Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on January 28, 1981.
As of Friday, March 14th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1980 and older vehicles, EXCEPT those with closed-loop feedback fuel system

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-108
  • Executive Order 108 / D108
  • ARB # D-108
  • Executive Order No: D-108
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-108
  • Resolution D-108
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-108 PDF

D-108 Document:


                                                               (Page 1 of 2)

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                   0—      EXECUTIVE orper D—108
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                             THE MILEAGE CLINIC
                        THE BUBBLIZER VAPOR INJECTOR

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515
and 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:     That the installation of the Bubblizer         &
Vapor Injector manufactured by The Mileage Clinic of Clearlake Highlands
California has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required
motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from
the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for installation
on 1980 and older vehicles without closed loop feedback fuel systems.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device,; as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
gfda vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in    this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained    from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of a
kit shall not be construed    as an exemption to sell, offer for sale or
advertise any component of    a kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed
or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

THE MILEAGE CLINICG                                   EXECUTIVE. ORDER D—108
THE BUBBLIZER VAPOR INJECTOR                                (Page 2 of 2)


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.       .

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

    _"43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, excéept in an application to the state board for
    * certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
      pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
      that device has been certified by the state board. No person shall
      sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
     pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
     not a certified device.     Any violation of this subdivision is a
     misdemeanor."       j                     .

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to. the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable..

Executed at E1 Monte, California, this     zzé;th:day of January, 1981.

                                       /(/‘a£> A:;IU-LQLCmegznng u)
                                       K. D. .Drachand, Chief     4
                                       Mobile Source Control Division

                           State of California
 +                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              Staff— Report

Evaluation of Bubblizer Vapor Injecter System in Accordance with
Section 2222, Title 13 of the California Administration Code


      The Mileage Clinic Inc., P. 0. Box 672 Clearlake Highlands,

California has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions of

Section 27156 of the California Vehicie Code for an add—on device

known as the "Bubblizer Vapor Injection System."


      The Bubblizer is a water vapor injection device.   It is designed

to allow a predetermined amount of air to pass through an air diffuser

which is located near the bottom of a water container.   The diffuser is

said to produce many small air bubbles enabling more vapor to be mixed

with the air.   The vapor is then drawn into the carburetor and intake

manifold through check vaives and connecting tubings.    The applicant

intends to market the device through franchised and trained dealer


      The original applicatfon for exemption includes installation

instructions for four distinct configurations; they were later simplified

to include only two.   One configuration involves tapping the secondary air

system of the engine and blowing the vapor into the carburetor through

a hole in the air filter housing.   This configuration was later mddified
to include installations using an optional electric air pump where it

is not practical to tap the secondary air system.   The remaining configuration

involves combined intake manifold and carburetor venturi port bleeds.

The water vapor is introduced into the engine through the distributor

vacuum line which controls the spark advance.      Figures A through C

depict the installations.


     The following claims were made by the applicant.

          1.   Adds octane

          2.   Stops octane related preignition/detonation

          3.   Increases power

          4.   Reduces carbon

          5.    Increases plug life

          6.   Increases

          7.   Reduces emissions      >

     The staff assumes that item 1 really means "reduces octane requirement".

The applicant has agreed to delete claims of "reduces emissions".


     The applicant has submitted data indicating that the installation

of the device which draws air from the AIR system does not adversely affect

the air pump discharge pressure.      Total spark— advance data obtained from

a 1974 Ford Courier was also submitted.      The data indicated that the
installation of the Bubblizer caused the total spark timing to be retarded

by up to 4 degrees.   Since the timing of ignition affects the combustion

process in the engine cylinder which in turn affects emissions, it was

determined that the device would be subjected to cold start emissions

tests on the combined manifold and venturi port bleed configuration.

        Subsequently the applicant submitted emissions test data generated

by the Automobile Club of Southern California.              These were CVS—75 tests

conducted upon a 1978 Datsun pickup truck belonging to the Auto Club.

The vehicle was subjected to two baseline tests (one before and one after

tune—up). prior to installation of the Bubblizer.

