Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on June 16, 1998.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks
20171996-1997 Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500, 1996-1997 Chevrolet Suburban 1500, 4WD w/o A.I.R. Single Cat., 350Header and connector/Y-pipe assemblyHeaders are manufactured out of 16 gage steel

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-164-4
  • Executive Order 164-4 / D164-4
  • ARB # D-164-4
  • Executive Order No: D-164-4
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-164-4
  • Resolution D-164-4
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-164-4 PDF

D-164-4 Document:


                                                            (Page 1 of 2)

                                   State of California
                               AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—164—4
                       Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                    of the Vehicle Code

                          HOOKER INDUSTRIES, INC.

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Secuon 39516
of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Super Competition
Header System manufactured out of 0.060 inch wall thickness (16 gauge) steel tubing by
Hooker Industries, Inc. of 1024 West Brooks Street, Ontario, California 91761, has been >
found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices
and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for
the General Motors Corporation vehicle applications as listed in the Exhibit, which is
attached hereto and incorporated herein, excluding those vehicles certified to Low—
Emission Vehicle (LEV) or Transitional Low—Emission Vehicle (TLEV) standards.

This exemption is issued based on submitted emissions test data from an independent
laboratory which showed the Super Competition Header System did not adversely affect
exhaust emissions on the vehicle tested. The test results are shown below.

1998 _S5.7L Chevrolet Camaro
                                                HC           CO             NOx
Device (g/mi)                                   0.16         1.2            0.2
Standard (g/mi)                                 0.25         3.4            0.4

This exemption shall not apply to any device, apparatus, or mechanism advertised,
offered for sale or sold with, or installed on, a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with
transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for this device
will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those submitted by
the system manufacturer.                         -

HOOKER INDUSTRIES, INC.                             |     EXECUTIVE ORDER D—164—4
EXHAUST HEADERS                                           (Page 2 of 2)

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as exempted by the
Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s pollution
control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using any identification other than that shown in this Executive
Order or marketing of this device for an application other than those listed in this
Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air
Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that the use of thls
device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle


No claims of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral .or written

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of intention to revoke the
order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to
contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten
days of receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination
after hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this    / é ,L day of June 1998.

                                         R. B.   Summerfield, Chief
                                         Mobile Source Operations Division


                                    Amended Application
                                              (Amended 11—18—97)


                                                                                        l              Primary
Part                                                                                                   Tube
Number Years     Applications                           Notes                               Engines    Diameter(s) (in)

2061   1992—95   Chevrolet Corvette                     T.P.I. w/ ALR.                      350 LT—1   13/4
2076   1997—98   Chevrolet Corvette                     EL.                                 LS—1       15/8
2063   1994—96   Chevrolet Impala SS                    T.P.I. w/ ALR. Dual Cat.            350 LT—1   13/4
2064   1995—97   Chevrolet Camaro Z—28                  T.P.I. Dual Cat.                    350 LT—1   13/4
       1995—97   Pontiac Firebird

2077   1998      Chevrolet Camaro Z—28                  FI.                                 LS—1       15/8
       1998      Pontiac Firebird


Part                                                                                                   Tube
Number Years     Applications                           Notes                               Engines    Diameter(s) (in)

2017   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500                  4WD w/o A.LR. Single Cat.           305        15/8
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 1500
2018   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500                  2WD w /o A.LR. Single Cat.          305        15/s8s
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 1500

2019   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500                  4WDCP.I. w /o A.LR.                 4.3L V6    15/8
2020   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500                  2WDCPI w/o A.LR.                    4.3L V6é   15/8
2021   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500/3500             4WD CP.I. w / A.LR. Dual Cat.       74L V8     13/4
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 2500
2022   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500/3500             2WD CPI. w / A.LR. Dual Cat.        7AL V8     13/4
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 2500
2023   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500/3500             4WD CP.I. w /o A.LR. Dual Cat.      350        15/s8s
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 2500
2024   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500/3500             ‘2WD CP I. w/o A.LR. Dual Cat.      350        15/8s
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 2500

2025   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Tahoe/Yukon    4WD w/o A.LR. Dual Cat.             350        15/8
       1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 1500

2026   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Tahoe/Yukon    2WD w/o A.LR. Dual Cat.             350        15/s
       1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500
       1996—97   Chevrolet Suburban 1500

2027   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC PU S—10/S—15/Sonoma        2WDCPI                                4.3L V6é   15/8s°
2028   1996—97   Chevrolet/CGMC Blazer/Jimmy              4WDC.PI.                              4.3L V6    15/8s
2029   1996—97   Chevrolet/GMC S—Series Blazer/Jimmy      2WDCPI.                               4.3L V6    15/8
2030   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500               4WD T.B.I. w/o A.LR.                  4.3L V6    15/8
2031   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500               4WD T.B.I. w/ A.LR.                   4.3L V6    15/8s
       1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500               2WD T.B.I. w/ A.LR.                   4.3L V6    15/8
2033   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500               2WD T.BI. w/o ALR.                    4.3L V6é   15/s8s
2034   1981—86   Chevrolet/GMC PU K—10 (!/2)/K—20 (3/4)   4WD w/ Carb w/ A.LR.                  305—350    15/8s
2035   1981—87   Chevrolet/GMC PU C—10 (1/2)/C—20 (3/4)   2WD w/ Carb w/ A.LR.                  305—350    15/8
       1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500/3500               4WD T.B.I. w/o A.LR.                  7AL        13/4
       1992—95   Chevrolet/GMC Crew Cab 3500 4 door

