Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on July 28, 1976.
As of Friday, March 14th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975-1976 Catalyst equipped vehicles EXCEPT those with backpressure modulated EGRChrysler heat control valve and GM early fuel evaporative valve may be removed

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-67
  • Executive Order 67 / D67
  • ARB # D-67
  • Executive Order No: D-67
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-67
  • Resolution D-67
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-67 PDF

D-67 Document:


                         State of California
                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—67
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                        CRAGAR INDUSTRIES, INC.

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section —
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the "Hot Pipes"
tubing exhaust headers manufactured by Cragar Industries, Inc., 19007
S. Reyes Avenue, Compton, California 90224 has been found to not reduce
the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices
and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the
Vehicle Code for 1975 and 1976 model—year vehicles originally equipped
with catalytic converters except those vehicles originally equipped with
back—pressure modulated exhaust gas recirculation systems (i.e. certain
Ford, Pontiac and Oldsmobile vehicles).   All emission control systems
shall be retained except the manifold heat control valve on Chrysier .
Corporation vehicles and the early fuel evaporation (EFE) valve on
1976 General Motors vehicles. The conversion of single exhaust systems
tohqu?l exhaust systems shall not be permitted on catalyst equipped
vehicles.                           —

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.                                             —

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Ordgr does not constitute any opinion as torthe effect
?hat‘the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.                     [


‘No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
 with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
 or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Héalth and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.>   {a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the State board for certification
     of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     certified by the State board. No person shall sell, offer for sale,
     advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as
     a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified device. Any
     violation of this subdijvision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this @B__ day of July, 1976.

                                      owao.}\     $ LG\Y\QA   \0 v\
                                    Thomas"C. Austin
                                     Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                      State of California

                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         June 30, 1976

                          Staff Report

              Evaluation of Cragar Industries Inc..
               "Hot Pipes" Tubing Exhaust Headers
              for Compliance with the Requirements
            of Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code


On December 10, 1975, the Air Resources received an application from

Cragar Industries, Inc., Compton, California, requesting an exemption

from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for tubing exhaust

headers.    The applicant requests that this exemption be granted for

1975 and 1976 vehicles equipped with exhaust catalysts (See Appendix

A).   Supplemental test data was submitted by the manufacturer on

three vehicles and confirmatory testihg was conducted on two vehicles.

Exhaust header installations on 1974 and older model—year vehicles

have been previously allowed under the ARB‘s replacement parts policy

(considered equivalent to original equipment) with the provision that

all emissfon controls be left intact.    For newer vehicles equipped

with exhaust catalysts, headers are considered to beba significant

modification of the exhaust system and an emissions evaluation is


This report does.not evaluate the conversion of single exhaust

systems to dual exhaust systems on catalyst equipped vehicles.

II.   Description

      Tubing exhaust headers are a—set of steel tubes designed to replace

      OEM cast iron exhaust manifolds.     Individual tubes, one per engine

      cylinder, connect to each exhaust port on the cylinder head.      These

      provide large radius bends as opposed to the short, right angle bends

      of the OEM manifold (See Figure 1).    The individual tubes collect

      together upstream from the catalytic converters or from the exhaust

      cross—over, depending on the application (See Figure 2).

      Headers are designed for a particular engine to improve efficiency

      and decrease fuel consumption.     The tube diameter, tube length,

      collector diameter and collector length are optimized to accomplish

      the exhaust tuning.     The ranges for these dimensions are as follows:

           Tube Diameter               1 1/2 — 2 inches           (40—50 mm)

           Tube Length                 18 — 46 inches             (45—115 cm)

           Collector Diameter          2 1/2 — 3 1/2 inches       (65—90 mm)
           Collector Length            3 — 10 inches        ‘     (8—25 cm)

      The exhaust header kits manufactured by the applicant are designed to

      replace the exhaust manifold without defeating the emissions control

      system.   Each header kit is designed for a particular vehicle applica—

      tion and contains tuned headers and all necessary parts, fittings and

      flanges for "bolit—on" installation.    The kit maintains the air injec—

      tion at original equipment locations by providing fittings into

      either the tubing headers or exhaust head pipe (this installation may

      require some minor bending of the air lines).       The heat riser valve

      is maintained with an adapter kit provided in the header kit except

                                                                       header tubes

                      collector "//)

         Figure 1 — Tubing Exhaust Headers with Collectors

     f                                      >
.                                                                   manifolds
          resonator        muffler     catalytic

         resonator      muffler         ~~ 7                         manifolds

         _/ \—                                          V—8
                     {dual exhausts)

             Figure 2 — Typical OEM Exhéust Systems

    on Chrysler and 1976 GM vehicles (On Chrysler vehicles, the heat.

    riser valve is integrally part of the OEM manifold.    On 1976 GM

    vehicles, the vacuum control for the valve could not be easily

    modified).    The heated air intake including the exhaust manifold

    stove is replaced with a unit supplied with the kit.     A typical

    replacement unit is shown in Figure 3 (this unit uses a much smaller

   — heated surface than original equipment):   The catalytic converter

    is not relocated and all thermal, overtemperature sensors are


    A tuned exhaust system generates 1qw pressure (rarefaction) pulses

    that propagate up the header tube toward the exhaust valve.      During

    certain rpm ranges, these pulses arrive when the exhaust and intake

    valves are open (during valve overlap).     These pulses then scavenge

    residual exhaust gases from the combustion chamber {residual gases

    reduce the size of the ‘incoming fuel—air charge as well as dilute

    this charge).    "Scavenging" increases volumetric and thermal

    efficiencies.    Headers may also reduce the exhaust system béck-

    pressure during certain operating modes and this, too, will increase

    the flow of residual exhaust gases from the combustion chamber.

III. Claimed Benefits

    The applicant claims an improvement in highway fuel economy of 6—10%

    for the header kit installation.    This claim is based on CVS testing

    and highway economy tests.    The improvement .in fuel economy is

    attributed to reduced‘back-pressure at highway speeds.


                                              HEAT TUBE
                                              KHOSE CLAMP
                                          .   HEADER. TUBE

      Figure 3 — Replacement Unit for .
                 Heated Air Intake

IV.   Potential Emission Effects

      Exhaust headers may increase HC and NOx emissions because of

      scavenging and reduced back—pressure.      The residual exhaust gases

      in the combustion chamber are rich in HC and are normally burned

      in successive engine cycles.     Scavenging and reducing back—pressure

      will incréése the flow of ‘these gases and HC into.the exhaust system

      (Depending on the amount of valve overlap, scavenging of the in«

      coming fuel—air charge can even occur under high load, high speed

      conditions).   In addition, the residual gases dilute the incoming

      fuel—air mixture and reduce the peak combustion temperatures.         Re—

      moving these gases will increase combystion temperatures and

      increase the formation of NOx.       Reducing back—pressure may also affect

      the EGR system, both those with and without back—pressure modulation,

      and result in increased NOx.

      The exhaust header installation may also affect emissions through

      other mechanisms.   First, the heat riser and heated air modifications

      may increase HC due to poor fuel vaporization under co]d-starf condi—

      tions.   HC and CO emissions may also increase where excessive heat

      transfer through the header tubes lowers exhéust'temperatures and

      affects the exhaust catalyst operation.      Other emission related

      problems could include heating of fuel lines and short—circuiting

      of spark plug wires.

