Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on May 31, 1974.
As of Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1974 and older, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles with OE electronic ignition system (2) 66-70 vehicles with Dana or Carter NOx device using an electronic speed sensor

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-33
  • Executive Order 33 / D33
  • ARB # D-33
  • Executive Order No: D-33
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-33
  • Resolution D-33
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-33 PDF

D-33 Document:


                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—33
                  Relating to Exemptions under Section. 27156 .
                              of the Vehicle Code °


  Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
  27156 of the Yehicle Code; and

  Pursuant to the authority vested in.the undersigned by Section 39023 of
  the Health and Safety Code;

  IT'IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:    That the installation of "Stampede" electronic
  capacitive discharge ignition system manufactured by RoInCo., has been
  found to not reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution
  control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section
  27156 of the Vehiclie Code for 1974 and older model—year vehicles with 12—
  volt battery, standard 1gn1t1on coil, contact set and negative ground
  except the following:

  1.     Vehicles originally equipped with an electronic ignition system
    5_   whether it is a breakerless, capacitive discharge, or transistorized

  2.     M1 1966—1979 model—year vehicles equipped with a Dana or Cartér NOx
         retrofit device using an electronic speed sensor.

  The device consists of a coil, capacitors, rectifiers, resistors, and a

  This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
  for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
  different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

  Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as
  originally submitted to the Air Resources Board for evaluation that
  adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control
* devices shall invalidate this Executive Order.

 Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
 in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
 other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
 prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

 "Stampede"                    2o                         Executive Order D—33

 This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
 that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
 1mp]1ed by the vehicle manufacturer.


 No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
 with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
 or written communication.

 Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
 or misteading advertising and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
 a misdemeanor.

 Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

       "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
       or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
       device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
       device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
       person shall sell, offér for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
       vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
       fact, is not a certified device.     Any v1olat1on of this section is
       a misdemeanor."
       "39184.   (a) Ho person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
       tise, or, except in an application to the board for accred1tat1on of a
       dev1ce represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
       device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
       accredited by the board.   No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
       tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
       accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
       violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

 Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
 mitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

 Executed at Sacramento, California, this    3/     day of May, 1974.

                                    WILLIAM STMAONS
                                    Executive Officer


                    State of California

                    AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                       May 28, 1974

                       Staff Report

                   Evaluation of RoinCo.
                         "5 tampede"
      Electronic Capacitive Discharge Ignition System
          For Exemption from the Prohibitions of
          Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code


RoIinCo., Edina, Minnesota, has applied for exemption from the prohibitions

of Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code for the "Stampede" electronic

capacitive discharge system.   Section 27156 prohibits the installation

of any device which reduces the effectiveness of motor vehicle emission

control systems.   The app]icanf intends to sell the device as an "after—

market" part to augment the existing standard ignition system for all

1974 and older model year vehicles equipped with a 12—volt battery,

standard ignition coil, contact set, and negative ground except

those vehicles having an OEM solid state ignition system.

The Air Resources Board has adopted criteria for the evaluation of “after;

market" devices for compliance with Section 27156.   The basis for

evaluation is defined in the "Air Resources Board Criteria for Determining

Compliance with Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code, dated February

17, i971.                                                             '

IT.       System Description

          For a general description of electronic capacitive discharge systems,

          see Staff Report "Evaluation of Capacitive Discharge and Transistorized

          Ignition Systems for Compliance with the Requireménts of Section 27156

          of the Motor Vehicle Code", dated February 14, 1973.

          The "Stampede" device is a solid—state printed—circuit ignition system

      which consists of an inverter, a rectifier bridge, a storage capacitor,

          a coil, resistors, a silicon control rectifier and a switch.                        The switch

          is to allow converting back to the conventional ignition system (see

          Figure 1 below}.     The manufacturer claims that the ."Stampede" device

      can deliver up to 40 KV with a relatively short rise time in any climate,

          keeps the engine in a "just tuned" condition up to 50,000 miles, and

          improves gas mileage.

      Battery                   FAhompmmatt
                   t      0+ j i
               Standard        :
                 Coil           1   .——BLK-
                                               SCR       feod
                                                                    9    d
                                                                             Coil   m
                                f > BRN
      >                                            WHT
        .                                          Ground
                             Standard         *E
                             Ignition          *
                             Sys tem

                 "Stampede" Electronic Ignitfion System Schematic
                                          Figure I

III.@   Laboratory Test Data

        A.    Applicant test data    _

              The applicant submitted 1972 Federal hot start exhaust emission

              tests conducted by Olson Laboratories, Inc. of.—Dearborn, Michigan,

              Report # 8712—5201 dated January 14, 1974.      The following vehicles

              were used:

               1.   1969 Ambassador, 343 CID, 2 bb1 Carb., Auto. trans. (KTK 453)

               2.   1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass, 350 CID, 2¥ Carb., Auto. trans. (KZ6 182).

