapor injector

     type devices on pre—1975 model—year vehicles that an increase in ex—

    haust emissions will not occur if the vapor bléed rate is limited to

     0.10 cubic feet per minute (cfm).     The vapor bleed rate of the "Lift

     Fuel Efficiency System" is limited to 0.10 cfm by using a 0.022 inch

    orifice diameter.    The staff believes the 0.10 cfm vapor bleed rate

    would not increase exhaust emissions on the 1975 model—year vehicies.

    However, the catalytic converter system used on some of the 1975 model—

    year vehicles can be degraded by certain chemical compounds.      Based on

    the information submitted by the applicant concerning the fluid composition,

    the staff investigated the effects of these chemicals on catalytic con—

    verters.   From this investigation, the staff ocncludes the Kem Krest fluid

    does not contain any chemical compounds which will reduce the effectiveness

    of the catalyst.

Evaluation of the Lift, Inc. "Lift Fuel Effictency
System" Vapor Injector for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California
Motor Vehicle Code                                           December 30, 1974

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation

      The staff believes the "Lift Fuel Efficiency System" would not have

      an adverse effect on the emission control system provided that the

      flow rate is limited to 0.10 cfm and the fluid is identical to
      those submitted to the staff.   The staff recommends that Lift,

      Inc. be granted an exemption to Section 27156 for the "Lift Fuel

      Efficiency System" on 1975 and older—model vehicles.

                               Exhibit A — A*p]icafion
                              L7          uu\../Hew>

                                                        819 SANTA A
                                                       LOS ANG ELES, CALTFORFHA 8004
                                                         EEYVERLY HI

 September 19,       1974

 William Simmons, Executive Officer
 Air Resources Boarq State of California
 1709    l1ith    Street
 Sacramento, C,lifornia         95814

 Dear Nx.    Simmons:

 Enclosed please fimd our application for exemption under
 Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California,
 for vehicles of model year 1975, for your approval.

 As you know, the 1975 model cars are now being sold and your
 approval on our application for exemption is now being respect—
 fully requested.

 Looking forward to         an early reply,    I remain.


        ol    >       f          *X
 Willian Heriton

 ce:   Richard Kenny
       James Mikacich

i.                         .             Exhibit A (cont.)
        William Simmons, Executive Officer

        Air Resources Board, State of California
        1709 lith Street
        Sacramento, California 95814


        We, WILLIAM HARITON,       individually and as President of LIFT,             INC.,

A California Corporation,          and LIFT,     INC., A California Corporation,

do hereby, apply, request, and make application for exemptién from the

prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the device commonly

known as LIFT FUEL EFFICENCY SYSTEM,              an intake manifold vapor bleed.

It is hereby acknowledged that the Air Resources Board has previously

issued EXECUTIVE ORDER NO.             D—24 on January 28,      1974,    Executive Order

No.   D—24—1 on May 17,        1974,    and Executive Order No.         D—24—2 on July 12,

1974;    ail of these executive orders relating to the devise commonly


        Executive Order No. D—24—2 of July 12,               1974 granted the exemption

from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1974

Model Year Vehicles and older.              The purpose of this request and

application is to continue this exemption for 1975 Model Year Vehicles

and older.

        LIFT,   INC., A California Corporation,          has established its home

office at 7819 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90046.

Phone Number 213—656—2767.             It is proceeding with its marketing and

distribution of the LIFT FUEL EFFICENCY SYSTEM throughout the State of

California in conformity to and subject to all the rules,                    laws,   regula—

tions of the State of California and suject to direct control of the

policies and programs of the Air Resources Board of the State of

California.      There are presentiy no actions pending by any governmgntal

agency, either federal, state or county against LIFT, INC.                     All the

requirements and mandates of the prior executive orders have been and

                                     Exhibit A {cont.)
are being abided by and conformed to.