      The operation of the exhaust catalyst could mask some HC and CO—

      effects of the headers.



The applicant conducted a test program‘with three catalyst—equipped

vehicles, a 1975 Chevrolet (350—4¥), a 1975 Ford {351—2¥) and a

1975 Chrysler (318—2¥).     CVS—75 emissions tests and EPA Highway

Cycles were run on these vehicles at Olson Engingering, Huntington

Beach, California.     Each vehicle was tested in the stock configuration

and with a header kit installation.    Table I summarizes. these test


The applicant‘s CVS—75 test data showed no emission increases with

the header Kit installation.    The CVS sample bags (3 per test)

were also compared, baseline to headers, and showed no emission

trends.    The Highway Cycle tests showed that headers increased

fuel economy on two vehicles {6—7%) and decreased fuel economy

on one vehicle (2%).

Modal data was collected during the applicant‘s CVS—75 tests to

evaluate any transient effects.     The analysis of this data showed

‘no trends toward increased emissfon during acceleration or cruise

modes or during the first 113 seconds of the CVS—75.     In addition,

exhaust gas temperatures (catalyst inlet and outliet), exhaust gas

pressure (catalyst inlet), and manifold vacuum were measured during

selected modes.   No conclusions could be drawn from these measurements

except that headers caused no gross changes from baseline during

the CVS—75 testing.

                                Table I — Cragar Test Results

’   Vehicle #1:     1975 Chevrolet Camaro (350—4V) single catalyst

        CVS—75:                  HC         CO        NOx            Economy

                  Baseline       0.9        4.3       2.2              14.6

                  Headers        0.6        3.5       2.2              14.7

                  Net Change     —33%       —19%        0%               +1%

         EPA Highway Cycle: Baseline, 18.0 mpg ; Headers, 19.0 mpg (+6%)

    Vehicle #2:     1975 Ford Torino (351—2V) dual catalysts

        CVS—75:                 HC          CO_       NOx            Economy
                               gm/mi       gm/mi     gm/m1i           mpg

                  Baseline       0.5        3.5       1.3              10.2

                  Headers        0.5        2.8       1.0              10.9

                  Net Change         C%     ~20%      —23%               +74%

        EPA Highway Cycle: Baseline, 15.2 mpg; Headers, 16.2 mp9 (+7%)

    Vehicle #3     1975 Chryslier Cordoba (318—2V) single catalyst

        CVS—75:                 HC          CO        NOx            Economy
                               gm/mi      . gm/mi    gm/mi           _mpg
                  Baseline     . 0.5        5.5       1.4              10.3
                  Headers*      0.5         5.2       1.4              9.9

                  Net Change      0%         —5% .      0%               —4%

        EPA Highway Cycle: Baseline, 13.9 mpg; Headers*, 13.6 mpg (—2%)
                                *without heat riser vaive

The ARB conducted a confirmatory test program on two vehicles

(Reference ARB test report Project V—26, May 1976).    The applicant

supplied two catalyst—equipped vehicles for testing, a 1976

Chevrolet (350—4V¥) and a 1976 Ford (351—2V).    One CVS—75, three

hot—start CVS—72 and one loaded mode test were run on— each vehicle,

with and without a header kit installation.     A summary of the

emission test data is given in Tables I1 and III.

The CVS—75 tests generally showed ndlemission increases with

headers and a small improvement in fuel economy of 8—9% {one vehicle

did show a slight increase in NOx).    The CVS—75 sample bags were

comparedvbase1ine to headers and no emissiofis trends were noted.

The CVS—72 and loaded mode tests supported the CVS—75 results.

During the ARB testing, the carburetor inlet air and exhaust gas

temperatures were recorded to determine any heat transfer effects of

the header kit installation.    .The carburetor inlet air was measured

in the air cleaner.    The exhaust gas temperatures were measured at

the catalyst inlet on one vehicle and at the catalyst outlet bn both

vehicles..   Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7. summarize the temperature measurements.

The heated air intake modification With the header installation functioned

approximately the same as the stock configuration on the 1976 Chevrolet

»(the temperature recorder malfunctioned during the testing of the 1976

Ford).   ‘After the preheat temperature was achieved (119°F) and the

heated air intake vaive closed, the intake air temperature went to 85°F

in the baseline tests while the intake air went to 128°F in the header

              Table II — ARB Emission Test Results
Test Vehicle:           1976 Chevrolet Silverado C—10 Pick—Up
                        (350—4V), single catalyst (pellet—type)

CVS—75                      HC         CO        NOx.      Economy
                          gm/mi       gm/mi     gm/mi           mpg

        Baseline           0.6         4.1       1.5        11.2

        Headers*           0.7         3.9       1.8        12.2

        Net Change         +17%        —5%       +20%       +9%

    Hot—Start CVS—72:

        Base1 ine**        0.4 .       1.6       1.7        11.4

        Headers*+           0.6        1.0       1.8        12.8

        Net Change         +50%        —38%      +6%        +12%

    Loaded Mode:             HC        co        NOx
—                   '       ppm       4_         ppm
      High Cruise

        Baseline             11        0. 05     553

        Headérs*             11        0.05      815

      Low Cruise

        Baseline             11        0.05      150

        Keaders*             11        0. 05     176


        Baseline             11        0. 05      25

        Headers*            210C       0.05       25

              *Without héat riser valve
             **Average of three tests
              +Average of two tests; engine was misfiring during one test
               possibly caused by overheating of the fuel line (1/2" from
               a header tube) or a spark plug misfire.

                                                         Table III — ARB Emission Test Results

.       Test Vehicle: 1976 Ford E—100 Van, (351—2V), single catalyst (monolithic)
                                                      (No heat riser valve in stock configuration)

        CVS—75:                                                HC             CO         NOx             Economy
                                                              gm/mi          gm/mi      gm/mi              mpg

                                          Baseline             0.5               6.2     1.6              9.8

                                          Headers              0.5           5.2         1.7              10.6
                                          Net Change                0%           ~16%     +6%                 +8%

        Hot Start CVS—72:

                                          Base1ine*             0.3              2.9    1.8               10.6
                                          Headers*              o.3 To           2.7     1.8              10.9
                                  Net Change                        0%            —7%      Q%                 +3%

                                                         *Average of three tests
.                                         Loaded Mode: No emissions comparison.   The baseline test was run
    '                                                  but a spark plug failed during the header test (cracked
                                                          insulator).                                               —
           Inlet Air Temperature (OF) _

                                            150 1                        Replacement Heated Air Intake
                                                                         with Header Installation

                                                                           OEM                     1976 Chevrolet

                                             50                                   1            1


                                                  a             1                 5            $
                                                                         — CVS—75 Time (Minutes)

                                                  Figure 4 — Carburetor Inlet Air Temperature During CVS—75


                                          Figures 5, 6, 7—Exhaust Gas Temperaturgs During CVS—75

                               1000 +                                                                                1976 Ford
                                                                                               OEM                   Catalyst Inlet

                                500 +                                                              HKeader Installation

                                  0                    t                      }           }                      +
                                                    5                        10          15                     20

                               1000 |

                                                                                                                Header Installation
                                500                                                                         :
Exhaust Gas Temperature (OF)

                                      4                                      1976 Ford
                                                                               Catalyst Outlet

                                 0                     1                      }           1                      N
                                                       1       L       .      T           1                      1

                                                           5                 10          15                     20

                                                                                                                     1976 Chevrolet
                               1000 |                                                                                Catalyst Outlet


                               500 |

                                                                                                      Header Installation

                                  0                 1              —          1    :      ;                      3
                                                    I                        1            4/                     T

                                      0            5                         10          15    >                20
                                                       ‘               CVS—75 Time {minutes)


tests.   This may have been the result of engine compartment

heating by the headers (See discussion to follow).

