Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 26, 2009.
As of Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsRemarks
See PdfSee PdfThe Exhaust Headers are a shorty header design manufactured out of 14 gage mild steel tubing or 14 gage stainless tubing. The oxygen sensor is in the stock location at the collector and the stock connecting pipe is retained.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-167-32
  • Executive Order 167-32 / D167-32
  • ARB # D-167-32
  • Executive Order No: D-167-32
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-167-32
  • Resolution D-167-32
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-167-32 PDF

D-167-32 Document:


                                     State of California
                                AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—167—32

                        Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                   of the California Vehicle Code

                                      Hedman Hedders
                                      Exhaust Headers

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
 Vehicle Code; and

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516
 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Exhaust Headers,
 manufactured and marketed by Hedman Hedders, 12438 Putnam Street, Whlttler
 California 90602, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable
 vehicle pollution control systems and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of
 Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the following Ford vehicle applications listed in
 Exhibit A.

  The Exhaust Headers are a shorty header design manufactured out of 14 gage mild
  steel tubing or 14 gage stainless tubing. The oxygen sensor is in the stock location at
. the collector and the stock connecting pipe is retained.

 This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation lnstructlons for the Exhaust
 Headers will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those
 submitted by the device manufacturer.

 Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Exhaust Headers, as exempt
 by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the vehlcles
 pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.    ‘

 This Executive Order shall not apply to any Exhaust Headers advertised, offered for sale,
 sold with, or installed on a new motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
 ultimate purchaser.

 Marketing of the Exhaust Headers using any identification other than that shown in this
 Executive Order or marketing of the Exhaust Headers for an appllca’uon other than those
 listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from
 the Air Résources Board.

 This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the
 Exhaust Headers may have on any Warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle

  This Executive Order is granted based on submitted emission test data generated on a
  2007 model year 5.4L Ford F150, certified to the Low Emission Vehicle II Ultra Low
  Emission Vehicle (LEV II ULEV) emission standards and modified with the mild steel >
  Exhaust Headers. Test results showed that emission levels met the applicable emission


standards when tested using the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure (FTP) test
cycle and the Supplemental Federal Test Procedure test cycle. Examination of the
OBD II system showed the Exhaust Headers did not affect OBD 11 system operation.
Results from emissions testing conducted at Automotive Testing and Development
Services, Inc., located in Ontario, California, are shown below (in grams per mile with
deterioration factors applied).

    2007 F150                 CVS—75 FTP                     SFTP
                    NMOG      CO NOx HCHO            NMHC+NOx     CO
    Standards, UL    0.070    2.1   0.04 0.011        1.49 (composite) 13.2 (USO6)
   . Device Test     0.049    11    0.03 0.000        0.05               8.9

The Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order
and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part
continues to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of
Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written
communication.                                     |

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
The order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the
order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest
the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of
receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made
after the hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this Zé day of August 2009.

                                    /2 Rhoxf
                                    Annette Hebert, Chief
                                    Mobile Source Operations Division

                HEDMAN HEDDERS — EXHAUST HEADERS — D—167—32

                                                           Exhibit A

                                                         | STANDARb ClHTG .0 C —~ELITEL
~ MER[                                         ‘|‘ENGINE| — PAINTED . | ~CoATED | sTAiNLESS

FORD    MUSTANG                       99—02        3.8L. V6            88290   88296

FORD    MUSTANG                       99—02        |3.8L V6            88291   86291

        (Excluding 2007 model
        year Mustangs with engine
        test group 7FMXVO4.6VBB                .
FORD    list on tune—up label)        05—07        4.6L (3V)           88700   88706

       . 1)2 & 3/4 TON PICKUP, F—
         150, F—250, F—350 (Light                      .
FORD    Duty ONLY)                    97—04        |4.6L (2V)          89490   89496

        1/2 & 3/4 TON PICKUP, F—                                                  ~
        150, F—250, F—350 (Light               '
FORD    |Duty ONLY)                  :_88—97       |460 (7.5L          89510   89516

        F—150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD    |Duty)                        88—93        1460 (7.5L          89510   89516

——     <[1/2&—3/4 TON PICKUP, F—         —                              _
         150, F—250, F—350 (Light                            .
FORD     {Duty ONLY)                  88—97        1460 (7.5L          89511   86511

        F—150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD    |Duty)           *            94—97        1460 (7.5L.         89511   86511

        1/2 & 3/4 TON PICKUP, F—
        150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD    Duty ONLY)                    98—04        |5.A4AL (2V)        89600   89606