        The total spark advance was checked before and after the installation

of the Bubblizer.    With the device instaliled the spark was retarded by 4°, confirming<—the condition found in the 1974 Courier.                The maximum
retardation was recorded at 3000 RPM.:          The test data on the Datsun are

summarized be]ow??

                              CVS—75 Emissions
                             1978 Datsun Pickup
                                   40,337 Miles
Test                        HC           CO           NOx          Fuel Economy
Condition                   g/mi         g/mi         g/mi              MPG

Baseline 1 (before
  tune—up).                 1.76         8.89         1.42              20.6
Baseline 2 (after
     tune—up)               1.24         7.38         1.89              21.0

w/Bubblizer                 1.25         7.54          .93              19.7

Change from Baseline      +0.8%        +2.2%        —53.0%              —6.2%

       The percent changes in hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emission

are considered to be within the limits of laboratory test variability.


       The staff finds that the Bubblizer does not have an adverse effect
upon the emisston control system and recommends that Executive Order No.

D—108 be adopted.

                                                                                        Figure A

                                                .,i%                                    Vapor injection upstream of
                                                                                        the carburetor using AIR system
                                                    s &

    C                                           §OF
                                                 A_S 0
        , VAPOR INDUCTION SYSTEMTY                           pos office Sox 672 ® Clearlake Highlands CA 95422 e (707) 994—8810
                             INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS

                                                                                                          ® 1980 The Mileage Clinic. All rights reserved.

                     sacurine suppaesson
                     vauve               .
                     (Gu® vacy

                                                                                                                       y (arieonraeetoracedieie
                                                                                                                               AIR SUPPLY HOSE
                                                                                             . Install water tank as previously explained.
                                                                                               Locate air pump output hose. Drill 13/64" hole
                     CHECK VALVE
                                                                                       into one side of this hose, as close to pump as
                     PEESSURE RELIEF
                     vatve                                                             convenient. insert tubing provided (Fig. A). Caretully
                               an puse                                                  route tubing to air diffuser tube‘in water tank. NOTE:
                                                                                       For this instaliation, tet tubing to diffuser extend six to
                             FAN AR FILTER
                                                                                       ten inches.
                                    SrvE seLT
                                                                                              Connect air pump to diffuser tube via check
                                                                                       valve. Air flow goes toward water tank (Fig. B). Remove
                                                                                       air cleaner top and drill 15/18" hole in it as close to
                                    An early—model air injection system.               center as convenient (Fig. C). Insert tubing. Be careful
                                                                                       tubing daes not interfere with choke operation.
                                                                                       Carefully, route this tubing to water tank output.
                                                                                             Save valve in case you sell vehicle and want to
                       A, nere eithen one                                              have unit instalied on vehicle without air pump.

                                                                                       t\\“                   u.              DIVERTER

                                                                           AIR MANIFOLD     > —..—..—..
                                                                                                                                                Hnere A

                                                                           CHECK VALVE                                        AIR PUMP

             An externalfiller is used with air pumps                                    Alate—mode! air injection systern. it has
1. Some older cars.                                                        fewer parts than the earlier systems. (Ford)

                                                              ‘Figure B

                                                              Vapor injection through
                                                              PCV line or ported vacuum

    WAPOR MNDUCTIOM SYSTEMT* pou ofice Box 672 e Clearloke Highiands, CA 95422 s (707)994—8810

                                                                          COPYRIGHT 1880


        r’”""‘“‘j                                                    f’—j

                     ©           VACUUM
‘                                ADVANCE


'                        SECOND TEST

                          (           RADIATOR

tp}       @Q        OC)OO@O(\{/
                                                                                   Figure C
               +0     —     8,            o
  %y o f        8};       ' g,   &2           e %                                  Vapor injection through

  <p                   EO
                                               s &#                                PVC line and ported vacuum

          gfcluesifi—thc @0
          VAPOR INDUCTIORN SYSTEMT*                   pos oftice Box 672 e_ Clearioke Highlands, CA 95422 e (707) 994—8810

                          INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS
                                                                                               COPYRIGHT 1980

      .                                         ADVANCE

                                      L               RADIATOR

      3¢ cong @wagfiaem o
      P       °Da‘_fi:OoOn                a—o          0O

              VAPOR INDUCTION SYSTEMT* pos office Box 672 e Cleariake Highlands, CA 95422 e (707) 994—8810

                                          BUBBLIZER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS
                                               (Read completely before starting)

Pofore installation, be sure your vehicle is in good running order and you know your present
miles per gallon.

