Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 30, 1976.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
1001,1002, 1052 80-4001, 80-40021974 and older vehicles, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles with electronic ignition systems (2) 1966-70 vehicles with Dana or Carter NOx devices with electronic speed sensor

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-11-3
  • Executive Order 11-3 / D11-3
  • ARB # D-11-3
  • Executive Order No: D-11-3
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-11-3
  • Resolution D-11-3
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-11-3 PDF

D-11-3 Document:


                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—1 1— 3
                                        r Se ct
             Relating to Exempt1ons under     tion 27156
                            of the Yehicle Code

                        WESTERN CONTROLS, INC.

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Soard by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the breakerless
capacitive discharge ignitfon systems manufactured by Western Controls
Inc., 805 N. Madison, Phcenix, Arizona, 85507, and marketed as indicated
below has been feurnd    to not 'flflwce the effectiveness of required motor
vehicle pollution cortrol devices and, therafore, are exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Veuuc‘a Sode for 1974 and clder
modei—year vehicles except the following:

     1.     Vehicles or;gwna1?v equipped with an electronic ignition
            system whether it is a breakeriess, capacitive discharge,
            or transistorized type.

     2.     All 1966—70 model—year vehicles equipped with a Dana or
            Carter NOx retrofit device using an electronic speed

The following is a list of each device manufactured by Western Controls
Inc. and marketed by another company; each device consists of a sensor,
d—c converter, storage capacitor and an electronic switch.

 Brand Name and
Marketing Company                         Models

Western Controls, Inc.              B12S, 1051 CD System
805 W. Madison St.                  B12P, 1052 HP CD System
Phx. Ariz. 85007

"Max"                               1001 CD System
Western Controls Inc.               1002 HP CD System
805 W. Madison St.
Phx. Ariz. 85007

Filkotronic Ignition                ‘FL—100, F1—125 CD System
Filko Div. of F & B Mfg.            FI—101, F1—126 HP CD System
5480 N. Northwest Highway
Chicago, I1ll1. 60630

      WESTERN CONTROLS, INC.                                 EXECUTIVE ORDER D—11—3

       Brand Name and
      Marketing   Compan                         Modets

.‘    Hays                                CD—2041 CD System
      Hays Sales                          HP—CD2042 HP CD System
      15116 Adams Street
      Midway City, CA 92655

      Thermo King                         80—4001, 80—5001 CD System
      Thermotronic Ignition               80—4002, 80—5002 HP CD System
      314 W. 90th St.
     Minneapolis, Minn.    55420

      This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
      for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
      different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

      Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
      exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
      formance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
      this Executive Order.

       Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
       in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
       other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
     . prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

‘     This Executive Order does not constitute any/opinion as to the effect
      that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
      implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


      No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
      with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
      or written communication.

      Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
      leading advertising uniawful, and Section 17534 makes viclation punishable
      as a misdemeanor.

            WESTERN CONTROLS, INC.                                  EXECUTIVE ORDER D—11—3

    ;       Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

.                  "43644. {a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
‘       '          tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
                   device, represent any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
                   device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
                   accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
                   tise, or represent any motor vehicle poliution control device as an
                   accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
                   violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

            Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
            submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems
            advisable.                                                                ’

            Executive Order D—11—2, dated November 27, 1974 is superseded and of no
            further force and effect.

            Executed at Sacramento, California, this   ;56)   day bf April, 1976.

                                                Q\”w&\ nc»/\       S\CB\/\Q § \OL\
.                                               Thomas‘C. Austin     *
i                                               Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                                  State of California

                                  AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                    STAFF REPORT

                                    March 10, 1976

                      Evaluation of Western Controls, Inc‘s.
              "Breakerless Capacitive Discharge Ignition System"
     for exemption from the prohibitions of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156

    I.     Introduction

          Western Controls, Inc., 805 West Madison, Phoenix, Arizona, 85007

          was issued an Executive Order number D—11—2 dated November 27, 1974

          which grants an exemption from the prohibitions of Motor Vehié]e Code

          Section 27156 for their "Breakerless Capacitive Discharge Ignition

          System" which is also known by other brand namés described in Executive

          Order D—11}—2.   The exemption was for 1974 and older model year vehicles

          except the following:

6              1.    Vehicles originally equipped with an electronic ignition

‘                    system whether it is a breakerless, capacitive discharge,

                     or transistorized type.