Figures 5, 6 and 7 show that the exhaust gas temperatures at the

catalyst were reduced with the headers.    The catalyst inlet

temperatures on the 1976 Ford averaged 120°F lower with the headers.

The catalyst outlet temperatures averaged 195°F lower on the Ford

and 115°F lower on the Chevrolet (the§e averages are based on

exhaust temperatures after the first 8—10 minutes of the CVS—75).

There were no differences in catalyst "light—off" times between

the header and OEM configurations.

The lower inlet temperatures with headers apparently are the result

of the header tubes with their extra surface area transfering

heat ifnto the engine compartment (This may account for the rise in

carburetor inlet air temperature during the header testing).

As a result, the catalysts operated at reduced temperatures.     This

should improve catalyst durability but the higher engine compartment

tehperatures could adversely affect the durability of other cém—

ponents ({ignition wiring, vacuum hoses,. etc.}.

The CVS—75 data from both the applicant‘s and the ARB‘s test programs

were combined to give a larger data base and to determine if there

was any correlation between various parameters and the changes in

emissions or fuel economy.     Table IV indicates that there may be

some correlation between the amount of vaive overlap and the fuel

economy benefits of headers.     In addition, CO emissions were reduced


                                Table IV — Changes in CVS—75 Emissions with Headers

                 M   .      ©   -                   1        Valve Overlap        HC        CO        NOx        Economy
             Test Vehicle                      N/V_         Deg.     Deg.~In.     L4        Te        %4         %0

        1975 Ford (315—2V)                     38.1         47        0.618        0       ~20 _     ~23    <o   +7%
        1976 Ford (35'1--2V)2                  38           41        0.49         0       —16        +6         +8%

        1976 Chevrolet (350—4v)°°>             38.6         40        0. 355     +17      lous       +20         +9%
        1975 Chevrolet (350—4Vv)               34.1         40        0.355      —33       ~19         0         +1%
        1975 Chryster (318—2v)°                37.3     0   26        f.a.         o        —5         0         ~4%

        1.     Engine RPM/Vehfc]e MPH in high gear.

      » 27     Tested at the ARB laboratory.    The remaining vehicles were tested at Olson Engineering.

       3.      Without heat riser valve during header testing.

        n.a. = not available

in all five back—to—back tests; a comparison of the CVS sample bags

showed reduced CO with headers in 13 out of 15 bag comparisons.

The tendency for increased fuel economy with headers on engines

with large vaive overlap indicates improved efficiency due to

reduced béck-pressure and/or scavenging.    Valve overlap normally

reduces efficiency except during high speed, high mass flow

conditions.   However, reducing back—pressure during normal operation

acts to offset the dilution and volumetric effects of vaive overlap.

Seavenging, if it is occurring, has a broadar operational {rpm) range
with large valve overlap and, therefore, headers would have broader

benefits on these engines.

Reduced CO usually indicates leaning of the fuel—air mixture but the.

header installation could possibly haye affected the catalyst operation.

The fuel—air mixture might have been affected by the increase in

underhood temperatures (if only in chassis dynamometer testing);~

however, the resulting increase in carburetor inlet temperature

should cause enrichment; a possible explanation for lower CO fiight

be a reductién fn fuel—air ratio variations from cylinder to cylinder

caused by improved fuel vaporization.    Lowering catalyst temperétures

could increase CO oxidation if the catalyst temperatures are ex—

cessively high ({the catalyst oxidation process is a surface reaction

between the rare—metal catalyst and the exhaust gases.    High surface

temperatures act to repel    the gases and inhibit the oxidation

 reaction). .Nonetheless, the mechaniém for a CO reduction with

headers is not readily apparent.


VI.   Conclusion and Recommendat%ons

      This evaluation of tubing exhaust headers generally showed no

      emission increases on the vehicles and emission control systems

      tested; however, other emission control systems, namely back—

      pressure modulated EGR systems, could show adverse effects with

      headers.   The heated air intake replacement appeared to operate

      satisfactorily and the deletion of the heat riser valve on certain

      vehicles did not appear to have any emission effects under CVS

      test conditions.

      The CVS tests also demonstrated a small increase in fuel economy.

      This increase appears to be related to engine design {valve overlap).

      The applicant‘s claim of a 6—10% improvement in highway fuel economy

      was supported by the ARB tests.

      The staff recommends that Cragar Industries be granted an exemption

      from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.     This exemption

      should be for 1975 and 1976 model—year vehicles equipped with

      catalytic converters except those vehicles originally equippea

      with back—pressure moduTafed EGR systems.    All emission control

      systems should be retained except the heat riser vaive on Chrysler

      Corporation vehicles and 1976 General Motors vehicles.    The

      conversion of single exhaust systems to dual exhaust systems was

      not evaluated and should not be permitted.


                         APPENDIX A

                                                       INDUSTRIES INC.

                                                       POST OFFICE Sox sers
                                                       19007 5. REYES AvENUE
                                                       COMPTON, CALIF. $022.4

                                                                (213) 639—6211

December 9, 1975

Air Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Ave.
El Monte, CA.   91731
Attention:   Don Drachand, Chief Vehicle Compliance

Dear Mr. Drachand:

Regarding your recent letter, on behalf of CRAGAR Industries,
Inc., I do here by request the board would give consideration
to exemption status of the tubing exhaust headers manufactured
by our company for the 75 & 76 catalytic equipped model years.
Our tubing exhaust headers are designed to replace the cast
iron exhaust manifolds on existing OE installations. The tub—
ing exbhaust bheader represents replacement of the existing
cast iron manifolds, and because of this extended length,
there is a replacement of the head pipe that would lead from
the cast iron manifold to the catalytic convertor or muffler
depending on the situation.

The objective of tubing exhaust headers is improvement in
engine efficiency, namely mileage improvement.  This is
derived from the free flowing individual tubes that. comnnect
to the cylinder head.   The tubing exhaust header has smooth
large radius bends as opposed to the short right angle bends
of the stock cast iron configuration.

‘Because of the free flowing exhaust passage the cylinder
scavanges more efficiently on the exhaust cycle and results
in improved combustion from which we derive improvements in
mileage and reduction in exhaust emissions.

