Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on December 6, 1983.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification
40 IDA 3C1969-1973 Porsche 911E, S, & T with mechanical fuel injection; 2.0 E and S, 2.2 E and S, 2.4 E, S and TK&N AC may be used in place of the OEM AC.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-144
  • Executive Order 144 / D144
  • ARB # D-144
  • Executive Order No: D-144
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-144
  • Resolution D-144
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D-144 Document:


                                                           (Page 1 of 2)

                               State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                               EXECUTIVE ORDER D—144
                   Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                               of the Yehicle Code

                               PORSCHE MAILORDER‘S

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Yehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT 1IS ORDERED AND RESOLYED: That the installation of the Weber 40 IBA 3C
carburetor and conversion kit distributed by Porsche Mailorder, Santa
Monica, California 90402, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
required motor vehicle po]Tthon control devices and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for Timited
1969—1973 Porsche 911‘s for the engines and models listed befow:

Engine Size (L)      Yenturi      Main      Emulsfon     Idle      Air Cor.
   and Model          {mm)      Jet_{(mm)    Tube      Jet (mm)}   Jet {mm)
2.0E, 2.2E            30         1.25         F—26       0.55        1 .80
2.08                  30         1.25         F—3        0.55        1.80
2.25                  32         1.30         F—32       0.55        1.80
2.41t                 30         1.30         F—2        0.55        1.80
2 .4E                 32         1.35        _F—2        0.60        1.80
2.48                  32         1.35         F—3        0.60        1,80
This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application octher
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of a kit
shall not be construed as an exemstion to sell, offer for sale, or
advertise any component of a kit as an individual device.

PORSCHE MAILORDER                                 EXECUTIVE ORDER D—144
                                                   (Page 2 of 2)

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied
by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or
written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unTawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

   ~"43644.   {a)   No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
    advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
    certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
    pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that
    device has been certified by the state board. No person shall seil.
    offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution
    control device as a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified
    device. Any violation of this subdifvision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of CaTifornia for such action as he deems

Executed at El Monte, California, this & day 0(:?f;§f§er’ 1983.

                                       /m/w/im?" —~
                                        K. D. Drachand, Chief
                                        Mobile Source Division

                       STATE OF CALIFORNIA

                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                         NOVEMBER, 1983


                         MOBILE SOURCE DIVISION
                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                          9528 Telstar Avenue
                          E1 Monte, CA 91731

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air
Resources Board and approved for publication.   Approval does not signify
that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air
Resources Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products
constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.)


       Porsche Mailorder has requested exemption from the prohibitions in

Vehicle Code Section 27156 for an aftermarket carburetor and conversion

kit.     The total kit is designed to replace the original equipment
mechanical fuel injection found on lTimited 1969—1973 Porsche 911 E, S,

and T model—year vehicles.

       The applicant in order to demonstrate no adverse emissions effect

with the use of the conversion kit performed comparative exhaust emission
tests.       The test results revealed that:

       i)       stock systems are high emitters due to age and deterioration
and that repair parts are quite costly acting as a deterrence for owners

to repair; and

       i1)      the conversion kit being applied for did not increase the

emissions of the vehicle tested.
       Based on the engineering evaluation of the conversion kit and an

analysis of emission test data, the staff recommends that the application

be granted exemption for the vehicles applied for and that Executive

Order D—144 be issued.


                                      Page Number

SUMMARY                                   i

CONTENTS                                 i1

I.    INTRODUCTION                        1






      DRAWING #1

      APPENDIX #1




      Porsche Mailorder located in Santa Monica, California 90402, has applied

for exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for an
aftermarket add—on replacement carburetor and conversion kit.   The applicant

specifically requested that the conversion kit, which includes two model 40
IDA 3C Weber carburetors, two intake manifolds, carburetor Tinkage and two air
cleaner adapters, be used in place of the original equipment (OE)‘mechanicaT

fue! injection found on limited 1969 through 1973 Porsche 911 E, S, and T

modeT—year vehicles.

      The applicant, in order to demonstrate that an adverse emissions impact

would not occur with the use of the conversion kit, performed comparative
exhaust emission tests on a vehicle equipped with the OE mechanical injection

and then with the aftermarket carburetor kit.

      This report describes the Air Resources Board‘s (ARB) evaluation of the

Weber model 40 IDA 3C carburetors and conversion kit and discusses the

findings of the evaluation.


      Based upon the applicant‘s submitted comparative exhaust emission data

and an analysis of in—use vehicle emission test data, the staff has concluded

that the installation of the Weber 40 IDA 3C carburetors would not cause an

adverse emissions fmpact.


