Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on July 28, 2003.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks
01-12-60-001Sierra, Silverado, Tahoe, Suburban, Yukon, Denali, Escalade, Avalanche, SSR, Trailblazer, Envoyinjectors, air intake box and filter, intercooler, fuel and timing calibrationsmax boost = 7 psi

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-488-4
  • Executive Order 488-4 / D488-4
  • ARB # D-488-4
  • Executive Order No: D-488-4
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-488-4
  • Resolution D-488-4
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-488-4 PDF

D-488-4 Document:


                                     State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—488—4

                      Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                     of the Vehicle Code

                                 Magnuson Products, Inc.
                                _ Radix Supercharger Kit

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section
39516 of the Healith and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Radix Supercharger
Kit manufactured and marketed by Magnuson Products, Inc. of 3172 Bunsen Avenue,
Unit K, Ventura, CA 93003, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
required motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the 4.8L, 5.3L, and 6.OL
General Motors vehicles listed in Exhibit A.

The Radix Supercharger Kit includes the following main components: Eaton
supercharger, intake manifold plenum, larger fuel injectors, air intake box and filter,
air—to—water intercooler, and new fuel and ignition timing map calibrations. The stock _
fuel injectors are replaced while still maintaining the air—fuel ratio close to
stoichiometric using the new fuel and timing calibrations. The stock fuel pressure
regulator is retained, but the stock fuel pump is complemented with a fue!l pump
voltage booster. The throttle body is moved to the supercharger inlet. All other
emission—related components are in the stock location relative to the throttle body.
The supercharger pulley specifications range between 3.0" to 3.7" depending on the
engine displacement for which the kit is installed. All crankshaft pulleys are stock and
maximum boost is limited to 7 psi.

This Executive Order shall not apply to any Radix Supercharger Kit advertised,
offered for sale, sold with, or installed on a new motor vehicle prior to or concurrent
with transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for the Radix
Supercharger Kit will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different
from those of the vehicle manufacturer.


          Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the devices, as exempted by
          the Air Resources Board (ARB), that adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s
          pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

          Marketing of these devices using any identification other than that shown in this
          Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other than those listed
          in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the

          This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that the use of
          these devices may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle

          This exemption is issued based on submitted emissions test data from an
          independent laboratory on a 2003 model year General Motors Silverado 2WD vehicle
          (Test Group 3GMXTO05.3176) certified to the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) and
          Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP) standards:

          Federal Test Procedure:

                                                         NMOG         CO        NOX      HCHO
          Standards (g/mi)                               0.100        4.4       0.4      0.009

          Device (g/mi) with df‘s applied                0.074        1.7       0.2      0.002

          SFTP (USO6 Cycle):

                  °                                      NMHC+NOX             _CO
          Standards (g/mi)                                    0.40            10.5
          Device (g/mi)                                       0.08             3.6

          SFETP (SCO03 Alternative Cycle):

                                                          NMHC+NOX            CO
          Standards (g/mi)                                   0.31             3.5
          Device (g/mi)                                      0.06             0.1

          Test results showed that the Radix Supercharger Kit when installed on the vehicle did
          not cause exhaust emissions to exceed the applicable emission standards during the
          Cold Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure or SFTP cycles. This Executive Order is
          also based on the On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD II) testing conducted on the same
          test vehicle. Although the evaporative system readiness indicator failed to set during
          initial tests, no diagnostic trouble codes were logged during testing. In addition,
          further OBD I!I tests performed after the replacement of the vehicle‘s evaporative
          canister showed that the evaporative system readiness indicator set both before and
          after the installation of the supercharger kit. Therefore, the Radix Supercharger Kit



when installed on the test vehicle did not affect the vehicle‘s ability to perform its OBD
I! monitoring. However, the ARB reserves the right to monitor this issue and conduct
additional OBD 11 system tests in the future. If such test results demonstrate that the
Radix Supercharger Kit is adversely affecting emissions or the OBD II system, this
Executive Order shall be effectively rescinded as of the date the test results are

In addition, the ARB reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order
and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified
part continues to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of
Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.


No claims of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
The order may be revoked only after a ten day written notice of intention to revoke
the order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to
contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten
days of feceipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination
is made after the hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this Z#"*"_ day of July 2003.

