Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on March 20, 1991.
As of Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
FS-200 FS-3001991 and older gas or diesel EXCEPT Ford 460 CID vehicles with electronic fuel injection.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-217
  • Executive Order 217 / D217
  • ARB # D-217
  • Executive Order No: D-217
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-217
  • Resolution D-217
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-217 PDF

D-217 Document:


                                                              (Page 1 of 3)

                                State of California
                                AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D—217
                    Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                               of the Vehicle Codé             .

                               FUEL STRETCHERS, INC.‘S
                               "EUEL STRETCHER® DEVICE
 WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Title 13 California Code of
 Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(e), authorize the California Air
 Resources Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt add—on and
 modified parts from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

— WHEREAS, the Fuel Stretchers, Inc. has applied to the ARB for exembtnon from
  the prohibitions of Veh1c1e Code Sectlon 27156 for the "Fuel Stretcher"

  WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive 0ff1cer by Health
  and Safety Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Division by
  Health and Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—45—5, the A1r
. Resources Board finds:

       1.    The "Fuel Stretcher", mode?l nos. FS—200 andFS—300, is an add—on
             device that is attached_to the fuel line in a motor vehicle.

      2.     The fuel line is part of the required motor vehicle pollution
             control system.

      3.      The "Fuel Stretcher", model nos. FS—200 and FS—300, is intended
             for use with a required pollution controlvsystem‘

      4.     The "Fuel Stretcher", model nos. FS—200 and FS—300, by being
             installed in the fuel line alters the or1glna1 des1gn of a motor
             vehicle pollution control system            .

      5.     The "Fuel Stretcher", model nos. FS—200 and FS—300, is a device
             subject to the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 and an
             add—on part as defined by 13 CCR Section 1900(b)(1).                s

      6.     The "Fuel Stretcher", model nos. FS—200 and FS—300, does not
             reduce the effectiveness of any required motor vehicle pollution
             control device.

      7.      The Air Resources Board, in the excrcise of techn1c41 judgement,
             ts aware of no basis on which the "Fuel Stretcher“, model: nos.
             FS—200 and FS—300, will provide either a decrease in emission or
             an increase in fuel economy.

      8. .   It has not been determined what effect use of the "Fuel
             Stretcher", model nos. FS—200 and FS—300, may have on any
             warranty, either expressed or implied, by the manufacturer of a
             motor vehicle on which the device is installed.         '

THE FUEL STRETCHERS, INC.                 |     .       EXECUTIVE ORDER D—217 .
"FUEL STRETCHER®" DEVICE                            _   (Page 2 of 3)

    . 9.       ‘The "Fuel Stretcher", model nos. FS—200 and FS—300. is not a
     >         certified motor vehicle pollution control device pursuant to
               Health and Safety Code Section 43644.

         10.   The Air Resources Board by granting an exemption to the Fuel       —.
               Stretcher, Inc. for the "Fuel Stretcher", mode! nos. FS—200 and |
               FS—300, does not recommend or endorse in —any way the "Fuel
               Stretcher" for emissions reduction, fuel economy, or any other
               purpose.   _

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the "Fuel—Stretcher", model nos. FS—200 and
FS—300, is exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for
Anstallation on 1991 and earlier mode]-year vehicleés powered with gasoline
or diesel internal combustion engines, except for Ford vehicles powered by a
460 CID engine and equ1pped with e1ectron1c fuel injection, subject to the
following conditions:

         1.     This exemption shall not apply to any device, apparatus, or
               mechanism advertised, offered for sale or sold with, or installed
               on, a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent wuth transfer to an
               u1t1mate purchase.

         2.    No changes are perm1tted to the device as described in the
               application for exemption. ‘Any changes to the device, applicable
               model year, or other factors addressed in this order must be
                evaluated and approved by the Air Resources Board prior to
               marketing in California.

    * 3.         Marketing of this device using an identification other than that
                shown in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for. an
                application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall
                be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air
                Resources Board.  Exemption of this product shall not be construed
                as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
                component of the product as an individual device.

