Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on September 20, 1979.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification
440-11979 and older HD vehicles with Chrysler 440 CID engines and M-400 or M-500 chassisKit includes turbocharger, exhaust manifold, water injection system, modified distributor, crossover pipe, and replacement muffler. Install 0.1 inch (primary) and 0.148 inch (secondary) jets on carburetor. Ignition timing set to 12-14 degrees before top dead center.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-90
  • Executive Order 90 / D90
  • ARB # D-90
  • Executive Order No: D-90
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-90
  • Resolution D-90
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-90 Document:


                                                              (Page 1 of 2)

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—90
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                             RV TURBO, INC.
                "RV TURBOCHARGER SYSTEM MODEL NO. 440—1"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—4§—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:    That the installation of the "RV Turbo—
charger System Mode] 440—1" manufactured by RV Turbo, Inc., 16810
Barker Springs Road, Houston, TX 79707 has been found to not reduce
the effectiveness of required motor vehicle poliution control devices
and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code for 1979 and older heavy duty vehicles equipped with
the Chrysler 440 CID engine and M—400 or M—500 chassis.

 "RV Turbocharger System Mode] No. 440—1" kits sold, advertised, or
offered for sale in California must contain 0.100" primary carburetor
jets, 0.143" secondary carburetor jets, and water 1nJect1on pressure
‘switches calibrated to inject water beg1nn1ng at 0—0.5 psig of
compressor. outlet pressure.      —

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s polilution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of
a kit shall not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale or
advertise any component of a kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

RV TURBO, INC.                                     EXECUTIVE ORDER D—90
                                                        (Page 2 of 2)


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, excep‘t in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unjless
     that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
     sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device.   Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent viclation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of Ca11forn1a for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executed at El Monte, California, this
                                   Wgeptembem 1979.

                                    D Drachand,Act1ng Chief
                                    Mob11e Source Control Division

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              August, 1979

                              Staff Report

                     Evaluation of RV Turbo, Inc.
             "RV Turbocharger System Model No. 440—1" for
        Exemption from the Prohibitions of Section 27156 of the
                             Vehicle Code


RY Turbo Inc. of 16810 Barker Springs Road, Houston, TX 79707 has sub—

mitted an application to exempt its "RV Turbocharger System Model No.

440—1" turbocharger kit from the‘prohibitions of Section 27156 of the

vehicle code.    The kit is designed for installation on 1979 and older

heavy duty vehicles up to 14500 1b GVW equipped with Chrysler Corp.

440—3, Y¥—8 engines and M—400 or M—500 chassis.

System Description

The purpose of the turbocharger kitbis to increase the volumetric

efficiency of an engine by increasing the air/fuel charge density in

the cylinders.    This is accomplished by using a compressor to super—

charge the intake manifold.    The compressor is driven by a turbine on

a common shaft which is, in turn, driven by the heat and pressure of

the engine exhaust.    Maximum positive manifold pressure is limited to

7 psig by the size of the compressor inlet.      No wastegate or other

active boost limiting device is used.

The major components of the RV Turbo kit are a carburetor—to—manifold

adapter box, Rayjay turbocharger, modified distributor, exhaust manifold,

crossover pipe, replacement muffler and water injection unit.    These

parts are packaged with installation hardware and instructions to be

sold as a kit.

The adapter box is mounted on the intake manifold under the carburetor.

The turbocharger mounts on the right side of the engine on the replace—

ment exhaust manifold..   <A crossover pipe routes exhaust from the left

cylinder bank to join the right bank exhaust before it enters the


Water injection is employed to limit detonation during boost.     Water

is supplied from the motorhome main tank to a solenoid valve.     The

solenoid is activated by a signal from a pressure sensor located on

the adapter box at the compressor outlet.    When the solenoid valve

opens, water is pumped by motorhome water system pump pressure to a

metering orifice in the adapter box on the compressor inlet side.

The original carburetor, a 4V Carter Thermo—Quad, is retained, but a

number of modifications are made to adapt it to the turbocharger

system.    ‘The major changes are the replacement of primary and secondary

jets, removal of the metering rod spring to convert rod movement to

mechanical—only operation, alteration of the accelerator pump to

convert it from two stage to one stage operation, and recalibration

of the secondary air valve tension spring to delay the valve openfng.

