Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on November 4, 2010.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
Generation Series Model 12 and M1960-2010 model year passenger cars and light-duty trucks with gasoline or diesel engines, and 1960-2009 model year medium-duty trucks with gasoline or diesel engines and light/medium/heavy heavy-duty on-road diesel engines up to 20.0 liters.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-681
  • Executive Order 681 / D681
  • ARB # D-681
  • Executive Order No: D-681
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-681
  • Resolution D-681
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-681 PDF

D-681 Document:


                                      State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                               EXECUTIVE ORDER D—681

                              Relating to Exemptions under
                           Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

                                   Go Go Green World, Inc.
                                      Generation Series

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and 39516 of the
Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That installation of the Generation Series (Models —
12 and 22) hydrogen generator device, manufactured by Go Go Green World, Inc.
(23100 S. Kasson Road, Tracy, CA 95304), has been found not to reduce the
effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control systems, and therefore, the
Generation Series is exempt from the prohibitions in Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code
for installation on 1960—2010 model year passenger cars and light—duty trucks with
gasoline or diesel engines and 1960—2009 model year medium—duty trucks with gasoline
or diesel! engines and light/medium/heavy heavy—duty on—road diesel engines up to 20.0

The Generation Series device consists of either a 1—liter (Model 12) or 2—liter (Model 22)
stainless steel water reservoir, various electrical components, electrical wiring and
connectors, stainless steel braided hose, and a Teflon supply hose for the hydrogen

This Executive Order is based on emission test results using Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal
Test Procedure test, Supplemental Federal Test Procedure test, and On—Board
Diagnostic II System test for the passenger cars and light—duty trucks and on emission
test results using Heavy—Duty Federal Test Procedure (FTP) Transient Cycie test and
Euro III European Stationary Cycle (ESC) test for the light/medium/heavy heavy—duty
diesel engines submitted by Go Go Green World, Inc. with the Generation Series

If evidence provides the Air Resources Board with reasons to suspect that the
Generation Series device will affect the durability of the emission control system, Go Go
Green World, Inc. shall be required to submit durability data to show that the durability
of the vehicle emission control system is not, in fact, affected and/or that the add—on or
modified parts demonstrate adequate durability.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for the Generation
Series device do not recommend tuning the vehicles to specifications different from
those of the vehicle manufacturer. Changes made to the design or operating conditions
of the Generation Series device, as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which
adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s emission control system, shall
invalidate this Executive Order.


Marketing of the Generation Series device using identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or for an application otherthan that listed in this Executive Order
shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

Exemption of the Generation Series device shall not be construed as exemption to sell,
offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order shall not apply to any Generation Series device advertised,
offered for sale, sold with, or installed on a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with
transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the
Generation Series device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the
vehicle manufacturer.

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board," may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written

In addition to the foregoing, the Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future to
review this Executive Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that the
exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the standards and procedures of
California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 2222, et seq.


Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this Executive
Order. The Executive Order may be revoked only after a ten day written notice of
intention to revoke the Executive Order, in which period the holder of the Executive
Order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing
is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request, and the Executive
Order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the hearing that grounds
for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this     _" 2    day of November 2010.

                                         Annette Hebert, Chief
                                         Mobile Source Operations Divisio


                                      EVALUATION SUMMARY

Manufacturer Name: Go Go Green World, Inc.

Name of Device: Generation Series

        Go Go Green World, Inc. of 23100 S. Kasson Road, Tracy, CA 95304 has applied for
exemption from the prohibitions in Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code for its
Generation Series device. The device is designed for use on 1960—2010 model year passenger
cars and light—duty trucks with gasoline or diesel engines and 1960—2009 model year medium—
duty trucks with gasoline or diesel engines and light/medium/heavy heavy—duty on—road diesel
engines up to 20.0 liters.

