Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on February 8, 2017.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part Number

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-260-22
  • Executive Order 260-22 / D260-22
  • ARB # D-260-22
  • Executive Order No: D-260-22
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-260-22
  • Resolution D-260-22
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-260-22 PDF

D-260-22 Document:


                                     State of Calfornia
                                 AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                               EXECUTIVE ORDER D—260—22

                        Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                   of the California Vehicle Code

                                        Hypertech, Inc.
                   Hypertech Programmers and Speedometer Calibrators

Pursuant to the authorty vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the Vehicle
Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—14—012;

IT !s ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Hypertech Programmers and
Speedometer Calibrators, manufactured and marketed by Hypertech, Inc., 3215 Appling
Road, Bartlett, Tennessee 38133—3999, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
the applicable vehicle poltution control systems and, therefore,is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the following gasoline powered
vehicles listed in Exhibit A
The Hypertech Programmers (see Exhibit A for product name and part number) are either a
hand held, dash mount, or wireless programmer designed to reprogram the engine and/or
transmission control module to modify the operating parameters. Emission—related data files
cannot be modified by the end user.

The Speedometer Calibrators (see Exhibit A for product name and part number) are either a
hand held programmer or an inline device designed to recalibrate the speedometer reading
only, no vehicle related performance functions.
This Executive Order is valld provided that the installation instructions for the Hypertech
Programmers and Speedometer Calibrators will not recommend tuning the vehicle to
specifications different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Hypertech Programmers and
Speedometer Calibrators, as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the
performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

This Executive Order shall not apply to any Hypertech Programmers and Speedometer
Callbrators advertised, offered for sale, sold with, or installed on a new motor vehicle
prior to or concurrent with transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

Marketing of the Hypertech Programmers and SpeedometerCalibrators using any
identification other than that shown in this Executive Order or marketing of the Hypertech
Programmers and Speedometer Calibrators for an application other than those listed in
this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air
Resources Board

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the
Hypertech Programmers and Speedometer Calibrators may have on any warranty either
expressed or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

This Executive Order is granted based on prior submitted emissions test data generated
on eight modified test vehicles. Test results showed that emission levels met the
applicable emission standards when tested using the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test
Procedure (FTP) test cycle and the Supplemental Rederal Test Procedure
 (SFTP—US06) test cycle. Examination ofthe OBD II system showed that the
programmer did not affect OBD II system operation.
   2010 5.41 Ford Expedition  CVS—75 FTP
                         NMOG 0O NOx             HCHO
   Standards®, UL        0070   21 004           0.011
   Device Test 1         0034   15 001           0000
   Device Test 2         0034   15 001           0.000
   Average               oo%    15 001           0.000
   Average widt          oose   17. 001          0.000
   Measured horsepower gain 29
   2010 5.31 Chevrolet Tahoe  CVS—75 FTP
                         NMOGCO      NOx         HCHO
   Standards®, UL        0070  21    004         0.011
   Device Test 1         0024  07 001            0.000
   Device Test 2         028   07 901            0.000
   Average               ooze  07 901            9000
   Average widt          oo33   10 002           0.000

   Measured horsepower gain 12
   2010 5.7 Dodge Challenger CVS—75 FTP                          SFTP usos
                          NWOGCO          NOx    HCHO       NVHG+NOx          co
   Standards®, UL         0070     21     004    0.011          0.14          80
   Device Test 1          oo«s      as    002    0000           o07           0.5
   Device Test 2          oose     o7     002 0000
   Average                oos2     o8     002 0000
   Average widt           ooss     o8     004 0.000
   Measured horsepower gain 22
   2009 4.0L. Nissan Frontier     CVS—75 FTP                   SFIP USo8
                          NMOG     0       NOx    HCHO      NMHC3NOx
   Standards®, 50K        0.010    17     005     0008         025
   Device Test            0033     05     003    0000          0.01
   Device widh            ooss     05     003    0.000
   Measured horsepower gain 15
   2008 5.4L Ford GT500 SFTP USo8
                      NWHG+NOx           co
   Standards            0.14             80
   Device Test          0.10             11
   Measured horsepower gain 80


   2007 7.0L Corvette      SFTP USO8
                        NWMHC+NOx         co
   Standards               0.14           8.0
   Device Test             0.14           14

   Measured horsepower gain 20
   2007 24 Honda Accord    CV$—75 FTP                            SFTP usos
                      NMOGCO      NOx              HGHO       NWHC+NOx     co
   Standards®*, UL        oot0      10      002    0004           014          80
   Device Test 1          oo0s      03      001    9000           0.01         08
   Device Test 2          o.004     0.3     o.ot   0.000
   Average                0004      0.3     .01    0.000
   Average widt           0008      04      001    0.000
   Measured horsepower gain 5
   2009 2.3Mazda 3 Speed   CVS—7SFTP                             sFTP usos
                      NMoGco     NOx               HCHO       NWHC+NOx     co
   Standards®, 50K    oo40  17 005                 0004          014       80
   Device Test 1      oor1  o2 oos                 000           003       07
   Device Test 2          oo18      02      003    0.000
   Average                oo25      02      003    0.000
   Average widt           oore      03      004    0.001
    Measured horsepower gain 40
*LEV II ULEV CVS—75 FTP emissions standards
*‘LEV II SULEV CVS—75 FTP emissions standards
TheAir Resources Board reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order
and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part
continues to mest the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of
Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board‘, may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or wntten
Violation of any of the above condiions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
The order may be revoked only after a ten—day writen notice of intention to revoke the
order, in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest


the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of
receipt of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made
after the hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, Califoria, this ?‘Z/ day of February 2017

         —Annene Hebert, Chief
         Emlsslflfls Compliance, Automotive Regulations and Science Division


                                    Exhibit A

Max Energy Power Programmer
PN: 32500, 32501, 42500, 42501, 52500, 52501, 62001

Max Energy ECON Power Programmer
PN: 33500, 33501, 43500, 43501, 53500, 53501, 63001

TowMaster Junior Power Programmer
PN: 34500, 34501, 44500, 44501, 4500, 54501, 64001

