Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on December 7, 1999.
As of Thursday, March 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
10019041986-1997 Ford 5.0 Liter V8 Truck W/ SN 2000, Crank Pulley Size/Supercharger Pulley Size; 6.00/3.50

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-195-17
  • Executive Order 195-17 / D195-17
  • ARB # D-195-17
  • Executive Order No: D-195-17
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-195-17
  • Resolution D-195-17
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-195-17 PDF

D-195-17 Document:


                                                                                    (Page 1 of 2)

                                               State of California
                                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—195—17
                                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                              of the Vehicle Code

                                  PAXTON AUTOMOTIVE CORPORATION
                                        SUPERCHARGER KITS

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516 of the Health and
Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Supercharger Kits, manufactured and
marketed by Paxton Automotive Corporation, 1250 Calle Suerte, Camarillo, California, 93012 has been
found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is
exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for those applicable General Motors
vehicles listed in Exhibit A of this Executive Order.

The Paxton Supercharger kit includes only the following main components: A Paxton Supercharger
(appropriate part numbers listed in Exhibit A), crankshaft and supercharger pulley in sizes as listed in
Exhibit A, in—line auxiliary fuel pump (on selected models), fuel management unit, injector block, map
sensor, K&N style air filter, and any required brackets, hoses, and electrical components necessary for
installation, excluding boost retard devices on vehicles equipped with an On—Board—Diagnostic II (OBDII)
system. No modifications are made to the stock ECU or fuel injectors. The superchargers, by design, are
limited to a total maximum boost (single or combined) of 10 psi. Vehicles that are certified to an
Enhanced Evaporative Emission Standard must maintain the stock air filter housing.

This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation instructions for the Supercharger Kits will not
recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those of the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Supercharger Kits, as exempt by the Air
Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall
invalidate this Executive Order.

This Executive Order shall not apply to any Paxton Automotive Corporation Supercharger Kits advertised,
offered for sale, or sold with or installed on, a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
ultimate purchaser.

Marketing of the Supercharger Kits using any identification other than that shown in this Executive Order or
marketing of the Supercharger Kits for an application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be
prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of the Supercharger
Kits shall not be construed as exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an
individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the Supercharger Kits may
have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

PAXTON AUTOMOTIVE CORPORATION                                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—195—17
Supercharger Kits                                                    (Page 2 of 2)

This Executive Order is granted based on the following submitted emissions test data on three vehicles
certified to a Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) emission standard using the worst case Novi 2000 Supercharger:

                    1998 Ford Expedition, 5.4L                    1998 Chevrolet Tahoe, 5.7L

                    NMOG     CO      NOX      HCHO                NMOG     CO        NOX    HCHO
Standard            0.195    5.0     0.6      0.022               0.195    5.0       0.6   0.022
Device w/ dfs       0.119    2.1     0.1      0.001               0.136    4.2       0.3   0.006

                    1999 Dodge Durango, 5.9L

                    NMOG     CO      NOX       HCHO
Standard            0.160    4.4     0.4      0.018
Device w/ dfs       0.124    3.0     0.3      0.002

Test results showed that tailpipe emissions with the Supercharger Kit installed on the vehicles met the
applicable emission standard during Cold Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure. This Executive Order is
also based on On Board Diagnostic Il (OBD II) testing conducted on the same test vehicles. Test data
showed that the Supercharger Kit when installed on the vehicles did not affect the vehicle‘s ability to
perform its OBD II monitoring.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with respect to the
action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The order may be
revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the
order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall
be held within ten days of receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination
after hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executive Order D—195—16, dated February, 1998, is superseded and of no further force and effect.

Executed at El Monte, California, this    7    day of December 1999.

                                    /R. B. Summerfleld
                                     Mobile Source Operations Division

                                            PART NUMBERS FOR KITS

     YEAR      _ MAKE                       DESCRIPTION_

    1986—97   FORD           5.0 LITER V8 TRUCK W/ SN 2000                 1001904   6.00   3.50
    1997—99   FORD           5.4 LITER V8 TRUCK W/ NOVI 2000               1001910   7.50   3.50
                                                                           1001914   7.50   3.25
    1986—96   FORD           5.8 LITER V8 TRUCK W/ SN 2000                 1001901   6.00   3.50
    1993—96   FORD           5.8 LITER V8 TRUCK W/ SN 2000                 1001903
                                                                           1001907   6.00   3.50

    1997—99   FORD           6.8 LITER V10 TRUCK W/ NOVI 2000                        7.50   3.75
                                                                                     7.50   3.50

    1996—00   FORD           4.6 LITER V$ TRUCK W/NOVI 2000                          7.50   3.75
                                                                                     7.50   3.50

    986—93    FORD           5.0 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000            1001800   6.00   4.25
                                                                           1001801    *      *
    1986—93   FORD           5.0 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000            1001804   6.00   4.00
    1986—93   FORD/Mustang 5.0 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ NOVI 2000                      7.00   3.50
                                                                                     7.00   3.25

    1994—95   FORD/Mustang 5.0 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000                        6.50   4.50
                                                                                     6.50   4.25