Regarding item 2B, II3 on instruction sheets, I have enclosed
a group of the sheets that are currently issued with the
existing headers.  I envision a considerable change in the
shests to accomodate the 75—76 vehicles.  As it is now planned,
these vehicles will have a complete kit with another part num—
ber.  It will include all necessary pieces to bolt dirgctly
to the converter.© It is intended that all tubing diameters



                                APPENDIX A {cont‘d)

 December 9,    1975
 Page 2                                                                                 t

  will be matched and the flange will be supplied that will
— bolt on to existing converters directly.    —

 We feel that this bolt on feature requiring no cutting or
 welding will certainly reduce the instances of tampering.

 Thue Ford and General Motors kits will include the special
 flanged adaptation kit to readily accept the vacuum operated
 butterfly that is furnished with the OE system.

 As the case of our previous system, we will include all ne—
 cessary parts and accessories to accommodate the air pump
 fittings, etc,.       The only problem area that has come up is
 some of the Chrysler products have the heat riser valve as
 an integral part of the cast iron manifold and it is not re—
 movable.    The test data on the 75 Dodge supplied was without
 this valve installed.  The Cold Start data looks good on this
 car and I don‘t see any problem in its elimination on these
 vehicles.     As I recall, this has been an acceptable practice
Zon the 74 & earlier vehicles.   Our present plans do not in—
  clude any of the Chrysler products for the 75—76 model years.
— Possibly it would better to discuss this item personally if.
  you find further information is necessary.

 Regarding paragraph 5,       it is our intention at this time to
 request exemption for all domestic 75& 76 models.                  As you
 can see from our enclosed catalog, the list is really very
 small and we would expect to use similar listing for the
 T5 & 76 models.        Our present plans are to include the Camaro,
 % ton Chevy Van and pick up,       Chevette and Monza as our first
 units.  Selected Ford models would be added later.  Other
 than applying for exemption for each individual vehicle I
 don‘t know what other information you would require.

 As I mentioned to Dick Kenny before, we would be most pleased
 to offer a vehicle with tubing exhaust headers to you for test
 purposes.     The Camaro we have retained in service since the
 installation and could be made available to you for a few days
 for evaluation.  If you would choose to select an existing
 test vehicle for an installation, we would have to discuss
 something that could readily be fitted similar to our existing
 catalog listing.        I doubt if it would prove gractical to have
 your personnel install headers at your facility, but I am sure
 we could work out an installation at our plant with your per—
 sonnel supervising, etc.        We can discuss this item further if
 you desire.                                 —

 I would like to discuss our thinking and general design cri—
 teria and the way we approach these vehicles for application.
 Obviously the individual model selection is based on estimated
 sales numbers.        As it now stands, the $ ton Chevy —pick—up and
 van represents the larger volume sales for our headers and as


                                APPENDIX A {cont‘d.)

     December 9,   1975
     Page 3

      I mentioned, we would certainly tool up these vehicles first.
    : Our objectives are to include all necessary hardward &nd in—
     structions so that the customer can bolt up all existing
     pollution control devices such as air injection fittings and
     heat risors.  Detailed instructions and drawings would be
     supplied as well as clear language as to fines and penalties
     thab can result if these devices are left disconnected.

     It is also planned that all kits are to bolt to existing:
     muffler and exhaust systems, no attempt will be considered at
     this time to add any converters in an effort to add dual ex—
     bhaust to vehicles that presently have single exhaust.

     It was mentioned at one time that some thoughts existed as
     to plug wire problems etc.  I showed an installation to Dick
     Kenny at one time and showed him that really this was not a
     problem.  We are certainly aware of the problems that could
     arise from a shorted plug wire with the converter vehicles.
_   The plug wires are frequently further from the exhaust tubing
    — than many OE systems.    As I mentioned previously, the type that
      purchase performance equipment such as headers frequently up—
    ‘ grade the wires to better quality than OE, so I feel this
      plug wire problem does not exist.  The headers in the area of the
     cylinder head is virtually identical to the 74 and earlier and
     certainly there has not been a rash of problems reported to us
     or the ARB.

     As far as existing over temp circuits, T am not aware of any
     vehicles whereby we affect these areas.   The existing conver—
     ter location is maintained so the sensors are not disturbed.

     I hope this answers all of the questions the board has.     If
     there are any areas of concern,possibly a meeting will best
     accomplish this purpose.

     I would again like to thank the board for their time and
     cooperation in this matter.



     Director — Research & Development


            APPENDIX 8

                         FOR THE TRADE


                                                         .PASSENGER CaArS
    HEADER KIT: Includes gaskets, swedges and all hardware necessary for bolt—on installation, including generator
    or alternator bracket.

    For Chevrolet Headers, excluding thase footnoted, that require smog fittings, place an
    6afier the part number when ordering. See price list for additional charge.

               *   Power steering and power brakes, except as footnoted
                   Air conditioning, except as footnoted
                   Chassis exit area, except as footnoted

               NOT DESIGNED TO FiT:
               *_ Column shift transmission finkage — Stick or
                  Automatic without modification to linkage
                   Convertibles (larger frame and larger X member)
    Cragar "Hot Pipes" Headers are pure scavenging headers developed by engineers and racers who demmand
    maximum performance from an exhaust system. Cragar headers are constructed to meet exacting factory
    specifications and all flanges are carefully fitted, heliarced and ground smooth for leakproof instaliation. A
    full one—year guarantee
                            is included.                  DOMESTIE C
                                                                                                                                              INCLUBED 1N HEADER KIT
                                                                                           Header     Tube: Tubs        Coll.     Coll        for replacement parts only
                                                 >                                   >        i        Size: Lngh.       Size:    lngh.     Reader         Goll,        Belt
                   YEAR & MODEL   >                                    .    Engine         Part No.   (inch) (inch)     (inch)    (inch)   Gask, No.    Gask. No.     Ph. No.

       §5—57 Chevrolet                       .                             283—350         45000      1%           32     8        10       45001        45015        45005
       58—64 Chevrolet                                                     283—350         45040      1%           30     3         7       45001        45015        45005
       G5—70 Chevrolet {17) (18)                                           283—350         45050(1) 13%4           80     3        10       45001        45015        45005
       %4—74 Chevelle (17) (18)                                            283—350         45200     1%            31     3        10       45001        45015        45005
       4—13 Chevelle (18)                                                  396—454         45210      2            36     $¥k      10       45011       45016         45006
       63—74 Corvette (17) (18)                                            283—350         45300      1%           32     3        10       45001       45015         45005
       67—69 Camaro (17) (18)                                              283—350         45400      1%           32     3        10       45001       45015         45005 .
       67—69 Camaro (18)                                                   396—454        45410(1) 17              84     3%       10       45011       45016: —      45006
       70—73 Camaro {17) (18)                                              802400    .    45420    1%              34     3        10       45001       45015         45005
          74 Camaro (17) (18)                                              $02—400        45440    —1%             32     3        10       45001       45015         45005
       68—74 Chevy I! and Nove (13) 171 (18)                               283—350        45400.   1%              82     3        10      45001        45015         45005
       68—74 Chevy II and Nova (18}                                        396—454        45410(1) 1%              34     3¥2      10      45011        45016         45006
       71—73 Vega (15)                                                     140            45100       1%           31     242        _8    45101        47504         45009