               2.    All 1966—70 model—year vehicles equipped with a Dana or

                     Carter NOx retrofit device using an electronic speed sensor.

          Western Controls has now applied (Exhibit A) for a change of part

          numbers and the addition of another trade name "Hays".    The "Hays"

          unit would be marketed by Hays Sales, 15116 Adams Street, Midway City,

          California, 92655.   The units would be the same as previously exempted

         * except for part numbers and trade name. In addition, Western Controls

          has applied for the use of their device with 1966—70 model year vehicles

          equipped with NOx retrofit devices using electronic speed sensors (i.e.

Evaluation of Western Controls Inc‘s. "Breakerless
Capacitive Discharge Ignition System" for Exemption
from the Prohibitions of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156          March 10, 1976

      Carter, Dana or AQP — Electro—NOx).     They propose to supply a
      tachometer adapter model 4001 for electrical compatability between

      their breakerless capacitive discharge (C—D) ignition system and

      the NOx retrofit device speed sensors.

II.   System Description

      The Western Controls, Inc‘s. breakerless C—D ignition system consists

      of a magnetic sensor, d—c converter, storage capacitor and an electronic

      switch.   The sensor is a magnetic pickup unit mounted within the dis—

      tributor to sense the high points of the cam lobe.     The signal pulse

      triggers the C—D unit and discharges the energy in the storage capacitor

      through the primary coil of the ignition system.

III. System Evaluation

      The device had been evaluated for previous exemptions {Executive Orders

      D11, D—11—1, and D—11—2) by comparison of emfission tests and ignition

      advance characteristics on a vehicle.    Sinbe a bénch test had not been

      performed previously, the unit was bench tested at the ARB ljaboratory

      for correlation purposes and to determine the compatibitity of the

      unit with the tachometer adapter and the NOx retrofit device speed sensors.

      The bench tests were conducted by the Air Resources Board Laboratory on an

      ignition systems simulator which consists of a Sun distributor tester,

      Techtronix Oscilloscope, Sun Ignition analyzer and associated accessories

      in accordance with SAE—J973a instructions.    A summary of the electrical

      tests performed on a Chrysier and FordkS cylinder distributor are shown

      in Table I.


    ‘Evaluation of Hestern Controls, Inc‘s. "Breakerless
    Capacitive Discharge lanition System" for Exemption
     from the Prohibitions of Moter Vehicle Code Section 27156                    March 10, 1976


         A review of the centrifugal and vacuum advance data shows spark

         retardation at cruise as follows:

                              Centrifugal              Vacuum              Combined
                                Retard                 Retard               Retard

              Chrysler      3° @ 3200 RPM          6.5° @ 20" Hg.              9.5°

              Ford          4° © 3200 RPM          3.5° @ 15" Hg.              7.5°

         This degres of retardation is expected to have adverse effect on the

         valva life of an engine.        The deterioration of exhaust valve sealing

         leads to higher hydrocarbon emissions.

         The various other electrical characteristics compared are typical of

         C—0 systems.    The device data shows spark energy degradation from

         O.E.M. as follows:

                                     %       Energy      %       Energy
                          Engine         Reduction           Reduction
                           RPM       (Chrysler)               (Ford)

                            660            —52.2               —27 .4

                           3000            —45.3               ~17.9

         This amount of spark energy loss is expected to have adverse effects

         on hydrocarbon emissions particularly on marginal vehicles or under

         cold ambfent temperature conditions.

         A laboratory test indicated that the C—D unit with the tachometer

         adapter was compatible with the Carter—CER Speed Sensing Unit.