     The basic discription of the product still remains the same.                 LIFPT

FUEL EFFICENCY SYSTEM is a compact unit which can be installed inside

the>engine compértment of any car or truck.               The LIFT FUEL EFFICIENCY

SYSTEM is a vopor induction system.         It has a      .022 open/shut valve.

This set orfice controls the tufbulation of the LIFT fuel and therefore,

the vapor induced into the air—gasoline mixture for each combustion.

The LIFT open/shut valve does not require adjusting.

     Basically, LIFT FUEL EFFICIENCY SYSTEM is composed of a Plastic

Fuel Reservoir or container; Control Valve, Hose and Connecting device,

which attaches to your carburetor‘s Pollution Control Valve             (PVC).

     Within the reservoir is a proprietary blend of chemicals that

vaporize from a balanced formula.         This vapor is drawn off the air

space at the top of the reservoir.         It then leads into the carburetor

to blend with the gasoiine's air mixture before it goes into the

cylindefs.     This catalytic action extends. the burning time of gasolifie,

giving you increased combustion efficiency.

     This application,     in fact a re—application,         is respectively

submitted for immediate consideration.
     .    }L                          2     /Z :z
Dated:.   _ -45/4 ;?Tt,/ wof=t   —           /fff//
           4                                             Respectively submitted,

                                                         WILLIAM HARITON,   Individually
                                                         and as President of LIFT,    INC.
                                                         A California Corporation

   Exhibit C
Installation Instruction

                                               OExhibit B {cont.)

     Mount &      es, Find a con—    Install Cut—Washer. Remove        Inssrt Control Vaive. Insert
     wenient place under your car    shipping cap from L1FT Reser—     control valve on LIFT Unit.
. hood large enough to accom—        voir. Roll cut—washer {in plas—   Make sure it seats firmly a—
     modate the LIFT unit. Drill     tic bag) down over base of        gainst cut—washer to eliminate
     two holes through two of the    bottle threads until it sits      any vacuum leaks, Now in—
     mounting holes in bracket and   firmly at base of threads.        sert LIFT Fuel Reservoir into
     attach bracket firmly to side                                     mounting bracket.
     wall of engine compartment
     with two. sheet—metal screws

                                        ‘Exnibit D {cont.]

Cannect hose to LIFT unit.        Locatepoliution control vatve,    insert Connecting "Y". Trace
Attach Unit‘s hose to L}FT        Locate      PCV Hose   running    PCV Hose to point where it
control valve. Be sure it fits    from the valve lifter cover       enters carburetor. With sharp
saugly on nozzle at top. Check    directly to base of carburetor.   knife, out PCV Hoss as close
for air leaks.                    {In some cars, PCV FHose is       to the base of the carburetor,
                                  located in manifold on top of     as possible. (4" or less for
CAUTION:       Make     certain   block; near oil fill cover; be—   best results.) Into cut, insert
LIFT connecting hase does         side crank case; or on top:       appropriate     "Y"     fitting.
not touch air conditioning        rear of valley cover.) NOTE:      NOTE: Three "Y" fitting sizes
hoses or hot manifolds.           For proper PCV identification     are. provided. Insert so leg
                                  — check PCV Hose where it         "Y" points toward cerburetor.
                                  enters angine, Hose: should       Be sure both sides of PCV
                                  pull out easily. Be certain to    hose fit securely against "Y".
                                  re—insert   PCV   Hose before
                                  continuing installation.          CAUTION: Never cut or in—
                                  in some cases, you may have       stall unit in brake line hose
                                  to connect to another primary     or gasoline line!
                                  vacuum source running to the
                                  base of the carburetor.

                                            Exhibit B (cont.)

Attach LIFT hose. Take hose        Stort   your    engine.   THEN
running from LIFT Fue! Con—        CHECKALL CONNECTIONS
trol Vaive and attach it tightly   FOR VACUUM LEAKS. LIFT
to branch of "Y" fitting you       has a fectory pre—set vaive,
installed in PCV Hose, This        so no adjustment is necessary.
completes LIFT hooleup in:
stallation                         SPECIAL NOTE: If for any
                                   reason the valve should be out
SPECIAL NOTE: Do not in            of adjustment, to properly
stall the LIFT "Y" connecter       readjust: close valve, then turn
into the primary vacuum line       counterclockwise£ 77._.Zone
to which the charcoal canister     half turns, then hand tighten
tine is connected.                 lock nut.