       67—73 Dart, Swinger                                                 273—340(19)    46000(1) 1               86     8        10       46001        45015        45007
       67—74 Coronet, Charger, Chatlenger                                  818—340(19)     46010(1)1%              36     3         10      46001        45015        45007
       66—74 (Wedge Engine)                                                883—400        46110(1) 1%              35     3        10       46111       45015         45005
       71—72 Colt                                                          1800ce         46020* 1¥2               40     2¥        8       46021       47504         45009

       64—73 Mustang (3) (8)                             Windsor       269—351            46600       1%           35    3         10      48601        45015        45006
       67—70 Mustang (3)                                                   390—428        46610       1%           41     $¥a      10      46611        45016        45008
         71 Mustang (13)                                                   429            46620°      2            36     3¥a.     10      46561        45016        45006
         70 Mustang (4)                  '               Cleveland (4V) 351      .        46670       1%s.         36     8¥a      10      46631        45016        45012
       63—71 Falcon, Fairlane (4) (13)               .   Windsor           289—302        46650        1¥2         34     2%a       _8     46601        45019        45006
       70—71 Falcon, Fairlane,               —           Cleveland (4V) 351               46670       17.          36     3va      10      46631
                                                                                                                                              "         45016         45012
             Torino (3)                                                                                        .                     —
       71—73 Maverick (3)                                Windsor   _   302                46720       1%           34     3        10      46601        45015        45006. .
       72—74 Falcon, Fairlane,                           Cleveland (2V) 351—400           46590           1%       36     3        10      46581        45015        45012
             Torino (2)                                                                                                       '                             *
.;73 Pinto                                                                 2000cc         46710       1¥           40     2/        8      46711        47504        45009

     * to be discontinued when present stock is depieted                                 FOOTNOTES ON PAGE 6

                                                            PASSENGER CARS c—»
                                                                                                                                            fncluoro In #EADER KIT
                                                                                      Reader    Yate         Tubs    Coll.    Call:         for replacement parts un}
                                                                                        Kit      Size Lngh,           Size    Ingh,      Header         Coll.         olt
                          YEAR & MODEL                                    Engine     Part No.   finch) {inch)        (inch}    (inch)   Gask, No.     Gask, No.    Pi. No.

              64—72 Cougar (3) (8)                        Windsor       289—351      46600        1%         35       3       10        46601        45015        45006
              67—70 Cougar (3)                                          390—428      46610        1%         41      >3%      10        46611        45016        45008
                 71 Cougar (13)                                          429         46620°     2            36       3¥      10        46561        45016        45006
                 70 Cougar (4)                            Cleveland (4V) 351         46670       1%          36       S¥2     10        46631        45016        45012
              63—70 Comet and Gyclone (4) (13)            Windsor       2809—302     46650        1%         34       2%        008     46601        45019        45008
              70—71 Comet and Cycione (3)                 Cleveland (4V) 351         46670      1%           36       8e       10        46631       45016        45012
              71—73 Comet (3)                              Windsor       302         46720          1%       34       3        10        46601       45015        45006
              72—74 Montego (2)                           Cleveland (2V) 851—400     46590      1%           86       3        10        46581       45015        45012
              71—73 Gapri                                                2000cc      46710      1¥           40       2%        8        46711       47504        45009
              65—72 Ofdsmobile                                          400—455      45700      1%           32       3       10        45701        45015        45005

            PLYMOUTH                                                                                                                                  —
*             67—69 Barracuda                                            273—340(19) 486000(1)1%             36       $       10         46001       45015        45007
    :jg:‘     70—73 Duster                                               273—840(19) 486000(1) 14            36       3       10         46001       45015        45007
              67—74 Belvedere, Roadrunner                                318—340(19) 46010(1)1%              36       3       10         46001       45015        45007
              70—74 Barracuda                                            818—340(19) 48010(1) 1%             36       3       10         46001       45015        45007
              66—74—(Wedge Engine}                                      383—400      4§110(1) 1%             85       3        10        46111       45015        45006

            PONTIAC                                                                                                                                                    ~
              64—72 GTO (14)                                            389—400      45800      1%           32       3       10        45801        45015        45005
              67—69 Firebird                                            889—400      45850      1%           82       3       10        45801        45015        45005
              70—73 Firebird                                             400         45800       1%          34       8        10        45801       45015        450085
              72—73, Ventura 11 (10)                                     850         45850          1%        32      3        10        45801        45015        45005

                                                                  FOREIGN CARS
                                                                                                                                        ~> motsbes in weaber sar
                                                                                     Header     Tube         Tube    Coll.    Call.        for replacement parts onl
                                                                                       Kit      Stze         Lngh,   Size      Ligh,     Header       call.            oft
                         YEAR & MOBEL                                     Engine     Part No.   Ginch) finch)        (inch)   (inch)    Gask. No.    Gask. No.    Pi. Ro.

             69—72 GT                                                   1900cc       49000°     1%           26      2%         8       49001        47504        45009

             56—65 356 (12) (16—RR)                                                 49200‘      1%           36      2700      4        49201        47504        45009
             66—69 912 (16—LR)                                          1600cc       49210°     1%           36      2¥         4       49201        47504       . 45008
             66—72.911 (16—LR)                                          6 oyl.       49220*     2            18       2         3       49221             (6)          (6)

            TOYOTA                                                                                       .                                                  .
             71—73 Corona and Celica                                    1900cc       49300°     1#           >24      2¥        4       49301        47504        45009

             61—72 Passenger, Ghia with muffier     E40, 40 HP          1300—1500ce 47500       14           30       2¥        4       47505        47504        47503
             63—67 Bus with muffier       .
                    Dune Buggy Extractor                             1300—1600       47530‘     1%           46       2         3       47505        47504        45009
                    with Muffler (16)
                    Dune Buggy (Racing, Single Seater}                               47540——Order 25, sets—Minimum Quantity


            * to be discontinued when present stock is depleted                    FOOTNOTES ON PAGE 6


 The easiest solution to economy and horsepower is better engine effacrency through
 breathing. "Coof Duals" from Cragar, not only offer increased fuel economy, but improve
~ performance for most pick—ups, vans and trucks. This RV Dual—Exhaust Kit is designed
to be used with OEM type mufflers (mufflers not included in Kit) and is easily mounted to
factory installed exhaust manifolds or Cragar‘s Headers.
le Cragar "Cool Duals" Kit, installed with OEM type mufflers will meet the noise emissions levels of most states.                                                        f%
 * Cragar will not assume responsibility of fit, if "Cool Duals" are used with headers other than Cragars
   All "Cool Duals" feature 2%4" headpipes and 2" tail pipes.
 * For vehicles equipped with auxiliary fuel tanks, other than factory installed original equ1pment "Cool Duals"
   may have to be modified, in which case, Cragar will not be responsible for fit.
   For vans that have been converted to camping use and have been equipped with holding tanks, propane bottles
   or auxiliary fuel tanks mounted on the under carriage, "Cool Duals" may have to be mcd(fred for instaliation.
   Cragar will not assume responsibility for fit after modifications.   —
       Suggested OEM type mufflers for "Cool Duals": IPC—2470, Gidon'-3007,.Goerfiqh-Msez, Walker—21206
 Cragar "Hot Pipes" Headers are pure scavenging headers developed by engineers and racers who demand
 m=vimum performance from an exhaust system. Cragar headers are constructed to meet exacting factory
 . ifications and all flanges are carefully fitted, heliarced and ground smooth for leakproof installation. A
     one—year guarantee is included.
                                                                                                                                   * mouupes in meAber kiT
                  YEAR & MOBEL                      Engine
                                                               Kit No.         Part Nv      finch)   (inch)   .{inch)   (inch)   Gask, No.~>   Gask. Hu.     Pi. No.