                                                                         wmnoormenmessteane   reursumene:

Evaluation of Western Controls, Inc‘s. "Breakerless
Capacitive Discharge Ignition System" for Exemption
from the Prohibitions of Motor Vehicle Code Section 27156         March 10, 1976

IV.   Conclusions and Recommendations

      Based on an evaluation of the application and all available data the

      following conclusion and recommendations are made:

           1)   Permit revision of Executive Ordgr D—11—2 to show new

                part numbers and the additional brand name "Hays" for

                the atready exempt device.

           2)   Deny the new application usage of the device on 1966—70

                model year vehicles equipped with a Dana or Carter

                NOx retrofit device using an electronic speed sensor

                since the "Breakerless Capacitive Discharge Iqgnition

                System" does not meet the current Air Resources

                Boards criteria.

                   Table I — ARB Data Summary of Western Controls‘
                           Breakerless C—D Ignition System

         A.    Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

     ;         1972 Chrysler — 8 cylinder                          1967 Ford ~ 8 cylinder

.              Engine                                     '
                RPM         Baseline        Device                 Baseline       Device

                 600           0              0                       0             0
                1400          18.5           16.0                     10.5         10.0
                2000          20.5           18.5                     16.0         13.5
                2600          22.5           20.5                     19.0         15.0
                3200          24.5           21.5                     20.5         16.5

         B.    Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
               in. Ha.      Baseline         Device                Baseline       Device
                  3            0               0                      0             0
                  9            1.0             G                     11.0           9.0
                 12           10.0             6.0                   16.5          14.0
                 15           21.0            15.0                   21.5          18.0
                 20           21.5            15.0                   24 .0         22.5

         C.     Spark Duration in Microseconds
                RPM         Baseling         Device                Baseline       PDevice
                 600          1800     —      420                     1450         400
 }              3000          1360            400                     1000         400

‘        D.    Secondary Voitage Rise Time in Microseconds
               Engine                                                  .
                RPM         Bassline         Device           ~—   Baseline       Device
                 600            40              28                     40           30
                3000            40                28                       40       30

         E..   Spark Energy in Millijoules
                RPM         BaseTing         Device                Baselins       Device
                 600          27 .2           13.0                   19.0 .        13.8
                3000          25.6            14.0                   16.8          13.8

         F. Available Voltage in Kilovolts             _{with load)
                RPM         Baseline         Device                Baseline       Device
                 600          25.0            23.5                   23.5          22.5
                3000          19.0            22.0                   21.0          21.5

         G.    Avaflable Voltage in Kilovolts {simulating fouled spark plug)
                RPM         Baseline        Device                 Baseline       Device
 )               600          20.0           19.0                    18.5          186.0
'               3000          13.0           18.5                    16.0          17.0

                                                                          TATNTDOTT   O

pecember 15, 1975

Mr. K. D. Drachand, Chief
State of Calif. Resources Agency
Air Resources Board Laboratory
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, Calif. 91731

                                RE:   Your letter of Nov. 17, 1975

Dear Mr. Drachand:

Part 1 of your letter, CD Ignition Systems.

  1.  Please find enclosed packet #1 of schematic diagrams showing BE—12 circuits
and new 100l circuit.  BE—12 circuit consisted of EC—12 converter unit and ET—12
trigger unit.  Both units contained electronic components.  PC—12HP components
are circled and are added to make PCI2ZHP from PC—12S. New converter models 1001
and 1002 contain virtually the same circuitry.

       System 1051 consists of converter model 1001 and trigger module 2001.              All
electronics are contained in 1001 module.       This system is for engines up to 5000 RPM
(8 cyl.}.