      The staff, therefore, recommends that Porsche Mailorder be granted

exemption from the prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the vehicles
as requested.

      The staff also recommends that Executive Order D—144 be issued allowing

use of the Weber 40 IDA 3C carburetors and conversion kit on Timited 1969—1973

Porsche 911 E, S, and T model—year vehicles.


      The Weber 40 IDA 3C carburetor is of a triple venturi downdraft type and

two units are required for each application (Diagram 1).       All throttles (6)

are simulTtaneously operated by a common Tinkage.
      Each paired triple venturi carburetor contains a dual float and

individual idle, main, and accelerator circuits.       However, it contains neither

a choke nor a power enrichment circuit which is common among these types of


      Weber carburetors are well known as being adaptable for various types of

driving applications.      In order for the applicant to provide standardized

components for individual vehicle applications by engine and model

designation, Table 1 is provided.

                                      Table 1
                        Weber 40 IDA 3C Component Variables

 Engine Size      Venturi          Ma in      Emuls fon       Idle          Air. Cor.
  and Model        {mm)          Jet {mm)       Tube        Jet (mm)   <—   Jet {mm)

2 .0E g.zz(fl        30              1.25        F—26          0.55            1.80
2.0s(1               30             1.25        F—3           9.55            1.80
2.25(1)             32             1.30         F—32          ~0.55           1.80
2 At*(2)            30             1.30         F—2            0.55           1.30
2.46(2)             32             1.35         F—2            0.60           1.80
2.45(2)             32             1.35         F—3            0.60           1.80
*Model used for exhaust emission evaluation.
(1) Uses OE air cleaner w/o adapters.
(2) Uses OE air cleaner w/adapters.

     All of Porsche Mailorder‘s Weber 40 IDA 3C carburetors use special
extended secondary venturi tubes.

     The applicant also provides two different intake manifolds depending upon
the engine‘s intake port diameter.     Porsche Models T and E receive a 40x32 mm

manifold while the mode? S receives a 40x36 mm manifold.     Since the

installation of the Weber carburetors necessitates removal of the OE fuel
injection components, special plugs (6) are provided in each kit to plug the
hole for the individual fuel injection nozzles where they normally screw into

the cylinder head.   The OE fuel pump is retained but a special fuel block with
a pressure regulator is added to allow individual fuel supplies to each

     The applicant‘s mixture adjustment procedures for the Weber 40 IDA 3C

carburetors are found in Appendix 1.     The procedure basically states that the

carburetors are to be adjusted equally and individually to obtain the

smoothest idle.   A "Uni—Syn" (air flow meter) is needed to measure and adjust

each venturi for equal air flow.

     Idle HC/CO lTimits are not given for adjustment of the carburetors,

however, when adjustments are performed according to the installation

instructions, the emission levels are less than the MVIP idle standard adopted

by the State for this type of vehicle.

     The applicant submitted comparative exhaust emission tests performed by

the Automobile Club of Southern California.    The procedure used for the
evaluation was the CVS—75 as explained in the Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 86:00.   The test vehicle is described in Table 2 and its comparative

exhaust emission results are found in Table 3.               Paired baseline (with OE fue!

injection) and paired device {with Weber 40 IDA 3C carburetors) tests were
performed but only the average values of each are reported.

     Prior to the baseline tests the test vehicle was adjusted and set to

original equipment specifications.          Although the test vehicle was 14 years

old, it was purported to be well maintained and no modifications other than

normal maintenance items were performed.

                                            Table 1
                                    Test Vehicle Description

              Year                                     1972
              Make                                     Porsche         .
              Model                                    911 T
              Eng. Size                                146.4 CID (2.%%3
              Emission Controls                        PCV, Evap, VR
              Odometer MilTeage                        81,098
              Transmission                             Manual

(1) PCV — positive crankcease ventilation; Evap — Evaporative emission controls;
    VR — vacuum retard ignition.

                                         Table 2
                                Exhaust Emission Results*

                             Exhaust Emissions in gm/mi                Fuel Economy
Test Type                     HC        CO        NOx                      mi/gal

BaseTine                     30.0        233.7        1.06                  10.6
Device                       16.2        154 .2       1.20                  11.7

1972 Stand.                   3.2         39.0        3.0                    —

*Results have been recalculated to the CVS—72 procedure.
     The ARB did not perform confirmatory testing of the conversion kit due to

lack of a well maintained test vehicle and extreme costs in repairing one to

appropriate levels.