Other alterations can be found in the turbocharger installation

instructions in Appendix I.

Test Vehicle

The test vehicle is a Winnebago "Brave" motorhome (VIN 10F45K153461)

equipped with a 440 CID heavy duty Chrysler engine and automatic trans—

mission.   The gross vehicle weight rating is 12,000 Tbs and the curb

weight, as tested, was 9960 ibs.   The road load horsepower (RLHP) used

in the testing was 40 horsepower at 50 mph based on road testing.

Frontal area of the vehicle was 75 square feet.   The vehicle speedometer

reads 48.5 mph at 50 mph true speed.   Odometer mileage was 2064 at the

beginning of testing.

Test Description

Emission testing consisted solely of back—to—back steady states at

the 50 mph road load horsepower (RLHP) and multiples of RLHP.     This

horsepower was determined by taking the average manifold vacuum and

engine rpm on a level track in both directions at 50 mph and duplicating

the vacuum and rpm on a dynamometer while measuring horsepower.     The

test plan is given in Appendix III.

A bench test was performed on the OEM and the modified distributor

to determine what changes are made to stock timing specifications.

Time trials were conducted to give an estimate of the turbocharger

system‘s effect on acceleration runs.

Test Results

Emfssion results of the baseline test and initial device test #1 are

given in Appendix III, along with compressor and turbine temperature

and pressure measurements.     Unfortunately, the device test results

were rejected because they indicated some type of carburetor malfunction

causing excessive enrichment of the fuel/air mixture.     This is seen in

Appendix III emission results which show low device NOx results and

high CO compared to the baseline; just the opposite of what would normally

be expected.     Table III calculations of air/fuel ratio bear out overall

richer operation of the turbocharger system.

The carburetor was disassembled, checked and cleaned, but no overt

evidence of malfunction was found.     It is most probable that a piece

of dirt was inadvertently introduced during the applicant‘s carburetor

modifications to cause the enrichment.

A retest was conducted after the applicant was satisfied that the

carburetor was operating normally.     The air, fuel, and most temperature

and pressure measurements were deleted because of testing schedule

conflicts.     The results of the retest (device test #2) compared to the

original baseline are given in Table 1.

                                                 Table 1 — Raw Exhaust Concentrations

                            HC, ppm                           CO, %                        NOx, ppm          Manifold Vacuum, in. Hg
   Mode              base              turbo           base           turbo         base          turbo          base     turbo

RLHP—idle       207               115             0.26            0.42          121              121             16.0     17.0
     20 mph      52                35             0. 36           0.20         1158              355             17.0     14.0
     40   mph    35                    9          0. 64           0.10         1158              468             12.5      9.0
     50   mph    35                    9          0.93            0.10         1587             1074             10.5      7.0
     55   mph    —                     9           ~              0.10          —               1620              —        6.0
     60   mph    70                    9          2.39            0.10         1458             2084              9.0      5.0

2XRL—idle       160               115             0.20            0.42           80              100             16.5     17.0
     20 mph      52                26             0.82            0.47         1158              183             16.5     14.0
     40   mph   43                     9          0.93            0.10         1554             1130             10.0      5.0
     50   mph   43                     9          2.60            0.10         1620             2494              5.5      1.0
     55   mph   61 {WOT)              26          8.39 (WOT)      1.56          858 (WOT)       2494              0.5      0.2*
     60   mph   —                     52           ~              5.90          —                204              —        3.4*

3XRL—idle       151               133             0.26            0.42          141              100             16.5     17.0
     20 mph      61                52             1.06            0.20          911              355             17.5     14.0
     40 mph      35                17             1.43            0.10         1755             2008             10.5      1.5
     50 mph     142                   26         15.74            5.90          121              240              3.5      3.0*
     55 mph      —                    79           ~=             6.22          —                225              —        4. 4*
     58 mph      —                    26 (WOT)     ~              0.10 (WOT)    —               1721 (WOT)        —        7.0*

*Positive pressure, psig

Table two contains the results of the bench test on the OEM and modified

distributors.    All data is in distributor RPM and degrees.     Idle

distributor RPM is 300.