TowMaster, TowMaster Plus
PN: 87100

PN: 83006, 83008, 83009, 83013, 84000,84001, 84003, 84009, 85003, 85004,

Max Energy 2.0 Power Programmer
PN: 2000

Max Energy 2.0 California Edition Power Programmer
PN: 2100

Max Energy 2.0 JK Edition Power Programmer
PN: 2300

Max Energy 2.0 JK Califonia Edition Power Programmer
PN: 2400

                  HYPERTECH, INC.— PROGRAMNMER— D—260—22

                                     Exhibit A

Max Energy Speedometer Calibrator
PN: 732500, 732501, 732502, 742002, 742500, 742501, 742502, 782500, 752501
752502, 792501, 702502

Pro Comp Accu Pro Speedometer Calibrator
PN: PC32000—1, PC32001—1, PC32002—1, PC32003—1, PC32004—1, PC32005—1,
PC3200—1, PC32010—1,
PC32011—1, PC42000—1, PC42001—1, PCA2002—1, PC42003—1, PCA2004—1, PC42005—
1, PC42008—1, PC42000—1,
PC42010—1, PCS2001—1, PCS2002—1, PCS2003—1, PCS2004—1, PCS2005—1, PCS200s—
1, PCB2007—1, PCS2008—1,

Max Energy Speedometer Calibrator JK Edition PN: 782505, 792506

Max Energy 2.0 Speedometer Callbrator PN: 72000, 72100

Max Energy 2.0 JK Edition Speedometer Calibrator PN: 72200, 72300

In—Line Speedometer Calibrator PN: 730100, 730101, 730102, 730103, 730104,
730105, 730106, 730107, 730108, 730110, 730111, 730112, 730113, 730114, 730117,
730119, 730120, 730121,
730123, 730124, 730125

                 HYPERTECH, INC.— PROGRAMMER— D—260—22

                                             Bxhioi A

LEV—If ULEV           Passenger Car      FORD
Engine          ___NMake   Model                             vear   ear
     20   |__roro          [rocus                          | zo0 | 2006 |       S
     30          roro      [rusion                           z012   2005        15
               mercury     |mitam                            zors   2006        is
     35          roro      [riex                             2009   2009        23
                 roro      |rusion                           zo12   2010        23
                 roro      [raurus                           z012   2008        _23
               uncoun      mc                                z010   2007        23
               Mercury     |raurus                           z009   2008        _23
     35          rorp      Jruex                             z016   2010|_      23
                 ror       [raurus                           zors   2o|         23
     37        |_uncow     |vks                              2013   2009        23
               uncom       Jt                                zoro   zor0        23
     27          roro      |vustang                          z014   zo1         10
                 ror_      [raurus rouice                    zore   zo13        10
                uncoun     uis                               z016   2013        10
                umcow      _|wk                              z016   zo1         10
                umcow      mc                                zors   zon         to
     40   |_    foro       JmustaNG                        | 2010 | 2005 |      to
 asay            |__roro [crownvictoria/rouce                zo13 2005          is
               uncorn _Jrown car                             zon 006            is
               mercury |srao marauls                         zor| z005          is
 a63v |_        rori       |Mustanc oT                     | 2010 | 2005 |      13
     so    _|__roro        vustanc                         |2ou| zon |_         i7

LE        LEV — Passenger Car         FORD
 Engine         Make       Model                             vear    Year     (Un To)
     30          ror_ Jeusion                                2009 2005          is
               umcown |rerrvr                                2006 2006          is
               mercuey |yam                                  2009 zoos          is
     37   | uncow jikt uo                                   | 2016 | 2013 |     10
     40   |     roto       |mustaNG                        | 2010 | 2005 |_     12
 ds2y           rorp Jcrown vicrombn/rouice/heanse           zo1 1995           16
               uncown _|rown carumo                          zon 1906           16
               uncoun _[rown car/umo/earse                   zon 1905           16
               mercury |sano marauis/umo                     zon     1995       16
 asay           |__roro    |mustane sututt                   zon | 2005         13
                rom        |mustanc or                       zow 2005           13
     50         romp       |vustang                         | Zom | 2on |       i7

          Hveertech, NC rRoGRANMERS AND sPEEDOMETE® CAUiBRATORS~ 5—250—22

                                           Exhioit A

LEV—1 ULEV — Passenger Car — FORD                                             HP Gain
Entine        Make      Model                                  Year   Year    (Wp To)
  20          roro      rusion                                 zo0s   2006       is
            uncoun      |zepiv                                 z009   2006       is
            mercury     |vitan                                 zovs   2006       15
 «62y         |__roro   [crown vicror/umo/rouce                z011   2004       16
              roro      |vustanc or                            z004   1996       16
            uncoun      _frown cai/uimo                        zon|   1996       i6
            mercury     |oano Marouls                          z004   2003       16
a6av | mercury |manavork                                     | 2004 | 2003       i6

LEV—I TLEV — Passenger Car — FORD                                             HP Gain
Engine        Make      Model                                  Year   Year    (Up To)
«62y          |__ror    Jcrown vicrora/imo/rouct               1909   1996      z0
              rorp      |mustans or                            z004   996       20
            unicom      _[conmnentat                           2002   1900      19
            umcown      _frown cxvuimo                         zon    1996      20
            mMercury    |oraNo marouts                         1509   1906      20
 «65c |_      rorp      [vstanc costa                          2004 | 2003      79

           Passenger Car        FORD                                          HP Gain:
             Make       Model                                  vear   Year WWe To)
              for       rauRus si0                             1997 | 1996       s
              rorp      |mustANG                               1997 | 1996       :
«624          |__rorp   Jcrown vicrorm/rotice/iearse           2000   2000      _13
              rorp      |mustane 6t                            zo04   oss       _13
              roro      |munpereiro                            1997   1996      10
             unicon     _[conminentat                          1see   1007      _13
             uncous     _Jmimvit                               1998   1006      13
             uncoun     frown Cm/umo/tarse                     2000   199       13
            mMercury    |coucat                                1997   1896      z0
            mercury     |orano marous/imo                      z000   2000      13
a64v |       rorp       |mustans cobra k                     | 2001 | 1999       s