The Bubblizer can be installed in any convenient place in the engine compartment.  It should
not be installed too near the exhaust manifold or where anything would rub against the water
tank or tubing.  It can be mounted facing either side or facing the front of the vehicle.

Aftcr deciding on the best location, mark the appropriate place for the mounting screws.                        The
hanger rack may be bent as required.                     Punch a hole where your marks are,   careful not to make
too large a hole.           Mount the water tank with the sheet metal screws and washers provided.

ocate the P.C.V. hose and valve {manifold vacuum, (Fig. 1).   (Make sure P.C.V. hose and valve
aro   ; clogged.) Cut hose as close to carburetor as convenient and insert universal tee, pro—
vwi       *   as shown   (Fig.   2).      Trim off end of tee not used.       You may need to replace hose or use
ho.« clamps, if connection is not air tight.

Te Rubblizer comes with a smaller 3—way tee for use in a convenient venturi or ported vacuum
linc.         !isually, ported vacuum is the vacuum advance line, however, check to be sure.

Inutall the check valve in this hose with air flow toward the carburetor (Fig. 3).  Now, install
the smaller 3—way tee a few inches behind the check valve (Fig. 4).  Run a length of the tubing
provided        from this tee to the P.C.V.             tee.   Cut this tube in a convenient place and install the
control        valve exactly as shown             (Fig. 5).

Place Rubblizer tube into the top of the water tank.                      Then, pull the end of the tube out of the
top of the tank and install the air diffuser in the tube.                      Put the tube and air diffuser back
into the bottom of the water tank.                     Carefully, route the left over tubing from the water tank
to the control valve             (Fig.    5).     Fill the tank with water to the   full mark.   Close cap tightly.

Close valve and start engine.   Open valve very slowly and watch for the first sign of, bubbles
in the tank. ‘ This is where you leave the valve for your first test.  In all cases, with all
engines, start testing with the lowest amount of bubbles.   If the valve is opened too much, you
will see the sides of the water tank pull in and the water will churn violently.   This churning
will not produce as much vapor, and indicates the possibility of an overly lean mixture.    This
could cause a reduction in miles per gallon, which is the last thing you want.   Adjust the valve
to get the most bubbles, without churning.   If there is not an increase in mileage, try opening
the valve a little more.   If no bubbles appear, be sure cap is tight and there are no vacuum

    .e are three important differences in the Bubblizer and other vapor systems.. Although, the
water tank is made in the same mold as a radiator overflow tank, it is a different material and
imuch heavier.  Secondly, the air diffuser is made of tiny glass beads, fused together.  It is
npecially designed to prodhce more bubbles.                     The more bubbles bursting, Fhe more vapor.    Third,
 he unusual method of installation is designed to provide vapor undetr almost all driving con—


           P.C.V. hose is manifold vacuum, providing lots of vapor under low to medium load conditions.
       ported or venturi vacuum line provides extra vapor under higher load conditions. To gain
‘    'r under the higher load conditions, you generally tap into an existing ported or venturi
                 R          the    &   balg
                                   _ignition advance         curve _must _mest._the.—sp          1 Ed   maded   re—04 the—s0   rerol—eets
                                                                                                                                dumed  FR
          rat   Li~s...,
    fit    Aowice.   or. manufackurers.          smecificatkions 6      i.f no..    No      ieol        Loke) .    —PE—the—additrom—
                                  the.advance..cury          IhiG—CORRACELORN—NSE——Odnbhea—1>                     Smd         :  .
    Bubllioor—changes..                                  r                                        &     Himinated—or—the—dfstrtsu—
     a   mamemnd——ne—meehandread—4—mn
                            lc      m        5
                                                  4 ie       jado
                                                               he   £              4s    2     ism    ;

