Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on July 23, 1974.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1971-1974 Chrysler with 4BBL Carter Thermo-Quad carburetor, 1966-1974 GM with 4BBL Rochester Quadra-Jet carburetor, 1972-1974 Ford with 4BBL carburetor, 1963-1974 Vehicles with 4BBL Holley carburetor designated as OE replacements

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-34
  • Executive Order 34 / D34
  • ARB # D-34
  • Executive Order No: D-34
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-34
  • Resolution D-34
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-34 PDF

D-34 Document:


                        . State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—34
                Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                            of the Vehicle Code

                                MANHANDLER INC.

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
 the Health and Safety Codej

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:;    That the installation of the "Manhandler"
 Secondary Throttle Lockout System manufactured by Manhandler Inc. of
 Eikhart, Indiana, and marketed by New Generation of North Canton, Onio
 has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of the required motor
 vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the
 prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicte Code for the following
 domestic vehicle applications:

 (1)   1971—1974 Chrysler products with 4 barrel Carter Thermo—Quad
‘(2)   1966—1974 General Motor products with 4 barrel Rochester Quadra—
       Jet Carburetor.
 {3)   1972—1974 Ford Motor products with 4 barrel Autolite or Motorcraft
 (4)   1963—1974 4 barrel Holley Carburetor that has been designated as
       OEM replacements.

 This device consists of a shielded wire cable, mounting brackets, nuts and
 boits. This Executive Order is not valid for the vehicles equipped with
 four barrel carburetors whose secondaries are controlled by direct lTinkage.

 This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
 for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
 different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.
Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as
originally submitted to the Air Resources Board for evaluation that
adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control
devices shall invalidate this Executive Order,

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
 other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

Manhandler Inc‘s. "Manhandler"                        Executive Order D—34

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or. except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle poliution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

     "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle poliution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
mitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this   égiS   day of July, 1974.

                                  WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                  Executive Officer

                            State of California

                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                               dJuly 12, 1974

                               Staff Report

                    Evaluation of the Manhandler, Inc.
                 "Manhandler" Secondary Carburetor Lockout
                System for Exemption from the Prohibitions
          of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code


     New Generation Corporation of North Canton, Ohio in behalif of Manhandler
     Inc. of Elkhart, Indiana has applied for an exemption from the prohibi—
     tions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the "Manhandler" Secondary
     Carburetor Throttle Lockout System. Section 27156 prohibits the
     advertising, sale, or installation of any aftermarket device which
     reduces the effectiveness of the motor vehicle emission control system.
     The applicant is requesting the exemption be granted for the following
     domestic—make vehicles:

         1)   1971 — 1974 Chrysler Products with 4 barrel Carter Thermo
              Quad Carburetors
         2)   1966 — 1974 General Motors Products with 4 barrel Rochester
              Quadrajet Carburetors
         3)   1972 — 1974 Ford Motor Products with 4 barrel Autolite or
              Motorcraft Carburetors.
         4)   1963 — 1974 4 barrel Holley Carburetors that have been desig—
              nated as OEM replacements.

1.   System Description and Ffunction

     The system basically consists of a shielded wire cable, mounting brackets,
     nuts and bolts. A drill bit is supplied for some applications which
     require a hole in the carburetor air horn or carburetor housing.
     According to the applicant, this device improves fuel economy at low
     speed driving. The "Manhandler" manually operated Lockout System prevents
     the cperation of the secondaries at high speeds or under conditions of
     heavy engine load.

     This unit is mounted on the carburetor housing.   The method of lockout
     of the secondary carburetor system is a function of the carburetor
     design. On the G.M. Rochester 4 barrel Carburetor application a hole
     is drilled in the carburetor body berow the secondary air valve. A plunger
     is inserted to prevent the air valve from opening. On carburetors with

Manbandler Inc‘s. "Manhandler"                            July 12, 1974

     spring actuated secondaries (Ford), the instructions call for a hole
     to be drilled through the throttle shaft and journal. When the plunger
     is inserted, the secondary throttle shaft is locked. The Carter
     Thermo—Quad application requires the plunger be inserted to hold the
     secondary pickup lever from opening. This prevents the opening of the
     secondary throttle.

     The plunger control is mounted under the dashboard in the passenger
     compartment. This control has two positions — one for a two—barrel
     operation and one for a four—barrel operation.

I11. System Evaluation

     The following discussion summarizes the applicant‘s emission data, the
     Air Resources Board‘s confirmatory tests and other pertinent considerations.

