Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on November 7, 1988.
As of Thursday, December 26th, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts


This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-182-1
  • Executive Order 182-1 / D182-1
  • ARB # D-182-1
  • Executive Order No: D-182-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-182-1
  • Resolution D-182-1
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D-182-1 Document:


1       '                                                                      O    (Page 1 of

Q                                .       '         State of California
                                                   AIR REsources soaro
                                                 EXECUTIVE ORDER D—182—1
                                     flolating to Exemptions Under Section 27156

                                                of the Vehlclie Code

                                         WALKER MANUFACTURING COMPANY

            WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sectio|     156 and Title 13 California Code of
            Regulations (hereafter "CCR"     ection 2222(h), authorlze the California Air
            Resources Board (ARB) and     s  xecutive Offic   to exempt new aftermarket
            catalytic converters from     6 prohibitions      hicle Code Section 27156.

            WHEREAS, Walker Manufa bur ling Company has Qgg( d to the ARB for exemption
            from the prohibitions o    shicle Code Sect!    27156 for the 2—way and 3—way
            catalytle converters series 15111 to 15124 1                 the following applicat fons:

               2—Way                                 400 C.1.9.   ¢§.8L)           €,000 lbs.
               3—way w/o air                         232 C.1.0.     AS.sL) _       3,750 lbs.

    @       WHEREAS, pursuan                 he authority   yested in the Executive Officer by Health
@           _and Safety Code Se   n 39515 and In     Chlef, Moblle Source Division by
    o       Health and Safety Cé e Section 39516 and}Executlive Order G—45—5, the Air
            Resources Board fin s that the abovéwaftermarket catalytic converters comply
            with the Callforn a          ehicle Code Sectiqn 27156 and Title 13, Californla Code
                                       fion 2222(h).

             IT S HEREBY RESG
             the prohibitiGhs bf Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on the
             approved application vehicles subj®              to the following conditions:

                1.                                  he converters as described in the
                                                   Any changes to the converters, applicable
                     mode     ear, or other factors addressed in this order must be
                             »»»» and approved by the Air Resources Board prior to marketing

                2.                                      r using an   identification other than those

                           our ces           .   _Exemption of these products shall not be construed
                     as|   an exem           11, offer for sale, or advertise any component
                           the converter as/an Indlvidua!l device.

     WALKER MANUFACTURING COMPANY          '      K              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—182—1      : T
.&   "NEW AFTERMARKET 2—WAY AND                                  (Page 2 of 2)                jsip8


        3.   Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its content
             by Waiker Manufactur Ing Company   Its prlnclpals.Aagents, employees,           n   ta    te=
             distributors, deaters, or other representatives must include the
             disclaimer that the Executive Order or the exemption 1t provides is           "~ vnsoce
             not an endorsement or approval of any emissions reduction ciaims for                j
             the catalytlic converters and Is only a finding that the converters
             are exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

     Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
     this order.   The order may be revoked only after ten day written notlice of
     intention to revoke it, during which period the holder of the order may
     request In writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.   !f a
     hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
     request, and the order may not be revoked untll a determination Is made ,
     after the hearing, that grounds for revocation exist.

                                                          (h .
     Executed at El Monte, Callfornia, this           7    day of November, 1988.

                                       _         /lwtaz>
                                                K. D. Drachand, Chlef
                                                Mobile Source Division

Document Created: 2006-02-27 10:57:06
Document Modified: 2006-02-27 10:57:06

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