      System 1052 consists of trigger module 2001 and converter model 1002.               This
system is for engines up to 10,000 RPM (Scy1l.)
  2.   Mfg. Label                         Model Nos,

       Westarn Controls Inc.              1051 CD System
       805 W. Madison St.                 1052 HP CD System
       Phx. Ariz. 85007                   1058 TR System

       "MAX" Label                        1001 CD System
       Western Controls Inc.             1002 HP CD System
       805 W. Madison St.                1008 TR System
       Phx. Ariz. §5007

       Filkotronic Ignition Label        F1—125 CD System
       Filko Div. of F & B Mig.          F1—126 HP CD System
       5480 N. Northwest Highway         F1—150 TR System
       Chicago, I11. 60630

       Hays Label                        CD—2041 CD System
       Hays Sales                        HP—CD2042 HP CD System
       15116 Adams Street                TR—2048 TR System
       Midway City, CAlif. 92655

       WECSTEM CONLOIS,. MNC. sos west mapison, proenix, anizona 85007 (602) 258—2821

                                                                            CARIBIT   A

                                                                                               wonmeimvc l
   Page 2

   Mr. Drachand

            Thermo King Label            80—5001 CD System
            Thermotronic Iqgnition       80—5002 HP CD System
            314 w. 90th St.
            Minneapolis, Minn, 55420

     3.  ‘The Tachometer Adapter Model 4001
         The Tachometer Adapter will not be supplied with the ignition kits.   It will
   be sold separtely by the dealers,.  Packet #2 enclosed contains the schematic
   diagram    and the installation instructions.       An additional note will be included
   with the ignition kit to advise the customer of need for the adapter. on 1966
   through 1970 vehicles using NO, devices.  Its use is required only on the capacitor
   discharge system. A sample unit is also enclosed.

   Part 2 of your letter.       Western Controls Models 1058, "MAX"—1008, Filkotronic F1—150
   and Hays Model TR2048.

     1.  Model 1058 is the same product as MAX 1008. Filkotronic Fi—150 and Hays 2048.
   Packet #3 contains an iqnition system specification form for this device and the
. schematic diagram.

     2.  Purpose of the device is to retrofit breakezpoin{ ignition systems in all
   engines for which adapter kits are available.

     3.   Detailed instruction sheet are included in the sample systems supplied.

     4.   1200 rpm   10.5°       1300 rpM    10.5°

     5.   Spark gap was set for l2KV.       (Per SAE J973a)
     6. Test data on 1969 4 cylinder Volkswagen distributor was run to show the effect
   on the distributor timing when the trigger module is installed in place of the
   breakerpoints and operated with either the CD Model 1051 or the TR Model 1058.
   The engine timing is the same for both systems types.        Requested test data is
   enclosed with packet #3.
   7 BRacket #3 contains an adapter kit quide for vehicles which can be fitted with
   the CD or TR Ignition Systems.  We request exemption for all vehicles listed in
   the quide. The ignition systems are sold separately from the adapter kits to
   minimize dealer inventory.

          WESTGM CONICOIS. iNC. sos west mapison, PHoENIX, anizOna ss007 (602) ass—2821

 —        o                          ~                                         EXHIBIT A

     page 3

     Mr. Drachand

   8.  Two model 1058 systems are enclosed as are 1 each adapter
                                                                 kit f or 8 cylinder
 Chrysler and 8 cylinder Ford.

              It will not be necessary to return the parts.

  .9.     The TR ignition is compatible with 1966 through. 1970 vehicle
                                                                        s equipped
 with     NO, devises employing speed sensors.

     Part 3 of your letter.  Models 1061, 1062,1063 and 1064.
     We would like to submit this information at a later date since the test information
     you require is not yet available.

     If you require further information, please advise me.

. Sincerely,             G
e //      LGallea      /kzztaa
 Charles L. Shano                *


 cc:     Tom Stafford— Hays Corp.
         Jerry Adreon— Filko Mfg.
         Al Angelini— Filko Mifg.
         Eric P CGrant

          WEStTEM CONITCOIS, iMC. sos weet maoison, prioenix, arizona ssoor (602) 288—2821

                                                                             EARLBLT A

   October 9,       1975

   Mr. G.C. Hass
  C hief
   Division of Vehicle Emissions Control
  Air Resources Board
   9528 Telstar Avenue
   El Monte, Calif. 91713

   Dear Mr. Hass:

   Please note that some part number changes have taken place for 1975/76 Western
   Controls Inc. products.  The part number changes were made due to different
   packaging in order to:

               (1) Make Western Controls products more attractive

               (2) Make Thermo King products more attractive
               (3) Make Filko products outwardly appear to be distinctively different from
                     (1) and (2) above.