LEV—II ULEV — Light Duty Truck — FORD                                         NP Gain
Engine       Make       Model                                  vear   vear    Wp To)
  35         rorp       Jepot                                  zo1|   2007      23
             ror_       |rux                                   zozz   2009      _23
            uncoun      _Jvioce)                               zoro   z007      _23
  35         rorp       Jtvot                                  z015   2007      _23
             rorp       |owrlorer                              zom    zon |     _23
             ror_       |ruso                                  zore   Zois      23

         inrertecn, wc.— rroGRaniMeRs AND speenoMeTer cAuisrntors— 0—250—22


LEV—11 ULEV — Light Duty Truck — FORD (continued)                                     TP Gam
Engine            Make       Model                                     Year   Year    (Ua To)
  37               roro      JEnse                                     z015   zon       10
                   roro      |exprorer olice                           zow|   2013      to
                   roro      |e—1s0                                    zo|    z011      10
                 uncoun      _Jmiot (ence)                             zois   Zon       10
a6av               |__rorp   |prlorer                                  zoro   2005      29
                   roro      |explorer seort mac                       zo0    2006      |__20
                   rorp      Jr—iso                                    z010   2003      |__20
                 mercury     |Mountancer                               zor0   z005      20
  so      _|       rorb      |—150                                     2016 | zon |     24
 saay             |__roro    |expeoition                               zou    2005      36
                  roro       |r—1s0                                    zo10   2004      |__36
                 umcotn      |markcur                                  z008   2007      36
                 umcow       |navicaton                                zora   z005      36
  62       _|_     rorb      150                                  | 2015 | zon |_       is

LEV—If LEV — Light Duty Truck — FORD                                                  HP Gain
 Engine            Make      Model                                     Year   Year    (Up To)
  42       |_      rorp      Jso                                  T200# J 2005 _         i0
 «624              |__roro   |exploRer                                 2004   2001       |_ 7
                   rorp      Joxrroner                                 2o0s   2005       |_ 7
                   romp      __[r—1so                                  zo1    2004       |_ 7
                 mercury     |mountainge                               z004   2004       |_ 7
                 mercury     |mountaneet                               zo0s   2005       _7
 saay              |__roro   __[aso                                    zo10   2004       25
                 umcoun      \markur                                   zoor   z007       2s
LEV—1 ULEV — Light Duty Truck — FORD                               I                  HP Gain
 Engine            Make      Model                                     Year   Year    (Up To)
 Leay              |__roro [orptorer                                   z004 2004          _7
                 mercury |mountainee®                                  zoo zoor           _7

LEV—I TLEV —              Light Duty Truck — FORD                                     HP Gain
 Engine            Make       Model                                    vear   Year    (Up To)
   so              roro Jorvorer                                       1008| 1906         21
                 mMercury |mountaiger                                  Toss 100|          21

               Hveertech, INC.— PROGRAVMMERS Ao speEpOMETER CALis®AToRs— D—260—22


LEV—I LEV — Light Duty Truck — FORD                                             NP Gain
Entine         Make      Model                                Year     Year     (Up To)
 a62y     |__rorp        Joxplorer                            Zoo¢     2002        _7
        mercury          |mountancer                          z004     2002        _7
  so      rorp           Jowtorer                             z001     1999       21
        mercury          |mountamcer                          zoo      toss       21
 sase |__roro            jtisouormmg                        | Zoos   | 1999 |     se
Tier—1 — Light Duty Truck — FORD                            [~————wan|
Engine         Make      Mode!                                vear    vear      p To)
  40     _|    foro      [raner                             | 1998 | 190|          _
  12|          roro      [eiso en                           | 1908 | 1907 ]       10
a62v |         roro      |F—150 (ntRitact)                  | 2004 | 1997 |        12
  so            roro |oruorer                                1598 1996            21
              mercury |mountancer                            zose mo7             21
EPA TIER—1 — LightDuty Truck — FORD                                             HP Galn
Engine         Make      Model                               Year     Year      (Up To)
 sazV |__rorp            [so wemeo)                         | 200« | 1997 |_      27

LEV—If ULEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — FORD                                        P Gain
Engine         Make      Model                               vear     vear WWo To)
L61            rorp      Jersoraso                          J zoiT    zoo J       _
saav           |__rorp    [expeimion                          zora    2005        36
               ror_       |r2so/aso/aso/sso surea pury        zor0    2005        25
              uncow       _Inavicaton                         zors    2005        36
saay           |__roro    [E350                               z017    2005        15
               roro       [E»s0/asoraso/aso super ourY        zoro    zons        25
LEV—II LEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — FORD                                         HP Gain
 Entine     Make  Model                                      Year     Year      (Up To)
&6|__rom                 Jeisorzzo                          | 2008 | z008 |        _9
sav |          rord      |—150/2507350                      | 2006 [ 1997 |       11
saav           |__rorp |exrtoimion                           zo1 2005             25
               roro |r—250/sso/aso/sso sureDuTY              zor0 2005            |__25
              uncow _|navicaror                              zor 2005             2s
s82 |          rord      |E350                             | 2009 |2003 |         is
eav |___romp             In2sofiso/asoreso Surer oT         | zow | zoos |_       z0

