Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on February 21, 1989.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1983-1987 model-year Ford Motor Company heavy-duty vehicles powered by a 6.9L Navistar International heavy-duty diesel engine and 1988-1989 model-year Ford Motor Company vehicles powered by a 7.3L Navistar International heavy-duty diesel engine.Modifications to the OEM emission-related parts due to the installation of the turbocharger kit include replacement of the OEM exhaust system with a 3 1/2" diameter exhaust system.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-175-2
  • Executive Order 175-2 / D175-2
  • ARB # D-175-2
  • Executive Order No: D-175-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-175-2
  • Resolution D-175-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-175-2 Document:


                                                                 (Page 1 of 2)
                                State of California
                                AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—175—2
                    Relating to Exemptions Under Sq;tion 27156
                               of the Vehicle Code

                             HYPERMAX ENGINEERING, INC.
                                TURBOCHARGER SYSTEM

Pursuant to the authority vested        in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and                                ~    ~

Pursuant to the authority vested        in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;—

T 1S ORDERED AND RESQLVED:          That the Installation of the add—on
turbocharger kit manufactured by Hypermax Engineering, inc., has been found
not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor vehicle polfiition control
devices and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code for 1983 through 1987 mode!—year Ford Motor Company heavy—
duty vehicles powered by a 6.9L Navistar international heavy—duty diesel
engine and 1988—1989 model—year Ford Motor Company vehicles powered by a
7.3L Navistar—International Rheavy—duty diesei engine.

This Executive Order is valid for the Hypermax Engineering Inc.‘s
turbocharger kit which uses one of the following turbochargers:

          1.   AiResearch mode! 409900—2 with area ratio (A/R) of 9.96;
          2    AlResearch model. 465124—5004 with A/R of 1.15;
          3.   Holset Engineering mode! H2A7680E/FAQ19CAZ with A/R of 1.08;
          4    Warner—lshi model!    RHB7—9700VP2BNFBRLSS2A with A/R of 1.10

Modifications to the OEM emission—related parts due to the instaliation of
the turbocharger kit include replacement of the OEM exhaust system with a 3—
1/2" diameter exhaust system.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the devics, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
of a vehicle‘s poliution control system shall invalidate this Executive
Order .

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall—be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of a kit shall
not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
component of a kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied
by the vehicle manufacturer.

HYPERMAX ENGINEERING,     INC.                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D~175—2
                                                          (Page 2 of 2)


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect   to the action taken herein    in any advert!ising or other oral      or
written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or
     advertise, or, except in an application to the state board for
     certiflcation of a device, represent, any device as a motor
     vehicle polfution control device for use on any used motor
     vehicle unless that device has been certified by the state board.
     No person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any
     motor vehicle pollution control device as a certified device
     which,    in fact,   is not a certified device.       Any violation of—this
     subdivision is a misdemeanor ."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of Callfornia for such action as he deems
advisable.           ~                                            >

Executed at El Monte, California, this       ;2//    day of February, 1989.

                                            K. D. Drachand, Chief
                                            Mobile Source Division

                       State of California
                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                         February,   1989

                                                           February, 1989



                           Mobile Source Division

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                            9528 Teistar Avenue
                            El Monte, CA 91731

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policiles of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)

       Hypermax Engineering Inc. (Hypermax) of 255 East Route 72, Gilberts,

IL   60136, has applied for exemption from the prohibltions in Vehicle Code

Section 27156 for their add—on turbocharger kit.   The Hypermax turbocharger

kit is designed for Instalilation in 1983—1987 model—year Ford Motor Company

vehicles powered by a 6.9L Navistar   International heavy—duty diesel engine

and 1988—1989 Ford Motor Company vehicles with a 7.3L Navistar    International

heavy—duty diese! engine.

        Hypermax has submitted a completed application and all the required

information as well as comparative exhaust emissions test data which shows

that their kit does not have any adverse effect on the exhaust emissions

from the applicable vehicles.   Testing performed at the Air Resources Board

(ARB) confirmed the results of the tests performed by Hypermax.

        The staff recommends that Hypermax be granted an exemption as

requested, and that Executive Order D—175—2 be   issued.

                                                                   Page Number

SUMMARY                                                                 1

     NTENT                                                             H

1            LINTRODUCT                                                 1

E1           CONCLUS                                                    1

UH           RECOMMENDAT                                                1
IV               HA       KIT    1PT   I           T                    2

v            KITEVALUATION                                              3

VvI.     BISCUSS                                                        5




                       KITS FOR HEAVY—DUTY ENGINES

                   D—175 7

                          HEAVY—DUTY DIESEL ENGINE

1.         ITROD

         Hypermax Engineering inc.    (Hypermax) of 255 East Route 72, Gilberts,

IL    60136, has applied for exemption from the prohibitions in Vehicle Code

Section 27156 for their add—on turbocharger kit.       The Hypermax turbocharger

kit is designed for installation in 1983—1987 model—year Ford Motor Company

vehicles powered by a 6.9L Navistar International heavy—duty diese! engine

and 1988—1989 model—year Ford Motor Company vehicles with a 7.3L Navistar

International heavy—duty diese! engine.

11.      CONCLUS1ONS

         Basedon the submitted information and comparative exhaust emlssions

tests performed at ECS Laboratories Inc. (ESC) and the ARB on a 1988 Ford

F—250 heavy—duty diesel      truck, the staff concludes that the Hypermax

turbocharger kit will not have any adverse effect on exhaust emissions from

the vehicles for which the exemption has been requested.


         The staff recommends that Hypermax be granted an exemption for their

turbocharger kit to be used on 1983—1987 model—year Ford Motor Company

vehicles powered by a G6.9L Navistar international heavy—duty diese! engine

and 1988—1989 model—year Ford Motor Company vehicles powered by a 7.3L

Navistar   International   heavy—duty diesel engine and that Executive Order

D—175—2 be   issued.