 CHEVROLET                                                                                      [                                  —                                 &
   64—73 Chevelle, E1 Camino (18)                  896—454    N.A.           45210           2        36       8#       10       45011         45016        450086‘
   64—74 Cheveile, El Camino (17) (18)             283—850    |N.A.          45200           1%       31       3        10       45001         45015        45005
   85—59 Pickup (10) (17) (18)                    288—850 |N.A.              45500(1)       1%       80       s         10       45001         450150       45005
   63—68 Pickup (17) (18)                         283—350 |NA.               45530(1)       1%       30       B         10       45001         45015        450905
   65—67 Pickup (25)                               896—454    N.A.           45510           1%       32       3         10      45511         45015       — 45006
   68—74 C10, C20 (18)                             896—454    44510(21)(23)45510             1%       82       8         10      45511         45015        45006.
   69—72 C10, C20 (17)(18)                 .       283—350    44530(21)      45530(11)       1%       30       3          7      45001         45015        45005 >
   73—74 C10, C2o (17) (18)                        307—350    44560((5:1;;   45530(11)       1%       30       3          7‘ 45001             45018        46005 ,

   69—72 G10, ©20 (Four Wheel Drive}(17) (18)      350        44550(21)]|    45530(11)       1%       30       3          7      45001         45015        45005
   73—74 C10, C20 (Four Wheel Drive}(17) (18)       307—350   |44540(21))     45530(11)      1%.      30       3          7      45001         45015        45005
   69—72 Blazer (Four Wheel Drive)(17) (18)        263—350    44550          45530(11)       1%       30       3          7      45001         45015        45005
   73—74 Blazer (Four Wheel Drive} (17) (18)       307—350    |44540(21))    45530(11)       1%:      30       3          7      45001         45015        45005
   71—74 All Vans (18)                             307—350    44520(21       45520           1%°      32       3         10      45001         45015        45005

 DATSUN                          J                                                                                                                 .
   70—71 Pickup with smog device                   1600cc     }N.A.          49120*          1%       30       2%         06     49111         47504        45009

   68—74 Pickup D100, D200                     383—400—440    |N.A.          46130(1)(2)    1%       34        3        10       46111         45015        45005
 _ 70—74 Van                                       318—340    44850          46050(1)        1%       34       3         10      45001         45015        45007
‘ "4 Van           .                               360        44850          46050((12)2)   1%        34       3         10      48001    ;    45015        45007

      74 Ramcharger (Four Wheel Drive)             318—360    44870          46060(1)       1%       32        3          7      46001         45015        45007
   72—74 Pickup W100, W200                         318—860    44880          46060(1)       1%       32        3          7      46001         45018        45007
         (Four Wheel Drive}
         w/o aux. fuel tank

 * to be discontinued when present stock is depleted                             FOOTNOTES ON PAGE 5

STREET ROADSTER — SPRINT CAR                                                                                                                               INCLUDEO IN HesoER KIT
                                                                         Header           Tuhe            Tubs        call.          Coll.                for replacement parts only
                                                                           Kit                 Size       Ingh.        Size          Lngh.          Header             tall,            Bolt
                  MAKE                                      Engine      Part No.              (inch) >    (inch)      (inch)         (inch)       Gask, No.         Gask, No.         PE. No,

           Chevrolet and Sprint Car Kit (16)               283—400       45610(5)              1%           32          3             18           45001             45015           45005


.             Ford*                                         s90—428       48200                 2            g2        —0s% c           24          46611                 (6)           (6)
              Ford*                       Cleveland (4V) 302—351          48220                  2           36          3¥2            24          46631                 (6)            (6)

              Chrysier®                                     426           48300                  2           36          342            24          46121                 (6)            (6)

                                                                                                                                                               INCLUDED IN KEABER 1GT
                                                                                                 Tube       Tube        Calf.          Goll.             for repiscement parts only
                                        Header                             Beader                 Size      Ingh.        Size          Lngh,        Header          Call,           Bolt               _
                 ENGINE                Part No.                            Part No.              (inch)     (inch)      {inch)         (inch)      Gask. No,     Gask, No.        Pk, No.

    428 Hemi (24)         28" Car     48526—200           30" Car      48530—200                 2            B             C           —                (6)              —              (6)
      >                               48526—225                        48530—225                 2M           22                ho      —                (6)              —              (6)
                                      48526—250                        48530—250                 242          22                        ~—          ~(8)                  —              (6)

    392 Hemi (24)          26" Car    48626—200           30" Car       48630—200               2            22                 —       ——            (6)                 —              (6)
                                      48626—225                         48630—225               2¥           22                 —       —             (6)                 —              (6)
                                      48626—250                         48630—250               2¥2          22                         —             (6)                 —              (6)

    427 Chevy (24)         26" Car    48726—200            30" Car       48750—200               2            22                &                  sc (®                  —              (6)
                                      48726—225                         48730925                 2%           22000             —0 —                  (6)                 —              (6)
     * to be discontinued when inventory exhausted.
FOOTNOTES                                                                             (14)      Brake lines distribution block must be moved 68—72.
 {1) Smog fitting not available on this model.                                        (15)      Will not fit power brakes without altering parts,
 (2) Will not fit manual transmission without altering parts.                         (16)       Right rear exit area.                                                                                     .
 (3) Power steering bracket #46612 — two pleces.                                      (17)       Bracket is necessary to mount A/C pump. Please see
 (4)  Power steering bracket #46613 — one piece.                                                components part listing page 7.
 (5) Kit — all parts supplied.                                                        (18)      Parts are necessary to re—connect hot air tube to air cleaner—
                      —                                                                         Please see components parts list page 7.
    (6)   Not supplied.                                                                19)      This head       i      q                         &
    (7)   Will not fit 1967 models with factory air.                                  (19)      sys!?er:.a er will also fit 360 cu, in. engine without air pump
    (8)   &figéggc‘%gérsa&d Mustang 289—302/68—73 Cougar and                           (20)      Will not fit with factory swaybar.

      }. Cragar headers dated before 12/74 will not fit with Sagi—                    (gg)      “:VVI:: fit l?_af springs 9"1)"
     naw and Bendix (with bubble side) power steering.                                ((23; p 'r ’éc" it 'g"’ge‘s W!‘t“ fmogt‘\j:TASM dait       h
                                                                                             or    Crew Cal            ation
(10) Will not fit automatic transmission without altering parts.                          > extensions are é%%,ll%dlo          °      additional head pipe
(11) Will not fit with winch power take off.                                          (24) For réar engine type with a wing over rear wheels, write "W"
 (12)     Will not it power steering without altering parts.                                    in front of the part number when ordering.                                      >
 (18)     Will not fit air conditioning without altering parts.                       (25)      Will fit automatic only.