         ivpertecn, ic.— ProcRaniMeRs AD sPeEDOMETeR CAtiBrAToR— 0—250.22


LEV—I SULEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — FORD                                      HP Gain
 Engine   Make    Modell                                         vear Year (Wp To)
   a2 |_  roro es                                                2008 | 2005 | 10
a62v |__rord            [i50                                     z010 | 200 |      i
sazy         |__roro    [escries                                 2006   2000       11
             roro       [r—iso                                   zoo    1997       is
 sa3v        |__roro    [pxreomon                                zo1|   2005       25
             rorp       Je—50                                    zo10   2004       25
             ror_       Jmamkut                                  z008   2006       25
            umcoun      naviexton                                zors   2005       25
LEV—1 ULEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — FORD                                          P Gam
Engine        Make      Model                                    vear   _Year    (Up To)
 eay          |__rorp   [E4s0f250                                z006   2003       |_ s
              roro      |exreottion                              zo0    2003       |_ s
              roro      __|r—1s0                                 zoro   2004       is
              roro      |so mermaca)                             Zoo    1997       37
 saay         |__rorp   [exso/2s0/350                            2005   1907       11
              roro      |xreomon                                 zo0    1097       1
              roro      [r—1so (iertace)                         z004   1997       i1
              rorp      |2so/3so/aso/sso surer pury (nexase)     Zood   1998       11
 sazy         |__roro   [expepition                              z014   2005       25
             uncom      |naviearor                               zors   2005       25
 ssay         |__rorp   [e3so                                    2009   2005       2s
              roxp      |E25o/ssofaso/sso supen pury (nexma@e)   2004   1909       28
 ©83v |_      rorp      [2s0/350/is0/sso surer pury              zor0   2005 |     0

LEV—I LEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — FORD                                        NP Gain:
 Engine     Make  Model                                          vear   _Year (Up To)
 624          |__rorp   easofaso                                 2002   2000       |__31
              roro      Jexreomont                               z00e   1097       22
              rorp      |r—so (neataGt)                          zoo    1997       31
              roro      [250 tneataca)                           1900   1000       17
 sa2y         |__rorp   [e—aso/2s0/2s0                           2006   1997        1
              roro      Jorcursion                               z005   2000       as
              roro      |owromon                                 2004   1997       27
              ror_      |iso neRitaGt)                           2004   1997        27
              rorp      |250/350 surer puT (neRitact)            zo0    1008       as
 5.4.5C       FORD__    [E—150 Harley Davidson                   2004   1989        |__so
              roro      |risouoithing                            z004   1950        se
 saay         |__roro   [xreottion                               zo14   2005        2s
              roro      |E—250/350 super uty                     zor0   z005        2s
             umcou      _|navieaton                              zora   zoos        2s

           Hveertech, INC.— PROGRAMERS AVD SPEEDOMETER cauisaatos— 0—250.22

                                         bxhioit A

                                                                                  HP Gain
LEV—I LEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — FORD (cont.)                     Year   Year    (up To)
saav         rorp     [E3s0                                        2002 2000        17
             rorp     |ccursion                                    2005 2000        2s
             rorp     |—2sorssofaso/sso sures oury (nenmaoe)__|    2004 1995        17
68 3w |___rorp        [f—250/350/as0/550 super ouTy               | 2010 | 2005     40

          Medium Duty Vehicle         FORD
Engine       Make     Model                                        Year   Year (UpTo)
«624        |__rorp   [E—a50/250                                   1909   1907      |__22
            roro      |oireoimion                                  2002   1997      31
            roro      |raso (nertace)                              zo04   997       31
            romp      250 (nermace)                                Toss   1957      i7
  a9        roro      |E—50/e2s0/e350                              1s9s   199       11
            rorp      |eiso (nermace)                              1996   1906      11
            roro      |e2s0 (nermaGe)                              1995   1906      11
            rox_      |250/so inenithce)                           Tsee   9         in
  so        roro      Jsronco                                      1595   1096      12
            roro      |e150                                        1s9s   1906      12
            roro      |e—1s0 (neritact)                            1s9s   1006      12
            roro      |ezso (neatace)                              150s   1906      12
saay        |__roro   |E450/250/350                                2004   1997      14
            roro      |pwromon                                     zo04   1907      _23
            rorp      __|r—so (neamat)                             zo0    1087      13
            ror_      |—2sofaso super outy (iefitace)              zoo    109       _13
           uncow      _Inavicaton                                  ies    iss       is
  se        roro      Jsronico                                     1995   1996       |_ a
            rorp      |e—so/ezsofeaso                              1996   1906       |_ a
            ror_      |raso (nermace)                              1996   1906       _
            rorp      |—2s0f3so surer puny mieatace)               Ts0s   1906       _9
seay        |__roro   Je350                                        1909   1007      17
            roxp      |i—250f350 supen puny mentaGe)               z004   1909      17

         MyrertEch, inc.~ PRoGRAIMERS ANo sPEEDOMETER CAtIBRAtOR— —250—22

                                       Exhioit A

LEV—If SULEV — Passenger Car — GM                                             P Gain
Engine Make           Model                                  Year    Year     (Up To)
 221.    fronmiac     JG6                                    zoro 2005          12
         sxromn       |auma                                  Zoos 2008          12
LEV—1f ULEV — Passenger Car — GM                                              HP Gain
Engine_Make           Mode!                                  Year    Year     (Up To)
  2aL.   [cheveouer   [iv                                    zon|    2006       12
         chvrout      |mavsu                                 zo12    2008       12
         ronnac       _|65                                   zoz0    200|_      12
         rommac       |sousnce                               2009    2005       12
         satumn       __|auma                                zo0     2008       12
  2t     [enevaoter Jowato                                  | 2015 | 2010 |     i3
  sot    |caouac      JGisV                                  2006    2005       17
         cievaouet    |capaice                               zors    zon        32
         cuevrouer    |converre                              z007    2006       17
         rounac       Jsto                                   zoos    z00|       17
  s2..   |anevrotet   |canaro                                2015    2010       12
         chevrout     |corverre                              zons    2008       12
  Zou    _[enevrouer |corverre z05                          | 2013 | 2006 |     3¢

