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This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-511
  • Executive Order 511 / D511
  • ARB # D-511
  • Executive Order No: D-511
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-511
  • Resolution D-511
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D-511 Document:


                                                                                 (Page 1 of 3)

                                          State of California

                                     AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                    EXECUTIVE ORDER D—511
                            Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                         of the Vehicle Code

                               EMICO TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                     "THREE—WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER, SERIES 13500"

     WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391, and Title 13, California Code of —
     Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(h), authorize the California Air Resources
     Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt new aftermarket catalytic converter from
     the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.                      '

     WHEREAS, Emico Technologies, Inc. (Eastern) of 373 Tiffin Street, Barrie, Ontario,
     Canada L4M 454, has applied to the ARB for exemption from the prohibitions in Vehicle
     Code Sections 27156 and 38391 to market their aftermarket series 13500 three—way
     catalytic converter (TWC) for the following application, except for vehicles equipped with
     an OBD II system:        '                                           '

     Type     Use     Series No. Max. Eng. Size Max. Veh. Test Wt.
     TWC C    ~TWC     13500     5.7L(350 CID) 4500lbs.        C

     WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health and Safety
     Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations Division, by Health and
     Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—45—9, the ARB finds that the above .
     aftermarket catalytic converter complies with the California Vehicle Code Section 27156
     and Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222(h). Emission performance of
     the catalytic converter was based on durability bench—aging of the catalyst using
     AilledSignai Environmentai Catalyst‘s ARL—102 bench—aging cycie, accepted by the ARB
     for this application to be equivalent to 25,000 miles road aging on the AMA driving cycle
     (Reference Appendix IV, Title 40, part 86, Code of Federal Regulations (June 28, 1977)).

     Whereas, emissions tests conducted at Automotive Testing and Development Services
     (ATDS), Ontario, California, showed the following conversion efficiencies which meet the
     minimum requirements for new aftermarket catalytic converters:

                      Catalyst Application Type
     Pollution Component         TWC {(%Conversion)
     HC: Min. Requirement        70
        Emico‘s series 13500      84.8
     CO: Min. Requirement         70
        Emico‘s series 13500      83.3
     NOx: Min. Requirement        60
        Emico‘s series 13500      76.1

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EMICO TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                              .        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—511
"SERIES 13500 TWC"                   '                         (Page 3 of 3)

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke it, during
which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the
proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of
the request, and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made, after the
hearing, that grounds for revocation exist.
                                         _g   h                  |
Executed at El Monte, California, this é/—        day of December 2000.

                                    .B. u'mmerfleld, Chlef
                                  Moblle Source Operations Division

                                      State of California
                                 AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                                       December 2000

                                    Mobile Source Division

                                     9528 Telstar Avenue
                                  El Monte, CA 91731—2990

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources Board and approved
for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and
policies of the Air Resources Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products
constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.)


            Emico Technologies, Inc. (Emico) of 373 Tiffin Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4M

454, has applied for an exemption of its series 13500 new aftermarket three—way catalytic

converter (TWC) from the prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156, in accordance with

California regulations for new aftermarket catalytic converters. The two test catalysts were

aged using AlliedSignal Environmental Catalyst‘s (ASEC‘s) rapid aging cycle ARL—102. The

catalyst is a round—shaped, single substrate of a ceramic monolith type. The substrate is coated

with platinum and rhodium in a 2:1 ratio. The precious metal loading on the catalyst is 10

grams per cubic foot. The emission tests were conducted on a 1988 , 5.7L Chevrolet Pick—up

truck at the equivalent test weight of 5975 pounds (Ibs.). The new catalytic converter is for

installation on vehicles equipped with a three—way catalytic converter (TWC). Based on the

toading and aging paréméters, the catalyst maximum application limits are 5.7L and 4500 lbs.

The corresponding maximum gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) is 5400 ibs.

            Emissions data submitted by the a;)plicant show that the catalytic converter meets

the requirements of Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Title 13, California Code of Regulations,

Section 2222(h) for the stated applications. Based on the above, the staff recommends that the

exemption be granted as requested and that Executive Order D—511 be issued.



           SUMMARY                                      i
           CONTENTS                                     t

           I.         INTRODUCTION

           II.       CONCLUSION

           1.         RECOMMENDATION

           IV.        DEVICE DESCRIPTION

           V.         DEVICE EVALUATION

                       PROHIBITIONS IN VEHICLE CODE SECTION 27156, AND TITLE 13,

                           CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS SECTION 2222(h)

          1.       _   INTRODUCTION
                       Emico Technologies, Inc. (Emico) of 373 Tiffin Street, Barrie, Canada L4M 454, has

          applied for an exemption from the prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for its series

          13500 new aftermarket three—way catalytic converter (TWC) in accordance with California

          regulations for new aftermarket catalytic converters. The new aftermarket catalytic converter is

          intended for the following vehicle application:

          Converter Type Converter Use PN/Series            Max. Eng.Size   Max.Veh.Test Wi.
          TWC            TWC           13500                5.7L            4500 lbs.