                                          Exhibit t (cont.)

                FUEL CONTENT
                Inside the plastic bottle is a proprietary fluid, specification No. 1072,

                consisting of water, alcohols, ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons, and other

                organic compounds.
                The control vaive which admits vapor to the intake manifold is
                mounted on the cap of the bottle. This valve has only two positions
                — fully open or fuily clased. It has an orifice diameter of .022 inches,
                The system contains a standpipe which provides venting to the atmos
                phere. The same model is used for applications to all vehicles.

               SY ElM            FUNCTION

               As the engine vacuum increases, bubbles are formed at the end of the
               standpipe due to the venting action. The rising vapor bubbles violently
               agitate the fluid and tend to increase vaporization. This vaporous—fluid
               mixture enters the engine through the PCV system, or any primary
               vacuum source to base of carbureto. .

               SYSTEM EVALUATION
               St. Clair Sales and Distribution, Inc., has submitted emission results of
               CVS tests performed by Scott Research Laboratory: The data submitted
               generally show no adverse effect on emissions with this device when
               compared with the baseline date. Based on the information presented
               and operating characteristics of the system, no incompatibility exists
               with the accredited oxides of nitrogen retrofit devices.


               At any time, up to 60 days from date of purchase, you may return the
               LIFT Unit and receive a full refund, of the purchase price, less
               installation, FROM THE POINT OF PURCHASE.
               LIFT Fuel Efficiency System is guaranteed by St. Clair Sales &
               Distribution, Inc. against any defect in workmanship or materials for a
               period of one year. Liabilities are limited to replacement of defective
               parts only. See your dealer for repairs or replacement. Enclosed warranty
               card must be returned to validate above warranty and guarantee.


                                  Exhibit B (cont.)


1.   +Check all LIFT connections to insure against any vacuum leaks.
2.   For best results, have your engine properly tuned after LIFT
     installation. LIFT will not correct pre—existing engine malfunctions.
3.    Be certain to allow time (1,200 to 1,500 miles) for the LIFT             &
     System to cleanse your engine before achieving its maximum
     efficiency. In most cases you can use a Jower octane gasoline with
     a LIFT System!
4.   Compare your mileage improvement by keeping an accurate record
     on the enclosed warranty card. We would appreciate your

     ME        o    LCELI

LIFT           REFILLS

When LIFT fuel mixture is within 1 or 2 inches from the bottom of the
reservoir, carefully replace oil mixture with fresh LiF
                                                    LIFT Fuel, Old fuel
mixture should not be mixed with the new fuel.
You should get approximately 2,500 to 4,000 miles per 60—0zs. of
LIFT Fuel, depending on engine cubic—inch displacement.

                     [ fECIICHNOY
     22117 40 iToifm
                 WUELE EiC
                          "A VA
                          is sant
                        HoLLYWOOD. CALINT.

                                                                       sn ns
                                         Lea 5 aood                    ts
       tabe Ceabrabu§ luiala© bllbny Oul) Bag dbuce
           ;       Un    l    aior

               40935 Production Drive — At.      Clemens, Michigan 48043


                           State of California

                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             January 22, 1974

                              Staff Report

          Eva]uat%on of St. Clair Sales & Distribuiion, Inc.
                    "Lift Fuel Efficiency System"
                             (Vapor Injector)
                  for Exemption from the Prohibitons
              of Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code

I.    Introduction
      St. Clair Sales & Distribution, Inc. of Mt. Clemens, Michigan, has

      applied for exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the

      Motor Vehicle Code for its "Lift Fuel Efficiency System".       This segtion

      prohibits the installation of any device which reduces the effec—

      tivefiess of the motor vehicle emission control system.       The applicant

      is requesting an exemption for 1966—1974 model—year vehicles.

