Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on June 25, 1982.
As of Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975-1981 8V - 92TA DDAD GM heavy-duty engines 1976-1981 6V - 92TA DDAD GM heavy-duty engines

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-126
  • Executive Order 126 / D126
  • ARB # D-126
  • Executive Order No: D-126
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-126
  • Resolution D-126
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D-126 Document:


                                                        {Page 1 of 2)

                              State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—126
                  Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                              of the Vehicle Code

                          GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION
                          BV—I2TA AND 6V—S2TA GM—DDAD
                          DIESEL ENGINE MODIFICATION
                                 "CUE" PACKAGE

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the modification of 1975 through 1981 model
8VY—92TA and 1976 through 1981 model 6V¥—92ZTA General Motors Detroit Diesel
Allison Division heavy—duty diesel engines has been found not to reduce the
effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices. The
modification will consist of replacing the OEM cylinder lTiner, gear train for
blower drive gear, fuel injectors, blower, turbocharger, aftercooler, air
inlet housing, throttle delay check valve, camshaft, and piston rings with
corresponding parts utilized in 1982 California certified engines.      It is
hereby exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for the
"CUE" package will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the "CUE" package, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance of
a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of the "CUE" package using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of the "CUE" package for an application
other than those Tisted in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that the
use of the "CUE" package may have on any warranty either expressed or implied
by the vehicle manufacturer.

 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION                       i         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—126
                                                            (Page 2 of 2)


 No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
 with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or
 written communication.

\ Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or misleading
  advertising unlawful, and Sect1on 17534 makes violation pun1shab1e as a

 Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the state board for—certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control device
     for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been certified by
     the state board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise,cor    >
     represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as a certified device
     which, in fact, is not a certified device.       Any violation of this
     subdivision is a misdemeanor."

 Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
 submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems
 advisable.                               ;V(f

 Executed at El Monte, California, this               day of June

                                          ¥. D. Drachand, Chief
                                          Mobile Source Control Division

                               State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                   Staff Report

                                   June 15, 1982
Evaluation of General Motors Corporation‘s "California Upgrade for Economy"
(CUE) Engine Modification in Accordance with Section 2222, Title 13, of the
California Administrative Code.

      General Motors Corporation (GMC), of Warren, Michigan, has requested for
an exemption from the prohibitions of California Vehicle Code Section 27156

for an engine modification program.     GM proposes to make available an engine

modification package, California Upgrade for Economy (CUE), for upgrading 1975

through 1981 model 8¥—92TA and 1976 through 1981 model 6V—92TA General Motors
Detroit Diesel Allison Division (GM—DDAD) heavy—duty engines.     The

modification of these older engines will utilize some components of 1982

California certified SV—92TA and 6V—92TA GM—DDAD engines to a hybrid

specification.    The purpose of the CUE modification, according to GMC, is to

improve performance and fuel economy.

      GMC proposes, in their CUE program, to replace certain 1975 through 1981

OEM engine parts during a routine rebuild or a special rebuild solely for fuel

economy improvement with components utilized on 1982 model year California ‘

certified engines.    The parts which are to be upgraded are cyTinder Tiners,

gear train (for the blower drive gear), fuel injectors, blower, turbocharger,

aftercooler, air inlet housing, throttle delay check valve, camshaft, and

piston rings.    Tables I and II (attached) Tist these parts by GMC part



       GMC did not submit any test data to show that the modification will have

possible effects on emissions.

       In response to GMC‘s request, the staff reviewed the parts list and

compared with GMC certification document to assure that the components used in

the CUE package are those parts used in 1982 California certified engines.
Because not all parts contained in the CUE package are listed in GMC‘s

certification application, only a partial list of the parts were cross—checked

and verified.    It may be assumed that the other parts not listed in the

certification application (cylinder Tiner, gear train for blower drive gear,

air inlet housing, throttle delay check vaive, camshaft, and piston rings),

when updated to the 1982 configuration which was designed to meet more

stringent emission standards, will not have, if any, adverse effect on


       Per Air Resources Board (ARB) engine change policy (ARB Mail Out

No. 81—040) pertaining to heavy—duty vehicles, an engine which is rebuilt to

non—OEM configuration must be reviewed by the ARB and receive a written

exemption prior to rebuild.
       Since the components replaced are currently utilized on certified 1982

engines, the staff is of the opinion that there will be no adverse effect on

emissions during the rebuild of the subject engines.


