Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on March 4, 1993.
As of Saturday, February 15th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification
S73, S73W1983-1993 Ford trucks equipped with 6.9L or 7.3 L Navistar intl. heavy-duty diesel enginesTurn fuel injection pump adjustment screw 60 degrees (1/6 turn) clockwise and the relocate anti-depression valve.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-161-36
  • Executive Order 161-36 / D161-36
  • ARB # D-161-36
  • Executive Order No: D-161-36
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-161-36
  • Resolution D-161-36
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-161-36 Document:


                                      State of California
                                      AIR RESOURCES   BOARD

                                   EXECUTIVE ORDER D—161~—36
                          Relating to Exemptions Under Section i7156
                                      of the Vehicle Code

                                      GALE BANKS ENGINEERING
                              SsIDEWINDER TURBO MODELS $73 AND S7°W

       Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
       of the Vehicle Code;    and

       Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and
       39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

       IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:  That the installation of the Sidewinder Turbo
       models 573 and S73W, manufactured by Gale Banks Engineering of 546 Duggan
       Avenue,; Azusa,   California 91702,   has been found not to reduce the
       effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices, and
       therefore is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle
       Code for installation on 1983—1993 model year Ford truzcks equipped with 6.9
       or 7.3 liter Navistar diesel engines.

       Modification to the vehicles emission control systems include turning the
       fuel injection pump adjustment screw 60 degrees (1/6 turn) clockwise and the
       relocation of the anti—depression valve.

       This exemption shall not apply to any device, apparatus, or mechanism
       advertised,   offered for sale or sold with,    or installed on,   a motor vehicle
       prior to or concurrent with transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

       This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
       this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to szecifications
       different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

       Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
       exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely afi%ect the performance
       of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

       Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
       this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
       than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prconribited unless prior
       approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.  Exemption of a kit shall
       not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
       component of the product as an individual device.

    GALE BANKS ENGINEERING                                   EXECUTIVE
                                                                  4     ORDER D—161—36
    SIDEWINDER TURBO MODELS 573 AND $73W                               (Page 2 of 2)

    This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
    the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied
    by the vehicle manufacturer.


    No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
    made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
    oral or written communications.

    Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
    misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
    punishable as a misdemeanor.

    Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

         "43644,   (a})   No person shall install,   sell,   offer for sale,   or
         advertise or except in an application to the state board for
         certification of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle
         pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that
         device has been certified by the state board.  No person shall sell,

         offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution
         control device as a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified
         device.   Any vioclation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

    Any apparent vioclation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
    submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deens
    advisable.                                       +

    Executed at El Monte,    California,   this          of March,    1993.

                                           (R.B.Symmerfielda  7/
                                           Assistant Division Chief
                                           Mobile Source Division

                              State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                                CODE OF REGULATIONS

                                    March 1993

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            CODE OF REGULATIONS


                           Mobile Source Division
                            State of California
                            Air Resources Board
                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                          El Monte, CA  91731—2990

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication.  Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)



                    Gale Banks Engineering (Banks)}) of 546 Duggan Avenue, Azusa, California

           91702, has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions in Section 279156 of

           the California Vehicle Code (VC)    for the Sidewinder Turbo models S73 and S73W.

           The Sidewinder Turbo is designed for installation on 1983—1993 model year Ford

           trucks powered by Navistar 6.9L and /.3L diesel engines.

                    Banks submitted a completed application and other required information,

           as well as results from snap—idle tests performed at the Gale Banks facility in

           Azusa,   California on a 1992 Ford F—350 powered by a Navistar 7.3 liter engine,

           in accordance with Section 2182,   Title 13,   California Code of Regulations.

                    Based on the submitted information and an engineering evaluation based

           on similarity to previously exempted Banks turbo kits, the staff concludes that

           the Banks Sidewinder Turbo models $73 and S73W will not adversely affect

           exhaust emissions from vehicles for which an e#emption is requested.

                    The staff recommends that Gale Banks Engineering, be granted an

           exemption as requested and that Executive Order D—161—36 be issued.