      Based on statements received from St. Clair Sales, they have exclusive

      manufacturing‘and marketing rights to the system described herein.

      Except for the control valve and fluid, the "Lift Fuel Efficiency

      System" is the same in all respects as the "Turbo Vapor Injector" which

      was granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 by

      Executive Order D—2, dated April 17, 1973 for 1970 and older vehicles.

11.   System Description

      This device consist of a vapof injection system and proprietary fluid

      which is admitted into the PCV line.       A plastic bottle is mounted in

      the engine compartment with a rubber hose providing the connection

      between the intake manifold and the device.

                                emier w e w   ow   q nevrraee

St. Clair Sales & Distribution, Inc.                                      January 22, 1974

       Inside the plastic bottle is a proprietary fluid, specification

       No. 1072, consisting of water, alcohols, ketones, aromatic hydro—

      carbons, and other organic compounds.                     The applicant claims this

      formulation will enhance engine performance and increase fuel economy.

      The control vaive which admits vapor to the intake manifold fs

      mounted on the cap of the bottle.                This valve has only two positions —

      fuily open or fully closed.             It has an orifice diameter of .022

       inches.     The system contains a standpipe which provides venting to

       the atmosphere.    The same model is used for applications to all


I11. System Function |

      As the engine vacuum increases, bubbles are formed at the end of the

       standpipe due to the venting action.                 The rising vapor bubbles vio—

      lently agitate the fluid and tend to increase vaporization.                     This

      vaporous—fiuid mixture enters the engine through the PCV system.

I¥.   System Evaluation

      St. Clair Sales and Distributors, Inc. has submitted emission results

      of CVS tests performed by Scott Research Labor&tory.                    The data sub—

      mitted generally show no adverse effect on emissions with this device

      ‘when compared with the baseline data.                    Based on the information

      presented and operating characteristics of the system, no incompatibility

      exists with the accredited oxides of nitrogen retrofit devices.

St. Clair Sales and Distribut%on, Inc.                   January 22, 1974

     Confirmatory testing was performed by the Air Resources Board

     Laboratory.   The device was tested on a 1973 Plymouth/Satellite

     (360 CID) and 1974 Pontiac/Ventura (250 CID).    Steédy state tests

     were performed on the Pontiac and Plymouth and a hot CVS was also

     conducted on the Plymouth.

     The steady state emission results of the Pontiac were generally

     lower than the baseline configuration.   Steady state tests on the

     Pilymouth also showed no significant change in emissions.

     The CVS test on the 1973 Plymouth showed a decrease in carbon

     monoxide and essentially no change in hydrocarbons and oxides of

     nitrogen emissions.   The results of this test are listed below.

                                     1973 Federal Cycle Hot Start
                                     Mass Emissions (Grams/Miles)

                                         HC      C0           NOx

     Baseline                         0.76       11.13        2.55
     Lift—System                      0.78      . 6.21        2.67

     These results were typical of the data submitted by the applicant.

¥.   Conclusion and Recommendation

     The staff is of the opinion that the "Lift Fuel Efficiency System"

     would not have any adverse effect on the existing pollution control


                            Exhibit C (Cont.}

St. Clair Sales and Distribution, Inc.                   January 22, 1974

    Therefore, the staff recommends that the "Lift Fuel Efficiency

    System" be granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Section |

    27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1974 and older vehicles.

                                  Exhiblt D

                               tate of California

                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  July 3. 1974

                                 Staff Report

               Addendum to the January 22, 1974 Staff Report
            "Evaluation of St. Clair Sales & Distribution Inc.
            ‘Lift Fuel Efficiency System‘ {Vapor Injector) for
           Exemptions from the Prohibitions of Section 27156 of
                          the Motor Vehicle Code"

I.    Introduction

      The Air Resources Board Laboratory has conducted further emission

      testing with thé "Lift Fuel Efficiency System" to confjrm previous

      test results..   This vapor injector is manufactured by St. Clair

     < Sales & Distribution and utflizes a proprietary fluid manufactured

      by Kem Crest Products Company of Farmington, Michigan.    The additional

      tests were performed at the requests qf the Sacramento District

      Attorney and Staff Counsel to investigate the effectiveness of the

      "Lift" device.