         EV Passenger Car         GM
         Make         Model                                  vear    Year     (Up To)
       cnevrout       Tcopatt                                z008    2005  12
       cneveorer      |nnt                                   zo1     2005  12
       rounac         __Jss                                  z008    2007  12
       romnac         [ss                                    zor0    2005  12
       rownae         [soustice                              2009    2005  12
       sxrum          |auma                                  2009    2008  12
       sxrum          Jsn                                    zoro    2007  12
  EEmIEtE             reon.                                  2004    2001  16
       chevrour       |mpaa                                  z005    2001  16
       civeout        |vonte carto                           zons    zoor  16
  sor |crouiae        Jcsy                                   2007    2007  17
       cieveouer      |converre                              2007    2005  17
       rouriae        Jss                                    zor0    2008  37
       ronac          Jeto                                   zoo     2007  17
  s2t Icuevaouet      |ss                                    zore    2014  12
       ronac          fos                                    zoro    2005  12
 saisc [caoiiac       [crsv                                  zous    2009  a2
       chevrout       |cammro 21                             zous|   2o|__a2
       civrouy        |comverrzd                             zon     zo0   i2
  7o. [cnevroter      |cAARO 228                             2015    zora  31
       cievrouet      |comverre zo6                          zons    2005  3n

         iyeeRtEch, INc.~ PRocRAMMeRs AN SPEEDOMETER CALIBRATORS— b—260—22

                                           bxhibic A

LEV—I ULEV — Passenger Car — GM
 Engine_Make          Model                                   vear   vear
   22. Jouick         Reoat                                   z004   2oo
         cirvrouer    |mpaia                                  2005   2001
         cievrouer    |monte chrto                            z004   2001
 2 ssc |ouick         recar                                   2005   2oo      11
         orveoret     |mpaia                                  2005   zoo      11
         chvroter     |wonte catto                            2005   zoo      i1
   s7. |chomac        Jarsy                                   2005   2004     _13
         roinae       |ero                                    zoos   2004     13
   s.ot— Icaeveouet   Jcorverte                               2007   2005     17
         rounae       |sro                                    2005   2005     17
LEV—I LEV — Passenger Car — GM                                              P Gain
 Engine Make          Model                                   vear   vear We To)
  33L Ionevrouet Jcammro                                      z002 1989       _13
      rommac |rrcoiro                                         z00e 2000       15
 3 85c JBuick         Ireoat                               | 2005 | 2001      u1
  s L. |onvrotr       |camaro                                 2002   1058     26
       anvrowr        |corverre                               zoo4   987      13
       cievrouet      |corverre z06                           zoo    z001     12
       rormac         |rinceiro                               zooz   95e      z6
LEV—I TLEV — Passenger Car — GM                                           NP Gain
 Engine Make       Model                                      vear   vear _(Up To)
  38.   Josevrotet |camaro                                 | 2002 | 1999      13
  s [onevroter Jcamaro                                        2002 1998|_     26
    rormac fresiro                                            z00e 10e        _13
Tier—1 — Passenger Car — GM                                               HP Gan
 Engine Make       Model                                      vear   vear _(Wp To)
  st. Tcnevrouet [corverte                                    z004 1007       17
      rounac |irtero                                          zooz 1oss       z6
EPA TIER—1      Passenger Car         GM                                    HP Gain
 Engine Make     Model                                        Year _Year (Wp To)
  57. [oievrout Jcomverte                                     Zo04 | 1907  17

LEW—I SULEV — Light Duty Truck — GM                       |                 HP Gain
 Engine Make          Mogel                                   vear vear (Wp To
                                       No appuctnions

        Hypertech, inC.~ ProGRAMIMERS N SPEEDOMETER CAusRATORS— 0—250.22

                                    Exhibit A

LEV—1l ULEV — Light Duty Truck — GM                                       Th Gam
Engine Make        Model                                  vear    Year    (Up To)
 3st [cievroter    Jcotorabo                              zor6    2o1s      16
      ome          cawon                                  zors    zois|     16
 37. [onevrouet    [cotorabo                              zor2    2008      18
      ome          canvon                                 z012    2008      is
      nowmer       [ns                                    z010    2008      is
      isued        1370                                   zo0|    zoos      is
 aat. |cwevroter   sveravo                                z016    z014       _9
      nc           sema                                   zors    zore       o
 ast |cnevroter    JsiWerabo                              zo13    2007      14
      cnvroret     |rmhok                                 2009    2007      1
      lome         srerma                                 zons    2007      _1
      CS           ruron                                  2009    z007      1
 53t cnevroter     Javatancne                             zo13    2002      28
      aievroter    |cororabo                              zorz    2008      28
      |onevroter   |exaress 1500                          zo1      2003     26
      lcwevrouer   |exeress 2500                          zors     2003     28
      cievrouer    |siverano                              z015     2007     28
      cieveoter    |svsuroan                              zons     1909     28
      aievroter    |ranok                                 zons     2007     28
      oc           camvon                                  z012    2008     2s
      ave          savaun 1500                             zo1     2007      _2
      ome          savania 2500                            2007    2003     2s
      ome          siema                                   zous    2007      28
      mc           |wron                                   zons    2007      28
      ame          |wron x                                 zons    2007      28
       Hommes       [ns                                    Zoro    z008      28
  sot [cevrouer     |avatanche                             2009    2007       s
      Gievrorer     |siverabo                              zo0s    z007       s
  s2t [crpture      _|Escaiave                             zore    2007      |__27
      |capmure      ]rscauaoe esy                          zors    2007      27
       caoluac      |scauroc B                             zous    2007      27
       amevrouer    |siverano                              zors    2009      27
       aievrouer    |rmnok                                 2009    2009       27
       mc           steren                                 zore    2009       27
       ome          Vukon                                  zore    2008       27
       Gme          wronxt                                 zore    z009       27