                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                               Page Number


       CoNTENTsS                                                    1i

       I.        INTRODUCTION

       II.       COoNCLUSION



       v.        DISCUSSION




         Gale Banks Engineering (Banks)    of 546 Duggan Avenue,   Azusa,   California

9$1702, has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions in Section 27156 of

the California Vehicle Code (VC) for their Sidewinder Turbo models $73 and

S73W.    The Sidewinder Turbo is designed for installation on 1983—93 Ford trucks

powered by a Navistar 6.9 liter or 7.3 liter heavy—duty diesel engine.

         Banks submitted a completed application and other required information,

as well as results from snap—idle tests performed at the Gale Banks facility in

Azusa,   California,    in accordance with Section 2182,   Title 13,   California Code

of Regulations.


         Based on the submitted information and an engineering evaluation, the

staff concludes that the Banks Sidewinder Turbo will not adversely effect

exhaust emissions from vehicles for which an exemption is requested.


         The staff recommends that Gale Banks Engineering, be granted an

exemption for their Sidewinder Turbo model $73 and S73W for installation on

1983—1993 Ford trucks powered by Navistar 6.9 or 7.3 liter heavy duty diesel

engines.    The staff also recommends that Executive Order D—161—36 be issued.


       The purpose of the Banks Sidewinder Turbo is to increase the efficiency

of the engine by compressing the intake charge.     The increased density of the

intake charge allows more air to enter the engine, allowing more oxygen for the

combustion process.     The fuel flow is increased slightly in order to maintain

proper air—fuel ratio.     The result is increased power output from the engine

when the engine is in a loaded condition.

       The Sidewinder Turbo, using a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries model TEO6H

turbocharger, will become Gale Banks Engineering‘s primary turbocharger for the

Ford trucks equipped with Navistar 6.9/7.3 liter diesel engines.       The turbo kit

is offered with two different confiqurations.     Kit model number $73 consists

of the Mitsubishi turbocharger,    a 1.0 area ratio turbine housing,   a modified

air filter, and the hardware and exhaust piping required to install the kit on

the vehicle.    Kit model number S73W includes the Mitsubishi Turbocharger, a 0.9

area ratio turbine housing,    a modified air filter,   a turbo wastegate valve,    and

the hardware and exhaust piping required to install the kit on the vehicle.

The smaller turbine inlet increases the velocity of the exhaust gas entering

the turbine, thereby increasgsing the acceleration of the turbo.     The wastegate

valve operates by diverting some exhaust gas from the turbine when the maximum

desirable boost is obtained.

       For both the model S$73 and model S73W turbo kits, the fuel pressure is

increased by rotating the adjusting screw on the injector pump 1/6 turn

clockwise.     This allows a proper air—fuel mixture to be maintained;

       A 3 inch diameter exhaust system is required for use of this kit on

emission controlled vehicles, as testing performed by Banks on previously

exempted systems has shown that the vehicles will not meet the emission

standards without the use of the 3 inch diameter exhaust.

       V.   DISCUSSION

       Gale Banks Engineering has requested that the Sidewinder Turbo be

exempted for 1983—1993 model year Ford trucks powered by 6.9 or 7.3 liter

heavy—duty diesel engines.   The Sidewinder Turbo will be marketed in two kits.

Kit model number S$73 will be very similar to the Banks 6.9F turbo kit, which is

currently exempted under Executive Order Number D—161—30, with the replacement

of the Rotomaster or Schwitzer turbocharger with a Mitsubishi turbocharger.

The changes to the kit include a redesign of the air filter layout and

reconfigured exhaust piping to allow the installation of the Mitsubishi

turbocharger.   Banks has submitted compressor maps and information from

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America,   Inc.   showing that the Mitsubishi

turbocharger has characteristics which are verf similar to the previousiy

exempted Schwitzer and Rotomaster turbochargers.     Based on the information

provided to us by the Gale Banks Company, the use of the Mitsubishi

turbocharger and the changes made to the kit will not significantly change the

emissions characteristics of the turbocharger kit.