       Grant exemption to Go Go Green World, Inc. as requested and issue Executive Order

Device Description:
        The Generation Series device produces hydrogen through an electrolysis process by
supplying electricity from the vehicle‘s battery to stainless stee! metal plates submerged in
reservoirs containing distilled water and an activator (sodium hydroxide). The device consists of
either a 1—liter (Model 12) or 2—liter (Model 22) stainless steel water reservoir (which contain the
stainless steel anode and cathode metal plates), various electrical components, electrical wiring
and connectors, stainless steel braided hose, and a Teflon supply hose for the hydrogen gas.

Discussion/Basis for the Recommendation:
        This exemption is based on: FTP, SFTP, and OBD It System tests conducted on a 2010
model year 1.8 liter Honda Civic LX sedan LEV I!I ULEV and a 2009 model year 3.6 liter Cadillac
CTS LEV II LEV for the passenger cars / light—duty trucks category. FTP transient cycle test on
a 2004 MY Cummins ISM 10.8 liter diesel engine, and FTP transient cycle and Euro IIl ESC
13—mode steady—state tests on a 2007 MY Detroit Diesel Series 60 14.0 liter diesel engine for
the light/medium/heavy heavy—duty diesel engine category. Testing was conducted on these
vehicles and engines modified with the Generation Series device to evaluate the impact on
emissions. Results are shown below:

FTP, SFTP, and OBD lI System tests on a 2010 MY 1.8 liter Honda Civic LX sedan

                                     FTP Emissions (grams/mile)
                             NMOG        CO          NOx .
     Test Results #1         0.025      0.370       0.005
     Test Results #2         0.023      0.298       0.003
   Average Test Results      0.024      0.334        0.004

   Ave’aa‘fsg’f(sgfiesu'ts    0.029        0.4        0.01
      50K Standards          0.040        1.7        0.05
         Pass/Fail           Pass        Pass        Pass

   A"e"fi’fi ggztgfsu'ts       0.037        0.4        0.03
      120K Standards         0.055        2.1        0.07
         Pass/Fail           Pass        Pass        Pass

                                                                                    SFTP Emissions (grams/mile)
                                                                                    NMHC+NOx            CO
       Test Results                                                                     0.01            0.1
      4K Standards                                                                      0.14            8.0
         Pass/Fail                                                                      Pass           Pass

                                                                   OBD 1 System Results
                                                       Readiness Indicator              Trouble Code      MIL

            At vehicle receipt                            All complete                     PO45S5         Off
                       .    .                    All complete except evaporative
           After 177 mile drive                              system                        PO847          Off
 After Generation Series device FTP and
               SFTP tests                                 All complete                     PO8B47         Off

Notes: 1. DTC PO455 is for EVAP System Large Leak Detected
        2. DTC PO847 is for Short in Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch B Circuit

FTP, SFTP, and OBD II System tests on a 2009 MY 3.6 liter Cadillac CTS

                                          FTP Emissions (grams/mile)                SFTP Emissions (grams/mile)
                                 NMOG         CO          NOx                       NMHC+NOx           CO
     Test Results #1              0.023      0.365        0.009
     Test Results #2              0.036      0.464       0.032
  Average Test Results            0.030      0.415       0.021
  Average Test Results
       w/50K DF                   0.035        0.5        0.03
      50K Standards               0.075        3.4        0.05
         Pass/Fail                Pass        Pass        Pass

  Average Test Results
      w/150K DF                   0.043        0.7        0.04
     150K Standards               0.090        4.2        0.07
         Pass/Fail                Pass        Pass        Pass

       Test Results                                                                     0.06            0.6
      4K Standards                                                                      0.14            8.0
         Pass/Fail                                                                      Pass           Pass

                                                                   OBD I! System Results
                                                       Readiness Indicator              Trouble Code      MIL

            At vehicle receipt                            All complete                     None           Off
           After 108 mile drive                  All complete except evaporative           None           off
 After Generation Series device FTP and          Alil complete except evaporative
                                                                                           None           Off
               SFTP tests                                     system

Notes: 1. The testing laboratory contacted GM Proving Grounds personnel and were told that the fuel
tank is required to have over 50% of fuel and then conduct additional drive sequences to set the
evaporative system to complete. The laboratory stated that after they drain the fuel tank they only refill
40% of the fuel for mileage accumulation and then redrain before preconditioning. Based on the
procedure used by the laboratory to replace fuel in the fuel tank, staff feels that all indicators witl
eventually set to complete with additional drive sequences.