       iveerrech, INC.— rrosrAMERS AND speEDoMETe® causaatons— 0—250—22


LEV—If LEV — Light Duty Truck — GM                                        HP Gain
Engine_Make          Model                                 Year   _Year (Wa Tol
 431.    |chevrout   |ExpRESs 1500                         z014   2002      16
         chevroue|sxeness 2500                             z008 2002        16
        lcivrout     |swerbo                               zo13   2008      16
         uc          savann 1500                           zore   2002      16
         mc          savania 2500                          2008   2002      16
         B           stt                                   2013   2006      16
 18. [cievrout |sitverabo                                  zors 2007        is
        chevraout    |tawor                                2009   2007      14
        lomc         sierta                                2013   2007      14
        ome          yuron                                 2009   2007      in
 531. |ouick    fanie                                      2007 2008        |__28
      cuevrorer |orness 1500                               zoi| zoos        28
        lcuevrouet   [exentss 2500                         zore   2003      28
        chevrout     |siverano                             2015   2007      28
        chevrouer    Issn                                  2007   2004      28
        citvrouet    |tRAkBLAzTR                           2009   2006      28
        ome          envor                                 z009 2008        |__28
        ame          savana 1500                           zors 2007        28
        lome         savana 2500                           zons   2008      28
        omc          stera                                 2015   2007      28
        Smb          57X                                   2009   2006      28
 60c    [chevrout    |AVALANCHE                            2009   2007       8
        cievrouer |siveravo                                z009 007          &
        lcievrowr    |siverabo ss                          2007   2002      20
        chevrouet    |ssf                                  2006   2006       8
        chevrouet    JsuBuRtaN                             2009   2007       8
        cheviouet    |tRALBLAzERSS                         2009   2006      28
        enc          serma                                 2009   2007       8
        uc           Fukon x                               2009   2007      8
        Smd          57%                                   2009   2008      28
 621.   capiiac      EScataot                              2015   2007      27
        |cromac      |rscaurpe ssv                         z015 2007        27
        cwiac        Escausoe exr                          2015   2007      27
        enc          sierta                                2008   2007      16
        ame          wron                                  zoos 2007        16
        ome          wronk,                                zoos 2007        16

        kypertEch, iNc.~ proGRAIMER AD SPEEDOMETER causraTors— 0—250—22

                                         bxhibit A

         ULEV      Light Duty Truck     GM
[ Engine_ Make          Mode                                  Year    Year
  431.    Icnevroter    |astro                                2005    1998
          cHevrouet     Jstaze®                               2006    1995
          cneveoter |owness 1500                              zo0s 2002
          lcnevrouer    Jorress 2500                          2006    2002
          lcnevrouer    Js—10                                 2004    1996
          cHevrou|siverano (ctassic)                           2007   1999
          omc           imatay                                 2006   1996
          eme           snn                                    z005 2003
          lome          savaun 1500                            2006   2002
          ome           savann 2500                            z006 2002
          eme           secusio                                2007 1080
          omc           ononma                                 2004   1996

 LEV—I LEV — Light Duty Truck — GM                                            Wp Gam
  Engine_Make           Model                                  Year   _Year (Wp To)
   43. [oieveouer [nstro                                       Zoos 1908         |_ s
          Icuevrouer    Buazt®                                 2006   1996       b
          cuevrout      |express 1500                          2006   2002       6
          cievaouer |express 2500                              z006 2002          |_ s
           cievrouet    }s—10                                  2004   1996        B
           ievroust |siverno (cussic                           2007 1080|__s
           eme      [immy                                      zoos 1095    |_ s
           lemc         saban                                  2002   2000        6
           lomc         savanin 1500                           2006   2002        6
           Ce           savann 2500                            zo0s 2002          _6
           eve          smm cussiq                             z007 1959          s
           lemc         sonoma                                 2004   1996        &
           [sueu        homore                                 z001 1959          s
 LEV—I TLEV — Light Duty Truck — GM                                            HP Gam
  Engine_Make           Model                                  vear   Year     (Up To)
   a3t.    |cieveouet   Jastro                                 2005   1998       13
           cueviout |suazen                                    z006 1996         _13
           chevrout     }s—10                                  2004   1996       13
           omc          mm                                     2006    1996      is
           ome          sonoma                                 2004    1996      1

          ivpertEch, INC.— rROGRAVMERS AVD sreeDOMETER CAUIBRATORS— 0—250.22


Tier—1 — Light Duty Truck — GM                                                P Sm
 Engine Make        Model                                    vear    Year (Up To)
 a3. [onpveoter     Touvzen                                  2006    1996        _13
     citvroter      |s10                                     z004    196         _13
     enc            mmmay                                    zo0s    1996        13
     ame            sonomm                                   z004    is9s        _13
LEV—II SULEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — GM                                       HP Gain
 Engine Make        Model                                    vear    Year (Wp To)
 as. |orvrouer      Toxpress 2500                            zons    2oo3        12
      cmevroret     Joxeness 3500                            zor     2003        1
      arevrowt      |stverano (cuisstc                       z007    19e         |_ s
      omvrout       |rawot (cuassic)                         2007    2000        |_ 9
      ome           savann 2500                              zora    2007        14
      lome          savann 3500                              zora    2007        14
      ove           siema (cuissia                           z007    190|        o
 sot— Jcievroxer    [expRess 2500                            zon|    2003        _8
      crevrouer     |pxrness 3500                            zors    2003        _8
      crevrorer     |stverano ho                             zois    2007        _8
      civeorer      |susurean                                zo13    2007        &
      ome           savana 2500                              zors    z008        |_ a
      ome           savana 3500                              z014    2008        s
      enc           serrano                                  z015    2007        |_ a
      enc           wonk                                     zo13    2007        s
 62._   (nummer    [n2                                      | 2009 | 2008 |      i6