       As evident from the comparative emission results the baseline HC and CO

 values are many times the 1972 emissions standard.    Although the test vehicle

 was repaired prior to testing, it is apparent that major fuel distribution

 problems still existed and were not corrected at the time of testing.    There
 is no correlation between the MVIP idle HC/CO standards and the CVS results
' since during both test configurations, baseline and device, the idle emissions

 were Tess than the MVIP standards.

       The staff also performed an analysis of emission inspection data of six

 cylinder Porsche vehicles having been tested at the time of registration

 change and found that 90% of the vehicles failed at least one of the idle or

 Toaded mode HC/CO Timits.    The staff contacted several Porsche dealerships in

 the area and questioned service personnel about repairs to this type of
 injection system.   It was found that there are lTimited people who can properly

 service these units and that repair costs could run from several hundred
 dollars to several thousand dollars.    The availability of new OE parts is

 another area of concern since they are no longer available and one must rely

 solely on rebuilt parts.    The combination of high repair costs and parts

 availability acts as a deterrence for proper repair of the OE system.

       The Weber 40 IDA 3C carburetor kit is similar to the same carburetors
 used on earlier model—year Porsches.    Although these carburetors require

 precise adjustment to operate properly, most of the early foreign vehicles use

 multiple carburetors similar to these and most repair personnel are familiar
with them.    Additionally, parts to repair or renew these carburetors are

readily available.

     The deterioration factor of high performance sports cars such as Porches
with mileage in excess of 50,000 miles is extremely high.   This is also

 compounded since the model—year vehicles for this application are approaching
 absolescence and replacement parts are becoming extinct.

      Although the exhaust emission levels with the use of the Weber 40 IDA 3C

 carburetor kit are considerably higher than the 1972 emission standard, they

‘are 50% less than those of the OE system.

                                            Appendix 1

                        +               —
                            WEBER 40 TDA 3C ADJUSTMENT                                 2

     It‘s being taken for granted that you have had some experience working with
Poxrsche engines, at Least at the tune—up Llevel.        Webers are easy to adfjust when
companred to other Porsche induction aystems but they are much harder to adjust
than an American two barrel. It takes a cenrtain feel; which usually can be Learned.
      Before attempting to adjust the carbs the engine must have correct cam and
ignition timing atong with a careful value adjustment. The points, plugs, distii—
butor ecap, ignition wires, etc., should be in Like—new condition. The distributor
must be mechanical advance or modified for straight mechanical advance. The
compression differentioal between the cylinders should not exceed 20 psi max. An
engine compartment fuel filter will keep the carbs clean Llonger. When the air
cleaner is finstly instatled, it should have a clean eLement.

     DEFINITIONS:                                  —
      Front, Back, Left, Right, etce., are defined from your position as you sit in
the dhiver‘s seat.                                                          .
      The Throttle Body is the main part of the canb. What it doesn‘t contain is
attached to if.
      The Mixture Screws thread into the base of each throttle bore. They have
aprings to maintuin a setting and there are three of them in each carburetor. Be
careful. as you furn these in as they seat in the thiottle body. Turming a mixture
screw in Lleans the mixture and turning it out does the reverse.
.    The Idle Serew is sometimes called the idfe stop sorew. There is one on the
 ack of eachk carb and it determines the minimum throttle setting through its
action on the thiottle anm of the carb. When this sorew is turned all the way out
the thiwottle plates xrest against the throttle bores.
     The Air Screms are similar to the mixture screws in that they operate on the
needle valve principle. There are atso three of these in each carb and they are
Epcated close to the mixtwie screws. They have an § mm Lock nut on them to maintain
thein setting. As they are adjusted out they Llet ain salip around the thiottle
plates to equalize the volume of mixture entering each cylinder at idle. The basic
setting is 1/2 turn out        and great care is to be taken since these screws also seat
in the thiottle body.
     Side to Side Balance means equal vacuum between the two sides of the engine
thiough adjusiing the cdle sckews and throttle Linkage.
     TOOLS needed to adjust the carbs are:
     Stubby serew drivers to adjusi the mixture and air screus
     STE SYNCHROMETER for adjusting vacuum at the aix screws{available at Porsche
     Two & mm combination wrenches plus a Tmm one.                        Mailorder}

     P 2264; a Porsche special tool that affous you to check the {Zoat Leuel .
             with engine running{available at PORSCHE MAILORDER}
     A amafl ce measuring vial; useful for measuring the accelerator pump injection