     A.   Applicant‘s Emission Data

          The applicants submitted back—to—back baseline and device hot CYS I
          emission data performed by Olson Laboratories of Anaheim, California
          and Levonia, Michigan. The two test vehicles selected had the following

          Vehicle Make
          Model—Year           Engine            Transmission      Carburetor

          1973 Pontiac         455 CID             Automatic         4—barrel
          Grand Safari                                               Rochester
          Station Wagon                                              Quadrajet

          1973 Pontiac         455 CID             Automatic         4—barrel
          Grand Prix                                                 Rochester

          The emission results can be summarized by the following table:

                          Percent Change in Exhaust Emission
                                       Hot CVSI Test

          Test Vehicle                   Exhaust Emissions (Percent)
                                         hC                co             NOx
          1973 Pontiac Grand Safari      14.3             —5.71        —12.86

          1973 Pontiac Grand Prix        —1.44           ~22.15           —5.50

Manhandler Inc‘s. "Manhandler"                              July 12, 1974

         The 14.3% increase in hydrocarbon emissions is beyond any expected
         test variability. This increase in emissions is not consistent with
         the operation of this device. During the CVS test cycle the opera—
         tion of the carburetor secondaries does not generally occur in most

       _ The increase in hydrocarbon emission may be due to the following

         1)   The fuel evaporative canister upon engine shutdown could become
              saturated with fuel vapor.    When the engine is restarted, the
              purging of the fuel vapor may lead to an overly rich condition.
         2)   The carburetor and ignition settings were not adjusted to the
              vehicle manufacturer‘s specifications.

         Air Resources Board Confirmatory Test

         Based on the inconclusiveness of the applicant‘s data, the ARB
         laboratory performed two pairs of back—to—back emission tests.
         These tests were run on the applicant‘s 1973 Pontiac station wagon
         described in Part A.

                                    HOT CVvs 1 TEsT
                                                  Exhaust Emissions (Grams per Mile)

         Vehicle Configuration             _HC              co                NOx
        Baseline                           2.61              15. 69           2,82

        Manhandler                         2.07              11.07            2. 54

        Baseline                           2.64              16.81          s or.81.
        Manhandler                         2.71              17.31            2.73

        Average Baseline                   2.62         —    16. 25           2.81

        Average Manhandler                 2.39              14.19            2. 63

        The emission results from the test showed no adverse effects with
        the device.

        Other Considerations

        The Rochester Quadrajet application is judged to be the most
        critical in terms of emission control effects due to the locations
        of the lockout mechanisms. Instances can occur where fuel can flow
        into secondary carburation with the secondary air valves locked.


Manhandler Inc‘s. "Manhandler"                         July 12, 1974

          The location of the hole where the plunger inserted is critical. The
          Quadrajet is designed with two small fuel jets just above the
          air valves. These jets are vacuum actuated. Opening the valves
          about 1/8 to 1/4 inch would subject this area to manifold vacuum
          and may initiate fuel flow. The purpose of these jets is to reduce
          stumbling and hesitation in driveability when the secondary system
          starts to operate. The operation of these jets with their vailves
          partially closed could cause an overly rich mixture which would be
          expected to increase carbon monoxide emissions.

          The increase in HC emission noted by the applicant‘s data could
          possibly have been due to the opening of these air vaives during
          the CVS test. To investigate this problem, the ARB staff conducted
          a short test consisting of the first four minutes of the CVS test
          which contains the most severe accelerations. If these accelerations
          are severe enough, the secondary would begin to operate. The
          selected vehicle has the following specifications:

              Make and Model Year                1973 Chevrolet Chevelle
              Engine                             350 CID
              Transmission                       Automatic
              Carburetor         '               4—barre} Rochester Quadrajet

          The test was conducted with the air cleaners off. This permitted
          the observation of any secondary throttle shaft and secondary air
          valve movements. No movement of the shaft and vaive was observed
          throughout the test.

          A real driveability problem would exist on the Quadrajet if the
          plunger was inserted with the secondary system in operation. This
          would prevent the secondary air valves from closing properly.    When
          the secondary throttle is opened again, the influx of air would lean
          out the mixture which would cause the engine to hesitate, stumble,
          and even stall.

          The Motorcraft carburetor application involves the drilling of
          the secondary throttle shaft. Improper drilling may bind the shaft,
          cause the shaft to stick, or even break the shaft. The drill bit
          supplied is 9/64 inches, leaving a 1/8 inch clearance if the hole
          is drilled in the middle of the shaft.

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation

      The staff is of the opinfon that the "Manhandler" Secondary Throttle
      Carburetor Lockout System does not reduce the effectiveness of the
      required emission control devices.

Manhandler Inc‘s. "Manhandler"                          July 12, 1974

     Therefore, the staff recommends that Manhandler Inc. be granted an
     exemption to Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for its "Manhandler"
     Secondary Carburetor Throttle Lockout System for the following
     carburetor application:

           1)   1971 — 1974 Chrysler Product with 4 barrel Carter Thermo—Quad
       .        carburetors
           2)   1966 — 1974 General Motors Products with 4 barrel Rochester
                Quadrajet carburetors
           3)   1972 — 1974 Ford Motor Products with 4 barrel Autolite or
                Motorcraft carburetors
           4)   1963 — 1974 Holley Carburetors that have been designated as OEM

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:44
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:44

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