IV.         RB           K          T1                 N

       The purpose of the Hypermax turbocharger system is to Increase the

power output of the engine by compressing the intake charge to pressures

above that of the atmosphere.       This increased pressure allows a greater

charge density to enter the combustion chamber and increases the volumetric

efficiency.      The maximum fuel delivery is slightly increased in order to

maintain proper alr—fuel ratios when the turbocharger is providing positive

manifold pressure (boost).       The Injection pump timing is retarded by two

degrees from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications.

       Hypermax offers four turbochargers with their system as follows:

       1.        AiResearch mode! 409900—2 with area ratio (A/R) of 0.96;

       2.        AiResearch mode! 4658124—5004 with A/R of 1.15;

       3.        Holset Engineering model H2A7680E/FAO1SCAZ with A/R of 1.08;

       4.        Warner~lIshl mode! RHB7—97OOVP28NFBRLS§2A with A/R of 1.10.

       The maJjor components of the system include a turbocharger, custom

intake adaptors, 3—1/2" exhaust tubing, brackets, hoses and the hardware

necessary to complete the installatlon.

       Maximum positive manifold pressure is limited to 10 psig by the size

of the turbine and the compressor.        The maximum engine speed is regulated by

the OEM fue!      Iinjection governor which   is not modified by the installation of

the kit.     Therefore, by controliing maximum engine speed, maxImum turbine

speed and corresponding boost pressures are also controlled.

         No OEM emission controls are removed or disconnected when the

turbocharger kit     is instailed.    Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) system

is rerouted to the compressor        Inlet.

         Installation instructions, included in every kit, show the kit

installer how to properiy Install the turbocharger system and adjust the

maximum fue! delivery properly (see Appendix A).

v.              AR       1   VA         N

         Evaluation of the Hypermax turbocharger kit was based on the analysis

of all   submitted   information including comparative emissions test data

conducted at ECS.     The test program used was "Test Program for Add—On

Turbocharger Kits for Heavy—Duty Engines" (see Appendlx B).        The tests were

conducted on a 1988 Ford Motor Company F—250 pick—up powered by a 7.3L

Navistar International heavy—duty diese! engine.       The turbocharger that was

used for testing had an area ratlo of 1.08.       The results of the comparative

testing conducted at ECS are shown in Table 1.

                                            Table 1

                           ECS Laboratory,     Inc. Test Results
                             Steady—State Emissions (g/m!)

              _Mode.          Configuration           _HC_     _CQ_     _NQx_

              Idle*             Base! Ino             0.037    0.134    1.439
                                Device                0.067    0 .129   1.194
                                Change %              +81      —4       —17

              20 mph            Base| Ine             0.716    2.381    6.422
                                Device                0.749    1.793    6.401
                                Change %              +5       —24      —0 .3

              30 mph            Base l ine            0 .396   0.877    4.873
                                Device                0. 436   0.701    4.621
                                Change %              +10      —20      —5

              40 mph            Base i Ine            0.214    0. 441   4.705
                                Device                0.208    0.412    4.067
                                Change %              —3       —7       —14

              50 mph            Base l Inc            0 .202   0. 344   4.663
                                Device                0.210    0.324    3.986
                                Change %              +4       —6       —14

‘             55 mph            Base l ine            0. 258   0.379    4.912
                                Device                0. 234   0. 330   4. 456
                                Change                —9       —13      —9

    *The idle test results are in grams per minute.

         Confirmatory testing was performed at the Air Resources Board

    Laboratory.   Two series of tests were conducted in baseline and device

    configurations.    The average test results are shown in Table 2.

                                                Table 2

                    Alr Resources Board Laboratory Test Results
                                   Steady—State Emissions

          _Mode_                Configuratlon             HC(ppm). CO(%)_    NOx(ppm)_

           Idle                   Base| Ine               11.65    0.01      468
                                  Device                   9.10    0.01      367
                                  Change %                ~22      0.0       —22

           20 mph                  Base l Ine             21.20    0.01      283
                                   Device                 20.50    0.01      242
                                   Change %               —3       0.0       —14

           30 mph                  Base! ine              21.20    0.01      332
                                   Device                 17.70    0.01      279
                                   Change %               —17      0.0       —16

           40 mph                  Base | Ine             21.70    0.01      437
                                   Device                 17.50    0.01      360
                                   Change %               —19      0.0       —23

           50 mph                  Basel ine              22.95    0.01       562
                                   Device                 18.80    0.01       461
                                   Change %               —18      0.01       —18

           55 mph           c      Base| Ine              28 .45   0.01       539
                                   Device                 25.25    0.01       465
                                   Change %               ~11      0.0        —14


      The steady—state test results at ECS indicate a significant increase in

HC emissions at     idle.       Aithough the      increase is significant     in percentage,

It is not significant in magnitude.                However, the confirmatory test results

at the ARB showed decrease in emissions at all points.                    Based on the test

data, the staff believes that the               installation of the Hypermax Turbocharger

Kit will not have significant adverse effects on the exhaust emissions from

the vehicles for which exemption is requested.

                                                        APPENDIX & (CONTINUED)]

                     6.9/7.3L FUEL INJECTION PUMP ADJUSTMENT

The fuel injection pump must be adjusted to realize any performance
improvement with the 6.9/7.3L turbocharger package.

By following this simple procedure,     the adjustment can be made WITHOUT
removing the injection pump from the engine.

1.   Locate the triangular—shaped cover plate on the passenger—side of the
     fuel injection pump — below the throttle lever.

2.   Remove (2) 1/4" hex head screws retaining the cover to the pump
     housing. Place rags under the pump to absorb the fuel that will drain
     from the pump when the cover is removed.

     Prepare to rotate the engine by hand using a 15/16" socket,         3"
     extension and ratchet on the crankshaft damper retaining bolt.           Rotate
     the engine clockwise as viewed from the front to avoid loosening the

     By directing a flashlight on to a small mirror and aiming the light
     onto the hole   (exposed by removing the cover plate),      a 5/32" hex allen
     screw will be in view when the injection pump shaft is moved into
     position by rotating the engine.  This 5/32" hex allen screw is the
     leaf spring or fuel screw.     Turning the screw in a clockwise Gdirection
     increases the fuel delivery.