     These instructions atant with the engine thoroughty cleaned and the manifolds
 mestabled with new gaskets. The Linkage should be clean and high temp gqrease
    ed to the ball sockets. An § mn open end wrench can be used as a ball joint
separator. New gaskets are used under the carburetors when they are installed.
The air horn shiekd is the part of the air cleaner that is clamped to the top of

                        {remove pfugs {rom thg {foat bowl vents on 40mm carbs}

        _* '                                    (2]

    the canburetor by the ainr houns.     A new gasket should go between the ainr horan shield
    and the carnburetor.     A gasket can go under the air horns if you want to be sure of
    getting an accurate adjustment with the. Uni—Syn.                              _
         Next, the Linkage should be hooked up except for the short ball jointed
    carburetor nods.    If you are converting to Webers from Zeniths, the Linkage
    arm conmected to the crossbar on the right side sometimes has to be bent further
    to the right to aftlow the short baltl jointed carb rod to travel in a totally
    vertical pfane when viewing the mechaniam from the xear of the vehicle. Find the
    idfescrem at the rear of each carb and tuin the ascrew afl the way out so that the
    throttle plates rest against the throttle bore walls. Now turn the serew in until.
    it fjfust touches the throttle arm and then tuin it 1/2 furn more. Repeat with the
    other carb. Now adjust the short balt fointed rods so that they can be snapped
    onto the thiottle am baff without distuwrbing the throttle setting. This should
    give the carbs side to side batance.
          dil the throttle shafts and acceferator pump Linkage [hencefonrth every 3,000
    mifes] and check for amooth operation. Take the play out of the Linkage by
    shontening the Zlong batl {jfointed rod that connects the pivot point on the front
    of the left manifold to the crossbar; making sure that the throttfe closes all the
    way. Next, have someone get inside the car and {LZoor the gas pedal while you ane
    Looking into the carbs to make sure the throttle plates rise to a complete vertical
    position. You may have to adjust the throttle stop behind the pedal . Be sure
    throttle plates don‘t go past the vertical position.                        .
         You can now hook up the fuel Llines. 1f the onriginal braided fuel Lines to
    the canburetors are ofd and rxagged and you don‘t want to buy the complete set—up
    {from Porsche you can nremove the entire assembly {from the car, cut about 1/2" from
    the metal Lines and install regular neoprtene fuel hose and astainfess hose clampa.
    PDon‘t forget the filters. The German high pressure fuel Line is safer.

         You now have allt your tools together and are ready to adjust the carbs.
      e initial adjuatment on the Mixture Sorews is 1 1/2 tuwins out from the seats.
    The Idle Screws are 1/2 turn in after touching the throttle arm on each carb.
    The Air Screws are 1/2 turn out.& $ mm nuts are Lightlky Llocked with the seneus
    being hetd stationary. Attach the Tach—Pwefl Meter (on CD ignition the hot Llead
    goes to an adaptor on the point wire connection on the distzributor}.      Warm the
    engine to at Lleast 140 degrees.     Unfock the rod from the right carb and evenlty
    tuin the idle serems in until the tach reads 1190 xpm.       Check the side to side
    batance of the carbs with the Uni—Syn to make awre both sides of the engine are
    pultling equal vacuum.  Adjust an idle serew if need be. Pick a bamiel and tuin
    the mixture sckew in until the engine speed drops and then sLowly out again until
    it runs smoothly.      Remember to Llet the engine speed stabiZlize after each increment
    of acrew tuimm. 14 you gound that the engine uns smoothly at fess than the
    initiok 1 1/2 turin seiting then you can tuin all the other mixture screws a half
    turn in and start over. If you need 2 1/2 tuins to make the engine run well then
    do it. 3 1/2 twins out or more usually calls for biggor idle jets.
          I{ the engine doesn‘t sespond when you turn one of the mixture screws in and
    out it means that the cylinder is not getting ignition or it is not getting idle
    mixture. 1f the ignition and compreasion on the cylinder check out then on idfe
    passage is plugged. Remove the mixture screw and idle jet and blow air back and
    forth to clear the ubstruction. DON‘T put compreassed ainr thrcugh the {Loat vent.
    If this doesn‘t work the idle passages have to be boiled out and possibly checked
    with a duct guage. Afuwaus oil o—rings when keplacing idle jets.
         After you have the idfie mixture initially adjusted you can bring out your
    Uni—Syn and adjust the Air Screws. Find the barrel which is pulZing the most
igcuum, adjust the {ffoating baii to the center fevel in the Uni—Syn using the
   fustment on the Uni~Sim, then adjust the other culinders to an equal vacuum
  ing the ainr acrews. The cyfinder which is pulling the most vacuum you Leave
alone. Remember to unfock the nuts before adjusiing the air screws. Tighten

