Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on March 6, 1995.
As of Friday, March 14th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
CH57-93001993 Chev/Pontiac Camaro/Firebird with 5.7L

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-319-2
  • Executive Order 319-2 / D319-2
  • ARB # D-319-2
  • Executive Order No: D-319-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-319-2
  • Resolution D-319-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-319-2 PDF

D-319-2 Document:


                                                                       (Page 1 of 2)
                                   State of California
                                   AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—319—2
                     Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                of the Vehicle Code

                                   CALLAWAY CARS, INC.
                                     CALLAWAY HONKER

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Sect1on 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and
Section 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Callaway Honker
(an open element air cleaner) manufactured by Callaway Cars, Inc., 3 High
Street, 0ld Lyme, CT 06371 has been found not to reduce the effect1veness of
the app11cab1e vehicle polilution control system and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the follTowing
vehicle applications:

Vehicle      _    Vehicle            Vehicle              Engine Disp.              Device
Make:       ~ _   Model            ~ Model Year   —   —     (liters)       _        Model #s
Chev/Pontiac      Camaro/Firebird      1993                   5.7                  CH57—9300
Chev/Pontiac      Camaro/Firebird     1994 & 95               5.7                  CH57—9450
Chev/Pontiac      Camaro/Firebird     1993—95                 3 .4                 CH43—9345
GM                All B Bodies        1994/95                 5.7                  CH57—BBOD
                  (Caprice type)
Chevrolet         Corvette LTl        1992—95 >            5.7                 ‘   CH57—CLTI
Chevrolet         Corvette ZR1        1990—95              /                       CH57—CZR1

This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions
for the Callaway Honker will not recommend tun1n? the vehicle to
specifications different from those of the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Callaway Honker,
as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance
gfda vehicle‘s poliution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of the Callaway Honker using any identification other than that
shown in this Executive Order or marketing of the Callaway Honker for an
application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be
prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.
Exemption of the Callaway Honker shall not be construed as exemption to
je]], offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an individual

 CALLAWAY CARS, INC.   >                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—319—2
 CALLAWAY HONKER                                     (Page 2 of 2)

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
the use of the Callaway Honker may have on any warranty either expressed or
 implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

This Executive Order is granted based on an evaluation of emissions impact
if emissions tests were conducted in accordance with Cold—Start CVS—75
Federal Test Procedure. However, the Air Resources Board finds that
reasonable grounds exist to believe that use of the Callaway Honker may
adversely affect emissions of motor vehicles when operating under conditions
outside the parameters of the previously prescribed test procedures.
Accordingly, the Air Resources Board reserves the right to conduct
additional emission tests, in the future, as such tests are developed, that
will more adequately measure emissions from all cycle phases. If such test
results demonstrate that the Callaway Honker adversely affects emissions
during off—cycle conditions (defined as those conditions which are beyond
the parameters of the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure), this
Executive Order shall be effectively rescinded as of the date the test
results are validated. Further, if such test results or other evidence
provides the Air Resources Board with reason to suspect that the Callaway
Honker will affect the durability of the emission control, Callaway Cars,
Inc. shall be required to submit durability data to show that the durability
of the vehicle emissions control system is not, in fact, affected and/or
that the add—on or modified part demonstrates adequate durability.

In addition to the foregoing, the Air Resources Board reserves the right in
the future to review this Executive Order and the exemption provided herein
to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the
standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations,
Section 2222, et seq.    _                       .                   ~


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Bdard" may. be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order. The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a
hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this

                                        R.  6. Summerfi
                                        Assistant Division Chief
                                        Mobile Source Division

                 CALLAWAY CARS
      THE HONKER Heavy Breathing System Installation Instructions
                                            For 1993—95 LT1 Powered Camarb and Firebird