     Have an assistant rotate the engine by hand until the 5/32" hex socket
     screw comes into view.  (2) revolution of the engine may be required to
     bring the hex screw into alignment with the hole.

     Refer to the BHP VS Fuel Flow Curve attached (upper curves) and decide
     what power level is desired.  Note:  The proposed California setting is
     1—1/2 to 2 flats increase in fuel delivery and two degrees retarded
     injection pump timing.

     The injection pump timing is retarded two degrees by loosening the
     three mounting stud nuts and rotating the injection pump clockwise two
     degrees (as viewed from the drive end or front of the engine) this
     corresponds to 1/16" on the circumference of the mounting flange.  If
     these instructions are not understood by the installer take the vehicle
     to a qualified diesel injection shop for these adjustments.

     Example:   If 227 horsepower is desired at 3300 RPM, the 5/32"
                hex screw must be rotated 180 degrees in a
                clockwise direction; this corresponds to turning
                the 5/32" allen wrench (3)       flats as indicated by
                the lower set of fuel curves.

                                      —‘21   _

                                                  APPENDIX A(CONTINUED)

 ,‘.Note:      It is important to obtain a high quality 5/32" allen
               wrench to avoid damaging the hex drive portion of the
               screw since rotating the screw will require considerable

7.   After rotating the fuel screw to the desired setting, replace the
     housing cover plate, start the engine and check for fuel leaks.

                                   — 22—

                                                   APPENDIX A

                             HYPERMAX ENGINEERING, INC.

                  *** 1983—89 6.9/7.3L FORD DIESEL PICKUP TRUCK   *+**

                   I N S T A L L A T I O N   I N S T R V C T I 0O N S

Time will be saved if these instructions are read PRIOR to installation of
turbocharger package.


     1.   Negative battery cables.
     2.   Exhaust piping and muffler (DO NOT remove manifolds).
     3.   Air filter.
     4.   Crankcase blowby valve and valley cover gromet.
     5.   Auto trans filler tube and dipstick — take precautions to avoid
          foreign material entering transmission during installation.
          Transmission modulator tube.
          Transmission downshift rod.
          pickup Trucks Equipped with Optional Firewall Sound Insulation
          Package — a 32" W x 21" H section of the firewall insulation MUST BE
          CUT AWAY at the rear of the engine to provide turbocharger and pipe
          clearance.  Since the turbocharger itself reduces engine combustion
          noise,   the effect of removing the insulation will not be noticeable.

          NOTE:    Right side refers to passenger—side of vehicle.


     1.   To reduce the possibility of cylinder head gasket leakage, it is
          advisable to retorque the cylinder head bolts to (6.9L 85 ft. lbs.
          7.3L 110 ft. lbs.) after 3,000 miles has been accumulated on the
          vehicle.  Reinstall the rocker arms and posts in their original
          location with the timing mark on the front pulley at the 11:00
          o‘clock position as viewed from the front of the engine.  Torque the
          post bolts to 20 ft.—lbs.

          Provide a 1—5/16" diameter hole in the center of the rear circular
          impression on the left hand valve cover for installation of a gromet
          for the crankcase breather.  Note:  A smooth edge is required on
          this hole, use silicone sealer if hole quality is in question.

          1983 model — remove oil pressure sending unit line from rear of
          engine leaving flare fitting in block.

          1984—89 models — remove oil pressure sending unit and replace it
          with the combination sending unit turbo lube line assembly fitting.
          Orientate the fitting such that the sending unit can be reinstalled
          with its electrical terminal facing rearward.

                                       Page 1

                                            APPENDIX & (CONTINUED]

     Bolt on extension wire to the sending unit with the wire facing down
     and connect the other end to the wiring harness.   Fasten the wire to
     the combination fitting with a zip tie provided.

     Install the rubber expansion plug into the rear of the intake
     manifold.  Use "Loctite" on threads.

     Install the 3/4" I.D. gromet into the opening in the engine valley


1983—85 MODELS

1.   Remove the right bank injection nozzle fuel return hose that
     connects the last injector (No.7) to the main return line

     Connect the right and left bank injector returns at the front of the
     engine with the 22" length of hose provided.  Reuse hose clamps.

     Cap—off the (No. 7) injector and the main return line fitting with
     the caps removed from (No.l & No.2) injectors in step 2.  Reuse

     Reroute the glow plug wiring harness at (No.7) cylinder with the
     throttle and cruise control cables, causing the glow plug harness to
     be on top of the cables. Fasten the bundle to the threaded boss at
     the right rear of the intake manifold inlet with (2)   zip ties

     Remount the vacuum manifold (6") toward passenger—side of engine
     compartment. Reroute vacuum hoses along with the air conditioning
     hose.  For vehicles without air conditioning, use the (2) mounting
     zip ties provided and attach just below weather strip on firewall.
     Take precautions to avoid drilling chips from entering engine during
     these operations.

     Straighten the bend next to the frame on the fuel return line so
     it can be zip tied to the transmission linkage bracket.  Also tie
     the transmission wiring harness to the threaded boss located at the
     rear of the transmission housing.

1986—89 MODELS

1.   Remount the vacuum manifold (6") toward passenger—side of engine
     compartment.  Re—route vacuum hoses along with the air conditioning

                                Page 2

                                                           AFPENDIX & (CONTINUED]

             For vehicles without air conditioning, use the (2)            mounting
            zip ties provided and attach just below weather strip on firewall.
            Take precautions to avoid drilling chips from entering engine during
             these operations.

       2.    Straighten the bend closest to the frame on the fuel return line so
             it can be zip tied to the transmission linkage bracket.  Also tie
             the transmission wiring harness to the threaded boss located at the
             rear of the transmission housing.