       Banks will also offer a wastegated version of the kit, model S73W.       The

wastegated version is identical to the non—wastegated version except that a

smaller turbine inlet is used, increasing the velocity of the exhaust gases

entering the turbine.    This improves the response of the turbocharger and

        reduces the time between the opening of the throttle and the turbocharger

        reaching operating speed.     The reductiofi of turbo lag time could decrease

        Hydrocarbon and particulate emissions by reducing the duration of the oxygen

        shortage.   The difference in turbo lag time between the standard turbo kit and

        the wastegated turbo kit is not sufficient to increase the combustion

        temperature.   For this reason,   the staff has determined that the Oxides of

        Nitrogen emissions will not be increased.        A wastegate valve is added to this

        kit to maintain the maximum boost at 9—10 p.s.i.g.

               Snap—Idle tests were conducted at Gale Banks Engineering in Azusa,

       . California on a 1992 Ford F—~350 pick—up truck equipped with a Navistar 7.3

        liter engine and the Sidewinder wastegated turbo kit (model S73W).        The results

        of the snap—idle test performed at Banks are shown in Table 1.

                                               Table 1

                                       SNAP—IDLE TEST RESULTS

                                      (Gale Banks Engineering)

                                Snap—Idle Smoke Opacity Test Results

                                            20%, 22%, 23%

               These results show that the modified vehicle emissions do not exceed the

        40% opacity standard.     This further demonstrates that the addition of the Gale

        Banks Engineering Sidewinder Turbo Kit for Ford 6.9/7.3 will not have an

adverse effect on emissions for 1983—1993 model year Ford trucks equipped with

Navistar 6.9 and 7.3 liter heavy duty diesel engines.   Banks submitted all of

the required information and fulfilled the requirements for an exemption.


I’A“ l‘g                                                          FAx {818) 334—8078
Gale Banks Engineering   5468 Duggan Avenue   Azusa, California 91702   [(818] 969—9605

                   BANKS SIDEWINDER
             FOR FORD 6.9/7.3 DIESEL PICKUPS

                           INSTALLATION PROCEDURE

Disconnect ground cables from both batteries.                           Disconnect
electrical connections from top of injection pump.

pisconnect plastic air inlet duct from air cleaner housing and
remove air cleaner housing and element.

Disconnect wire from oil pressure sender unit,                          located on rear
of engine.        (On some models, the oil pressure sender is mounted
on the firewall.)

Remove oil pressure sender unit and its connections to rear of
block.  (Fittings, hose, and bracket, etc., if firewall
mounted).         Retain sender for later installation.

Install 1/8" NPT brass pipe plug in hole at rear of block where
oil pressure sender unit and fitting were removed.                             Use Teflon
tape on threads.

Remove the engine lifting lug from right rear of the intake
manifold.   Replace bolts with new 3/8"— l6x 2—1/2" hex head
bolts provided, and original washers.   (Do not use original
bolts or reinstall lifting lug.)

Remove the crankcase anti—depression valve (the round sheet
metal can that is attached to the rear of the intake manifolda).
Remove standpipe and grommet from valley cover.  (Standpipe may
come out attached to anti—depression valve.)                            Retain
anti—d@epression valve and mounting bolts for later installation.
Note,    1987,    and later models:            Remove short length of hose and
clamp from anti—depression valve.

                                    Page 1 of 10

      Carefully clean around the hole where the original grommet was
      installed at the rear of the valley cover and where the
      anti—depression valve was mounted on intake manifold.                   (Use
      acetone,    lacquer thinner or other non—oil based solvent.)

      Install grommet in valley cover as follows.  Fill grommet
      groove with RTV silicone sealer provided.   Press grommet
      through opening in valley cover and smooth RTV around
      grommet.         Remove excess RTV.    See fig.    8.

10.   Install rubber o—ring in groove in manifold block—off plate.
      See fig. 8.

11.   Install manifold block—off plate          (and o—ring)      on intake
      manifolda where anti—depression valve was removed, using two
      5/16"—18 x 1" hex head bolts and split lock washers. See Fig.

