Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on January 27, 1989.
As of Wednesday, March 26th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1985-1988 GM F-body vehicles with 5.0L/5.7L tuned port injection engines

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-187-1
  • Executive Order 187-1 / D187-1
  • ARB # D-187-1
  • Executive Order No: D-187-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-187-1
  • Resolution D-187-1
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D-187-1 Document:


                                                                 (Page 1 of 2)
                               State of Callfornia
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

          .                  EXECUTIVE ORDER O—~187—1
          Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

                            INTAKE MANIFOLD RUNNERS

Pursuant to the authority vested     in the Alr Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersignsd by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

{T 1S$ ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Intake manifold
runners manufactured by Street Legai Performance Engineering, Inc. has been
found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution
control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehlcle Code for 1985 through 1988 model—year General Motors
F—body vehicies with 5.0L/5.7L tuned port     injection engines.

This Executive Order    is valid provided that   installation instructions for
this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those    llisted by the vehiclie manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect. the performance
of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive
Order .                                                  —   '

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval Is obtained from the Air Resources Board.  Exemption of a kit shall
not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
component of a kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order   does not   constitute any opinion as to the effect    that
the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or        implied
by the vehicie manufacturer.                                                         '


INTAKE MANIFOLD RUNNERS                               (Page 2 of 2)

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or
written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
mlisleading advertising unlawfu!, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall Install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor
     vehicle poliution control device for use on any used motor
     vehicle unless that device has been certified by the state board.
     No person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any
     motor vehicte pollution control device as a certified device
     which, in fact, is not a certified device.  Any violation of this
     subdivision is a misdemeanor ."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of thié Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems
advisable.                       °

Executed at El Monte, California, this     274_day   of January,   1989.

                                         K. D. Drachand, Chief
                                         Mobile Source Division

                        State of California
                        AIR RESOURCES BOARD

       1985—1988 MODEL—YEAR F—BODY GM VEHICLES WITH 5.0L/5.7L

                           January,   1989

                                                  January, 1989

         Evaluation of Street Legal Performance Enginsering, Inc.‘s
    Performance Package and its Individual Components for Installation in
         1985—1988 Model—Year F—Body GM Vehicles With 5.0L/5.7L
                        Tuned Port Injection Engines

                           Moblle Source Division

                            State of Californla
                            Air Resources Board
                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                            E1 monte, CA 91731

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication.  Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarlly reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)

          Street Legal Performance Engineering,    Inc.   (SLPE) of 1501    Industrial

Way North, Toms River, NJ 08753, has applied for exemption from the

prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for their performance package

and its individual components for 1985—1988 model—year F—body GM vehicles

equipped with 5.0L/5.7L tuned port      injection (TP!) engines.    The performance

package   Iincludes:   intake manifold runners; tubular exhaust manifolds; and

engine calibration software EPROM.

          SLPE has submitted a completed application and all the required

information as well as comparative exhaust emissions test data which shows

that their performance package and its individual components do not have any

significant adverse effects on the emissions from applicable vehicles.

Testing performed at the Air Resources Board‘s Haagen—Smit Laboratory

confirmed the test results performed at an      Independent   laboratory.

          The staff recommends that SLPE be granted exemptions as requested

and that Executive Orders D—187, D—187—1, D—187—2 and D—187—3 be           issued for

their performance package,     Intake manifold runners, tubular exhaust

manifolds and engine calibration EPROM, respectively.


                                                                          Page Number

SUMMARY                                                                        1

CONTENTS                                                ‘                     P

1.         LNTR        TION                                                    1

L1.          No    1    ON                                                     1

L11.       RECOMMENDAT IONS                                                    1

IV.       PERFORMANCE PACKAGE DESCRIPTION                             ‘        2

v.         PERFORMANCE PACKAGE EVALUATION                                      3

VH.        D ISCUSS LON                                                        7


          APPENDIX A          Iinstallation Instructions and a Figure          8

                              of the SLPE   Intake Manifold Runners

           APPENDIX B         Instaliation Instructions and a Figure          11

                              of the SLPE Tubular Exhaust Manifolds

           APPENDIX C         Installation Instructions for EPROM             14

          APPENDIX D          Summary of Catalyst Temperature Data            15

                1985—1988 MODEL—YEAR F—BODY GM VEHICLES WITH 5.0L/5.7L
                          TUNED PORT INJECTION ENGINES

E.        INTRODUCT 1 ON

          Street Legal Performance Engineering,       Inc.    (SLPE) of 1501    Industrial

Way North, Toms River, NJ 08753, has applied for exemption from the

prohibitions         in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for their performance package and

its    individual components for 1985—1988 model!—year F—body GM vehicies

equipped with §.0L/5.7L tuned port         injection (TP!) engines.     The performance

package    includes intake manifold runners,     tubular exhaust manifolds, and

engine calibration software EPROM.

