Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 7, 2005.
As of Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1995 and older vehicles equipped with a distributor type ignition system

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-57-17
  • Executive Order 57-17 / D57-17
  • ARB # D-57-17
  • Executive Order No: D-57-17
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-57-17
  • Resolution D-57-17
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-57-17 PDF

D-57-17 Document:


                                  Stale oCattomia
                             Am Resources eomno
                            execumve orber parir
                     Relatng tExemptons Unter Secton27186
                               of the Caifomia VenicCode
                                    Partoni, nc
    Flme—Throwa, ame—Thrower N. lameTrrower HEL and Xtreme Iyniion Cols
Pursuantto the auborty vesie in theAlr Resources Board by Secton 27158of e
Vricie Code,and
Pursuantto tautharty vesie in heundemigned by Secton 30515 and Secton
30518 ofte Healh and Satety Cade and Executve Order G—02.00%;
IT is ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That thinlaton o the Flame.Thrower,
Flame—Throue1. Fame—Thrower HEL and Xbreme intioncole, mancfactured and
markted by Patvonix, Inc, 440E. Arow Hatway, San Dimas. Calfomia 91773 has
been found notto reduce heeffectvenaus othe aoplcable vehile olution contr!
systems and, refor 1s exampt ho the proions ofSectlon 27190 ofthe Vehice
Codefoall 1998 and cider vehiios equinped wit a cisrbutor ypeiqntion systom
This nemation i iseved based on information supaled by te device mansfactrer
wch demonaintes thathe FlrmesThmer, Flame—Throwr , Fare:Thrower HE]
and Xiveme nion comeetthe comolance cefr nionsystems as speciied
under Procedures or Exematon ot Addn and Modiied Pars® and rorefre,wl net
increrse enissions
"This Execitive Ordeis vald provided that th intalaton insictons forthe
Flame—Throe, Flame—Throner I. Rame—Thrower HE].and Xteme ignton cols wil
at ecormmend tunng the vahicl ts specfeatons dfferetrom trase subrntedbythe
devie manstactire
Changes made tthedesign or operting coneiionsofte Flame—Thrower
Flame—Thrower1. Ramo‘Thvower HEL, and Xtreme igntion cals. as exemotby ho Al
Reseurces Boardwiich acversay afettre pefomance of e vehil‘s poluton
cental srtem shallinaldat ts Executve Order
This Exeeitive Ordestallnot nonly t any Flame:Thvower,Fame:Thrower1
Flare—ThroweHand Xreme nton ols adverised,ffernd forsale, ol th, or
iestaled on a n motor vehice ptar o or concurrent wih ransfrto an utmate
Matkatng ofheFame:Throner, lme=Thrower . Fiame:Thrower HEL and Xtame
lanton cals vsingany identfeaion othetan that shoun in thisExecitive Ordeor
markatng ofheFame—Thrower,PmThrowne 1L Flame—Thromer HEL, and Xteme

 sn coisfr an apalcation etrer han hose ltee in hi Executve Ordershal be
itehintod unteas pror anproval abained m he A Resor ces Board
The Fapeut e Orde ons "aconsiutegry uonion s ‘a tre afect ho use ofthe
Pame.Thiowa, Fame—Thewa . ue Throme HE and Xreme ignzon cois may
have on ary wartatly etha eroressed or msld byraver o manulastirer
is s exrountve onneR nor s nor cons—mare a cennricamon
Aconsonation, aermovaL. on anw orker Tyee or enoonsrwmnt ay me
Air RESouRcEs somro or AnY cuams of Te amuicant concerNinc
Awimmou.umon eenerits or any auui Gzo RNCT s or m
inE mimovice. n aur mirowen . sLaiE—trowen Het Ano xtreme
isnmion col.s
No slam e ny Kid. uch as"Approvez by the At Rescurses Hoan, may be mice
with rospectto e atin aken heten n ary asveriaing ar tror ara or witen
Vilaton o anyof e above conditens shal begrounes fr revecatan otths arder
The order may m evatet slyafen om.iy wtton mto nfentan to rvote the
erder in unich genod the hloaro heorder may request n ut hearing to cantest
the prosaeed revacadon. Ifa heang s eqvested.unallbeheld wtin on days of
tesmioto therec nsand theorder may notherevched ui a detemnation s mane
  h ho heatng hat on o rencaten oxt
Exscued as£. Home. Cattoma ts 28           cayatao 2005

                         J Hex   ,
                      Uficmlen tyons Cout
                      3* tioiie Soice Gjeracons Durmon

                     rremacce i     ermewoous nera

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:30
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:30

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