Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on January 18, 2007.
As of Thursday, February 6th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsRemarks
Series 460001996 through 2001 selected VW passenger carsContact distributor or manufacturer for specific vehicle application

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-193-43
  • Executive Order 193-43 / D193-43
  • ARB # D-193-43
  • Executive Order No: D-193-43
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-193-43
  • Resolution D-193-43
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-193-43 PDF

D-193-43 Document:


                                   State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—193—43
                     Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                                  of the Vehicle Code

                          Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc.
           "Series 46000 OBD II Compliant Three—way Catalytic Converter"

WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and Section 2222(h), Title 13, California Code of
Regulations (hereafter "CCR"), authorize the California Air Resources Board and its
Executive Officer to exempt new aftermarket catalytic converters from the prohibitions of
Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc. (Car Sound) of 22961 Arroyo Vista, Rancho
Santa Margarita, California 92688, has applied to the Air Resources Board for exemption
from the prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 to market its new aftermarket
Series 46000 three—way catalytic converter (TWC) for installation on selected 1996 through
2001 model year VW passenger cars equipped with on—board diagnostic II (OBD—II) systems
as specified in Appendix D—193—43 and incorporated herein. The Series 46000 TWC will be
used for single (one unit) exhaust system applications for selected VW passenger cars.

Series 46000 TWC may also be installed on non—OBD I! vehicles (1995 and older) similar in
engine and exhaust configuration to those listed in Appendix D—193—43.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health and Safety
Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations Division by Health and
Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—02—003, Air Resources Board finds that
the above aftermarket catalytic converter complies with the California Vehicle Code
Section 27156 and Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222(h). The emissions
performance of the catalytic converter was based on durability bench—aging by Delphi Energy
and Chassis Systems using Air Resources Board—modified RAT—A bench—aging cycie for
75 hours, as specified in the "Optional Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—
original Equipment Catalytic Converters Equipped with On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD 11

WHEREAS, previous emissions and OBD 11 compatibility tests conducted by Car Sound
Exhaust System, Inc. using a vehicle of a weight classification and exhaust configuration
similar to those listed in Appendix D—193—43 and certified to Low Emission Vehicle (LEV)
standards resulted in the issuance of Executive Order D—193—41, it was determined that the
installation of Series 46000 TWC on the vehicles listed in Appendix D—193—43 meets the
requirements of California regulations for aftermarket catalytic converters.

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the above catalytic converter is exempt from the prohibitions
in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on the vehicles listed in Appendix D—193—43
subject to the following conditions:

                               — 2 —

  1.   No changes are permitted to the catalytic converter as described in the
       application for exemption. Any changes to the catalytic converter or any of its
       components, and other factors addressed in this order must be evaluated and
       approved by the Air Resources Board prior to marketing in California.

 2.    Marketing of the catalytic converter using identifications other than those shown
       in the exemption application, and in this Executive Order, or marketing of the
       catalytic converter for application other than the ones shown in this Executive
       Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air
       Resources Board. Exemption of these products shall not be construed as an
       exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any components of the catalytic
       converter as individual devices.

 3.    Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its content by Car
       Sound Exhaust System, Inc., its principals, agents, employees, distributors,
       dealers, or other representatives must include the disclaimer that the Executive
       Order or the exemption it provides is not an endorsement or approval of any
       emission reduction claims for the catalytic converter and is only a finding that
       the catalytic converter is exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code
       Section 27156.

 4.    Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc.‘s installation instructions for the new catalytic
       converter must conform to requirements in Paragraphs | and X of the "Optional
       Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—original Equipment Catalytic
       Converters Equipped with On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD i1) Systems."

  5.   Upon installation, the catalytic converter must carry a manufacturer‘s warranty
       for 50,000 miles on the substrates and 50,000 miles or five years on the shell
       and end pipes.

  6.   Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc. and its vendors may not advertise the new
       aftermarket catalytic converter as a "high or easy flow" catalytic converter or
       use any phrase that could make them appear to perform better than an OEM
       catalytic converter.

  7.   The new aftermarket catalytic converter substrate may not be sold or supplied
       to a third party by Car Sound, its associates, vendors, other businesses, and
       individuals associated with Car Sound, to be assembled in a different facility
       and marketed under this Executive Order.

  8.   Any marketing arrangement of the new aftermarket catalytic converter by a third
       party, which involves the use of packaging identification different from the ones
       described in this Executive Order must be approved by Air Resources Board
       prior to shipment.

  9.   Car Sound must submit the required quality audit and production quantity
       reports for its aftermarket catalytic converter semi—annually, covering the
       periods January 1 through June 30, and July 1 through December 31.



Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten day written notice of intention to revoke it, during which
period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed
revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request,
and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made, after the hearing, that
grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this /5        day of January 2007.