LEV—If ULEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — GM                                    NP Gain
 Engine Make      Model                                      vear    vear (Wp To)
 a8t. Tcwevrouer    [oxpress 2500                            zo1    2003         14
      omvroret      |oxrress 3500                            z015   2003         14
      enc           savann 2500                              z014   2007         14
      ove           savaun 2500                              z015   2007         un
 sot [cuevrouer     [Express 2500                            z015   2003          |_ 8
      cieveouer     |express 3500                            zors   2003          &
      arveoret      |suverapo no                             zors   2007          s
      chevrorer     \wseries                                 z010   2006          _8
      enc           savana 2500                              zors   2008          &
      ome           savana 3500                              zous   2008          a
      ame           sterra ho                                z015   2007          _8
      ome           wsemes                                   z010   2006          a
 saL— [chevrouet    |sitverapo ho (clssic)                   2007   2001        |__s7
      ove           semano cssc                              z007   z001        57

        ivpertecn, inc.— rrooRamiMERS ANp sreepOMETER causratons 5.260—22

                                        Bxhibit A

   11 LEV   Medium Duty Vehicle          GM                               HP Ga
Engine Make           Model                               vear    _Year   (UrTo)
a3t.    Tcwevrouer    |oxrress 1500                       z006    2002      |_ 6
        cievaoter     |orness 2500                        2006    2002      |_ 6
        cievaoter     |siverano (classic                  2007    1009      |_ s
        ome           {savana 1500                        2005    2002       |_ s
        eme           savana 2500                         zo0s    2002       |_ s
        eve           sema cusso)                         z007    zo|        s
ast.    [cnevroter    |exeress 1500                       zo1     2003      14
        cuevrouer     |sexrress 2500                      zor|    2003      14
        cievrouer     |exeress 2500                       zora    2003      14
        mc            savann 1500                         2007    2003      11
        eme           savans 2500                         zora    2007      14
        eme           savan 3500                          zora    2007      14
 sat    [chevouer     |exeress 1500                       z014    2003        |_ 9
        ceveouer      |ewrress 2500                       zo1     2003        _9
        civroter      |siverabo                           2007    1909        |_ o
        ome           savania 1500                        2007    2003        |_ 9
        ave           Isavama 2500                        2007    2003        |_ s
        eme           serra                               zoo     1909         s
 sot     [cnevrouer   |pxrress 2500                       zora    2003         &
        crevrouet     |oxpress 3500                       zora    2003         |_ s
        crevrorer     |siverano ho                        z015    2007         |_ 8
        ceveorer      |susurean                           z009    2007         s
        eme           sAvann 2500                         zora    2008         &
        eve           savann 3500                         zora    2008          &
        ome           serma ho                            zo1s    2007          s
        eme           |wronx                              2009    2007          |_ s
        nommer        \n2                                 Zo07     2003         s
 s2t.   |nommer       Jn                                   2009    2008      16
        nummen        \ns sut                              z009    z008      16
 sat.   [cnevrouer    |avatancie                           z006    2002      57
        cnevrouet     |siverabo ho (cirssic)               2007    2001      57
        crevrorer     |susurean (clasic                    2007    2001      57
        eve           stenra no (cuasstc)                  2007    z001      57
        ove           Vurom x (cuassic)                    zoo7    2001      57

        Hyperrech, iC PRoGRAVMERS Ano speebometer causnators~ 0—250—22


              Medium Duty Vehicle          GM                              P Ga
                   Model                                    vear   Year    We To)
                   nnee                                     zons   2006     18
   caoiiac         |escauaoe                                z005   2002     1s
   cievrouer       |avatanche                               zo13   2002     18
   cnevrouer       |exeress 1500                            zors   2003     is
   chevroter       Joweress 2500                            zors   2003     1s
   cievroter       |siverano (cLisSic                       2007   1900     1s
   citvroter       |susurenn (classtc                       z006   1909     18
   cieviouer       |ramoe (classic)                         z006   1990|    18
   cmevrout        Imatewazer                               z006   2006     18
   ame             ewor                                     2006   2o0s     18
   ome             savann 1500                              2007   2003     18
   nc              savana 2500                              2007   2003     18
   (ome            srema (cussic                            2007   1909     18
   lame            |wron (cuassic)                          2008   198|     is
   lome            Furon x« (cuasstc)                       2005   1089     is
   isueu           iscenver                                 zo0s   2006     18
   sve             on                                       zovs   2006     18
 s |crpiure        [escausoe                                2007   2002     20
   coniac          Jescauave es                             z007   2002     z0
   caomuac         |Escauaoe xt                             2007   2002     z0
   crevrouer       stverano wo (ciassic)                    2007   1900     as
   crevroter       |stverano ss                             2007   2000     20
   cmwroter        Jssr                                     z008   2006     29
   cievrouer       |susurern (cuassic)                      2007   2000     35
   revrouer        |raetazen so                             z008   2006     29
   nc              stema (curssic)                          2007   2000     35
   (ame            stemmano (cuassic                        2007   09       35
   ame             uko(cuassic)                             2007   2000     35
   ave             |wroma cuissg)                           zoo    z000     35
LEV—1 ULEV — Medium Duty Vehicle — GM                                   NP Gain
 Engine Make     Model                                      vear   vear (Wp To)
 431 Joneveout     |stro                                    z005   1598      _6
     e             sarar                                    zo03   2000      _6
 «1. Ichevrout     [ExpReSs 2500                            zo|    2003     |_ 9
     cievrouer     Joxrress 3500                            zou4   2003     |_ 9
     omvroter      |siverao (classic                        z007   1900     _
     civroter      Jrawoe (ciasstc)                         z007   2000     |_ 9
     ove           savann 2500                              z006   2002     _9
     one           savana 3500                              z006   2000     |_ 9
     (ame          stema (curssic)                          2007   1999     |_ a
     ome           on cssc                                  z007   2000     _

