Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on February 29, 1992.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts


This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-182-7
  • Executive Order 182-7 / D182-7
  • ARB # D-182-7
  • Executive Order No: D-182-7
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-182-7
  • Resolution D-182-7
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D-182-7 Document:


                                                                          (Page 1 of 2)

                                       State of California
&                                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                                    EXECUTIVE ORDER D—182—7
                          Relating to Exemptions Under Section 2~156
                                     of the Vehicle Code

                                       WALKER MANUFACTURING
                                   "3—WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER"

        WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Title 13 Califc:nia Code of
        Regulations   (hereafter "CCR")    Section 2222(h),   authorize the California Air
        Resources Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exen;t new aftermarket
        catalytic converters fmom the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

        WHEREAS, Walker Manufa       irig of 3901 Willis   Road,   P.O..Box 157,   Grass        :
        Lake, Michigan 49240 has|applied to the ARB, f         exemptith—from the               f
    :   prohibitions in Vehic       ode Section 27156      r)their newvnaftermarket 3—way
        catalytic converter f   fuel injected vehi@le applicat:sn:—up to 3.8L and
        3,875 lbs. test weight, using the followin§\part numbers:*

        Converter Type          Universal Part No.

        TWC                  15150,15151                      15549,15559,15551,15552
                                                              15553,153656,15568, 15584

        WHEREAS, pursawant to the authori€>fig ted in the Execut:ve Officer by Health

        and Safety        Section 39515 and im the Chief, Mobile Source Division by
        Health and       ty Code Section 3%516 and Executive Order G—45—5, the Air
        Resources Bo.     finds that ¢   above aftermarket catalyzic converter
        complies witP‘ the Californid       le Code Section 27156 and Title 13,
        California     de of Regulation® / ection 2222(h).  Emission performance of
        the catal       converter was baséd on durability mileage accumulation of

                                   rmitted to the converter as deszribed in the
                                   xemption.  Any changes to the ronverter or any of
                                   pplicable model year, or other factors addressed in
               this order mu
               prior to mar

               Marketing of the converter using identificatiors other than those
               shown in the exemption application or marketing sf the converter
               for application other than one listed in the ap;lication catalog
               shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtsined from the ARB.
               Exemption of this product shall not be construe: as an exemption to
               sell, offer for sale, or advertise any componer:s of the converter as
               individual devices.
.                                                                                           (

WALKER MANUFACTURING                                   _   EXECUTIVE ORDER D—182—7
"3—WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER®"                       .       (Page 2 of 2)

   3.     Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its content
         by Walker Manufacturing, its principale, agents, employees,
        . distributors,   dealers,   or other representatives must    include the
         disclaimer that the Executive Order or the exemption it provides is
         not an endorsement or approval of any emissions reduction claims for
         the catalytic converter and is only a finding that the converter is
         exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

   4.    Upon installation,    the catalytic converter must carry a
         manufacturer‘s warranty for 25,000 mile#"on the substrates and 50,000
         miles or five years on the shell.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order.  The order may be revoked onlyafter ten day written notice of
intention to revoke it, during which perindthe holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.  If a
hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request, and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made,
after the hearing, that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte,      California,   this   Cafi r:;y       ebruary,   1992.


                                                Assibtant Division Chief
                                                Hob;le Source Division

Document Created: 2006-02-27 10:53:58
Document Modified: 2006-02-27 10:53:58

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