       3.     If equipped with a fuel return hose facing rearward out of the top
            — fitting of injection pump, remove this hose.  Turn fitting 180
              degree while holding hex adaptor with wrench.  NOTE:  Use extreme
              caution when turning fitting.  Turning hex adaptor in aluminum pump
              hosing will result in thread damage.  Remove steel fuel return line
             and cut bend off.  Deburr, clean and reinstall fuel line.                 Connect
             new hose and hose clamp supplied.

       4.    Remove throttle and cruise control cables from injection pump and
            re—route under 3/8" fuel return line at left rear of engine.  Fasten
            both cables to the threaded boss at the right rear of the intake
            manifold inlet with (2)          zip ties provided.

       5.   Remove (No.2)      & (No.7)     injection lines at the nozzles.        Clean any
             dirt accumulated around the fitting PRIOR to line removal by
             flushing with solvent.

       5.    Remove the plastic fuel return fittings from (No.            2)   &   (No.7)
             nozzles by pulling them straight off.

       7.    Switch   (No.2)   &   (No.7)   return fittings — pushing them straight down
            to install.

       8.   Reconnect the injection lines.

       9.   The right and left nozzle banks are now reconnected at the front of
            the engine.

     10.    Use the tee and clamps provided to connect the fuel filter bleed
            return into the line between (No.1) & (No.3) injector.

     11.    Cap—off the open tube on the brass return line fitting at the rear
            of the engine with the cap and clamp provided.


       1.   Unplug glow plug harness on passenger side, unbolt relay and ground
            wire from intake manifold.          Disconnect glow plugs and remaining
            connections.       Remove entire glow harness from vehicle with relay

r-'.                                               _ g _

                                               Page 3

                                                    APPENDIX & (CONTINUED]

            Lay harness out on table and reverse position of relay from rear to
            front of engine, keeping right and left sides of harness the same.

            Passenger Side:  Pull oil pressure sending unit wire from front to
            rear of harness, also pull (three) injection pump connecting wires,
            fuel heating element connection and temperature sending unit wires
            from rear to front.

            Drivers Side:    Pull through the two temperature sending
            unit connectors from rear to front.

            —The two line clamps which were removed with harness must be drilled
             for 3/8" diameter bolts.

            Set glow plug relay mounting plate in position on intake manifold
            pad with bumper on valve cover.  See attached illustration.

       6.   Lay harness loosely into position on engine.

      7.    Position harness under (No. 3 and No. 1 cylinder) injection lines.
            Start from wiring harness connector located on passenger side fender

            Remove throttle cable bracket from intake manifold.    Move injection
            line clamp (right front) toward center of engine to provide
            clearance for wire bundle to pass to the rear of lifting eye.  Use
            zip tie to hold wire to lifting eye.  Reinstall throttle cable
            bracket — tighten bolts.

            Position harness below the transmission down shift rod (auto trans
            only)   and also clamp to rear bolt of air cleaner glow plug relay
            mount.  Continue routing under (No. 2 cylinder) injection line to
            glow plug relay.  Wire connections on relay should be facing rear

     10.    Loop glow plug wires over and below the relay mounting plate and
            connect to the glow plugs.

     11.    Connect passenger side glow plugs and remaining cil,   fuel,
            temperature and injection pump terminals.

     12.    Bolt relay and ground wire to mounting plate with bolts & locknuts


      1.    Bolt the turbocharger mounting plate onto the rear face of the right
            hand cylinder head with (3) 3/8" NC x 1" bolts and lock washers.
            Center the plate on the bolts to tighten.

~—©0                                     Page 4

                                                AEPPENDIX &A (CONTINUED)

      Install the right and left hand exhaust manifold connecting pipes
      into the mounting plate inlets.  Leave nuts loose enough to adjust
      for the best pipe joint alignment, then tighten nuts securely.       Use
      "Never Seeze" at all joints.

      Additional clearance may be required for the exhaust manifold
      connecting pipes where they pass upward between the firewall and
      clutch housing.  Use an adjustable wrench or piece of pipe to bend
      the lip formed by the intersection of the floor pan and firewall.

      Check for clearance between the turbocharger mount and firewall
      and turbine inlet pipes and floor pan — 1/2" is sufficient.
      If necessary, pry the firewall away from the turbocharger mount with
      a length of wood or small bar.


 1.   Grease the end of the turbocharger oil drain tube and insert
      it into the gromet previously installed in the engine valley cover.

 2.   Loosen the retaining bolts on the turbocharger‘s exhaust and
      compressor housings.

      Install turbocharger, and exhaust gasket onto the mount plate
      (compressor housing facing left side of the engine) with (4) 3/8" NC
      stover lock nuts and flat washers.   Tighten (4) nuts.  This is a
      TRIAL FIT step.

      Rotate center housing of turbocharger to align with drain tube.

      Lightly secure drain tube flange to turbocharger with (2) 3/8" NC x
      1" bolts and lock washers.

      Rotate center housing and lower end of drain tube to permit
      uniform tube to gromet contact; i.e. — be certain drain tube is
      not loading one side of gromet heavier than the opposite side.

      Tighten (2) center section to exhaust housing bolts.

      Install intake manifold cover with its "0" ring (apply grease
      to "0" ring).  Retain lightly with 3/8 NC x 4" bolt with "0" ring
      washer and backup washer.

      Rotate compressor housing to obtain best alignment with connector
      stub on intake manifold cover — a 3/8 — 1/2" gap will be present.

10.   Tighten   (2)   center section to compressor housing bolts.

11.   Remove intake manifold cover.

12.   Remove drain tube bolts and remove turbocharger from mounting
      plate with drain tube in place.

                                    Page 5

                                      — 10 —

                                                    APPENDIX & (CONTINUED)

           Crankcase oil vapors are ingested into the inlet of the turbocharger
           and may collect in the compressor housing.    This oil may leak from
           the hold—down bolt holes or from between the compressor housing and
           back— plate.  After aligning the compressor housing, put a reference
           mark on it and the backplate.  Remove the compressor housing and
           apply a thin film of silicone sealer or equivalent product to the
           mating surfaces of the housing and backplate as well as the bolt
           threads.   Align reference marks.