         4.     Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its
               content by the Fuel Stretchers, Inc., its principals, agents,
               employees, distributors, dealers, or other representatives must ~
               include the disclaimer that the Executive Order or the exemption
               it provides is not an endorsement or approval of any fuel economy
                or emissions reduction claims for the "Fuel Stretcher", model nos.
                FS—200 and FS—300, and is only a finding that the device is exempt
                from the prohibitions of Vehicle Crde Sect1on 27156.

         5.     No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources
                Board" may be made with respect to the action taken herein in any
                advertising or other oral or written communication.

—¥iolation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
 this order. The order may be revoked only after ten days written notice of
 intention to revoke the order, in which psriod the holder of the order may

THE FUEL STRETCHERS, INC.     '                   EXECUTIVE ORDER D—217
"FUEL STRETCHER" DEVICE                  200500   ~(Page 3 of 3)

request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.     If a
hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this 4@&2___ day of March, 1991.

                                     R. B. Summerfield
                                     Assistant Division Chief
                                     Mobile Source Division

                    State of California
                    AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                          March 1991

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                            Mobile Source Division
                            State of California
                            Air Resources Board
                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                            E1 Monte, CA 91731—2990

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)

       Fuel Stretchers, Inc. has applied for exemption of their Fuel

Stretcher device, Model nos. FS—200 and FS$S—300, from the prohibitions in

California Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on 1991 and oclder

model—year gasoline and diesel—powered motor vehicles, except for Ford

vehicles powered by a 460 CID engine and equipped with electronic fuel


       Fuel Stretcher is a 40 micron in—line fuel filter, which, according

to the manufacturer "helps stop engine knocking, cleans engine carbon

deposits, and improves engine performance".   After an engingering evaluation

of the device, the staff has concluded that the device will not adversely

affect exhaust emissions from the vehicles for which the exemption is


       The staff recommends that Fuel Stretchers, Inc. be granted an

exemption for their Fuel Stretcher device for installation on 1991 and older

model—year gasoline and diesel—powered vehicles, except for Ford vehicles

powered by a 460 CID engine and equipped with electronic fuel injection, and

that Executive Order D—217 be issued.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                    Page Number

SUMMARY                                                  i

CONTENTS                                                11

I.        INTRODUCTION                                   1

II.       CONCLUSION                                     1

III.      RECOMMENDATIONS                                1








       Fuel Stretchers, Inc. of 1317 Yellowstone, Arrowhead, CA 92352—1451,

has requested an exemption of the Fuel Stretcher device from the

prohibitions in California Vehicle Code (VC) Section 27156.   The exemption

is requested for installation of the device on 1991 and older model—year

gasoline and diesel—powered vehicles, except for Ford vehicles powered by a

460 CID engine and equipped with electronic fuel injection, under the

following applications:

                Engine size up to 350 CID          Model FS—200

                Engine size over 350 CID           Model FS—300


       Based on the engineering evaluation of the device, and previous

exemptions of similar devices with the same operating principles, the staff

concludes that the device will not adversely affect exhaust emissions from

1991 and older model—year gasoline and diesel—powered vehicles.

       The staff recommends that Fuel Stretchers, Inc. be granted an

exemption for their Fuel Stretcher device for installation on 1991 and older

model—year gasoline and diesel—powered vehicles, except for Ford vehicles

powered by a 460 CID engine and equipped with electronic fuel injection.

The staff also recommends that Executive Order D—217 be issued.

       The Fuel Stretcher device is a hexagonal shaped, 1 1/2 inch long

metallic tube of about 1/2 inch diameter.    Both ends of the tube are

threaded internally to extend inlet and outlet fuel lines.    The tube

contains a 40 micron sintered bronze electroplated with an amalgam of

silver, nicke] and platinum.   The device is installed on the fuel lTine

within 12 inches from the carburetor or fuel injector of the vehicle.