12. Remove the two intake manifold bolts located between the third
      and fourth fuel injector (counting from the front to the rear)
      on the right (passenger) side of the engine.   See fig. 9.

13.   1987 and later‘models,         glow plug relay relocation:

       A.     On 1987 and later models, unbolt the glow plug relay from
        the rear of the intake manifold (leave wire loom attached to
        relay.   Remove cable clamps holding wire loom to rear of
        engine.  Disconnect relay ground wire from engine.

        B.     Mount the glow plug relay to the glow plug relay bracket
           (provided) using two 1/4"—28 x 1" hex bolts, two 1/2" O.D. x
        1/4"    I.D.    washers,   and two   1/4"—28    nylock nuts.     Clamp the
        relay ground wire under one of the nuts.               See fig. 9.

        C.    Position the glowplug relay bracket over the manifold bolt
        holes where bolts were removed in step 13.

14.    Install new intake manifold bolts through turbo support bracket
       (and glow plug relay bracket, when used)               and into intake
       manifold bolt holes.         Tighten bolts.      Re—route glow plug relay
       wiring as shown,       if equipped.     Plastic clips may be removed
       from wire loom to facilitate re—routing,               if necessary.

15. Remove the screws holding the vacuum hose junction block,
    located on upper right portion of firewall, and lift block
    upward as far as possible.  (Do not disconnect any vacuum
    hoses.)  Temporarily retain the vacuum block up, out of the
       way, by tying with heavy string or other means.

                                     Page 2 of 10

      16. Remove exhaust head pipes and exhaust system,     including muffler
             and tailpipe.

      17 . Remove 1/8" NPT pipe plug for oil feed connection, located on
           lower left side at rear of block, above and to the rear of the
             oil filter.     See fig. 11.

      18.    Install 1/8" NPT x — 4AN turbo oil feed elbow in block.       Ain
             elbow at approximately one o‘clock position.     See fig.   11.

      19.    Install oil pressure sender onto turbo oil inlet fitting.         Use
             Teflon tape on threads.   See fig. 12.

      20.    Install oil inlet fitting on turbocharger oil inlet flange.

      21.    Connect oil feed hose to elbow installed in step 15.

      22.    Lengthen the oil pressure gauge sender wire as follows:
             Cut the plug from the wire loom leaving 2—3 inches of wire
             attached to the plug.  Lengthen the wire from the loom as
             required using wire and connectors provided in the kit. Route
             the wire in front of the intake manifold air inlet opening to
             the gauge sender.  Keep wire clear of any moving parts.       NOTE:
             Connectors squeeze together onto the wire with pliers.
             Re—install plug on sender.

      2 3 . Tie wrap glow plug wiring and throttle cable at rear of intake

             manifold (snugly but not tight enough to cause binding or
             kinking)}). See fig. 13.

      24 .   If vehicle is equipped with a plastic acoustic shield on the
             firewall, cut and remove a section as shown in fig.     14.

      25.    Bend firewall lip back as far as possible, on right hand side
             of transmission tunnel, for installation of exhaust piping.
             Use adjustable wrench to grip lip as deeply as possible and
             bend entire seam back parallel with bell housing.  A 3‘— 4‘
             piece of pipe or metal bar may be used as a lever against the
             seam to flatten the metal.  It may also be necessary to
             slightly reshape the floorpan heat shields for proper exhaust
             system clearance.     See fig.   15.

                                       Page 3 of 10

         26.   On 5—speed models, saw the "ear" off of the right side of the
               transmission case in the bellhousing area.  Make the cut as

               close to the transmission body as possible.  A coarse tooth
               hacksaw works well for this job.   See fig. 15 A.

               On 4—speed models, saw approximately one inch off each of the
               two bosses on the upper right hand side of the transmission
               housing.  See fig. 15B.

         27.   Install the pyrometer adapter fitting and probe     (from the
               pyrometer kit)   into the 1/4" NPT threaded hole in the turbo
               feed pipe.