RV Dual Exhaust
        Kit                                .              Left           Right                                                                Mounting
       Part                 Left         Right         Head Pipe      Head Pipe                  teft                Right                    Rardware            Head Pipe          Head Pige
      Nember              Head Pipe    Head Pipe       Extension       Extension              Tall Pipe            Tall Pige                     Kit               Gaskets             Flange
      44510               44511         44512           44513          44518                  44515                   44516                   44627                44501              N.A.
      44520               44521         44522          44513           44513                  44515                   44516                   44527                44502              44503
     ©44580               44531         44582           44533          44534                  44515                   44516                   44527                44502              44503
      44540               44541         44542           44543          44544                  44515                   44516                   44517                44502             44503
     44550                44551         44552          44543           44544                  44515                   44516                   44517                44502             44508
     44560                44541         44542          44563           44563                  44515                   44516                   44527                44502             44503
      44710               44721         44722          44718           44724                  44715                   44516                   44727                44711              N.A.
      44720               44721         44722           44723          44724                  44515                   44516                   44627                44711            . N.A.         »
     44730                44731         44732          44738           44734                  44515                   44516                   44627                44711              N.A.
      44740               44741         44742           44743          44744                  44515                   44516                   44627                44711              N.A
     44750                44741         44742           44773          44744                  44715                   44518                   44727                44711.             N.A.
     44760                44751         44782          44753           44754                  44755                   44756                   44627                44502             44706
                                                                                                                                                                                    installed on
                                                                                                                                                                                     Head Pipe
      44770               44731         44732          44763           44734                  44715                   44518                   44727                44711             NA.           f‘fi%
.    44760                44781         44782          44783           44783                  44515                   44516                   44627               * 44501             N.A.         'g*wz,r."“
     44790                44781         44782          44793           44783                  44715                   44516                   44727                44501              N.A.
     44850                44831         44832          44833           44833                  44515                   44516                   44627                N.A.              44504
     44870                44841         44842          44848           44843                  44515                   44516                   44627                N.A               44504
     44880                44841         44842          44853           44054                  44515                   44516                   44627                N.A.              44504

                   CAMPERS — PICKUPS . VANS — TRUCKS — JEEPS
                                                                                                                                                              INCLUDED 1M HEADER KIT
                                                                     RY Sual          Header             Tube               Tube   Call.    Call,          for replacement parts only
                                                                     Exhaust            Kit               Size             Lngh.     Size   ingh.        Header       Coll.         Bolt
                        YeaR & MODEL                      Engine      Kit Mo.         Part No.           (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch)                    Gask. No.      Gask. No.   Pk. No.
     63—71 Ranchero                    Windsor           289—302|    N.A.        46650(4)                1¥                34       242       8          46601          45019      45006
     70—71 Ranchero                    Cleveland (4V)    351         N.A.         46670(4)                17                36       3¥      10              46631      45016      45012
     72—74 Ranchero                    Cleveland (2V)     351—400|   N.A.        46590(2)                 1%               36        3       10              46581      45015      45012
     68—74 Van                         Windsor           802         44760       46760                    1%               30        3 .     10          46601          45015      45006
     66—73 Bronceo                                       289—302     N.A.        46790                    1¥               36        242      8          45601          45018      45006
     66—74 Pickup F100, F250                             352—390 44720           46750(7) (@)                 1%            30       3        7          46611          45015      45006
            (w/o aux, fuel tank) .                                                >                  —             '
     65—74 Pickup F100, F250                             $52—390 44710           46750(7) (2)              1%>             .30       3        T          46611        ._ 45015     45008
            (with aux. fuel tank)                .
     65—74 Pickup F100 w/o aux. fuel tank                360—390 44730           46600                    1%               50        3        7          46611          45015      45006
            (Four Wheel Drive)             >
     65—74 Pickup F100 with aux. fuel tank               360—390 44770           46800                    1%               30       8         7          46611          45015      45006
            (Four Wheet Drive)                                           —
     69—74 F250 w/o aux. fuel tank                       852—360 44740           46770                    1%               30        3        7          46611          45015      45006
            {Four Wheel Drive)
     69—74 F250 with aux,. fuel tank                     352—360 44750           46770                    1%               30        3        7          45611          45015      45006
            (Four Wheel Drive)                                                                                                                           >
        74 F100, F250 w/o aux, fuel tank             _   460         44780       46810(20)                134               80       3        7              46561      45015      45006
        74 F100, F250 with aux, fuel tank                460         44790        46810(20)               1%                30       3        7              46561      45015      45006
    GMC                                                                                          '
     70—74 Sprint (17) (18)                              350         N.A.        45200                    1%               31        8       10          45001          45015      45005
     70—73 Sprint (18)                                   396—454     N.A.        45210                    2                36        3%2     10          45011          45016      45006
     67—68 Pickup — Jimmy                                263—350     NA.         45530(11)                1%               30        3        7          45001          45015      45005 >
            Including 4WD (17) (18)                                                                                                                 —            .
            Y2T, %7, Suburban, 17 Trucks                                                                               .                                                            .
      69—72 C10, C20 (17) (18)                           283—350|    44530(21)    45530(11)               1%                30       8         7             45001      45015      . 45005
      73—74 C10, C20 (17) (18)                           307—350 44560((3;))      45530(11)               1%                30       3         7             45001      45015      45005

      69—72 C10, C©20.{Four Wheel Drive)(17)—({18)       350         44550(21)    45530(11)               1%                30       8         7         45001          45015      45005
      73—74 C18, ©20 (Four Wheel Drive){17) (18)         307—350) 44540(21)|     . 45§30(11)              1%                .30      3        7           45001         45015       45005 5
      68—74 Pickup{18)                                   396—454 44510((2:13))     45510                  1%                32       8       10         . 45611         45015.     ;45006

      71—74— Van (18)                                    307—350|    44520        45520                   1%                32       3       10         _ 45004         45015      45005
      CJ5 &6     Jeep                                    304                      45910(1)               1%                32        8       10              47001°     45015      45006
         74 Trail Duster (Four Wheel Drive)              318—360)| 44870         48060(1)                1%                32       3         7          46001   45015             45007
         74 Van                                          318—340 44850           46050 (1)               1%                34       3        10          46001 . 45015             45007
         74 Van                                          360       44850         46050(1)(22)            1%                34       3        10          46001 °45015              45007

                                           REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR RV DUAL EXHAUST KiTS ON PAGE 6

    * to be discontinued when present stock is depleted                                 FOOTNOTES ON PAGE 6

     .                         .                                                                                          WEIGHT
         Passenger Cars, Datsun 240—Z, Boats V8 and 6 cylinder                                               '               35 lbs.

         Chevrolet Street roadster, Trucks, Van and Dragsters                                                                35 lbs.