                     Table 2 — Distributor Bench Tests

      Centrifugal Advance                            Vacuum Advance
RPM     OEM {deg)    MOD_{deg)          ~   VAG(in Hg)   OEM (deg)      MOD {(deg)

 100       0            0                        0           0              0
 200       0            0                        3           0              0
 300       0            0                        6           3              0
 400       0           +0.5                      9           5              3
 500       0           +5.0                     12           7              7
 600      +1.0         +6.0                     15           9             10
 700      +2.5         +6.0                     18          10             10
 800      +3.5         +6.5                     20          10             10
 900      +4.0         +6.5
1000      +4.5         +6.5
1100      +5.0         +6.5
1200      +5.0         +6.5
1300      +6.5         +6.5
1400      +7.0         +6.5
1500      +7.5         +6.5
1600      +8.0         +6.5
1700      +9.0         +6.5
1800      +9.5         +6.5
1990      +9.8         +6.5
2000     +10.0         +6.5

Device installation instructions specify a basic timing setting of 12°—14°

BTDC compared to 8° BTDC for the OEM specification.

Table 3 presents the average acceleration times in various modes.

Overall driveability was not adversely affected by the turbocharger


                     Table 3 — Acceleration Times

                                         Acceleration Time, sec
Acceleration Mode, mph                   BaselineTurbocharged
        0—20                                4.6         5.2

        0—30                                7.5          7.6

        0—40                                11.7        11.3

        0—50                               20.0         16.1

        0—60                                28.7        23.3


During an interim run between the first and second set of device

emission tests to check carburetor function, it became apparent

that the test vehicle was emitting very high levels of NOx at the

higher speeds and loads.   The applicant‘s representatives decided

at that point to change carburetor jetting to enrichen the air/fuel

mixture to provide cylinder cooling for NOx reduction, and supply a

separate California version of their kit to contain 0.100" primary

jets instead of 0.098", and 0.143" secondaries instead of 0.133".
Stock jets are 0.098" and 0.125" respectively.

The data in Table 1 demonstrates that the jet changes serve to eliminate

a large part of the NOx problem.    Most of the remaining points where the

turbocharger NOx levels exceed the baseline can be eliminated by an

earlier water injection cut—in.    Water injection began at 1.3—1.5 psig

in these tests accompanied by substantial reduction in NOx.    The

applicant has agreed to recalibrate the pressure switch activating the

water injection solenoid to supply water at 0—0.5 psig in California kits.

HC and CO emissions for the turbocharged test are lower than for the

baseline.     High baseline CO at higher loads and speeds and a reduction

in NOx in the same modes indicate carburetor power circuit operation

(staged metering rods).     The carburetor power circuit is curtailed in

the turbocharged configuration by removal of the primary metering rod

Tift spring.

Maximum boost encountered during testing was 7 psig at the highest speed

and load tested.     This point was 58 mph at WOT at 3XRL horsepower.     The

baseline vehicle could not attain this point.     The increase in horsepower

is also shown by the comparison of 0—50 and 0O—60 mph acceleration trials

in Table 3.

R.Y. Turbo has incorporated a warranty statement in their kit to cover

the 5 year/50,000 mile emission warranted parts in the event that the

original vehicle manufacturer can prove that a part failure is due to

turbocharging.     A copy of the warranty and warranted parts list is presented

in Appendix IV.


The RY Turbo system has demonstrated that it will have no significant

adverse effect on emissions when the California version is installed

in accordance with the manufacturer‘s instructions.     Timed runs show

approximately a 20% decrease in 0—50 and 0—60 mph acceleration time.


The staff recommends that the Board exempt the RV Turbo, Inc.., "Turbo—

charger System Model No. 440—1" from the prohibitions of VC Section

27156 for 1979 and older heavy duty vehicies equipped with the Chrysler

440—3 engine and M—400 or M—500 Dodge Chassis, with the stipulation

that kits sold for use in California be equipped with 0.100" primary

and 0.143" secondary jets and water injection system calibrated to

open at 0—0.5 psig.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:39:56
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:39:56

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