      ich creates an air leak.   Any air leak will keep the Bubblizer from working.  If there is no
        iceable power difference or mileage improvement and the system uses no water, there is un—
    doubt A4ly an air leak somewhere.  In very rare cases, a new port must be drilled in the carbure—
    tor or installation may be limited to the P.C.V. hose (or other centrally located manifold
    vacuum port) ONLY.

     The Mileage Clinic does not recommend installation by anyone other than a factory trained
     technician.  If you should install a unit yourself, there is no quarantee of any improvement.
    —If you bought a used Bubblizer, any Mileage Clinic Installation Center will install it for a
    rea   scnable    fee.

    The Bubblizer will help most cars by simply turning it on, however, if you desire maximum
    rosults,     here are some recommendations.

           1.   Check all spark plugs for cleanliness and proper gap setting.  Gap setting can be ad—
                vanced 5 to 10 percent wider than manufacturer‘s recommendations when using the
           2.   After installing the Bubblizer, check timing.                             Timing can, in most cases, be advanced
     ‘          without ping.   (CAUTION:  Check your state laws before advancing timing.)
      3.        Reset carburetor,   Bubblizer cars can usually run 10% leaner without loss of power or

    Refill the Bubblizer every time you get—gas.   Add a small amount of alcohol to the water in
    winter to prevent freezing,   Amount depends on temperature.  If water gets slushy, add more
    alcohul.   Denatured alcohol is available in most hardware and paint stores.

                                                                                           > Letisk
                                      _—peiEfiows PER RTTHC!


                            If your vehicle is not equiped with a factory
                            air pump, then,        use the optional                I2—volt air

                            pump in ifs place.               No check valve is neces—
     .                      sary.

             Na(     .x
           ue Coesticcass
        VAPOR INDUCTION SYSTEMT®» pos ofice Box 672 e Cleariake Highlands, CA 95422 e (707) 994—8810

                                                               January 3, 1981

Air Resources Board
9528 Telstar Avenue
EL Monte, CA.      91731

Attention: Mr. John Chao — Manager
Aftermarket Parts & Modification Evaluation Section

Dear Mr. Chao,

    Pursuant to your letter for "Documentation Purposes", I believe you have already
.eived the additional information you have requested.

     To reaffirm our phone conversation of 12—30—80, we are only interested in two
installation procedures.

     Per your letter of 12—23—80, Section 1, A.  An above carburetor pressure activated
system powered by the AIR system; and, D.  A combination of B + C above, there are changes
in the installation instructions to cover iqnition advance and the Bubblizer valve adjust—

     Since it is illegal to modify a vehicles ignition advance curve to achieve maximum
efficiency, we prefer to omit the references to increasing advance.  Any specific advance
(i.e., 3°), across the board, would not be in the consumers best interest and therefore
would be dishonest, in our opinion.

     I have enclosed the universal tee you mentioned.  If there is anything we have left
out or overlooked, please call immediately.  Thank you for your cooperation.


                                                               Jason Allen Rothchild


                                                                           (Page 1 of 2)

                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—109
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                        FREEDOM PRODUCTS, INC.
                           "AUTO JET HEATER"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515
and 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;
IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the "Auto Jet Heater"
device manufactured by Freedom Products, Inc., P. 0. Box 700, Freedom,
California 95019 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required
motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for use on any 1978 and
older model year gasoline powered motor vehicle equipped with 2 or 4 barrel
carburetor, excluding the following:

     1.   Motor vehicies eduipped with 3—way catalyst and/or;
     2.   Motor vehicies equipped with carburetors having sealed idle
          adjustment screw(s).                   +
This Executive Order is valid provided that installiation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of a
kit shall not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale or
advertise any component of a kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed
or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


FREEDOM PRODUCTS, INC.                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—109
"AUTO JET"HEATER®"                                      (Page of 2)

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows :

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless
     that device has been certified by the state board.   No person shall
    sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle
    pollution control device as a certified device which, in fact, is
    not a certified device. Any violation of this subdivision is a

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he
deems advisable.