        The applicant claims that by passing the fuel through this particular

filter media, the fuel molecules attain uniform negative charge.       These

negatively charged molecules are spread out more evenly in the combustion

chamber, resulting in complete and efficient fuel burning and, thus, better

fuel economy is achieved.    The applicant also claims that this process aids

in cleaning carbon deposits from the combustion chamber and reduces engine

knocking.   The applicant did not submit any data to substantiate his claims.

Further, no adjustments such as timing, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR),

fuel metering, or any other engine adjustments are included in the

installation instructions.


        The applicant has submitted no lTiterature or explanation to

the mechanism by which the fuel molecules are negatively charged by passing

through the sintered bronze filter.    The staff has evaluated the design and

operation of the Fuel Stretcher device.     It is staff‘s opinion that passing

the fue! through this filter medium will not alter the charge of the fuel

molecules and there would be no effects on the fuel properties.

        In the past, ARB has exempted similar devices such as the

"Moleculator Fuel Energizer" and the "Fuel Dominator" by Internal Energy

Management Corporation, the "Top Eliminator" by Top Eliminator, Inc., the

"Fuel Cat" by Fuel—Cat, Inc., and the "Carbonflo" by Carbonflo Sales

America, Ltd.   These devices were issued exemptions based on back—to—back

CYS testing, fuel economy testing, and engineering evaluation.   Because of

the previous exemptions issued to similar devices with the same operating

principle and the fact that in order to qualify for an exemption the device

must not cause an increase in exhaust emissions, the staff has determined

that the fuel stretcher device will not adversely affect emissions when

installed on 1991 and older model—year vehicles.   The staff recommends that

Fuel Stretchers, Inc. be granted an exemption as requested.


                                INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS

NOTE: The FUEL STRETCHELR will not correct mechanical problems. FUEL STRETCHERS,
Inc. is not responsible for damage caused by improper installation.

 1. Fuel is flammable. Install only on an engine that has been shut off for at least eight hours. Install
    in a well—ventilated area. No smoking during installation. Watch fuel spray when cutting fuel
    line.                                      e           '                      2s                .     2s
    The FUEL STRETCHER should be installed in the fuel line within 12 inches from the carburetor
    or fuel injector. Make sure the Fuel Flow arrow on the FUEL STRETCHER is pointing in the
    proper direction. (If you are not sure which line to install the unit in, check with your local parts
    If you have a metal fuel line, use a tubing cutter. Do not under any circumstances use a
    saw. Small particles will clog your carburetor or fuel injectors.
  . Use Teflon tape on the threads when you tighten the brass connector fittings onto the FUEL
    STRETCHER and make sure the cap on the FUEL STRETCHER is on tight.
    Cut fuel line, install the FUEL STRETCHER and tighten hose clamps and fittings.
    a. On metal fuel lines, a piece of fuel hose should be placed on either end of the FUEL
        STRETCHER and slid over the metal fuel line. Hose clamps should be used to secure the
        fuel hose to the metal fuel line and the FUEL STRETCHER. Do not allow the FUEL
        STRETCHER to touch the metal line. This will ground it out.
    b. For Teflon lines, a brass sleeve (available at your local parts store) should be inserted into the
        open ends of the Teflon line to prevent collapse when the clamps are tightened. Then follow
        the instructions for metal lines above.
    c. For rubber fuel lines, cut the line, insert the FUEL STRETCHER and secure with hose
      d. For braided steel fuel lines, you will need to install high pressure fittings after cutting the line.
         Remove the brass fittings that come with the FUEL STRETCHER and connect the high
         pressure fittings, using Teflon tape, directly to the FUEL STRETCHER.
      e. Any hose connected to the FUEL STRETCHER must be non—conductive or it will ground
         the FUEL STRETCHER and negate the effectiveness of the FUEL STRETCHER.
      Once the FUEL STRETCHER is installed, start the engine and make sure there are no leaks.
~ O

      Place the insulating shield over the FUEL STRETCHER and check to make sure that no spark
      plug or other electrical wires are fouching the fuel line or injectors from the installation point
      forward. Electrical wires and spark plug wires throw off an electric field which will negate the
      effect of the FUEL STRETCHER. Frayed or worn fan belts may also have the same effect.
      Clean up work area, check for tools and parts in the engine compartment, wash any fuel off your
      You are now ready for your FUEL STRETCHER mileage test. Congratulations!