   The new packaging in no way changes or alters electromic circuitry or characteristics.

‘I‘he following chart relates the number changes:

          Western Controls                changed to           Western Controls
          Model No. BEL2S                                      Model No. 1051

          Western Controls                changed to           Western Controls
          Model No. BEL2HP                                     Model No. 1052

          Thermo King Corp.          Changed to                 Thermo King Corp.
          "Thermotronic Model 80—~4001"                        "Thermotronic Model 80—5001"

          Thermo King Corp.         changed to                  Thermo King Corp.
          "Thermotronic Model 80—4002"                         "Thermotronic Model 80—5002"
          Filko Ignition Div.             changed to           Filko Ignition Div.
          F & B Mig. Inc.                                      F & B Mfg. Inc.
          "Filkotronic Mdel F—100"                             "Filkotronic Model F—125"
        Filko Ignition Div.        changed to            Filko Ignition Div.
         F & B Mig. Inc.                                 F & B Mfg. Inc.
         "Filkotronic Model F—101"                       "Filkotronic Model F—126"
  The abovée models are exempted under State of California Air Resources Board Executive
  Order D—l1—2 dated 11—27—74.

  Also, please note that Western Controls Models 1051 and 1052 will soon be marketed
  under "MAX—CD" and "MAX—H.P. CD" labels by several national chains.

  Very truly yours,
           /    1

. Faed G okwfib«
  Fred Schneider                                                                     .

          WCSTECM CONIFOIS, HIC. sos weet mapison, prosnix, arizonia ssoor (602) 2se—2821

                                                                                       povisa uk a

 October 24,        1975

  Mr.   C. C.     Hass
 Division of Vehicle Emissions Control
 Air Resources Board
 9528 Telstar Avenue
  E1 Monte, Calif.            91713

 Dear Mr.        Hass:

  Pursuant to our Mr. Fred Schneider‘s letter of October 9, 1975,                requesting revision
 of executive order D—11—2.                This letter will advise you of further additions and
 recuested revisions.

 Please add:                   (1)    Hays Ignition Series 2000.   Breakerless CD Ignition which
                                      will include repackaged modeils 1051 and 1052.  These will
                                      be marketed under Hays Sales Co. 15116 Adams Street, Midway
                                      City, Calif. 92655.

                               (2)    MAX CD Model 500 same as 1051
;                                            Model 1000 same as 1052
.                                     These will be marketed by Western Controls

                               (3)    We respectfully request revision of executive order D—ll—2
                                      dated 11—27—74 to remove restriction of items.

                                         (1)   Our system types 1061, 1062 for Chrysler engines
                                               and 1063, 1064 for Ford Engines will replace the
                                               OEM Transistor units with Western Controls CD
                                               converter.   The system uses the original equipment
                                               distributor breskerless system to drive the CD
                                               converter.  Installation of the CD unit always is
                                               equal to, or improves the OEM ignition.
                                         (2)   Western Controls Tachometer adapter available for
                                               operation of tachometer circuits will drive the
                                               NO, retrofit devices in question. The tachometer
                                               adapter is model 4001.  Tts use can be required
                                               on 1966 through 1970 vehicle using NO, devices
                                               requiring an electronic speed sensor.

 Séz/e‘rely,             /\
   \        ¢
     ,\-/{7\/(/{0 : Meres
  Charles L. Shano

                WEStEm CONTWOIS. IMC. sos weet mapison, phoeNix, anizona ssoor (602) 2s8—2821

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:17
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:17

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