          The maximurm Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) for the catalytic converter application is 5,400 lbs.

          ‘Emico intends to market the newTWC as a réplacement*’ for catalytic converters on applicable

          vehicles whose manufacturer‘s warranty has expired and the need for replacement of the

          original equipment manufacturer (OEM) catalytic converter has been established and

          documented. The catalytic converter is not for installation on vehicles equipped with an On—

          Board Diagnostic 11 (OBD—I1) system.

          1.           CONCLUSION

                       The applicant has submitted all the required information, and based on the exhaust

          emissions test data, the staff concludes that the new aftermarket catalytic converter meets the

          criteria set forth in Vehicle Code Section 27156, and Title 13, California Code of Regulations,

          Section 2222(h) for the stated application.

        IH.          RECOMMENDATION

                     Staff recommends that the exemption be granted as requested and that Executive
L2¥ .

        Order No. D—511 be issued, permitting the advertisement, sale, and installation of the new

        aftermarket catalytic converter on applicable vehicles.

        IV.          DEVICE DESCRIPTION

                     Emico‘s new aftermarket TWC is designed to use a single round—shaped ceramic

        monolith substrate. The substrate is coated with platinum and rhodium in a 2:1 ratio. The

        precious metal loading of the catalyst is 10 grams per cubic foot. The dimensions for the

        substrate are 3.66 diameter and 5.00 inches long. The volume of the substrate is 52.58 cubic

        inches. The substrate is contained in an outer 409 stainless steel shell with compressed

        interam or expanding mat, to prevevnt vibration and exhaust by—pass. The shell halves are

        sealed by seam weld, and the end pipes are attached to the shell by arc welding. An

        aluminized heat shield is spot—weldedto the upper side of the converter to protect the vehicle
        from excessive heat. The catalytic converter may be sold as a unit with installation instructions

        or may be used in customized exhaust applications. It is sold with a warranty f-or

        25,000 miles on the substrates, and five years or 50,000 miles on the container or shell, and the

        end pipes.                                   |

        V.           DEVICE EVALUATION

        Emico submitted emissions data from testing conducted by Automotive Testing and

        Development Services (ATDS) laboratory in Ontario, California. Catalyst bench—aging was

        conducted by ASEC using its ARL—102 rapid—aging cycle. The aging cycle and duration were

        accepted by the ARB to be equivélent to driving a 5.71L/4,500 Ibs. vehicle for 25,000 miles on

        the road using the AMA driving cycle. Emissions tests were conducted on a 5.7L 1988

       Chevrolet Pickup Truck with an eqUivalent test weight of 5975 lbs. However, since the catalyst

       loading and aging parameters were based on 5.7L and 4,500 lbs. equivalent test weight, the

       catalyst application cannot exceed these limits. E‘mico requested to be allowed to use the 1988

       Chevrolet pickup truck because it was available, and was more cost effective than procuring a

       vehicle with the exact test parameters.

                    The evaluation of Emico‘s new aftermarket catalytic converter is solely based on

       the bench—aging conducted by ASEC and the emission testsconducted at ATDS. The limits of

       application of the new series 13500 TWC are 5.7L/4,500 lbs. and the corresponding maximum

       gross vehicle weight (GVW) is 5,400 Ibs. The two test catalysts were labeled ET—4 and ET—5,

       'respectively. Testing consisted of two cold—start CVS—75 tests with a simulator ("dummy"

       catalyst), followed by two cold—start CVS—75 tests for each of the test catalysts. The average of

       the two test results for each test catalyst was used to calculate the conversion efficiency. The

       overall conversion efficiency for the Catalyst model is the average cohvérsion efficiendy of thefi

       two test catalysts. The test results for the catalyst are shown below:

                      Automotive Testing and Deyelopment Services, Ontario, California


                            Simulator     Catalyst ET—4   CatalystET—5      Conv. Eff.
                            Average      Average          Average          Average

       HC (g/mi)            2.974       0.442             0.447           84.8%
       CO (g/mi)           22.357       4.140             3.344           83.3%
       NOx (g/mi)           1.769       0.421             0.423           76.1%

       The above conversion efficiencies meet the minimum requirements of the California regulations

       for new aftermarket catalytic converters. The ARB did not conduct confirmatory testing on the


Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:03
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:03

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