         28.   Install four 3/8"x 1i—1/2" studs in the rectangular pad on the
               turbo feed pipe. Note that the coarse threads on the studs fit
               into the turbo feed pipe.      s

         29.   Install two 3/8"x 2" studs in the circular pad on the turbo
               feed pipe. Again note that the coarse threads on the studs fit
               into the turbo feed pipe.

         30.   Install Turbo feed pipe onto right hand exhaust manifold.

         31.   Mount turbo on turbo feed pipe, using four 3/8"—24 stainless
               steel collet lock nuts and four 5/8" O0.D.    x 3/8" I.D.   flat
               washers. No gasket is required.     (See general notes on collet
               locknut installation, Fig. 3).

         32.   IMPORTANT:   Remove the plastic caps from the turbocharger oil
               inlet and outlet connections.

         33.   Use gasket adhesive ("Gasgacinch" or similar) to attach the oil
               drain tube gasket to the oil drain tube.     Place a small bead of
               RTV silicone sealer around the oil drain pipe about 3/8" up
               from the bottom, then insert the oil drain pipe into the
               grommet in the valley cover.

         34.   Anchor the turbo feed pipe with turbocharger in place to the
               rear of the right hand cylinder head.    Start one 3/8"—16 x
               1—1/4" hex head bolt, two or three turns, through the top
               mounting hole in the turbo support bracket, into the turbo feed

         35.   Install the other two bolts in the turbo feed pipe and bracket
               (one 3/8"—16 x 1—1/4" hex head and one 3/8"—16 x 1" hex head;
               short bolt goes through thin section of bracket.)}) Leave bolts
               loose enough to adjust turbo support bracket position to suit.

                                       Page 4 of 10

      36. Bolt the oil drain tube to the turbo, using two 3/8"—16 x 3/4"

          hex head bolts and four 3/8" I.D. circle lock washers. (Circle
             lock washers must be used in pairs as shown in fig. 17.)
             Carefully smooth the RTV around the oil drain pipe at the
             grommet with a rag,    to assure a good seal. An additional bead
             of RTV sealant may be added if desired.

      37.    Install 1/4"NPT x — 4AN adapter in the oil inlet connection on
             top of the turbocharger.    Use Teflon tape on the pipe threads.

      38.    Place air inlet gasket and intake casting in position on the
             intake manifold. Make sure the intake casting touches and sits
             squarely on the gasket.

      39.    Line up turbo compressor discharge connection with the intake
             casting hose joint, lifting the turbo slightly if needed for
             proper alignment.  Tighten the top bolt in the turbo mounting
             bracket, then the other two.   See fig. 18.

              NOTE:   If the turbocharger needs to be rotated to correct any
              misalignment, it can be easily aligned by loosening, but not
              removing, the turbine housing V—band bolt and rotating these
              parts slightly into the proper position.

      40 .   Install cross—over pipe Y—pipe on turbo     feed pipe,   using two
             3/8"—24 stainless collet lock nuts and two 13/16" O.D. x 3/8"
             I.D.   flat washers.   Leave nuts loose enough to move pipe as
             required for alignment.

      41.    Lower turbo down—tube in place between engine and firewall.
             This will require rotating the tube as it is lowered into

      42. Clamp the turbo down—tube to the turbocharger, using the V—band
          clamp provided.   Make sure that the tube does not touch the
             firewall.    Leave clamp slightly loose for alignment.

      43 .   Install cross—over pipe assembly onto left engine exhaust

      44 .   Tighten cross—over pipe collet lock nuts at both ends of cross—
             over pipe.

      45.    Connect oil feed hose to turbocharger oil inlet elbow.

                                       Page 5 of 10

     46.    If installing optional boost gauge, install the straight boost
            gauge fitting (supplied in boost gauge kit) in the 1/8 N.P.T.
            boss on the intake casting. Refer to fig. 10.    If boost gauge
            will not be installed, substitute 1/8" NPT pipe plug, from kit.
            Use Teflon tape on pipe threads.