    1994—95   FORD/Mustang 5.0 LITTER PASSENGER CAR W/ NOVI 2000                     7.40   3.75
                                                                                     7.40   3.50
    1996_98   FORD/Mustang   4.6 TWO VALVE V8 PASSENGER CAR W/ NOVI 2000             650    3.50

              GT                                                           1001813
                                                                                     6.50   3.25
    1999—00   FORD/Mustang   4.6 TWO VALVE V8 PASSENGER CAR W/NOVI 2000              6.50   3.50
              ot                                                           1001815
                                                                                     6.50   3.25

    1996—00   FORD/Mustang   4.6 FOUR VALVE v8 PASSENGER CAR WNOVI 2000              6.50   3.50
A             COBRA                                                                  6.50   3.25

                                                 Exhibit A
                                          PART NUMBERS FOR KITS

/w YEAR            . MA

    1999—00   FORD/Mustang   4.6 FOUR VALVE V8 PASSENGE A                          6.50   3.0
                             W/NOVI 2000                                1001816
              COBRA                                                                6.50   3.25
    1996—98                  4.6 TWO VALVE V8 PASSENGER CAR W/                     6.50   3.50
              FORD/Mustang   NOVI 1000
                                                                        1001817    6.50   3.25
                                                                                   6.50   3.00
    1999—00                  4.6 TWO VALVE V8 PASSENGER CAR                        6.50   3.50
              FORD/Mustang   W/NOVI 1000                                            7
                                                                        1001818    6.50   3.25
                                                                                   6.50   3.00
    1996—98                  4.6 FOUR VALVE V8$ PASSENGER CAR                      6.50   3.50
              FORD/Mustang   W/NOVT 1000
                                                                        1001819    6.50   3.25
                                                                                   6.50   3.00
    1999—00                  4.6 FOUR VALVE V8 PASSENGER CAR                       6.50   3.50
              FORD/Mustang   W/NOVI 1000
J                                                                       1001820    6.50   3.25
8             COBRA
                                                                                   6.50   3.00
    1999—00                  2.5 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ NOVI 2000                  6.00   4.00
               MERCURY                                                   1001808
                                                                                   6.00   3.75
    1999—00         FORD     5.4 LITER TRUCK 4V AND 2V W/ NOVI 2000     1001913    7.5    3.50

               MERCURY                                                  1001914    7.5    3.25
    1999—00                  2.5 PASSENGER CAR W/ NOVI 1000                        6.00   3.75

                    FORD                                                1001809    6.00   3.50

                                                                                   6.00   3.25

    1985—87   CHEVROLET      5.0 & 5.7 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000   1100900    5.75   3.25

    1988—92                  5.0 & 5.7 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000              6.00   3.75
              CHEVROLET                                                 1101100
                                                                                   6.00   3.50
    1993—97                  5.7 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000         1101106    6.00   j.75
              CHEVROLET                                                 1101109    600    350
I                                                                       1101112     |      J
    1985—87   PONTIAC        5.0 & 5.7 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000   1215000    5.75   3.25

    1988—92   PONTIAC        5.0 & 5.7 LITER PASSENGER CAR W/ SN 2000   1200600    6.00   3.25

                                            PART NUMBERS FOR KITS

    1996—99                   5.0 & 5.7 LITER TRUCK W/ SN 2000                6.25    3.75
              CHEV/GMC                                             1101907
                                                                              6.25    3.50
    1996—99                   5.0 & 5.7 LITER TRUCK W/ NOVI 2000              $.00    3.50
               CHEV/GMC                                             1101910
                                                                              $.00    3.25
    1996—99                   7.4 LITER TRUCK W/ NOVI 2000          1105010   8.00    3.50
                                                                    1105011   8.00    3.25
    1988—95                   5.0 & 5.7 LITER TRUCK W/ SN 2000                6.25    4.00
               CHEV/GMC                                             1101901   6.25    3.75
                                                                    1101905    "       *
                                                                              6.25    3.50

    1988—95                   5.0 & 5.7 LITER TRUCK W/ NOVI 1000              $.00    375
               CHEV/GMC                                             1101911
                                                                              8$.00   3.00

    1992—99                   5.2 & 5.9 LITER TRUCK W/ SN 2000      1201201   6.25    4.00
L                JEEP                                               1201202
                                                                    1201205   6.25    3.75
               CHRYSLER                                             1201207
                                                                    1201208   6.25    3.50
    1992—99      JEEP         5.2 & 5.9 LITER TRUCK W/ NOVI 2000    1201211   6.25    3.50

               CHRYSLER                                             1201214   6.25    3.25

    1992—99                   5.2 & 5.9 LITER TUECK W/ NOVI 1000              6.25    4.00
               CHRYSLER   .                                          5
                                                                    1201215   6.25    3.75

                                                                              6.25    3.50

    1992—99                   8.0 LITER TRUCK W/ NOVI 2000          1201210   8.25    3.75
                poDoe                                               1201212   8.25    3.50

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:15:29
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:15:29

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