         Without Smog Fittings — Mini Cars, Foreign Cars (except VW & Porschs)                       .                       25 lbs.
           Mini Trucks, Foreign Trucks                                                                                       25 Ibs.
         All with Smog Fittings —— Mini Cars, Foreign Cars (except VW & Porsche)                                             25 lbs.
           Mini Trucks, Foreign Trucks                          w                          —                                 25 Ibs.
           Porsche       .                                                   .                                               26 lbs.
           Volkswagen Dune Buggy (extractor system)                                                              ‘           16 Ibs.
    COoMPONENTS                                                                                                                         sHiPPiNG
                                                                                                                     PART NO.            WEIGHT

           excluding those footnoted (1)                                                                                 S             in Header Kit
           Put an ‘S‘ after Header Kit Part number when ordering.
         HOT AIR HOOK—UP—Small Block Chevy
           Flex hose and necessary clamps and fittings to connect up heater air                                      45523                12 oz.
          to air cleaner for emission controls.

         HOT AIR HOOK—UP—Big Block Chevy                                                                             45525               120z
            Flex hose and necessary clamps and fittings to connect up heater air
            to air cleaner for emission controls.

           Power Steering Bracket to Lower Both Ends of Cylinder. (2 Brackets & 1 Bolt & Nut.)                        46612                4 lbs.
           Power Steering Bracket to. Lower Frame End of Cylinder. (One Bracket.)                                     46613                2 lbs.

.        HEADER GASKETS—See Header Gasket Part No, Column for Correct Part No.                                                             3¥ oz.

         TAPERED REDUCERS—Triangle flange
           2%" Flange to 2" O.D.—Pair                                                                                 45018        .       1 tb.
           3" Flange to 2%4" O.D.—Pair                                                                                45014                142 lbs.
           8%" Flange to 2%2" O.D.—Pair                                                                               45013                2 Ibs.
         COLLECTOR GASKETS—Triangle flange
           2%" 1.D.—Pair                .                                                                             47504                1 oz.
           2%" 1.D.—Pair                                                                                              45019                1 oz
           3" 1.D.—Pair                                                                                               45015                10z
           3%2" 1.D.—Pair                                                                                             45016                1 oz.

         BOLT PACKS
           12   Header Bolts %~16x%" and 6 Collector Bolts and Nuts %—16x1"                              >            45005               12 oz.
           16   Header Bolts %—16x%" and 6 Collector Bolts and Nuts %—16x1"                                           45006               15 oz:
           12   Header Bolts 5/16—16x%" and 6 Collector Bolts and Nuts %—16x1"                                        45007               12 0z.
           28   Header Bolts %—16x%" and 6 Collector Bolts and Nuts %—16xt"                                           45008               28 oz.
            6   Collector Bolts and Nuts %—16x1"                                                                      450098               6 oz.
           16   Header Bolts %—16x1" and 6 Collector Bolts and Nuts %¥—16x1"                                          45012               15 oz.

         ACCESSORY, MOUNTING BRACKET                                                           .
            Air Conditioning Bracket for Right or Left      Side of Small Block—Type Chevy Engine,
                (Bracket & 2 Bolts)                                                                                   45422               12 0z.
            Alternator       or Generator Bracket for Right (Passenger) Side of Small Block—Type Chevy
               Engine.       (Bracket & 2 Bolts)                                                                      45302}              12 oz.
            Alternator        or Generator Bracket for Left (Driver) Side of Small Block—Type Chevy
              Engine.        (Bracket & 2 Bolts)                                                                      45402}              12 oz.

    t This Part Number supplied with Headers as necessary.

Cragar Products are used and recommended by many of the record holding racers of the
following associations:

               CRAGAR INDUSTRIES INC. 19007 South Reyes Avenue, Compton, California 90221   (213) 639—6211

Form 15003—1                  *            copyright © 1974 CragarIndustries, Inc.                     Printed in U.S.A.

                                             APPENULA C

                                                                                 INDUSTRIES INC.
                                                                        ramk ®
                                                                                 post orEice sox sere
                                                                                 19007 5. REYES AVENUE
                                                                                 COMPTON, CALIF, 90224

.CRAGAR HEADERS # 45560 s.c.              1975—76 Chevy Pickup                           (213) esg—6211
                                          with Catalytic Converter


   You will find Cragar Headers to be of the best enginsered ‘exhaust units
   on the market.             Their efficient "free flow" design and simplified bolt—
   on installation results from the latest information available to engi—
   neers and racers who demand maximum performance from an exhaust system.

   IMPORTANT NOTE:              Because of the limited amount of room in most of the
   engine compartments of today‘s automobiles, a few space problems may
   bécome evident, forcing header units very close to engine and chasis
   components.             This is quite normal on most applications.

   PREPARATION:             Your car must be raised at least 24 inches for installing
   the headers.              Cragar recommends the use of a h01st or similar type lift—
   ing device.              DO NOT USE BUMPER JACKS.

   NOTE:              On 4 x 4 trucks ~— the spring shakle bolts at the rear of front
   springs must be installed with head of bolt to inside of spring.


. ‘Left Side
           1.           Disconnect battery cable to avolild damage to the truck‘s electrical
           2.           Unbolt stock head pipe, cross over pipe and disconnect at muffler
                        and remove from truck.
           3.           Remove oil filter, clutch linkage, dip stick tube, spark plugs,
                        stock exhaust manifold. (On earlier models remove alteérnator or
       — ow +

                        Starting from below, work header through chassis and into position.
                        Place gasket in position and start bolts (most restricted first).
                        Tighten all bolts (most restricted first).
                        Replace oil filter, clutch linkage, dip stick tube and spark plugs.

   Right Slde
                 .      Remove stock exhaust manifold, spark plugs and—starter.

                 .&     Starting from below, work header through chassis and into position.
                        Start front bolt only. ,
                        Replace starter.

                        Remove front bolt, place gasket 1n+o position and start all bolts.
                        (Most restricted first).
                        Tighten all bolts. (Most restricted" first).

                        Replace spark plugs.
                        Attach the left side head pipe section to the converter using
                        the existing clamps.  Connect the other end to the header using
                        the bolts and gasket provided.
                        Install the right side pipe to the left side pipe using the clamps

                        supplied and bolt to header with gasket and bolts provided.


                                 APPENDIX C {Cont‘d.)

CRAGAR HEADERS #45560 S.C. 1975—76 Chevy Pickup
                             with Catalytic Converter

     9.   Using the tubing supplied, make the air injector pump con—
          nection, if vehicle is so equipped, using the hose clamps
           supplied.   The existing tubing must be cut off in the straight
           section running parallel to the oil pan.

           Connect battery cable, start the engifie and check for leaks.
           After several hours of running time, retighten all header bolts.

           Air conditioning mounting bracket is necessary, #45422 for
           right and left side.
           Illustration to help. reconnect power steering pump bracket.
           If alternator bolts to end of exhaust manifold use Chevy Part
           No. 3825461 bracket and 3825451 spacer which will bolt to bracket
          ° provided with your headers.

If you have a comment regarding Cragar Headers or their installation,
let us know!                                  .

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:06
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:06

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