     14.   Tighten compressor and exhaust housing bolts and bend over lock


      1.   Reinstall turbocharger using "Never Seeze" compound on the exhaust
           gasket.    Center exhaust housing on studs and tighten.

      2.   Bolt drain tube with its gasket to turbocharger with (2)   3/8 NC x 1"
           bolts and lock washers.

      3.   Recheck for optimum drain tube to gromet condition.

           Tighten turbocharger mounting and drain tube bolts for final time.

           Remove plastic plug from oil inlet passage at top of turbocharger
           and fill passage with clean ocil.

           Install turbocharger oil lube fitting using pipe sealer on threads.
           Fitting should face rearward.    DO NOT overtighten.

           Wash inside of oil feed tube (1/4" diameter). Lubricate seal

           Install oil line from turbocharger to the flare fitting left in the
           block on 1983 models, or to the combination fitting previously
           installed on all other models.

      9.   Tighten flex fitting nuts until they just bottom on their fittings.


      1.   Slide compressor discharge hose and clamps onto the manifold

     2.    Install intake manifold cover and hose onto the compressor
           discharge and onto intake manifold simultaneously.

           Rotate cover form optimum hose alignment.    Be certain cover is
           bottomed against intake manifold.

                                       Page 6

                                         —51f —

                                                     APPENDIX &A (CONTINUED)

           Install 3/8 NC x 4" bolt with "Loctite" with its "0" ring and back
           up washer.   Tighten only enough to compress "O" ring — Do NOT
           overtighten!   Tighten compressor discharge clamps.


      1.   Transmission downshift lever on injection pump must be cut to 1/4"
           radius around the pivot point to provide air cleaner mount
           clearance.  The lever must be removed from the injection pump for
           this modification.

           Install downshift rod and check for clearance with turbocharger
           compressor housing.     If interference exists,   remove rod and
           lightly twist each end of the rod in the direction of the
           interference.     Do NOT attempt to bend the downshift rod while
           installed, as damage will occur to the injection pump lever!

           Install the air cleaner mount with two (2) 3/8" NC x 1" bolts and
           lock washers on left side of engine.  Use spacer plate under air
           filter mount for 1983—86 trucks, and glow plug relay mounting plate
           for 1987—89 trucks.  Lightly tighten bolts.

           Check for clearance between the downshift rod and the air cleaner
           mount.  If interference exists, REMOVE the rod and bend (near the
           pivot point at the injection pump) back towards the firewall.         This
           will lower the rod.

           Remove air cleaner mount and install the 3" x 2—3/4" dia. 90 degree
           rubber elbow onto the air cleaner mount.

           Install the hose onto the turbocharger air inlet and bolt the air
           filter mount securely in place above the spacer or glow plug relay
           mounting plate.

           Install and tighten hose clamps securing 90 degree rubber elbow to
           turbocharger and air filter mount.

           Recheck downshift rod for clearance and connect downshift return
           spring to down shift rod.

           Adjust the downshift rod length by setting a .030 gap at the
           adjusting screw on the injection pump lever with the injection pump
           at full fuel position and the transmission lever at its full travel.

     10.   Install crankcase breather gromet into valve cover,     screw in 90
           degree nylon fitting.    Mount crankcase breather valve onto air
           cleaner mount with original bolts.    Use nuts and lockwashers
           supplied.   Install hose.


                                                       APPENDIX A (CONTINUED)]


 1.   Install exhaust housing (turbine} discharge pipe between the engine
      and firewall.  Use "Never Seeze" at seal ring and turbine housing
      joint.  Push discharge pipe into turbine housing until it bottoms.

      Install the      (2)    5/16" NC x 3/4" bolts and lock washers through the
      mounting strap into the tab on the discharge pipe and into the
      turbocharger mounting plate.

      Hang 3—1/2" tail pipe from stock hanger.

      Abandon the existing front and rear muffler hangers.            Utilize the
      ones provided to hang the muffler.

      Slide the 2;1/2" to 3—1/2" adaptor pipe over the installed muffler
      connecting pipe.  Slip the pipe into the muffler —  tighten all

      Check for clearance between the floorboard heat shield and exhaust
      pipe clamp.  Shield may be bent if necessary.


 1.   Install the transmission filler tube with "O0" ring and secure it
      with the rear valve cover mounting bolt.

 2.   Re—install dipstick.

 3.   Check for clearance between the trans filler tube and the floorboard
      heat shield.  Bend heat shield if necessary.


 1.   Refer to the Fuel Injection Pump Adjustment Instructions to obtain
      the required setting for California (1—1/2 ~ 2 flats increase in
      fuel delivery and two degrees retarded injection pump timing).

 2.   Install the transmission modulator tube utilizing stock spring
      clips.  Connect the vacuum hose from the injection pump (marked
      trans)   to the modulator tube.

 3.   Examine the entire installation.            Check for interference and contact
      between wires,         tubes and cables with the hot side of the

 4.   Bend the   (2)   tabs on the bottom on the stock air cleaner out
      approximately 1/2".  Drill a 1/8" hole in lower front portion of air
      cleaner for water drain.

                                        Page 8

                                         — 13 —

                                               APPENDIX & (CONTINUED)]

       NOTE: The lower air filter housings on some pickup trucks
             incorporate a baffle which may cause a restriction when the
             filter assembly is mounted.    Remove the baffle and stud—qguide
             by drilling out the spotwelds or by sawing.

       Mount air cleaner.  Check that air cleaner base is not touching
       "hold down" bolt on intake manifold cover.  If it touches, clearance
       air cleaner base.    Be sure air cleaner gasket is in 100% contact
       with mount.

       1988 and later pickup trucks with factory cold air ducts require
       that the hose end of the duct be cut off at the inside radius.
       Maintain as much straight section of the duct as possible, connect
       the modified air duct to the air cleaner with the hose provided.

       The air conditioning hoses may have to be rotated downward — this
       can be accomplished without breaking system seal.

       If factory exhaust system is utilized, remove the screens at the
       tailpipe exit to reduce the system back pressure.