Executed at El Monte, California, this 23)%1 day of February, 1981.

                                    BPob Caoma en
                                   K. D. Drachand, Chief
                                   Mobile Source Control Division

                           State of California
                           AIR RESQURCES BOARD

                              Staff Report

                            February 1, 1981

        Evaluation of the Freedom Products, —Inc. "Auto Jet Heater"
       Device for Compliance with the Requirements of Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code.


      Freedom Products, Inc., of P. 0. Box 700, Freedom, California 95019

has applied for exemption for an aftermarket device from the prohibitions

of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code.      The device, known as the "Auto Jet

Heater", is intended for use on any 1978 and older model year gasoline

powered motor vehicle équipped with 2 or 4 barrel carburetor, excluding

for the following:

      1.    Motor vehicles equipped with 3—way catalyst and/or;

      2.   Motor vehicles equipped with carburators having sealed idle

           adjustment screw(s).

      Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code prohibits the installation, sale

or advertisement of any device which alters the performance of the vehicle‘s

emission control system.   The Air Resources Board is empowered to exempt any

device from this p}ohibition if it can be shown that the installation of

the device will not. reduce the effectiveness of the existing emission

control system.

      The "Auto Jet Heater" consists of an elongated idle mixture needle,

a heating element inside an insulated metal housing which forms the body

of the device, and a wiring harness.      The longitudinal sectional view of

the device is shown in Figure 1.

     For 2 barrel carburetors, two needles and two heating elements are

used in conjunction with a single wiring harness.   For 4 barrel carburetors,

four needles and four heating elements are used in conjunction with a

single wiring harness.

     The elongated idle mixture needle has a threaded body (metric threads

for imported carburetors and standard threads for domestically manufactured

carburetors) which securely fits the carburetor and replaces the existing

idle adjustment screw.   The needle has a tapered tip.   When installed,

this tip is located inside the discharge port of the idle circuit.    The

other end of the needle is a projecting stud which is beveled for easy

connection with the electrical heating element.

     The heating element is enclosed inside a cylindrical metal housing.

The needle is secured to and becomes an integral part of the housing.

At the other end of the housing, there is a conventional snap—on terminal

for connection to the wiring harness which is lTinked to a 12 volt power

source through the ignition system in the vehicle‘s fuse box (see

Attachment A "Installation Instructions" for device installation).    When

the ignition switch is "ON", the heating element is energized thus heating

the needle of the "Auto Jet Heater".   When the ignition switch is "OFF",

the heating element is not energized and the heater is not functioning.

     The purported objective of the device is to heat the fuel that passes

through the idle discharge port.   This heated fuel when accelerated into

the main stream of the air/fuel mixture passing through the carburetor

causes the main stream of fuel to be vaporized but without overheating.


          The company presented the following technical data of the "Auto

    Jet Heater" device:     Each heating element will consume 2.5 amps of

    electricity from the vehicle‘s 12 volt battery during operation.        The

    heat conducted to the tip of the needle of the device will cause the

    tip to reach a maximum temperature of approximately 130°F.


          The applicant submitted test data on a 1963 Volkswagen.    The test

    was performed in February—1964.     Since the data is too old, it is not

    used for ARB‘s evaluation.

          The ARB 1aboratory'bench—tested the device.    The device was installed

    on a conventional 2 barrel carburetor.     The elongated idle mixture needles

    and heating elements were connected to the wiring harness and linked to

.   a 12 volt D.C. power supply as shown in Figure II.     Temperature at the

    tip of one needle is recorded at 10—second intervals.     The ARB‘s test

    results are as follows:

          1.   Initial temperature, also ambient temperature, was 70°F.

          2.   After 2 minutes of energizing the device, the tip

               temperature reached 100°F.