          SLPE has submitted a completed application and alt the required

information as well as comparative exhaust emissions test data which shows

that their performance package and the individual            components do not have any

significant adverse effects on the exhaust emissions from applicable


T.          ONCLUS     I   ON

          Based on the submitted       information and comparative exhaust emissions

tests performed on a 1988 GM F—body vehicle with a 5.0L TPI engine at DMACS

Engineering Laboratories and the ARB, the staff concludes that the

installation of SLPE performance package and lts         Individual components wil!

not have any significant adverse effects on the exhaust emissions from the

applicable vehicles.


          The staff recommends that SLPE be granted exemptions as requested

and that Executive Orders D-187, D—187—1, D—187—2 and D~187—3 be               issued for

their performance package,        intake manifold runners, tubular exhaust

manifolds and engine calibration EPROM, respectively.


          The purpose of the SLPE performance package             is to enhance vehicle

performance by reducing the airfiow restriction to the engine and,

therefore,.improving      its volumetric efficiency.          The major components of

their performance package are:        intake manifold runners; tubular exhaust

manifolds (Tri—¥) and engine calibrations software EPROM.

          A.     intake Manifold Runners
          The original equipment manufacturer        (OEM)      intake manifold assembly

consists of three components: a common plenum;            individual runners for each

of the eight cylinders and a manifold base to distribute airfiow to the

Intake ports.        SLPE has modified the design of      intake runners while        leaving

the common plenum and manifold base unchanged.                SLPE has replaced the eight

stock runners with four       larger ones.     The two adjacent cylinders share a

common intake runner.        Each Individua!    runner   is    larger than the OEM runners

in cross—sectional area.        By   increasing cross sectional area the pressure

drop across the runners is reduced and restriction is               lowered which results

In higher volumetric efficiency.         The SLPE inlet runners are slightly

shorter than the OEM runners.         Appendix A shows the        installation

instructions and a        figure of the SLPE    intake manifold runners.

          B.    Tubular Exhaust Manifolds (Tri—Y)

          The OEM exhaust manifolds consist of two exhaust manifolds that

become a common pipe and is connected to the catalytic                converter.      The SLPE

"Tri—¥Y" exhaust manifolds consist of primary tubes, secondary tubes and the

collectors.      The primary tubes are 1.625 inches in diameter with an average

length of 14.8 inches.       The secondary tubes are 1.75 inches in diameter and

average   length of 15.125 Inches. The collectors are 2.125             inches   in

diameter.      All   tubes are sheathed in a silica—based fabric installed with an

outer shell     to guard against water vapor     intrusion.   The secondary manifold

alr    injection duplicates the stock component.       Catalyst   location is

unchanged and all      stock clamps are retained.     Appendix B shows the

installation     instructions and a figure of SLPE tubular exhaust manifolds.

          C.    Engine Calibration Software EPROM

               The SLPE EPROM is an add—on micro computer chip that replaces the

GM micro computer chip.         The changes affect the wide open throttle (WOT)

calibration only.       Parameters impacted by EPROM are spark advance, power

enrichment and over—speed protection.

               The spark advance was reduced by 2—5 degrees from 3600 to 4800

rpm.     Power enrichment 1 deflnéd as the percentage of change        in fuel/air

ratio, was reduced by 8 to 12 percent from 3600 to 4300 rpm.             in stock

calibration there      is not any rpm limit.     Since SLPE components significantly

affect the engine performance, a 5800 rpm limit was           incorporated for a

safety feature.       At this speed fuel delivery ceases,     resuming only after the

engine speed has dropped below §500 rpm.          Appendix C shows the    installation

Instructions for EPROM.

v.         LPE PERE      ANCE    PA      V,   ATION

          Evaluation of the SLPE performance package included analysis of all

submitted information to confirm that         it meéts the requirements for the

exemption.      They also submitted comparative emission test data conducted at

DMACS Engineering Laboratories.         The tests were conducted on a 1988 model—

year Firebird with a §.0L TPI engine according to the ARB‘s suggested test

program as follows:

                1.   One cold—start CVS—75 and one Highway Fue! Economy Test

                     (HFET) on the vehicle with unmodified configuration

                     (baseline) ;

                  One cold—start CVS—75 and one HFET with the performance

                  package   installed;

                  One cold—start CVS—75 and one HFET with the              intake manifold

                  runners installed;

                  One cold—start CVS—75 and one HFET with the engine

                  calibration EPROM instailed;

                  One baseiine cold—start CVS—75 and one HFET;

                  One cold—start CVS~75 and one HFET with "Trl—Y" tubular

                  exhaust manifolds      installed;

            7.    One baseline cold—start CVS$~75 and one HFET.

        The exhaust    temperature at     the catalyst      inlet and outlet   and

catalyst skin temperature (middle area) were monitored and continuously

recorded during the tests.