  9.   Affix the C.A.R.B. exemption label to the top of air cleaner
       housing or some obvious location in the engine compartment.

 10.   Reconnect batteries — start engine and check for leaks.


  1.   As with any turbocharger diesel engine, use a brand name Series
       Three lubricating oil.

  2.   Injection pump timing should be at the nominal factory
       specifications.  If it has been advanced or combustion noise is
       unusually loud, have timing checked.

       The turbocharger supplied with this package has been matched
       to the vehicle‘s exhaust system and will not over—boost the
       engine.  DO NOT alter the exhaust system to exceed 12 PSIG intake
       manifold pressure.

       When the fuel injection pump is adjusted for 1—1/2 — 2 flats
       (required California setting),   a pyrometer must be installed on the
       vehicle.   Limit turbine inlet temperature to 1300 degrees F.     A
       pyrometer tap is provided in the exhaust connector pipe.     A boost
       pressure tap is provided in the intake manifold cover.

       The 1983 and early 1984 6.9L cylinder head gaskets may develop a
       slight external coolant leak under prolonged high output operation.
       This is not due to a combustion leak but rather the result of
       thermal and mechanical deformation of the cylinder heads at the
       lower corners.

                                   Page 9

                                      — 14 _

                                               APPENDIX & (CONTINUED]

         If this problem occurs,   the EARLY GASKETS should be replaced.
         Installing 1986 CYLINDER HEAD GASKETS will permanently alleviate
         this problem.

         Should a leak develop with the EARLY GASKETS, the addition of a
         product such as "Prestone" Heavy Duty Cooling System Sealer to the
         radiator will provide a temporary fix for this problem.

    6.   Remember to retorque the cylinder head bolts to   (6.9L 85 ft./lbs.,
         7.3L 110 ft./lbs.) approximately 3000 miles after installing new
         cylinder head gaskets.

HYPERMAX ENGINEERING has accumulated a considerable amount of data during
the 6.9/7.3L turbocharger development program.  Should you encounter any
problems with the installation or operation of the turbocharger system, call
a Hypermax Engineering technician for assistance.

                                     Page 10
                                      —115 —

                                                         APPENDIX A(CONTINUED)

    .                        LIMITED WARRANTY

All Hypermax Engineering, Inc. non—competition products or merchandise is
warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal
use and service for a period one year       (365 days)   from date of delivery to
the initial end user.

Hypermax Engineering, Inc.‘s liability under this warranty is limited to
repair or replacement at its option, subject to the provisions set forth
herein, of any parts which upon examination by Hypermax Engineering, Inc.
are found to be defective.  The user shall prepay cost of transportation of
defective parts to Hypermax Engineering, Inc. for inspection.

Hypermax Engineering, Inc. shall not have any responsibility under this
warranty unless the defect results in a claim arising within the operational
periods listed above,     the part was properly installed, normally maintained
and not subject to misuse, negligence or accident, and the turbocharger,
parts, system components and/or accessories were not repaired or altered in
such a way that,   in the judgement of Hypermax Engineering,       Inc.   its
performance or reliability was adversely affected.

Remedies are expressly limited to the repair or replacement of defective
Hypermax Engineering, Inc. products or merchandise as specified herein.
Neither Hypermax Engineering,     Inc.   nor its distributors or dealers have any
liability for any other claims including claims for special, indirect, or
consequential damages     (including but not limited to turbocharger removal
1    llation, equipment down time, perspective profits or other economic
  C   because of any defect.  Any claim arising from defects in material or
«Jrkmanship must be presented in writing to Hypermax Engineering, Inc.
within thirty   (30)   days after the date on which the claim arises,       and any
action on the claim must be commenced within six (6) months after original
Hypermax Engineering, Inc. shipping date.

This system is legal in California and all other states.  The HYPERMAX
Turbocharger System has been tested for emissions compliance by the state of
California and has been issued an exemption under Section 27156 of the
California Motor Vehicle Code rendering it legal for sale, installation, and
use in the State of California under Executive Order D—175.  By satisfying
the requirements of the State of California, this system also satisfies the
requirements of Memorandum 1A of the United States Environmental Protection
Agency and is thereby legal for sale, installation, and use in all 50
states. No modifications to this system as supplied by HYPERMAX ENGINEERING,
INC. are permitted.


                                         Page 11

                                            APPENDIX A (CONTINUED)


       oty.      Description

       (1)       Turbocharger

       (1)      Mount — turbocharger

       (1)       Pipe — right exhaust manifold connecting

       (1)       Pipe — left exhaust manifold connecting

       (1)       Pipe assembly — turbine discharge w/mounting strap &

                 seal ring

       (1)       Pipe — muffler connecting

       (1)       Pipe — muffler extension     (2—1/2 — 3—1/2" diameter)

       (1)       Muffler — 3—1/2" diameter inlet and outlet

       (1)       Tube assembly — turbocharger oil drain

10     (1)       Tube assembly — 1/4" diameter turbocharger
                 lube oil supply

       (1)       Tube assembly — automatic transmission filler —
                 dipstick                M

12     (1)       Tube — automatic transmission modulator

13     (2)      Rod — automatic transmission downshift

14     (1)      Mount — air cleaner

15     (1)       Cover — intake manifold

16     (1)      Gasket — turbocharger exhaust housing mounting

17     (1)      Gasket — turbocharger oil drain tube assembly

18     (1)      Hose —injection nozzle fuel return
                 (3/16" I.D.) 22" long
19     (1)      Hose — turbocharger compressor discharge
                (2" I.D.) 2~3/8" long

20     (1)      Hose — turbocharger compressor inlet
                (3" I.D. x 2—3/4" I.D.) 90 degrees formed

21     (1)      Hose — fuel return line (3/8" I.D.)    15" long

                                Page 12

                                   < 19 _

                                                     APPENDIX &A (CONTINUED)]


Line No.   Oty.         Description

 22        (1)          Hose — breather connecting

 23        (1)          Hose — air filter inlet (1988—89 only)