                                 Hot—Start FTP Transient Cycie Emission Test
                                2004 MY Cummins ISM 10.8 liter Diesel Engine
                                      Engine Family 4CEXHOS61MAT

                                                              FTP Transient Cycle Emissions (grams/bhp—hr)
                                                 NMHC             NOx         NMHC+NOx            CO          PM
          FTP Emission Standards                  0.5                             2.4             15.5        0.10
  Test Results w/Generation Series device
                   Installed                      0.1             2.3             24              0.6         0.02
                   Pass/Fail                      Pass                            Pass            Pass        Pass

                               Hot/Cold—Start FTP Transient Cycle Emission Test
                       2007 MY Detroit Diesel Series 60 14.0 liter Diesel Engine
                                           Engine Family 7DDXH14.O0ELY

                                                 FTP Transient Cycle Emissions (grams/bhp—hr)
                                   NMHC                 NOx             NMHC+NOx           CO                 PM
FTP Emission Standards              0.14                116                 1.3            15.5              0.01
 FTP Two Test Average
  w/Generation Series              0.021                0.563                             0.005              0.002
    device Installed
 FTP resultswith DF and             0.06                0.59               0.65            0.02              0.005
       Pass/Fail                    Pass                Pass               Pass            Pass              Pass

Notes: 1. Deterioration factors (DF) are either multiplicative or additive.
       2. Upward adjustment factors (UAF) are all additive.

                               Euro III ESC 13—Mode Steady—State Emission Test
                       2007 MY Detroit Diesel Series 60 14.0 liter Diesel Engine
                                   Engine Family 7DDXH14.0ELY

                                                        Euro III ESC Emissions (grams/bhp—hr)
                                  NMHC              _NOx                NMHC+NOx           CO >               PM
ESC Emission Standards             0.14                 116                1.3             15.5               0.01
   ESC Test Results
  w/Generation Series              0.021            0.395                                 0.205              0.0078
    device Installed
ESC resultswith DF and             0.04                 0.40              0.44            0.25               0.009
       Pass/Fail                   Pass             Pass                  Pass            Pass               Pass

Notes: 1. Deterioration factors (DF) are either multiplicative or additive.
        2. Upward adjustment factors (UAF) are all additive.
        3. Testing laboratory for all above tests — California Environmental Engineering in Santa
        Ana, California

FTP and SFTP exhaust emission results for the 2010 Honda and 2009 Cadiilac showed that the
modified vehicles meet the exhaust emission standards. Testing also showed that the
modification does not have any adverse impact on the vehicle‘s OBD II System. All exhaust
emission test results for FTP transient cycle testing on the 1998 Cummins ISM engine showed

that the modified engine met the exhaust emission standards. All exhaust emission test results
for FTP transient cycle testing and EURO III ESC emission testing, with the deterioration factors
and upward adjustment factors included, on the 2007 Detroit Diesel Series 60 engine showed
that the modified engine met the exhaust emission standards. Similar results are expected
when Go Go Green World, Inc.‘s Generation Series device is used on the 1960—2010 model
year passenger cars and light—duty trucks with gasoline or diesel engines and 1960—2009 model
year medium—duty trucks with gasoline or diesel engines and light/medium/heavy heavy—duty
on—road diesel engines stated in this application.

Document Created: 2010-11-05 14:06:50
Document Modified: 2010-11-05 14:06:50

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