        The results of the comparative emissions tests at DMACS Engineering

Laboratorles are shown in Tables 1 and 2.

                                         Table 1

      CVS—75 Emissions Test Results at DMACS Engineering Laboratories

              figurat i                   HC              cCO          NOx

          Base| ine                   0. 454          1.180           0.597

          Package                     0.38            0.977           0.641
          % Change                    —16             —17             +7

          Runners                     0. 377          0.854           0.585
          % Change                    —17             —28            —2

          EPROM                       0.401           0.861           0.626
          % Change                    —12             —27             +5

          Base | ine                  0.430           0 .850         0.606

          Tri—¥                       0. 337          0.853          0.644
         % Change                    —~22             0              +6

         Base | ine                   0.393           0.901          0. 597

                                          Table 2

         HFET Emissions Test Results at DMACS Engineering Laborator ies

              nf [gur tion                 HC_        cCO        NOx

           Base! ine                  0.080         0.160       0.412

            Package                   0.071         0. 228      0.448

            Runners                   6.075         0.211       0 .369

            EPROM                     0.073         0.184       0. 383

            Base | ins                0 .075        0. 082      0. 387

            Tri—¥                     0.050         0.018       0. 437

           Base!ins                   0.066         0.029       0.316

         The catalyst temperature data did not show any major change in

catalyst temperature (see Appendix D for a summary of catalyst temperature


         The ARB performed confirmatory tests on the test vehlcle.        The

confirmatory tests included the following:

              1.    One baseline cold—start CVS—75 and one HFET;

              2.    Two cold—start CVS—75 and two HFET with the performance

                    package Iinstalled;

              3.    One coid—start CVS—75 and one HFET with EPROM only;

              4.    One baseline cold—start CVS—75 and one HFET.

         The results of confirmatory testing are shown       in Tables 3 and 4.

                                        Table 3

             Confirmatory CVS—75 Test Results at t he ARB (g/mi)

          Configuration                _HG_.         _CO__     _NOx_

          Baseline (1)                 0.390         0.749     0.616
          Baseline (2)                 0.408         0.86      0.62

          Average                      0 .40         0 .80     0.62

          Package (1)                  0.423         0.94      0.62
          Package (2)                  0.353         0.88      0 .56

          Average                      0.39          0.91      0 .59

          % Change                     —3            +14       —5

          EPROM         »              0.40          0.86       0 .50

          % Change                     0.0       —   +8        —19

                                        Table 4

                  HFET Emissions Test Results at the ARB (g/mi)

            nf igurat                       nc        Nox
          Baseiine (1)                 0.088         0.08      0.30

          Baseline (2)                 0.085         0.23      0.28

          Aver age                     0.087         0.16      0. 29

          Package (1)                 . 0.076        0. 40     0.39

          Package (2)       —     c    0.063         0.31      0. 32

          Aver age                     0.070         0.36      0.36

          EPROM                        0.084         0.12      0.26

          The catalyst      temperature data did not sh ow any major changes

catalyst temperature.

VI.          D 1ScUss ION

             The CVS—75 emission test data and HFET results at DMACS

Engineering Laboratories and the ARB did not show any significant       increase

in exhaust emissions.       Therefore,   the SLPE performance package as well   as

its   individual components demonstrate compliance with the requirements for


                                                           APPENDIX &A

                              INTAKE MANIFOLD RUNNERS


      Disconnect battery.

      Remove distributor cover.

      Disconnect throttle,        transmission and cruise control cables.

      Disconnect PCV hose.

      Disconnect        two    vacuum   lines       on   passenger    side       rear   of

      Remove all   intake runner bolts.

      Remove cold start injector electrical connection.

      Disconnect vacuum hose for power brake booster.

      Remove trans—cable from bracket.

10.   Lift the plenum from the rear so as to be able to remove MAT
      sensor connection on bottom of plenunm.

11.   "Fold" plenum all the way forward and tie in place.

12.   Carefully     rotate       cold   start       injector   away       from    intake

13.   Loosen injector rail bolts but do not remove.

14.   Remove both sets of intake runners.

15.   Place paper towels in each port to prevent                   any    debris    from
      entering the cylinders.

16.   Remove old qaskets and scrape all gasket surfaces completely

17.   Remove    paper    towels    without      letting     dust     or   debris    into

18.   Install new       gasket     on   new    intake     runners     and    place      in

19.   Re—tighten injector rail bolts.

20.   "Fold" plenum back and reconnect MAT sensor.