                                        Alle;r):gons, Chief
                                        Mobile Source Operations Division


                                                                                    Exhibit A

                                                                                 (E.0.%# D—488—4)


                                                                     RADIX H2, SILVER                                                     H2 ONLY
                                                                     RADIX H2, POLISH                                                     H2 ONLY
                                                                                                                            rag                  &

    Year      Make      Model                    Modet                Engine     Pulley Dia.           Pulley P/N    Add Early Model Kit? 31—12—00—007      Tuner P/N
    1999 Chevrolet      C/K               Silverado 1500/2500        4.8 — LR4       3.7             58—90—06—037                  yes                    88—85—53—001
                                                                     5.3 — LMZ       3.4             58—90—06—039                  yes                    88—85—53—001

    1999      GMC       CIK                 Sierra 1500/2500         4.8 — LR4       3.7             58—90—06—037                  yes                    88—85—53—001
                                                                     5.3 — LM7       3.4             58—90—06—039                  yes                    88—85—53—001|

    2000 Chevrolet      C/K               Silverado 1500/2500        4.8 — LR4       3,7"            58—90—06—037                  yes                    88—85—53—001
                                                                 _   5.3 —LM7        3.4             58—90—06—039                  yes                    88—85—53—001
                                                                     6.0 —LQ4        3.1             58—90—06—131                  yes                    88—:85—53—001

    2000 Chevrolet       C/K                     Tahoe               4.8 — LR4       3.7             58—90—06—037                   yes                  . 88—85—53—001
                                                                     5.3 — LM7       3.4             58—90—06—039                   yes                    88—85—53—001

    2000 Chevrolet       C/K              Suburban 1500/2500         4.8 — LR4       3.7             58—90—06—037                  yes                    88—85—53—001
                                                                     5.3 — LM7       34              58—90—06—039                  yes                    88—85—53—001
                                                                     6.0 — LQ4       3.1             58—90—06—131                  yes                    88—85—53—001

    2000      GMC        CIK                Sierra 1500/2500         4.8 — LR4       3.7             58—90—06—037                   yes                   88—85—53—001
                                                                     5.3 — LM7       3.4             58—90—06—039                   yes                   88—85—53—001
                                                                     6.0 — LQ4       3.1             58—90—06—131                   yes                   88—85—53—001

  | 2000      GMC        C/K                     Yukon               4.8 — LR4       3.7              58—90—06—037                  yes                   88—85—53—001
(T                                                                   5.3 — LM7       3.4              58—90—06—039                  yes                   88—85—53—001

*    12000    GMC        C/K              Yukon XL 1500/2500         4.8 — LR4       3.7              58—90—06—037                  yes                   88—85—53—001
                                                                     5.3 — LM7       3.4              58—90—06—039                  yes                   88—85—53—001
                                                                     6.0 — LQ4       3.1              58—90—06—131                  yes                   88—85—53—001

    12000     GMC        C/K                     Denali              6.0 — LQ4       3.1              58—90—06—131                  yes                   88—85—53—001 |
    §2000    Cadiliac                           Escalade             6.0 — LQg       3.3              58—90—06—033                  yes                   88—85—53—001

     2001 Chevrolet      C/K               Sitverado 1500/2500       4.8 — LR4     j 3.?              58-90-06-037                  yes                   88—85—53—003
                                                                     5.3—LM7         34               58—90—06—039                  yes                   88—85—53—003
                                                                     6.0 —LQ4        34               58—90—06—131                  yes                   88—35—53—003
     2001 Chevrolet —CK                          Tanoe               18 —LRa         37               56—90—06—037                  yes                   88—85—53—003
                                                                     5.3 —LM7        3.4              58—90—06—039                  yee                   88—35—53—003
     2001 Chevrolet      C/K               Suburban 1500/2500        4.8 — LR4       3.7              58—90—06—037                  yes                   88—85—53—003
                                                                     5.3—LM7         34               58—90—06—039                  yee                   88—85—53—003
                                                                     6.0 —LQ4        34               58—90—06—131                  yes                   88—85—53—003
     oo       ome        CK                 Siera 1850072500         48 —LTRA        37               38—90—06—037                  yes                   86—85—53—.003
                                                                     5.3 —LM7        34               58—90—06—039                  yes                   88—85—53—003
                                                                     6.0—LQ4         31               58—90—06—131                  yes                   88—85—53—003
     700      one        CK                      Yukon               48 —LTRA        37               58—90—06—037                  yes                   35—85—53.003
                                                                     5.3 — LM7       3.4              58—90—06—039                  yes                   88—85—53.003
     2001     GMe        CK                Yukon XL 150072500        18 —TRi         37               55—90—06—037                  yes                   85—65—53—.003
                                                                     5.3 —LM7        34               58—90—06—039                  yes                   88—85—53—003
                                                                     6.0 . LQ4       34               58—90—06—131                  yes                   88—35—53—003
    oo        —amce      CR                      Denal               60—toi          ~—3j             58—00—06—131                  yes                   35—85—53.—003]
es                                              Escalade              solLags        _33              55—90—06—033                  yes                   35—85—53.003 ]
     2002 Chevrolet —CK              _   _ Silverado 150072500       48 —tRa —3.7                   ~ 55—90—05—037                   no                   85—55—53—003
                                                                     5.3 —LM7  3.4                    58—90—06—039                   no                   88—85—53.003
                                                                     8.0 —.LQ4 34                     58—90—06—131                  yes                   88—85—53—003