                                          Not legal for sale in California.

          FUEL STRETCHERS, Inc.

                           MONEY BACK GUARANTEE
                            10 YEArR
                                              WARRANTY REGISTRATION

City                                                                          _   State                               Zip
Purchased at                                                                         :                                      Date

                                             c MILEAGE TEST RESULTS

                            Highway                                                                     Emissions
Before:               MPG             After:                MPG             Before:                 HCPPM           After:                HCPPM

                          City                                              Before:                 CO              After:                CO
Before:               MPG     After:                        MPG


                 Mileage test results are not required but are greatly appreciated! Thank you!
        If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, return the FUEL STRETCHER to place of purchase within 90 days for a full ref\fnd.

                                When completed, return to FUEL STRETCHERS, Inc.
                                  P. 0. Box 1451 * Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352—1451
                                                        Not legal for sale in California.


                How the FUEL STRETCHEFR Works...

When the fuel passes through the FUEL STRETCHER the fuel molecules acquire a negative
charge. Since like charges repel one another, the fuel molecules—when they enter the engine— .
spread out more evenly. This more even distribution of the fuel molecules allows the fuel to be more
completely burned, giving your engine more power, better pick—up and greater mileage.

                                     — Mileage Tests —
The only truly accurate way to check your mileage before and after is to fill your tank and drive 100
miles on the highway at a constant speed (55MPH). Go back to the same station/same pump and
fill your tank again. Divide the number of miles driven by the number of gallons used, and you have
your miles per galion. Then install the FUEL STRETCHER and go back to the same station/same
pump and fill the tank again. Drive the same 100 miles on the same highway at the same speed
{55MPH). Return to the same station/same pump and fill your tank after your second test and divide
the miles you have driven by the gallons used and compare these results with those from your test
before you installed the FUEL STRETCHER,                         '

                              .          — 60 Days —
During the first sixty days, the FUEL STRETCHER is on your vehicle it will begin to clean out the
carbon deposits inside your engine. Change your oil and make sure to check it every time you fill
your tank. As the oil becomes dirty—and it will from the carbon being cleaned out of the engine—
replace the oil and filter immediately. Once the carbon has been cleaned out, you will be getting even
better performance from your car and will be able to go for much longer periods of time between
oil changes and tune—ups.

                                         — Savings —
Installing the FUEL STRETCHER will save you money at the fuel pump, on oil changes, and on
tune—ups. It will also give you a cleaner, better—running vehicle.

                           Thank you for selecting our product!

                                      Not legal for sale in California.

  The FUEL
  Rodeuem Fue! Stretcher‘«

INC. Lake Arrowhead, CA
         Made in the U.SA.
        by: Smith Incustios
          Washougal, WA
   Not logal for sals in Calfornia.

      Fuel Flow

                                          par Péwo P
                                                                            CERTIFICATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY
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       A                —       x    To       .
                            ~         io y                    This agreement, entered into between LITMAN LAW OFFICES, LTD.                   and
       >                    N        4 at                  A/E/KA/ETH W« SmMm/i¥ k                     , hereinafter known as      PROSPECTIVE
                            x        " &e
                    ;           pee                        CLIENT, confirms the terms under which PROSPECTIVE CLIENT will provide to
 a          ;       |       &      s u3                    LITMAN LAW OFFICES, LTD. informationand material relating to his/her invention,
 &                               w *Ct                     name/logo, and /or work of authorship, for the purpose of evaluation and /or possible
 3<             —                = 4                       representation before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and /or the U.S. Copyright

 § % |§3                          23
                i                                          Office.
                                                               LITMAN LAW OFFICES, LTD. hereby agrees that any and all such mformatmnand
                                                           material submitted to it by PROSPECTIVE CLIENT shall be maintained in strict
                                 ji 8                      confidence pursuant to the attorney—client privilege.