                                             en 7.

    them by hand as you go aftong; when you‘re finished you can tighten them using
    the $mm wrench while holding the sonrew satationary with the atubby sorewdriver.
        Now readjust the mixture serews until you get the conmect adjustment.
 Usuatly you‘ll turn the mixture sorew in until the engine skows down and then
.:,t again sltowby until it runrs smoothly and then perhaps anothex half tuin. You
    nt the maximum speed with the least fuel,. 1t takes practice. Sometimes as you
  turn out the mixture serew it speeds up the engine enough to advance the Liming
  and that inmediately adds 300 on 400 rpm. When you twin the idle serewus back a
  hair to cornrect this the weights flop back and this is what stows the enginc.
  14‘ best to get your initiol adjustment around 1100 xpm and hope the distributor
  doean‘t intercede. Check the side to side batance each time you adjust the idfe
  screws. The mixtures can be a Llittle lean or a Llittle nich but they must be
  consistent from cylinder to cyZlinder.
        When you are {finished adjusting the mixture somrews back—of{ the idbe sonems
  evenlty to §50—950 xpm and check bafance. Adjust the rod that attaches to the right
  corb throttle arm unfess it will snap on without moving the throttle. You can
  check the bafance at 3000 xpm atso. Before you put the air cleaner on take a Llock
  at the front of the engine in the area of the pressure aender and thenmostat. 1f
 it‘s wet with oil put a new o—zing on the thermostat before your clutch gets wef.

          You check the injection quantity with a narrow cc measuring vial which can be
    purchased from a pharmaceutical asupply house. Attach a wire anround it and hang
    it down to catch the gas as it squirts out of the accoferator pump jet. .85 cce for
    one complete thiottle action is about sight. The injection quantity can be varied
    by adjfusting the Zength of% the atroke using the nuts on the threaded shaft. The
    4ignition is turned of{f during this operation.. Start engine to burn out gas each time.
          The {ffoat Zlevel should afways be checked on new carpuretors. It‘s a good idea
    to chech the {ffvat Revel when a carburetor is nebuilt and new needle vafves are
    / ‘fatled. I1t‘s possible to check the float Llevel wmith the engine running using
    1 fffie toof P ?2?6a. This gauge champs onto the {Lloat bowl after you remove the
    2      bow? plug. Remember to use the fiber washer which comes with the guage and
    screwm the gauge in fainrty tight since if it Zeaks the {loat won‘t rise and gas will
    pour out of the carb when you start the engine. Afways wipe up any spilled gas
    after you instafl the guage and before you start the engine. 1f the fLloat Llevel
    is Lncorreet, you remove the Large brass plug over the float needle valuve and add
    or subtract height by using various thickness washers under the needfe value. The
    washers are available in the gasket hit. Porsche Mailoxder manufactures the quages.

            1f you spend a day tuning your carbs you‘ve gained experience and patience.
    You have atso changed the shape of your hnees.         Treat the needle seats with respect
    because they can‘t be replaced. When adjusting the mixture sckeus remember that
    they can afl be a Llittle Zean, on they can affl be a little nrich, but they should
    be one way or the other.                         CCC

            Always check for water in the fuel system.     Protect your Lnvestment!
        The carmburetors should be checked for percolation in the {Loat bowks aften the
    ngine is thoroughly heated and car is abklowed to asit. 1f this condition exists,
    nd it is not due to too high of {float Llevel on pressure in the gas tank, the 914—6
     henotic insulators should be placed under the intake manifgolds.       The part number la:
     91—108—131—00.     They have to be opened—up for cans with a Llarger than 32mm port
     ize.    A variety of these insufators are available {rom PORSCHE MATLORDER,.
                                                                    PORSCHE MATLORDER
                                                                           135—17th St.
                                                                      SANTA MONICA, CA90402
                                                                          {213) 393—5423

                                          Drawing 1

                                  Weber 40 IDA3C Carburetor

          NEEDLE VALVE

           SHIM GASKET



                                                                                —      —
   GASKET                                                                      +

   MAIN JET                                                                   ~p.           ~
iDLE scREw—&k                 p
    SPRING            l
   WASHER ——»= [
    O—RIng ———2,

          IR ADJ UST SCRE W
                          PLVG                        tem
                          HEX NUT                      PLUNGER
                                                           PUMP BASE
                                          Housing                 DIAPHRAGM
                                                                     PuMP COVER
                                                                       LOCK waASHER
                                                                               HEX NUT

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:53
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:53

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