                                                                                    Page 1 of 2

                                                                                         Exhibit A

                                                                                       (E.0.# D—488—4)

{             ar    Make      Model                Model                   Engine      Pulley Dia.        Pulley P/N        Add Early Model Kit? 31—12—00—007      Tuner PN
            2002 Chevrolet    C/K                  Tahoe                  4.8 — LR4       3.7            58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          5.3 — LM7       3.4            58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—003

            2002 Chevrolet    C/K           Suburban 1500/2500            4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                     yes                    88—85—53—003

        |2002 Chevrolet       C/K             Avalanche 1500              5.3 — LMZ        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—003 |

            2002     GMC      CIK             Siema 1500/2500             4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                     no                     88—85—53—003
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                     no                     88—85—53—003
                                                                          6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                     yes                    88—85—53—003 |

            2002    GMC        CI/K                Yukon                  4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—003

            2002     GMC       CIK          Yukon XL 1500/2500            4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        34            58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                      yes                   88—85—53—003

            2002     GMC       CIK                 Denali                 4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        34            58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—003
                                                                          6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                     yes                    88—85—53—003

        2002       Cadiliac                       Escalade                6.0 —LQg         3.3           58—90—06—033                      yes                   88—85—53—003 |

        | 2002     Cadiliac                     Escalade EXT              6.0 —LQ9         3.3           58—90—06—033                      yes

            2003 Chevroiei     C/IK   Sitverado 1500/2500 and HD Series   4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—002
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        34            58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002
(* ~                                                                      6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                      no                    §8—85—53—002 |

    *       .03 Chevrolet      C/K                 Tahoe                  4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—002
        [                                                                 5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002

            2003 Chevrolet     C/K          Suburban 1500/2500            4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—002
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    $8—85—53—002
                                                                          6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                      no                    88—85—53—002

            2003 Chevrolet     C/K          Avalanche 1500/2500           4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                     88—85—53—002
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                   * 88—85—53—002
                                                                          6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                      no                     88—85—53—002

        | 2003 Chevrolet                            SSR                   5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002 |

        12003 Chevrolet                         Trailblazer XL            5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002

            2003    GMC        CIK     Sierra 1500/2500 and HD Series     4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—002
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002
                                                                          6.0 —LQ4         3.1           58—90—06—131                      no                    88—85—53—002

            2003    GMC        CIK                 Yukon                  4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—002
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002

            2003    GMC        CIK          Yukon XL 1500/2500            4.8 — LR4        3.7           58—90—06—037                      no                    88—85—53—002
                                                                          5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002
                                                                          6.0 — L.Q4       3.1           58—90—06—131                      no                    88—85—53—002

        [2003       _GMC       C/K                Envoy XL                5.3 — LM7        3.4           58—90—06—039                      no                    88—85—53—002|

        12003       __GMC      CK                   Denali                6.0 — LQ4        3.1           58—90—06—131                      no                    88—85—53—002 |

        £2003      Cadilfac                       Escalade                6.0 — LQg        3.3           58—90—06—033                      no                    88—85—53—002 |

             03    Cadiliac                     Escalade EXT              6.0 — LQ9        3.3           58—90—06—033                      no                    88—85—53—002 |

        | 2003     Cadillac                     Escalade ESV              6.0 — LQg        3.3           58—90—06—033                      no                    88—85—53—002 |

        [ 2003     Hummer                            H2                   6.0 — LQ4        3.1           Don‘t Add to S/O                  no                    88-85—53-0042]

                                                                                          Page 2 of 2

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:05
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:05

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