       o.                                                   LITMAN LAW OFFICES, LTD.                       PROSPECTIVE CLIENT

                                                              Hacl)lotrse—                                 Signed;/%M
                                                           Richard C. Litman, Esquire
                                                           Registered Patent Attorney                      Dated:JQJ_%L%L‘L
                                                           COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA                )
                                                                                                   )oss: 4Y$14 — L 4~ 6 //‘>/
                                                           COUNTY OF ARLINGTON                     )
                                                                                                                       \gggps me, on
                                                                                                   Sworn to andsubscnbefi

                                                           FuEL                                                 s MAzi0 3
FUEL .g g . . .                                                 STRETC HER
                                                            F3 2 00.
                                                                                                               NOTARY PUBLIC
                                                                  FS 300
                                                                                                              My Commission Expires January 18, 1992

                                                                   THIS IS FOR YOUR PROTECTION. KEEP FOR YOUR RECORD.

                                    FOR PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS

          INVENTIONS —Please describe your invention, stating how it works and its advantages.

          TRADEMARKS — Describe the goods/services for which the mark will be (or is being) used.
                       If mark is in use, please provide date offirst use.

           CC                                                _SmALL END

           _                                            RSBEUVEAM             1)4   22

           ———                     mrearn .               _E UEL          +

           ———                                      \                 xmaIA¥ BORXL .
           [——                                  \         \spreme              4 "5*sree®
                                           \\         \_ _ PELLET 40 michre speTe#fp
                                                                      FLecTRC PLA7E
           f———                                     ._QA_E            siveR, ¥ee. fl-%}fi_h"/fiofl\

                          ~~FUEL ssgBieee C——
                                                    STRETCHERTM                                r————

My invention Fits in to the fuel line of gas or diesel engines it is first
a 40 micron filter that is easly taken apart for cleaning but because
of the make up of the filter element it has some unique abilitys such as
the   platinum has the ability            to   raise   the   octane in gasoline           or   the   ctain
of diesel .The other dissimilar metels combind have an afect called
electrolis which in turn works like a small battery charging the fuel
     7¥E the engi   i
               gine is    itivl
                       negitivly  harged already y so it makes the fuel
atomize   better   so more    of    the    fuel can     burn   so   you   back off       the   throdle
more so in turn you use less fuel and what you do use is burned more

               STRETCHERS, Inc.


       At last there is relief for the millions of Americans who are paying increasingly higher
prices at the gas pump, FurL SmETCHEks, Inc. of Lake Arréwhead, Ca. announces the release
of a revolutionary new fuel saving device called "THe FuEL S’IRETCHER";’ Tas Fur: SmHCHER
can be used on gasoline and diesel engines using fuel injection or carburetors. Models are
available for autos, trucks and boats.
      ‘THE FuEL STRETCHER ‘ incorporates a 40—micron in—line fuel filter. When the fuel passes
through this patent pending device, the fuel molecules acquire a negative charge. Since like
charges repel one another, the fuel molecules spread out more evenly in the engine. As the
fuel is more evenly disbursed in the engine, when it burns, it does so more completely. This
more complete burning of the fuel creates more power, better pick—up and greater mileage.
Fuel mileage increases range from 10% to 35% depending on the véhicle.                Soe
       THE FUEL STRETCHER installs in minutes right in the fuel line. THE FUEL STRETCHER
comes with a 90—day monesr back guarantee and a 10—year replacement warranty. THE FuEL
STRETCHER will be available nationwide at automotive;, truck and boating parts stores in the
next few months. The FS—200 unit for engines up to 350 CID will sell for $125.00 and the FS—
300 unit for larger engines and semi—trucks will sell for $180.00.
       For additional information contact: FuEL STRETCRERS, Inc., 1317 Yeflowstone Drive, Box
1451, Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 or call (714) 337—0017.                                  v       v

       If you would be interested in doing a Before and After test as a follow—up article to this
press release, we would be happy to furnish you with a unit for testing.

          1317 Yellowstone Drive — Box 1451 + Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352—1451 + (714) ‘837—0017
                                      Not legal for sale in California.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:41:48
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:41:48

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