A word about safety. This installation involves     housing was located. Align the filter plate by         Congratulations on your Honker
gotting under the car to remove a plastic           sliding it forward so that it fits flush against the   installation!
under—body panel to gain access to the              vertical steel wall and adjust the left edge of
                                                    the plate (closest to the center of the car) with      The Honker system is a much larger duct than
Honker‘s filter location. Whenever the car is                                                              its stock counterpart. Before closing the hood
                                                    the metal seam approximately 1" from the left
raised, be sure to use suitable jack stands,        edge of the opening. Scribe marks at each              for the first time, make sure that the Honker
ramps, or a locking vehicle lift to support your    Nutsert hole for drilling the mounting holes.          inlet air duct is fully inserted into the filter
car‘s weight.                                       The figure illustrates the proper orientation for      plate hose and that the hood does not contact
Installation Tools:
                                                    the filter plate. Remove the plate and drill two       the top of the duct. Check by looking under
                                                    7mm diam. holes [or %:") at the scribe marks.
   * FOR HOSE CLAMPS — 8mm socket on 4"                                                                    the hood with the first latch caught and ensur—
                                                    2. Mount the beadlamp door module to the                ing that there is enough additional room to
     drive ratchet
                                                    borizontal body surface next to thefilter              close the hood completely.
                                                    plate. Using the module as a template, scribe
      FILTER PLATE BOLTS — 1Omm socket on                                                                   The stock body panels adequately protect the
                                                    marks at the two mounting bole locations
      4‘ drive ratchet                                                                                      air filter against the elements in its new loca—
                                                    and drill two 3/16" diam. boles. Attach the
   * FOR FILTER PLATE BOLT HOLES — elec—                                                                   ‘tion. However, please note that it is now
                                                    module to the body with two %4" x 1" metal
      tric or air—powered drill & 7mm                                                                       mounted approximately 4 inches above the
                                                    thread—forming screws. Do not over—Lighten.
    [or /s") drill bit.                                                                                     bottom of the body. To avoid engine damage,
Stock Air Filter System Removal:                    3. Plug the two barness connectors into the            use extra caution when driving in wet weather.
                                                    module. Match the two 4—pin conneciors                 Never drive through water that is higher than
Note: The mass air sensor (‘94 models only)
                                                    and two 5—pin connectors.                              the bottom of the front of the car‘s body.
and the 90° ribbed rubber bose altached to
the throtile body (‘93 & ‘94 models) will           4. From under the car, remove the left front           Replacement filter element: K&N
remain on the engine.                               lower fascia deflector (the horizontal plastic         Filtercharger® Callaway part number
                                                    panel connecting the inner fender with the             2.01,00050
1. Disconnect the A.LR. pump hose from the
                                                    front bumper fascia) to gain access to the area
rear of the stock plastic inlet air duct.                                                                  Service the filter. Replacement unnecessary
                                                    under the Honker filter plate.
2. Remove the stock plastic inlet air duct by                                                              when dirty. It‘s a lifetime (100,000 miles) fil—
                                                    5. With the filter. plate in position in the engine    ter. Follow the K&N instructions that came with
removing the hose clamps at both ends and
                                                    compartment, aftach the filter plate to the body       the filter.
the push—in retainer attaching it to the radiator
                                                    from below with two Gmm bolts and captive
support.                                                                                                   Thank you for selecting Callaway. For addition—
                                                    washers (supplied). Then, clamp the filter ele—
3. Slide the air filter housing up to remove it                                                            al technical information on Honker or any
                                                    ment to the filter plate and replace the left
from the radiator support.                                                                                 other Callaway products, call (203) 434—9002,
                                                    front lower fascia deflector.
                                                                                                           8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Eastern time.
On FIREBIRD, The beadlamp door module is            6. Install hoses and clamps as follows:
altached to the original equipment outside          1994 models —                                                                                Honker" Inlet
atr duct. This duct must be removed and the                                                                                                       ir Duct
                                                    Pushthe Honker—to—plate hose onto the
module must be relocated as described in
                                                    filter plate and the Monker—to—mass air
the Removal Procedure and step 2 belowfor
                                                    sensor hose over the mass air sensor.
                                                    Slip two hose clamps over the filter
Remove the two barness connectorsfrom               plate hose and two hose clamps over
the beadlamp door module. Then, remove              the mass air sensor hose.
the outside air ductfrom the car by remov—
                                                    1993 models —
ing the pusb—in retainerfrom its hase. The
air baffle mounted to thefront ofthe radia—         Push the Honker—to—plate hose onto the
tor support may be removed if desired. Next,        fiter plate. Slip two hose clamps over
remove the two module mounting screws to            the filter plate hose and one hose
detach the modulefrom the duct.                     clamp over the 90° rubber duct
                                                    attached to the car‘s throttle body.
Honker Installation Procedure:
                                                    7. Install the Honker air inlet duct and FHonker—to—Plate Hose——etliif®
For CAMARO & FIREBIRD, follow                       tighten the hose clamps.
procedures 1—8.
For CAMARO, disregard                               8. Re—aftach the A.LR. pump hose to
procedures 2 and 3                                  the fitting on the rear of the Honker
 1. Place the Honkerfilter plate over the hole in   infet duct.
the car‘s body in which the stock air filter

                                                      "Powerfully Engineered Automobiles"

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:28
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:28

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