      St. Clair Sales & Distribution original application to the Air

      Resources Board for an exemption to Vehicle Code Section 27156 was

      dated November 28, 1973.    An evaluation of the device showed that

      it would not have any adverse effgct on émissions, and consequenily,

      the Staff recormended in a staff report dated January 22, 1974, that

      an exemption be granted.    Executive Order D—24 was issued on January 24,

      1974 granting the exemption to Section 27156 of the Vehic]e.Code.

                              Exhibit D (Cont.)

"Lift Fuel Efficiency System"                                     July 3, 1974

       On May 17, 1974, Executive Order D—24—1 was issued revoking Executive

       Order D—24.    The violation of the conditions of the Executive Order

       led to the revocation.

II.    System Description

       The "Lift Fuel Effictency System" procurred commercially was found

       to be basically the same device evaluated by the ARB staff previously.

       The orifice diameter of the control valve is 0.22 inches which is

      . identical to the device previously evaluated.      The device was re—

       ceived with the proprietory fluid.

       Maximum air flow capacities of the present and original tested

       ‘device are 0.06O0CFM and 0.080 CFM respectively.     (See Figure 1 and

       Figure 2).    The difference is within'manufacturing tolerances.

1. Emission Test Program

      © The test program consisted of three pairs of back to back hot CVS—1

       tests comparing the emissions with and without the device.       The
       three pair tests have been determined by the staff as being sufficient

       to determine whether the device would have a significant effect on

       the emission control system.

       The vehicle selected had the fb11ow1ng specifications:

               Make and Model Year:           1973 Ford Pinto

               Engine                         2000 cc

                                         Exhibit 0 (Cont.)

     .   "Lift Fuel Efficiency System"                                 ©               duly 3, 1974

                          Carburetor                           Weber — 2 barrel

                  »       Transmssion            (        . Automatic
                          Emission Control System              Engine Modification

               After the vehicle was received by the ARB staff,. the vehicle was

               pre—checked to assure all carburetor and ignition settings wore

               adjusted to OEM.        At the end of each test, the settings were

               checked and adjusted.

         IV.   Emission Results and Evaluation

               ‘The following tables summarizes the emission testing results of

               this program.

    .                                        |        Exhaust Emissions am/mi.                   Fuel
a                            Vehicle                                               ‘            Consumption
               Date       Configuration              HC           50       NOx          £0,       mog
d              6/6/74 _    Baseline                  1J.28       14.250    2.41 400.83          20.78
               6/76/74     Lift                      1.410       14.34     2.59    393.80     » 21.10

{              6/6/74      Baseline                  1.31        12.87     2‘.62   406.16      20.62

*              6/76/74     Lift                      1.30        13.18     2.6§5   405.16       20. 64

3              6/6/74      Baseline                  1.35       13.98      2;79    387 .91     21.44

%              6/6/74      Lift                      1.30       13.96       2.55   383.14      21.70

1                          Average Baséline          1.31       13.70      2.61 398.30         20.95
i                          Average "Lift"            1.34        13.82     2.60    394.03      21.15

3                                                         3.

                                                            Exhibit D (Cont.)

                                                                   Figure 2

                                                        FMow of "Lift" Device Evaluation
                                                             Previous Staff Report

                                                                                           coransas car awe"snmnevasememmmer..a.

                                               0.08                       w0

     AIR FLOW RATE (Cublc Feet Per Minute)

                                               0.06 :


                                               0.04 _

                                               0.03 .


                                               0.0t |

                                                                 10             15                    20

                                                               ¥acuum {Inches of Hg)

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:39:52
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:39:52

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