       The staff is of the opinion that the GMC engine modification package in

the CUE program during rebuild of 1975 through 1981 model 8¥—92TA and 1976

through 1981 model 6V~92ZTA engines will not have any adverse effect on

emissions.   The staff, therefore, recommends that Executive Order No. D—126 be


                                                                 1           im!
                                                         GM—DDAD 6V                 Engine
                                                               "CUE" Components

                                 1982                1980—1981                      1979             1977—1978            1975—1976
Nomenclature                Replacement Part         OEM Part                       OEM Part          OEM Part             OEM Part

Cylinder Liner                 5107176               Reuse                          Reuse            5104214              5148505
Gear Train                     5122920               5122918                        5122918          5122918              Reuse
{(blower drive gear)

Injectors                      9F90—5226090          9C90—5229890                    9B90—5229810    9A90—5229630         9A90—5229630
                                                     9C85—5229885                    9B85—5229815    9A85—5229625         9A85—5229625
                                                     9C80—5229880                    9B80—5229805    9A80—5229620         9A80—5229620
Blower                        8923495 (1)            5101528 (1)                   . 5101528 (1)     5101528 (1)          5101528 (1)
                              8923497 (2)            5104936 (2)                     5104936 (2)     5104936 (2)          5104936 (2)
                              8923496 (3)            5103854 (3)                     5103854 (3)     5103854 (3)          5103854 {3)
Turbocharger                  TV—7111 (1.23)         TV—8102 (1.08)                 TV—8102 (1.23)   TV—8102 (1.08)       TV—8102 (1.08) .
                              8923051                5101151                        5102353          5101151              5101151
Aftercooler                   8923050                5101152                        5101152          5101152              5101152

Air Inlet Housing             8923179                5101411                        5101411          5101411              5101411

Throttle Defay                 5103296               Reuse                          5102155          5102155              5102155
{check valve)

Camshaft                       5108114 R/B           8921368 R/B                    Reuse            5107245 R/B          5107229 R/B
                               5108113 L/B           8921367 L/B                    Reuse            5107248 L/B          5107227 L/B

Piston Rings                  8923178     (4)        5100601    (4)                 5100601    (4)   5100601     (4)      5100601 (4)
                              8923113     (5)        5100607    (5)                 5100607    (5)   5100607     (5)      5100607 (5)
                              8923112     (6)        5144620    (5)                 5144620    (5)   5144620     (5)      5144620 (5)
                              8923559     (7)        5102736    (6)                 5102736    (6)   5102736     (6)      5102736 (6)
                                                     5102737    (6)                 5102737    (6)   5102737     (6)      5102737 (6)
                                                     5144622    (6)                 5144622    (6)   5144622     (6)      5144622 (6)
                                                     5102744    (7)                 5102744    (7)   5102744     (7)      5102744 (7)

{1):     Front mount turbo         (3):     Back mount turbo          (5):     —Compression ring      (7):     Expander
(2):     Rear mount turbo          (4):     Fire rings                (6):     011 ring

                                                                    Tab .
                                                        GM—DDAD 8V—     Engine
                                                           "CUE" Components

                               1982                 1980—1981                  1979            1977—1978           1975—1976
Nomenclature             Replacement Part           OEM Part                  QEM Part         Part                OEM Part

Cylinder Tiner               5107176                Reuse                    Reuse             5104214             5148505

Gear train                   5109602                5122920                   5122920          5122918             5122918
(blower drive gear)
Injector                     9F90—5226090           9C90—5229890             9A90—5229630      9A90—5229630        9290—5229405
                                                    9C85—5229885             9AB5—5229625      9A85—5229625        9285—5229400
                                                    9C80—5229880             9A80—5229620      9A80—5229620        9280—5229180
Blower                       8923474 (1)            5101483 (1)              5101483 (1)       5101483 (1)         5101483 (1)
                             8923475 (2)            5104937 (2)              5104937 (2)       5104937 (2)         5104937 (2)
                             8923476 (3)            5144787 (3)              5144787 (3)       5144787 (3)         5144787 (3)
Turbocharger                 TV—8117 (1.39)         TV—8101 (1.39)           TV—8101 (1.60)    TV—8101 (1.60)     . TV—8101 (1.60)
                             8923340                5101508                  5101513           5101513             5101513
Aftercooler                  8923233                5101327                   5101327          5101327             5101327

Air inlet housing            8923341                5122918                   5122981          5122918             5122918
Throttle delay               5103296                Reuse                     5102155          5102155             5102155
{check valve)

Camshaft                     5108116     R/B       8921370 R/B               Reuse             Reuse               5107231 R/B .
                             5108115     L/B       8921369 L/B               Reuse                                 5107232 L/B
Piston Ring                  8923178     (4)        5100601   (4)            5100601     (4)   5100601   (4)       5100601    (4)
                             8923113     (5)        5100607   (5)            5100607     (5)   5100607   (5)       5100607    (5)
                             8923112 (6)            5144620   (5)            5144620     (5)   5144620   (5)       5144620    (5)
                             8923559 (7)            5102736   (6)            5102736     (6)   5102736   (6)       5102736    (6)
                                                    5102737   (6)            5102737     (6)   5102737   (6)       5102737    (6)
                                                    5144622   (6)            5144622     (6)   5144622   {6)       5144622    (6)
                                                    5102744   (7)            5102744     (7)   5102744   (7)       5102744    (7)

{(1):    Front mount turbo       {(3):     Back mount turbo          (5):   Compression ring   (7):    Expander
(2):     Rear mount turbo        (4):      Fire rings                (6):   011 ring

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:32
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:32

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