21.   Place plenum into position and check gasket alignment.


                                               APPENDIX 4& (CONTINUED)

22.   Check   the   O—ring   on   the   cold   start   injector.   Replace   if

23.   Rotate cold start injector back into position.

24.   Install all bolts      loosely.

25.   Tighten bolts as per sequence in diagranm.

26.   Re—connect cables and brackets.

27.   Re~connect vacuum lines.

28.   Reconnect power booster hose.

29.   Reconnect all electrical connections.

30.   Reconnect PCV hose.

31.   Replace distributor cover.

32.   Reconnect battery.

                          APPENDIX 4A (CONTINUED)]



                                                    APPENDIX B

                        ° TUBULAR EXHAUST MANIFOLDS


      Disconnect battery.

      Beginning work at the bottom of the car, remove 2                        mm   nuts
      that secure the secondary air tube to the catalyst.

      Remove the 15 mm nuts from the catalyst outlet flange.

      Disconnect the Y¥—pipe from each exhaust manifold and                      remove
      catalyst and ¥—pipe as one unit.

      Install the ¥—pipe in a vise and remove the catalyst.  164
      the catalyst cannot be easily removed, apply heat to the
      catalyst inlet to facilitate removal.   Do not damage the
      catalyst as this could impair emission control system
      function and severely              impact the performance of your

      Working    from   the   top   of   the     car,   begin   to    remove    exhaust
      manifolds.     Manifold bolts are 9/16 inch in size.

      Remove the air conditioning compressor support bracket.

      Unbolt the diverter valve assembly and carefully disconnect
      the snap clips that attach the rubber hoses to the one—way
      valve on the air injection tubes.

      Remove the rubber hoses from the one—way valve.

10.   Leave remaining hoses connected to                   the       diverter    valve
      assembly and move it out of the way.

11.   Remove the air pump support bracket.

      Note:        On F—cars equipped with an oil to
                   water oil cooler this bracket
                   cannot be removed.    Simply loosen
                   fasteners and rotate the support so
                   that the exhaust manifold can be

12.   Remove the dipstick and dipstick tube.

13.   Remove the passenger      side     spark   plugs.

14.   Unbolt and remove the passenger             side exhaust manifold.

15.   Remove the driver side spark plugs.

16.   Disconnect and remove the oxygen sensor.


                                           APPENDIX B (CONTINUED)

17.   Disconnect the wire for the temperature gauge.

18.   Remove the support bracket for the power steering pump.

19.   Unbolt and remove the driver‘s side exhaust manifold.

20.   Install SLPE manifolds     by   reversing   the   above   procedure
      except as noted below.

21.   Install   new exhaust manifold gaskets.

22.   Install collector pipe to passenger side manifold before
      installing the crossover pipe to the driver side manifold.

23.   Re—install   catalyst after the new exhaust manifold system is
      fully installed.

24.   Install an exhaust clamp securing the crossover pipe to the

25.   After the engine has been run for         one   hour,   re—~tighten
      exhaust manifold and flange bolts.

26.   After eight hours of operation, re—tighten exhaust manifold
      and flange bolts and check exhaust clamps.


                      APPENDIX B (CONTINUED)


            —13.— |

                                                  APPENDIX C
                                 EPROM CAL—PACK


      Disconnect battery.

      Remove passenger side under dash panel.

      Remove the three bolts that mount the ECM.

      Carefully lower ECM.

      Remove sheet metal screw which affixes Cal—pack access panel

      Remove   access   cover.             —

      Remove Cal—pack by simultaneously pressing outward       on   the
      two tabs located at the ends of the Cal—pack.

      Install new Cal—Pack, being careful to align quide       slots.
      The Cal—Pack will fit only one way; do not force it.

      Replace access cover.

10.   Remount ECM.

11.   Replace under—dash panel.

12.   Reconnect battery.


                                                                      APPENDIX D

                                               Catalyst Temperature Data


                                                                    Temperature    (deg.   C)

                                                       Cat. In         _ Cat. Out                 Skin

            Test #        Hardware       Test         avg.   peak       avg.   peak             avg.   peak

        |     1           Baseline       Pho1         336     440       321       432            69      134
                                         Ph 2         336     384       378       416           123      134
.                 >                  —   Pho3         323     424       367       433           114      148
    I                                    FTP          332               360                     106       M
                                         HWFET        425     470       461       505           211      232

    j         2           Fackagye       Phol         334     428 .     318       429            85      156
    |                                    Ph 2         334     381       374       412           157      158
                                         Pho 3        325     415       357       416           118      141
                                         FTP          332               354                     127
    t                                    HWFEYT       435     469       467       509           215      233
            — 4           EPROM          Phol         315    407        290       399            85      152
 ‘                    4                  Pho 2        333    376        372       392           161      163
i                                        Pho3         322    410        361       418           126      150
                                         FTP          325               346                     130
                                         BWF ET       417     169       446       501           208      232

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:15
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:15

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