              The following results were obtained:

                                           Exhaust Emissions in gm/mile
                                          HC.          co            NOx
               1969 Ambassador

                     Baseline        t                 37.9          3.01
                     Device               2.27         35.5          3.19
                    % Change ‘           —8.1          —6.3         +6.0

               1972 Oldsmobile

                    Baseline              2.53         17.1          4.47

                    Device               2.41          18.6          3.63

                    % Change     .       ~4.7          +8.8        —~18.8

             _ ARB test data

              The ARB performed calibration tests to investigate the effect of

              the "Stampede" device on the engine electrical system.        A 1974

              Ambassador, 360 CID, 2 bb1. Carb., Auto trans. (E 833605), vehicle

              was used,    The following results were obtained.

 1. Centrifsgal spark advance angle measured from TDC {degrees)

               RPM                      Baseline                       Device
          Idle (700)                    |         5                         5

         1000                                     5            ’            5
              1500                           16                         15

              2000                           19                         19

              2500                           21                         21

              3000                           23                         22.5

 2.   Secondary voltage rise time (microseconds)
               RPM                      Baseline                       Device
           Idle                              25                         15

{3.   Spark duration (microseconds)

               RPM         .            BaselJine                      Device
           Idle                             1300                        80

           2000                             1000                        80

4.    Maximum available secondary voltage {KY)

              RPM                   Baseline                          Device
                                            2C                          241
           Idle                         25—27                          25—28
                  .                         27                          26
           2200                         25—28                          24—27

5.    Reguired secondary voltage (KYV)

              RPM                   Baseline                          Device
           Idle                             9 593                      9 4 a2
           2200                             9 — 11                     8 — 11

6.    Idle exhaust emissions

                      Baseline                                     Device
         HC                        CO                 HC                        cCO

        87 ppm                   0.10 %               84 ppm                    0.10 %

IV.   Staff Evaluation

      The applicant‘s data are considered within the normal instrumentation

      error except for the noticeable reduction in NOx emitted from the

      second vehicle which had relatively high baseline NOx emissions.

      The ARB data show    that the "Stampede" device has little or no effect

      on the centrifugal spark advance, the maximum available secondary

      voltage, the required secondaryvvo1tage, or the idle exhaust emissions.

      Based on the ARB test data, the manufacturer‘s claim that "Stampede"

      device ié capable of delivering up to 40 kilo—volts is not valid since

      insignificant change was observed with the device when compared with

      the baseline.   However, it was observed that "Stampede" device shortens

      the secondary voltage rise time.     The faster voltage rise rate enables

      the output energy to reach its maximum value in a relatively short
      time.   The spark duration is also reduced significantly to make the

      spark much hotter since the output energy is unchanged.     The spark

      duration, however, being significantly reduced is still far above the

      minimum limit required by auto manufacturers for combustion.

      Vehicles equipped with NOx emission control devices using a speed

      sensor such as the Dana or Carter device cannot be equipped with the

      "Stampede" device.     The speed sensor switch will interfere with the

      timing of the "Stampede" device and might cause excessive misfire.       The

      device will not function properly for vehicles eduipped with electronic

      ignition system whether it is a breakerless, capacitive discharge, or

      transistorized type.    The "Stampede" output voltage might overlap with

      the existing electronic ignition system causing damage to the engine‘s

      electrical system by overloading the ignition wires or coil.     It also

      could cause excessive misfiring due to erratic triggering from the points.

Conclusions and Recomfiendations

It is the staff opinion that RoInCo   “Stampede" e]ectronjc capacitive

discharge ignition system will not adveréely affec£ motor vehicle

exhaust emissions when evaluated with respect to the exhaust ehissions

obtained with a conventional ignition system of a "tuned" engine.      This

device may also have a beneficial effect in the control of exhaust

emissions in that the device may maintain the "tuned" condition for a

']onger period of time.   Therefore, the "Stampede" electronic capacitive

discharge ignition system should be exempt from the prohibitions of

Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code for 1974 and older model—year
vehicles equipped with a 12—volt battery, standard ignition coil,

contact set, and negative ground except the following:

1.   Vehicles originally equipped with an electronic ignition system

     whether it is a breakerless, capacitive discharge, or transistorized


2.   All 1966—1970 model—year vehicles equipped with a Dana or Carter NOx

     retrofit device using an electronic speed sensor.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:39:54
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:39:54

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