     47 .   Install 2 1/4" diameter x 2" long silicone hose and two #36
            hose clamps on the intake casting compressor connection.
            Tighten the clamp nearest the intake casting, leave the other
            clamp loose. Position the clamps as shown in Fig. 2 to provide
            access for tightening.

     4g.    Install turbocharger compressor air inlet elbow hose, and
            clamps on turbocharger. NOTE: Large end uses #56 clamp, small
            end uses #52 clamp.   Do not tighten clamps at this time.

     49.    Install intake casting (and gasket) on intake manifold, using
            one 3/8"—16 x 4 1/2" hex head bolt, and 13/16" O.D. x 3/8" I.D.
            flat washer.   Guide the intake casting and turbocharger hose
            joints together as the casting is set in place.      Make sure all
            loose clamps are in position on the hoses.   Torque the mounting
            bolt to approximately 12 — 15 ft. lbs.

     50. Tighten remaining turbocharger compressor discharge hose clamp.

     51.    Install air filter body support bracket, using two 3/8"— 16 x
            1" hex head bolts and 13/16" O.D. x 3/8" I.D. flat washers.

            Start all bolts before tightening.    See fig. 20.

     52.    Install air filter element in the filter housing.       Check that
            element is properly seated inside.

     53.    Tighten air filter hose clamp, at air filter body.

     54. Latch air filter housing onto air filter body support bracket.

     55. Remount vacuum block on firewall, relocating upward as required
            to provide maximum clearance to turbo system.     Drill new
            mounting holes to suit and use original sheet metal screws.

     56.    Install anti—depression valve on the intake elbow, using
            original bolts, with hose connection facing down.  Be sure
            original seal is in place on anti—depression valve mounting
            surface.  Remove existing o—ring and nylon sleeve from the
            anti—depression valve hose connection, if still in place.  See
            fig. 20.

                                   Page 6 of 10

57. Remove left     (drives) side valve cover from engine. Using
       illustration, drill a 1 1/4" hole through valve cover as
       indicated.  Deburr the hole and install grommet provided.
        Re—install valve cover on engine.

58 .   Install crankcase vent hose and crankcase vent adaptor nipple
       between valve cover and anti—depression valve, using two #16
       hose clamps,   as shown in fig.   21.

59. Reinstall flexible fresh air inlet hose onto air cleaner inlet.

60.    Install pyrometer and gauge panel.           Refer to manufacturer‘s
       instructions included with pyrometer.

61.    Install accessory instruments,     if used.       Refer to
       manufacturer‘s instructions included with instruments.

62.    Install muffler and exhaust system (not included with the turbo
       system) as shown in fig. 22.  Because of various
       vehicle/chassis combinations, the illustration provided is
       general,   but typical of the exhaust system routing.

        NOTE: The factory muffler and exhaust system are NOT suitable
        for turbocharged engines. The entire exhaust system, from the
        turbo down—pipe through to the tail pipe, should be three inch
        diameter, including the muffler.   Use of a smaller muffler or
        exhaust   piping  will   result  in  significantly  inferior
        performance. A separate 3" high—flow exhaust or the optional
        3 1/2 inch "Monster" exhaust system is available from GALE
        BANKS ENGINEERING.   These exhaust systems include a special
        low restriction 3" core muffler, pre—formed tubing sections
        and all components necessary to install the complete exhaust
        system. The BANKS exhaust systems are REQUIRED for emissions
        legal applications.  Use of any other exhaust with the turbo
        system is not emissions legal.

63.    Tighten v—band clamp at turbocharger outlet.

                                Page 7   of    10

                               INJECTION PUMP_ ADJUSTMENT

           To obtain the maximum available performance from your BANKS
           6.9/7.3L diesel      turbo      system,     and to   comply with emissions
           requirements,      it is necessary to make an adjustment to the
           fuel injection pump.         The pump adjustment increases the fuel
           delivery capacity of the pump.   This adjustment is made by
           turning an internal screw, found within the pump.  The pump
           adjustment will provide greater increase in rear wheel
           horsepower,    suitable for general use, work trucks and towing.
           (This adjustment is the ONLY emissions legal setting to comply
           with the California 40% smoke opacity limit).

