Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on December 5, 1990.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1990 and earlier model year vehicles powered with gasoine or diesel internal cumbustion system

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-204-1
  • Executive Order 204-1 / D204-1
  • ARB # D-204-1
  • Executive Order No: D-204-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-204-1
  • Resolution D-204-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-204-1 PDF

D-204-1 Document:


                                                                              (Page 1 of 3J, 22900                 Te Con
                                j                State of California                   '         W e
EL e s                     «—              ~o    AIR RESOURCES BOARD _                               e
                                               EXECUTIVE ORDER D— 204'1
                                      Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                                 of the Yehicle Code

                                to   l .        COAST FILTRATION, INC.
                         L t           SCn      10   FUELl ENHANCER
          WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Title 13 California Code of
          Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(e), authorize the California Air                                                          —
      .. ResourgcesBoard {(ARB) andits Executive. Officer to exempt add—on. and« « 2 .=c e cer ce ue u>
          modified parts fromthe proh1b1t1ons of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

          WHEREAS, Coast Filtration, Inc. has applied to the ARB for exemption from
          the prohibitions of Vehicle. Code Section 21156.for.
                                                             theAEueL;ENR&RCGEC .c asps..
          hode? #60°T,
        mode?"#GD—lfl”-formedwum duty"ve c s,
      *~eng1nes   *                    ~

          NHEREAS pursuant to the author1ty vested in the Executlve Officer by Health
          and Safety Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile.Source. Division by .                                              L sat +
      ‘ Health and Safety Code Section 39516 andExecutxve Order G
                                                                45 5. the A]r
        Resources Board finds1s 0 s}> .     :                       ®

                 1.      The Fuel Enhancer is an add~on dev1ceattached to the fuel hne in
                         a motor vehicle. . ©                                               .                             .

      ’          2.      The Fuel Enhancer is ifit;fided for use w‘ith a required motor
                 <+      vehicle pollution control system.

                 3.       The Fue} Enhancer by being installed fn the engine alters the
                         criginal design of a motor vehicle pollution control system.

                 4.       The Fuel Enhancer is a device subject to the prohibitions of
                         Vehicle Code Section 27156 and an add—on part as defined by 13 CCR
                      . . Section 1900(b)(1) ...       pre k thie Th ob na hn tWe ugln de       en   dn   w   n wh 2 ch       d t     9t      ns

            * 5... The Fuel Enhancer does not. reduce the, effectxveness of. any —
             R         * requ1red motor vehicle pol]ut1on ‘control device.

 sm=mto #s" "TheKir Resources Bo@rd, in the exercise of "technicat judgement,y | c.0                                                               >
  ~                      is aware of no basis on wh1ch_theFue] Enhancerwlll _PLOYIG8, AM L s se sys
hn ehascrelt ts twerease Th TGelteconomy.*


      CoOAST FTLTRATION, INCc.             >           <          o   exEcurIve orperp—rosi 80 C                         .0. |
       FUEL ENHANCER                           <              sn          (Page 2 of 3) _               ho 2 e —

                  7.        It has not been determined what effect use of the Fuel Enhancer .               ’.7-;‘1-         ad
                            may have on any warranty, either expressed or implied, by the
                            manufacturer of a motor vehicle on wh1ch the device is installed.

                  8.         The Fuel Enhancer is not a certified motor vehicle po]]utlon
                            controldevice pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 43644.
                                                                                                        —                                 1

                  9.        The Air Resources Board by granting an exemption to Coast                       —            >            fl
                   ~        Filtration, Inc. for the Fuel Enhancer does not recommend or                                              (I
      222 .. ... . endorse in any way the Fuel.Enhancer for emlsslcnsgreductton, fuel—                                   Lo
      to      C         "economy, or any other purpose                                                                                |

           IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Fuel Enhancer is exempt from the proh1b1t\ons
           of Nshicle CodeSectxon{27156
                                      for .1                          .                     i
    yéarVeh1ciespowered                    fi

                            ~Th\s exemptlcn shal] not apply to any device, apparatus, or
                             mechanism advertised, offered for sale or sold with, or installed
                             on, a motor vekicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
                            cultimate purchaser.

                  2.        Nochanges are perm1tted to the dev1ceas described in the                                                      |
                            application for exemption.      Any changes to the device, applicable
                            model year, or other factors addressed in this ordeér must be.                                                :
                            evaluated and approved by the Air Resources Board prior to                                                    t
                            marketing in California.

                  3.         Marketing of this device using an identification other than that
                            shown in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an                             *                    |
                            application other than those listed in the Executive Order shall                                                  |
                            be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air                                                      |
                            Resources Board. Exemption of this product shall not be construed
                            an an exemption to seil, offer for sale, or advertise any
                            component of the product as an individual device.
                                                                          .                     i   I

                  4.        Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its
                   >      content by Coast Filtration, Inc., its principals, agents,      .
                          employees, distributors, dealers, or other representatives must
    Tosen &5           C~ include the diséTaimer that the Executive Order or the ‘exemption                     '                                 |
   250 T                   it provides is not an endorsement or approva] of any fuel economy                        ..
aceis lcb ulenjingr emishtons‘reductTon "tlaims for theFueF Efhancer and is only a ".
          >   — flndlng that the dev1ce is exempt. from the prohibitions of Vehicle:                                         5s
                       hn       §                  4   MWECyPro           3   ane   y;;&&&i»fl“"fi&f“&flffl*¢                    Asige:

  ~* _‘ COAST FILTRATION, INC.                         ho       t t it n EXECUTIVE ORDER No B—204—1C
    >      FUEL ENHANCER             > _          DT        T        e    t    . (Page 3 ef 3). C

                ~   5. . No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by tfie Air Resources
    .       >            Board" may be made with respect to the action taken herein in any
                         advertising or other oral or written communication.

           Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
           this order.       The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
           intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
           request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a
           hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
         . request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
           that grounds for revocation exist.                                                          ’
                                                                 .       ]2:;__     .
           Executed at El Monte, California, this S’                          day of December, 1990.

                                                                     Assistant     Division Chief
                                                                     Mobile Source Division ~

                                            tn¥itSMpleiwatenapantiinshoioh Apwrtsnp ie rdh 2 uind n + nc >
SXd tg h l onooPBiit ie t neigiadM3 o thagly wempnninl ts e d s P wegh Sn ut uesn e n   ul    2   0+

    hn ns nenes oume e un     n on   en inzeccs

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:08
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:08

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