                                    Annette Hebert, Chief
                                    Mobile Source Operations Division


                                                                          APPENDIX D—193—43
                                           Car Sound Exhauat System, Inc.—Seriea 46000 OBDII VW Passenger Cers
                                                                                                                                                                            DEC 26 2006
     Modal                                   Engine                      Weight     Certification                Total   Convertar
No, V3 Make [Vehicte Modat                    m           Enainefamiy    ‘ouB)           Lvat       2890099E   bonye       Type      Monitored   Universal   Direct Fb
                                                                                                                                                                         vision Chief MSOD (AG}
                  (Galf Cabriotict
                                              20L        Tvwzovecrem                                                                              se084
 1                Passat GL                                                                                                                                   46081
|—*— 199e                                                                                 cev
                  lgat ati vas, Gott                                                                                                              asoas       agos?
                                              28L        Tvwasvecrom
 2                |uetia oLx vas                                                                                                                              asss1
                  (Galf Cabriotiet
                  lgor o
 a 1907           gat ar                      20L        vewzoveckem                      m                                                       agose       acost
                  Lietta GL.
                  Leta GSL.
             vw [Easset GL Gabrio                                         ro                         singue       1        Twc           1                    TBD
                  [Rudi Ad — 20V Turbo
 4                lAudi A4 QUATTRO — 200      1.81       waADxvor.¢a22                                                                            46005       46605
                [Turbo, Passat
                (Gof Cabriotet
                Gor at                                                                   nev
 s 1898         or ati                             ,,.   wwveses                                                                                  asoze       4so91
                |etta GL.
                |etta GSt
                New Boto                                 wwwxvee.c22e                                                                             accos       48012
 6              |eor at: vas, Got             2l         wywnvor.s22                     Tier 1                                                               4sosr
 7              |Beote Turbo                  1al        xvwxvonsaze                                                                                           Te
                (Goll Nt Cabriotlet                                                                                                                          46931
     1990    vw |GoitGL.                                                  ro             Tev         single       1       Twc           1         asoss      Ts
 8              gorirem                       201        xywaxvorcers
                |uete i1 GL                                                                                                                                  4sge1
                Je11 GLS                                                                                                                                     48613

                                                                                  Page    1of 2

                                                                            APPENDIX D—193—43

                                              Car Sound Exhaust System, Inc.—Serles 46000 OBDIl VW Passenger Cars

             Make [Vohicle Model
                                                  Engine                   Weight     Cortification                      Total      Converter
                                                                                                                                                Monifored   Univaraal   Direct Fit
                                                           Engine Family                                Exhaust Type
     Year                                          Size                    Class           Lavel                       Convertors     Type

                   Betle                                                                                                                                     4s035       46613

                   Go tv

                  (Got iv GL.
                                                   20L     XvWXv02,0227                     LEV
                   (Gat v ats

                  Jetta 1V GL.

                  Jetta V GLS
                   lGatt in ati vas                                                                                                                          agoss       48614
                                                           XvWxvo2.221                     Tier 1
                  Wetta HII GLx VRG
                  Got iv ¥Re
                  lgaiv anvas
                                                           Xvwxvoz.0224                    TLEV
                  |Jetta IV GLS vRs
                  |oetta IV GLX VRG
                  |audi TT Coupe— 20v Turbo                                                                                                                              46506
                                                           YADXvO1.6336                                                                                      46005
                  [Aud! TT Roadster — 20v Turbo                                            TEV                                                                           4607
                  |Beette Turbo                            YVwxvor.6228                                                                                                   TBD
                  Golf iv
19                (Gotf Iv GL.
                                                  2.0L     YVWwxvo2.0227                                                                                     46055
     2000         lGot iv GLs
                  |uetta IV GL.
                                                                                           LEv                                                                           46614
                  |Jetta IV GLS
                  lGatt iv vae
                  lGot iv att vas
14                                                         Yowxva2.0224                                                                                      agoss
                  |etta IV GLS vR6
                  Jotta IV GLX vR6
                  New Beetle (urbo)                1.8..   TVWXVD1.0200                    THEV
                  Gelf IV

                  (GotlIII Cabriotiet
16                (Golf IV Gt.                    20L      TVWXv02.0227

                  lGo iv cus
     2001         Lietta IV GL.                                                                                                                                           TBD
                  |Jefta IV GLS                                                                                                                              agoss
                  lGott iv vas

                  lGot iv atvas
17                Jetta IV GLS yR                 28L      1VWxv02.G224

                  detta IV GLX vRC

                  |Jetta Wagon vR6

                                                                                    Page    2of     2

Document Created: 2007-02-02 15:07:27
Document Modified: 2007-02-02 15:07:27

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