     NOTE: Exhaust gas temperature (EGTB) must NOT exceed 1150 degrees F,
     as shown on the EGT gauge (pyrometer) furnished with the kit.  If
     the EGT approaches this temperature under heavy, uphill load, the
     fuel pump capacity adjustment must be reduced.    The recommended
     pump setting should cause no problem, very rarely approaching this

     64.   Adjust injector pump delivery, as follows:

           NOTE: The engine must be COLD before starting this procedure.
           Review warnings at the beginning of instruction booklet.

           NOTE: Utmost cleanliness should be exercised.   DO NOT allow
           any foreign material, including lint from rags, to enter the
           injector pump during the adjustment procedure — the lint fronm
           a rag can clog an injector.  Lay any removed parts on a clean
           newspaper during the adjustment procedure.

           a.    Place a drip pan under the rear of the engine,                 under the
           flywheel inspection cover area, to catch spilled fuel.                    Clean
           the    area   of   the   pump    in   the   vicinity   of   the   small   access
           cover, located on the left side of the pump, as viewed from
           the front of the vehicle, with diesel fuel or parts solvent.
           DO NOT clean the pump while it is hot; doing so may damage the

           b. Remove the cover plate, retained by two small screws.
           Use care not to damage the rubber gasket; it will be reused
           during reassembly.           IMPORTANT:        Utmost care must be used to
           prevent foreign objects and dirt from falling into the pump to
           prevent damage.

                                           Page 8    of   10

      c. Rotate engine slowly by hand, in a clockwise direction,
      using a breaker bar, short extension and suitable socket on
      the harmonic balancer retaining bolt, to align the injector
      drive pin, as viewed through the opening for the oil fill pipe
      or inspection cover, in a straight up (12 o‘clock) position.
      Using a small mirror, check that the Allen head adjustment
      screw is visible within the inspection hole on the pump.    It
      may be necessary to rotate the engine somewhat more to gain
      access to the adjusting screw.                  See figs. 5 and 6.     DO NOT

      a. Using a 5/32" Allen wrench (with sharp corners), rotate the
      screw clockwise,       60 degrees or 1/6 turn.

      NOTE:   The    Allen    screw   turns      fairly    tightly   and    is   self
      locking.      Turning the screw alockwise increases fuel delivery
      capacity.      Keep track of your adjustments!

      e.Replace     access   cover    on   pump.        Again,   exercise   care   to
      prevent foreign material from entering pump.

      f. Wipe up any spilled fuel remaining on valley cover.                     This
      completes the pump adjustment procedure.

65. Reconnect battery cables.          Do not connect injector pump wires.

66.   Loosen oil feed line connection at the turbo charger.    Crank
      engine until oil flows from connection.   (A cup may be used to
      catch oil.)  Re—tighten connection and crank another 5—10
      seconds. Cranking time should be limited to 20 to 30 seconds,
      followed by one minute of cooling.   This cycle should be
      repeated as required.

67.   Reconnect wires to injection pump.

68.   start engine.  It may not start immediately, due to fuel lost
      when adjusting the injector pump.  Observe the cranking
      recommendations noted above.  It also may be necessary to
      depress the accelerator pedal somewhat.

69.   Visually check the installation for any improperly installed
      components, improperly routed wires and hoses, intake air leaks
      and any wires or hoses too close to hot exhaust,     turbo
      components, or sharp edges.

                                 Page 9     of   10

70.   Run engine at idle for a few minutes,   to allow it to warn.
      Check oil feed lines for leaks. Engine may idle erratically or
      surge until air is fully purged from fuel systen.

71.   Drive vehicle.   Several short bursts of acceleration are
      required to completely purge the fuel system of air.     The
      engine may run slightly rough until the purge is complete, but
      will not in any way cause damage to the engine.

72.   Check injector pump adjustment.   See "CHECKING ENGINE

                             Page 10 of 10

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:39:38
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:39:38

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