2037   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500/3500               2WD T.B.I. w/o A.LR.                  7AL        13/4
       1992—95   Chevrolet/GMC Crew Cab 3500 4 door
2038   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500/3500               4WD T.B.I. w/ A.LR.                   7AL        13/4
       1992—95   Chevrolet/GMC Crew Cab 3500 4 door

2072   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU 2500—3500               2WD T.B.I. w/ A.LR.                   7AL V8     13/4
       1992—95   Chevrolet/GMC Crew—Cab 3500 4—Door
2039   1983—86   Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy     4WD w/ Carb w/ A.LR.                  305—350    15/83
2040   1983—86   Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy     2WD w/ Carb w/ A.LR.                  305—350    15/8
2041   1987—91   Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy     4WD T.B.I. w/ A.LR.                   305—350    15/8
2043   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU S—10/S—15/Sonoma        2WD T.BI/C.PL.                        4.3L V6    15/83
2057   1988—95   Chevrolet/GMC PU S—10/S—15/Sonoma        4WD T.BI./C.PI.                       4.3L, V6   15/s8s
2044   1986—93   Chevrolet/GMC PU S—10/S—15               2WD T.B.I. 2+/4" Inlet Slip—on Cat.   2.8L V6    1!/2
2045   1983—85   Chevrolet/GMC PU S—10/S—15               2WD w/ Carb                           2.8L V6    1!1/2
2046   1986—93   Chevrolet/GMC S—Series Blazer/Jimmy      2WD T.B.I. 21/4" Inlet Slip—on Cat.   2.8L V6    11/2
2047   1983—85   Chevrolet/GMC S—Series Blazer/Jimmy      2WD w/ Carb                           2.8L V6    1!/2
2048   1991—92   Chevrolet Camaro IROC Z—28               T.P.I. w/ 2!/4" Inlet Slip—on Cat.    305        15/8
                 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am and Formula
2049   1983—88   Chevrolet Monte Carlo                    Non H.O. 21/4" Inlet Slip—on Cat.     305 LG—4   15/8
                 Chevrolet El Camino

2050   1983—88   Chevrolet Monte Carlo                    H.O. 4—Bolt Cat.                      305 L—69   15/8
                 Chevrolet El Camino

2051   1982—87   Chevrolet Camaro                         2+/4" Inlet Slip—on Cat.              305 LG—4   15/8
                 Pontiac Firebird
2052   1983—86   Chevrolet Camaro                         H.O. 4bbl Carb. 4—Bolt Cat.           305        15/s8
                 Pontiac Firebird

2053   1985      Chevrolet Camaro IROC                    T.P.I. 4—Bolt Cat.                    305—350    15/8
                 Pontiac Firebird Formula

2054   1988—92   Chevrolet Camaro RS                      T.B.I. 2/4" Inlet Slip—on Cat.        305        15/s
                 Pontiac Firebird Formula
2055   1986—90   Chevrolet Camaro IROC Z—28               T.P.I. 3" Inlet Slip—on Cat.          305—350    15/s8
                 Pontiac Firebird Formula

2056   1989—92   Chevrolet Camaro                         T.P.I. Dual Cat.                      305—350    15/8
                 Pontiac Firebird
2060   1993      Chevrolet Camaro Z—28                    T.P.I. w / Single Cat.                350 LT—1   15/8
2062   1994—95   Chevrolet Camaro Z—28                    T.P.I. w/ Single Cat.                 350 LT—1   15/s

 2065     1992—95     Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy       2WD T.B.I. w/o A.LR.                  305—350   15/8s
          1988—95     Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500
          1992—95     Chevrolet Suburban 1500/2500
  2075    1992—95     Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy       4WD T.B.I. w/o A.LKR.                 305—350   15/s8s
          1988—95     Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500
          1992—95     Chevrolet Suburban 1500/2500
 2066     1983—85     Chevrolet/GMC Blazer/Jimmy                 4WD w/ Carb                           2.8L V6   11/2
                      PU $—10/5—15
 2067     1986—93     Chevrolet/GMC PU S—10/S—15                 4WD T.B.I. 2!/4" Inlet Slip—on Cat.   2.8L V6   1!/2
 2068     1988—95      Chevrolet/GMC S—series                    2WD T.BI/C.PI.                        4.3L V6   15/8
          1988—95     Chevrolet/GMC PU S—10/S—15 Sonoma          4WD T.B.I./C.PI.                      4.3L V6   15/8
                      Blazer/Jimmy                                                               e

 2070     1992—95     Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy       2WD T.B.I. w/ A.LR.                   305—350   15/s8
          1988—95     Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500
          1992—95      Chevrolet Suburban
 2042     1992—95     Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy       4WD T.B.I. w/ A.LR.                   305—350   15/8
          1988—95     Chevrolet/GMC PU 1500/2500
          1992—95     Chevrolet Suburban 1500/2500
 2071     1987—91     Chevrolet/GMC Full Size Blazer/Jimmy       4WD T.B.I. w/o A.LR.                  350       15/8

_ All headers and connector pipes are constructed of .060 inch wall tubing.

                    2WD              Two Wheel Drive              H.O.              High Output
                    4WD              Four Wheel Drive             T.B.J.            Throttle Body Injection
                    4bbl             Four Barrel                  T.P.I.            Tuned Port Injection
                    Cat.             Catalytic Converter          C.PL              Central Port Injection
                    FI.              Fuel Injection               A.LR.             Air Injection Reactor
                    EGR              Exhaust Gas Recirculation    PU                Pickup
                    wWw/             With
                    w/O              Without

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:17
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:17

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