 24        (1)          Plate — glow plug control mounting     (1987—89 only)

           (1)          Clamp — muffler (2—1/2" diameter)

 26        (1)          Clamp — muffler torctite (2—1/2" diameter)

 27        (4)          Clamp — muffler    (3—1/2" diameter)

 28        (2)          Clamp — turbocharger compressor inlet hose

 29        (2)          Clamp — turbocharger compressor discharge

 30        (1)          Clamp — crankcase breather hose

 31        (1)          "0" ring ~ intake manifold cover     (—353)

 32        (1)          "0" ring — automatic transmission
                        dipstick tube (—113)

           (1)          Extension wire assembly — oil pressure sender

 34        (1)          Fitting assembly — combination oil pressure
                        sender — turbo lube w/flex fitting

 35        (1)          Fitting — turbo lube oil supply — 1/4" tube x
                        1/4" NP x 90 degrees flex

 36        (1)          Fitting — 1" x 90 degrees crankcase breather

 37        (1)          Gromet — turbo drain tube valley cover

 38        (1)         Gromet — crankcase breather

 39        (1)         Plug ~— rubber expansion — intake manifold (1" dia.)

 40        (1)         Plug— 1/4" NP — pyrometer tap — exhaust manifold
                       connecting pipe

 41        (1)         Plug — 1/8" NP — boost pressure tap intake manifold

42         (1)         Plug — air cleaner gromet     (1987—89 only)

43         (4)         Nut — 3/8" NC stover lock

                                      Page 13

                                          i8 18 —

                                                         APPENDIX 4& (CONTINUED)]


           oty.        Description

    44     (2)          Lock Nut — 1/4" NC

    45     (2)         Washer — lock 5/16"

    46     (7)          Washer — lock 3/8"

    47     (2)          Washer — flat 7/16"

    48     (1)          Washer — flat 3/8" AN intake manifold
                        cover bolt and "0" ring washer

    49     (6)         Washer — flat 3/8"

    50     (2)          Bolt — 5/16" NC x 3/4"
    51     (5)          Bolt — 3/8" NCox 1"
    52     (2)          Bolt — 3/8" NC x 1—1/4"
    53     (1)          Bolt — 3/8" NC x 4"
    54     (2)          Bolt — 7/16" NC x 1—3/4"
0          (1)         Tee, plastic fuel line return

    56     (1)         Clamp,   fuel line return,      (1987 only)

    57     (4)         Clamp, fuel line return

    58     (1)         Cap,   fuel return fitting

 59        (6)         Ties — plastic zip

 60        (2)         Tailpipe — w/hook hanger         (3—1/2" diameter)

 61        (2)         Hanger — universal type

 62        (1)         Paint — spray can     (black)

 63        (1)         Label — C.A.R.B. exemption

 65        (2)         Label — HYPERMAX Turbo Diesel

 66        (1)         Instructions —~ Pickup Truck Installation
                       including parts list

Revision Date: 09—26—88

                                      Page 14

                                       — 519 _—

                                                                                                                                              APPENDIX &A (CONTINUED)

                                                            Performance Curves
                                                Hypermax Turbocharged vs. Naturally Aspirated Performance
                                                     6.9L Ford/Navistar                                                                            7.3L Ford/Navistar
                                                       Diesel Engine                                                                                 Diesel Engine
                                              5oo                                                                                       sco

                                                                                          TOROUE — ft. los.
 TOROUE — ft. tos.

                                              400                                                                                       400

                                              200                                                                                       200

                                              250                                                                                       z60                             maxmun

                                                                                             BHP + Observed stripped brake horsepower
   BHP — Observed stripped brake horsepower

                                              240                           PowEn                                                       240

                                              220                         Haxmum                                                        220                              conthuous
                                              200                           PoWER                                                       200

                                                                          NON:TURSO                                                                                         En

                                              wo                                                                                        0

                                              120                                                                                       120

The dynamometer—developed HYPERMAX 7.3L/6.9L
already impressive performance of the 7.3L/6.9L Ford/
Navistar engine. As indicated by the performance curves,
up to 50% more poweris achieved in turbocharger form.
Part throttle vehicle fuel economy is comparable to a
naturally aspirated engine. Combustion noise and cold
smoke are reduced as well. The HYPERMAX PULSE
TURBOCHARGER SYSTEM when used in conjunction
with our NEW 3%2" DIAMETER muffler and tail pipe
provides the lowest exhaust back pressure turbocharger
system available on the market today!                                                                                               — ALL NECESSARY PARTS AND STEP—ABY—STEP
                                                                                                                                INSTRUCTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TURBO—
                                                                                                                   CHARGER PACKAGE. (Pictured with boost—pyrometer
                                                                                                                   gauge, 3%%" diameter exhaust system, cowl air, and
Product Support                                                                                                    automatic transmission options).

Hypermax Engineering has developed high output diesel
turbocharger and fuel injection systems for championship
International Harvester tractor pulling machines since
1973. This background as well as the tremendous amount
of dynamometer test data accumulated from our
    ocharger development programs enables us to
   ommend system variations should your application
warrant this.
                                                                                      —   23
                                                                                                                                        ENGINEERING, INC.

                                                                                           APPENDIX &A (GONHELNQEDq
                                                                                       wnnacvner e megrevrerciwes   n soopribee

                                                                                  mamic Timing

           1.    Bring engine up to normal operating temperature.
                 NOTE: When checking or setting dynamic injection timing on the 7.3L engine it is manda—
                 tory that the engine be stabilized at normal operating temperature of 89°C—100°C (192°F—
                 212°F). This temperature is needed to ensure proper fuel ignition in the precombustion
           2.    Stop engine and install Dynamic Timing Meter, Rotunda 078—00200 or equivalent, by plac—
                 ing magnetic pickup in timing pointer probe hole (Fig. 14). insert pickup until it almost
                 touches vibration damper.
                 NOTE: To prevent incorrect readings, ensure that vibration damper is clean and free of
                 foreign debris and rust scale. If required, sand the area to remove rust and apply a light
                 coat of paint to the area.
           3.    Attach clamp from Timing Meter Adapter Rotunda 078—00201 or equivalent, to the line
                 pressure sensor on No. 1 injector nozzle (F—Series) or No. 4 injector nozzle (E—Series) and
                 connect to timing meter (Fig. 15).