FORD    EXPEDITION                    97—02        5.4L (2V)           89600   89606

                                               Exhibit A

 mFR   |~ > ~mopels > " y

Forp   |ExPEDiTION                 a7—02 |s.4L (2v)|       89800     sasos

FORD   |EXPLORER                   ss—9s J4.ol ve          __sos10   sesi6

FORD   |RANGER                     as—os 4oL ve            89820     _sos2s

FORD   |F—250, F—350 (Light Duty) |. gg—0s _|6.8L (v10)___89se0      sosss

       F—150, F—250, £350 (Light
FoRp   |Duty)                      29—05 _|6.8L (viO)      89880     sasse

       MotorKomes (cLass
FoRD   |"A" FULL SIzE)             ss—93 |460 (7.5L]       sor10     sori6

       MoToRkomes (cLass
FORD   |"A" FULL SizE)             a4—98 |460 (7.5L]       sori1     se7i

       112 & 314 TON PICKUP, F—
       150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD   |Duty ONLY)              98—04 |5.4L (2V)                     82806    82800

       1/2 & 314 TON PICKUP, F—
       150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD   |Duty ONLY)              04—09 |5.4L (3V)                     s2636    82630

FORD   |EXPEDITION                 e7—02 |5.4L (2v)                  s2506    82600

                                                    Exhibit A


         F—150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD     |Duty)                       04—09 |5.4L (3V)                    82636     82630

FoRp     Focus                        00—04 |2.0L SOH|          86010     86018

FORD     MUSTANCF                     86—93 |5.0L               88600     .88606,

FoRD     __|MUSTANG                   94—95 |5.0L               88630     s8636

|FoRrp   |MUSTANG                     94—95 }5.0L               88634     86634

FORD     |MUSTANG                     s6—93 |5.0L               88640 _   886848

FORD      |EXPLORER                   92—95 |4.0L ve            89400     894086

FORD     |RANGER                      90—94 |4.0L ve            89400 .   89406

FORD     |RANGER                      90—94 |4.0L v6            89400     89406

FORD     |EXPLORER(Sport—Trac)        92—96 |4.0ive _|          89400     894086

                                                   Exhibit A


       1/2 & 3/4 TON PICKUP, F—
       150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD   |Duty ONLY)                  86—96 |5.8L                89420    8g9426   g9428

Forp    |BRoNcO                     86—96 |5.8L                89420    g9426    89428

FoRp   |F150, BRONCO                s6—98 |5.8L                89420    89426    89428

       112 & 3/4 TON PICKUP, F—
       150, F—250,F—350 (Light
FORD   |Duty ONLY)                  se—96 |5.8L                89421    86421    81428

Forp    |BRONCO                     ‘B6—os |5.8L               8g9421   86421    81428

FoRp   |F—150, BRONCO               86—96 |5.8L                89421    86421    81428

       112 & 3/4 TON PICKUP, F—
       150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD   |Duty ONLY)                  s8e—93 |460 (7.5L]         89481    86461

       F—150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD   |Duty)                       88—93 |460 (7.5L]          89461    86461

       112 & 3/4 TON PICKUP, F—
       150, F—250, F—350 (Light
FORD   |Duty ONLY)                  86—96 |5.0L                89470    g947s    89478

Forp   _|sronco                     86—95 |5.0L                89470    9476     89478

                                                 ~—   Exhibit A

 on          o c o TeetC STANDARb | o HTe 0| > eume/

 FoRrp      |F—150, BRONCO             86—95 |5.0L                ‘_89470     soars          89478

 FORD       |EXPEDITION                97—02 |4.6L                 89490      s949s

        F—150, F—250, F—350 (Light                  |
 FORD . |Duty)                  | ar—o4 |4.sL (2v)|                89490      so49gs

 FORD       |EXPEDITION                a7—02 |4.sL—— —|~— 8a4go             ~~ sadgs ~~| _

            F—150, F:250, F—350 (Light
 FoRp       |Duty)                     s9—04 |s.4L (2v)|           ses0oo   _ s9sos

 FORD . |EXPLORER (Sport—Trac)         ge—98 l4.olve               89610      s9816

 FORD       |RANGER                    as—os fa.ol ve              89820      s98s26

 FORD       |RANGER                    as—08° |4.0L ve              89640     s9846

            F—150, F—250, F—350 (Light
‘|FORD      __|Duty)                   99—04 |5.4L (2V)                       82506          82600

Document Created: 2011-07-20 16:28:40
Document Modified: 2011-07-20 16:28:40

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