          3.   Thereafter, the tip temperature rose at a constant rate of

               5°F/minute until a maximum temperature of 120°F was reached.

          4.   Maximum temperature was attained after 6 minutes from start—up

               of the device.

          5.   The second needle‘s maximum tip temperature was 130°F in

               6 minutes.

.   A graphical interpretation is shown in Figure III.


‘            The ARB also made an engineering evaluation of the device.        The

        staff noted that:

             1.      Since after installation. the needles are adjusted to vehicle
                     manufacturer‘s recommended idle tune—up parameters, the

                     device will not affect the vehicle‘s emissions during idle;

             2.      During off idle operation modes (as in cruising, acceleration,

                     and deceleration)s; the idle circuit will not contribute

                     significantly to exhaust emissions;

             3.      The small portion of heated fuel that passes through the

                     idling port does not significantly raise the temperature of

                     the main body or volume of the air fuel mixture that passes

                     through the carburetor throat;

.   |        4.       The physical design of the tapered tipvof the elongated

                     idle mixture needle is similar to that of the original idle

                     adjustment screw in the vehicle‘s carburetor.


             Based on the above, the staff concluded that the installation of
        the "Auto Jet Heater" will not have adverse effect on vehicle exhaust

        emissions.     The staff recommends that Freedom Products, Inc. be granted

        an exemption from the prohibitions of the Vehicle Code Section 27156 for

        its "Auto Jet Heater" device for use on any 1978 and older model year

        gasoline powered motor vehicle equipped with 2 or 4 barrel carburetor,

        excluding 3—way catalyst and/or sealed idle adjustment screw equipped

        vehicles.     The staff, therefore, recommends that Executive Order D—109

        be adopted.

                          Figure I:   Longitudinal Sectional View of "Auto Jet Heater"

                          tapered needle tip
xiz rcza zinsl
w oo _1 & on /5 ty NJ —

                          idle mixture needle
                          projecting stud
                          heating element
                          metallic housing
                          snap—on electrical connector
                          insulating material
                          wiring harness
                          9 amp fuse and fuse holder

Figure II:   Bench Test Set—up
             (Auto Jet Heater)

    Needle tip temberature

                                 9 Amp

                    12 Volt



 The Auto Jet Heater, with the brass nsedle attached,                 repléces

 the existing carburetor idle adjustment screw.               The needle is

 scientifically perfect for most all american carburetors.                  Should

 the needle fail to mate with your carburetor,              return it to

Freedom Products,      Inc.,   P.   O.    Box 700,    Freedom, CA.,    95019,

 stating your carburetor type for a free replacement.

 Step 1:    Before taking out your carburetor‘s idle adjustment

 screw,    turn it all the way into its closed position, very

 carefully counting the turns and parts of turns to do so.                  It

 can then be taken out.

 Step 2.    Next,   screw the brass needle into the female end of

 the heater to approximately the length of the idle adjustment

screw you just took from your carburetor.               Now tighten jamS

nut firmly to heater barrel.             IMPORTANT:    GRIP BARREL ONLY


Step 3:     Heater unit can now be installed in carburetor,

after first placing the coil tension spring you took from the

idle screw onto the brass needle.             If you find the needle is

‘too long, either stretch the tension spring or trim the needle

at thread end.      Turn heater to full closed position, before

backing off the same number of turns and parts of turns

counted before you took out the idle screw.


Page 2


Step 4:     Heater is now ready to set.        With engine warmed up

and at idle with choke off,         adjust needle in until engine

nearly dies,    then back off slowly until engine barely smooths,


Note:     With two barrel carburetors, which require two Jet

Heaters,    it is best to install and set each heater in turn

before proceeding to next step.

Step é:     Hook up must be made through ignition circuit in

your car‘s fuse box,       so that heater operates only when key

is on and all the time the engine is running.             Most cars

have a spare spade fitting in the fuse box, which is located

under the dash.      If one is not available attach a brass

spade to the wire and fit under the metal end of a fuse.





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ATTACH .becau To AreA weAak.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:58
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:58

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