                                                                                     yA                    erounping
                                                                     uNe                     /R         2i—cuaie
                                                                     senson                 C
                     PiCKuUP                              :          ROTUNOA
                                                    Asszi8           are—00201                                 At4seA

           Figure 14—    Magnetic Pickup —Dynamic Timing         Figure 15       Luminosity Probe—Dynamic
                                                 j                               Timing
            4. Connect dynamic timing meter to battery and dial in minus 20 degrees offset on meter.
               Disconnect cold start advance solencid connector from solencid terminal (Fig. 12).

                 NOTE: Ensure that all wire leads are located away from the front accessory drive beits.

            5. With transmission in NEUTRAL and rear wheels raised off the ground, start engine. Using
                 Throttle Control Tooi D87T—9000—E or equivalent, set engine speed to 2000 rom with no
                 accessory load. Observe injection timing on dynamic timing meter. Injection timing should
                 be 6.5 degrees BTDC at 2000 rpm.                                   emmmenemt

            6. Apply battery voltage to cold start advance solencid terminal to activate it

                 NOTE: Activating cold start advance solencid can result in engine speed increase. Adjust
                 throttle control to attain 2000 rpm, if required.

           7. Check timing at 2000 rpm. The timing should be advanced at least 1 degree before the
              timing obtained in Step 5. If the advance is less than 1 degree, replace fuel injection
              pump top cover assembly.

           8. If dynamic timing is not within * 2 degrees of specification, adjustment of pump timing is
T Cacted

                                                              _ ol L

                                                  &APPENDIX & (CONTINUED)

                        6.9L FUEL INJECTION PUMP ADJUSTMENT

The fuel injection pump must be adjusted to realize any performance
improvement with the 6.9L turbocharger package.

By following this simple procedure, the adjustment can be made WITHOUT
removing the injection pump from the engine.

1.   Locate the triangular—shaped cover plate on the passenger—side of the
     fuel injection pump — below the throttle lever.

2.   Remove (2) 1/4" hex head screws retaining the cover to the pump
     housing. Place rags under the pump to absorb the fuel that will drain
     from the pump when the cover is removed.

3.   Prepare to rotate the engine by hand using a 15/16" socket,       3"
     extension and ratchet on the crankshaft damper retaining bolt.  Rotate
     the engine clockwise as viewed from the front to avoid loosening the

4.   By directing a flashlight on to a small mirror and aiming the light
     onto the hole   (exposed by removing the cover plate),   a S5/32" hex allen
     screw will be in view when the injection pump shaft is moved into
     position by rotating the engine.  This 5/32" hex allen screw is the
     leaf spring or fuel screw.  Turning the screw in a clockwise direction
     increases the fuel delivery.

5.   Have an assistant rotate the engine by hand until the 5/32" hex socket
     screw comes into view.  (2) revolution of the engine may be required to
     bring the hex screw into alignment with the hole.

6.   Refer to the BHP     VS Fuel Flow Curve attached (upper curves)    and decide
     what power level is desired.     Note:   The proposed California setting is

     Example:   If 227 horsepower is desired at 3300 RPM, the 5/32"
                hex screw must be rotated 180 degrees in a
                clockwise direction; this corresponds to turning
                the 5/32" allen wrench (3) flats as indicated by
                the lower set of fuel curves.

     Note:      It is important to obtain a high quality 5/32" allen
                wrench to avoid damaging the hex drive portion of the
                screw since rotating the screw will require considerable

7.   After rotating the fuel screw to the desired setting, replace the
     housing cover plate,   start the engine and check for fuel leaks.

                                       L 25 _

                                                   APPENDIX B

Test Program for Add—Un Turbocharger Kits for Heavy—Duty Engines

[esting will cunsist of back—to—back chassis dynamometer tests. Saseline
{unmodirfied configuration} emission results will be compared to
turbocharged (modified configuration} emission results on the same


      1)    lale

      2)    20, 30, 40, 50 and 55 imph at 1XRL.

      Prior to measuring exhaust emission at any steady state test point,
      the vehicle‘s engine temperature shall be stabilized. This is
      satisfied when engine—oil temperature is stabilized as monitored
      and indicated by a temperature recorder.

      If a steady state point is unattainable in the baseline
      configuration, then the last point at a specified horsepower should
      be WOT and the speed should be recorded.    The test in the
      turbocharged configuration will be performed at the same speeds and
      horsepower as the baseline configuration.

      Any steady state may be deleted if 1) the steady state exceeds or
      can be expected to exceed the engine redline or 2) steady state
      conditions might cause serious damage to vehicle components or
      dynamomter, or create a hazard for test personnel.


      1)    CO concentration

      2)    CO2 concentration

      3)   HC concentration

      4)    NOx concentration

      5)   engine rpm

      6)   engine oil temperature


      1)   The same fuel will be used for both the unmodified and modified
           conf1gurat1ons unless the turbocharger manufacturer‘s written
           ‘instructions specify a d1fferent fuel for the turbocharged
            configuration.       uy

                                                           APPENDIX B (CONTINUED]

                     lire pressure in the drive wheels will be the maxiimum indicated
                     on the tire sidewall.

                     Test venicles from secondary manufacturers may be tested
                     without a body snell if 1) the cab is intact, 2) the venicle is
                     legally driveable on tne street, 3) the frontal area is
                     identical to the built—up vehicle, 4) the chassis is loaded to
                     a weight simulating loaded vehicle weight.   Loaded vehicle
                     weight is defined as the manufacturer‘s estimated weight of the
                     venicle in operational status with all standard equipment, the
                     weight fuel at nominal tank capacity, and the weight of
                     optional equipment.
w senmensiis stane

                                              _ 29 —

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:12
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:12

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