       MypeRTEch, inc.— ProGRAVIMERs Ap sretpomETer causaa ons— 0—260 22

                                      Bxhibit A

    1 LEV Medium Duty Vehicle          GM (coninued)                        NP Ga
Entine Make     Model                                       Year    Year    (Wp To)
 sat  [ceveouer    Jexeress 1500                            zo1     2003      18
      ceveouer     |ovress 2500                             zors    2003      18
      cievrouer    |siverabo (cussio                        2007    1009      17
      cievrouer    |susurean (cuissic                       2006    1009      17
      cievroer     |ranoe (classtc                          z006    1009      17
      ame          savana 1500                              2007    2003      18
      eme          savana 2500                              2007    2003      18
      eve          sterra (cuassic)                         2007    1080|     a7
      eme          on cuasso                                zovs    989       17
 57. |cnevoter     |susurean (C/Q                           2000    1995       |_ 6
      cheveoter    |ranog (C/0                              1909    1908       _6
      ove          Vwron c                                  z000    1095       s
 60. [croluac      |Escarsor                                2007    2002      20
      caomure      |Escaisor tsv                            2007    2002      20
      caolure      |Escatsor 5t                             2007    2002      z0
      cievrouer    |swness 2500                             zo1     2003      35
      cnevrouer    |express 3500                            zora    2003      |__35
      cieveouet    |siveraoo (clrssic)                      2007    1009      |__3s
      cnevaouet    |sinverano h (classtc)                   2007    1900      |__3s
      cneveouer    |sinverano 5s                            2007    2000      20
      chevroter    |susurean (cuissc                        2007    2000      35
      ove          savana 2500                              2007    2003      35
      eve          savana 2500                              z007     2003     35
      eve          siern (cuissic                           2007     2000     |__35
      ome          siema no (cuasstc                        2007     1909     |__3s
      eme          uon (cuassio)                            2007     2000     35
      ome          Irukon xt (cuasstc)                      2007     2000      35
      nommer       nz                                       2007     2003      21
      suzd         nex                                      zo03     zoo3      35
 saL. |onevrouer   [avatanche                                2006    2002      57
      nevrouet     |sinverano ho (classtc)                   z007    zo0       33
      cieveoter    |susurean (cuissic                        2007    2001      57
      ove          stemia ho (classtc                        2007    z001      _33
      ove          wronk cuasio                              z007    zoor      57

       iyeertEch, inc.~ rRoGramMeRS AND SrEEDOMETER CALIBRATORS— D—260—22


LEV—1 ULEV Medium Duty Vehicle             GM (cont.)                      Po
Engine_Make        Model                                    vear   Year (Up To)
 s3  Tcomac        [schusog                                 z005   2002    is
     crvroret      |avauancnt                               zon3   2002    is
     chevrouer     Joxrress 1500                            zora   2003    is
     chevrorer     |oxrress 2500                            zora   2003    is
     |arevroret    ]sversoo (curssic)                       z007   1999    is
     cievroter     |susurean (cuassic)                      2006   1999    is
     cievrouer     |ravoe (cuassic                          z006   1909    is
     e             savana 1500                              2007   2003    is
     ame           savann 2500                              z007   2003    is
     ame           se(cuassic)                              2007   1990|   is
     ome           Vron (cuassc)                            z006   1909    is
     ovc           Vromx(assc                               zoos   1990|   is
 sal [cnevrouet    |sitvertoo (cuasstc)                     2007   1900    as
     cnevrorer     |svernoo o (ctassic                      2007   2909    35
     ame           savana 3500                              2007   2003    35
     ome           srerra (curssic)                         2007   2000    35
     ome           siema n (cusso                           2007   1990|   35
LEV—I LEV Medium Duty Vehicle — GM
      NMake        Model                                    vear   vear
 431 Tcievrouet    [istro                                   2008   1998
      omvrorer     |auzer                                   zo0|   1996
      orevrouer    |xeress 1500                             zovs   2002
      crevrorer    |orrress 2500                            zo0s   2000
      crevroret    |s10                                     z04    1996
      cievroter    |stverano (classc                        2007   1989
      ove          sarne                                    z005   1907
      lome         savann 1500                              z006   2000
      ome          savana 2500                              2005   2002
      ovc          stemna (cuassic)                         2007   2099
      ovc          sonome                                   Zooa   1996
 a8t. |cnevroter   |expres$ 1500                            zore   2003
      cievrouer    |xeress 2500                             zor    2003
      cievrouet    |stveraoo (cuisstc)                      z007   1959
      aivrouer      |tamor (curssic)                        2007   2000
      ame          savanin 1500                             2007   2003
      lame         savanun 2500                             2006   2002
      ome          savana 3500                              z006   2002
      e            srerma(cursstc)                          2007   1909
      ove          uron cssc                                z007   2000

      wyeertech, inc.~ rroGrAMMERS AND SpEEDOMETER Caularators— b—260.22

                                      Exhibit a

Tier—1 — Medium Duty Vehicle — GM                                      HP Gain
 Engine Make      Mode                                     vear   Year (Up To)
 43. |cnevrout      [sitveraoo (C)                         1999   199       _13
      ave           enicho                                 zooo   1oss      13
 «81. |cnevroter    Jstverabo (classtc)                    2007   1000      30
      ome           srerna (curssic)                       z007   1000      30
 sot Icnevroter     Jsiverabo (C/)                         2000   1995      12
      chevaouer     |sitverano ho (C/                      z000   1906      12
      ome           sterra (C/Q                            2000   1996      22
      ome           stenaa ho (c/                          z000   1995      12
 531. |cnevroer     Jsiverabo (Classic                     2007   1009      17
      oue           siema (cussc)                          z007   1090      i7
 57. |cnevroter     |siverabo (C/)                         2000   1996      20
      ievrorer      |sitveraoo h (C/)                      z000   1086      20
      cnevrorer     |susurenn (C/)                         z000   1996      20
      cievrouer     |ranok (C/d                            1909   1098      z0
      eme           siemna (cha                            zo0    1995      20
       lame         srerma no (C/)                         2000   2996       20
       emc          ruron (Ch)                             2000   1996       z0
  sot Icnevroter    |siwerabo ho (Clissic)                 2007   1000       10
       cheveorer    |svsurean (cuissic                     2007   2000       19
       ome          stemra w (cuasstc)                     2007   1000       is
       ove          Vuronx (cuasso                         z007   z000       19
  7at. |cnevroter   Jsilverabo Wb (C/)                     z000   1996       20
       ome          stema mo (c                            z000   1995       20
LEV—I1 ULEV Heavy Duty Vehicle            GM
 Entine Make        Model                                  Year   Year     (Up To)
  sot [cevroter Jereress as00                              zors 2003          s
      oue       savann asoo                                zo1s 2003          &


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                 tei                                      z[A w                   rewunsa
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            w on        .                             ramzmam
            se en                                    MAse masm       nX resums
                3Onemiin                               mamabram
                  7zuw                                 en
                  iew                                h Irieme|riae w i rern
                   rm                                  maalrsom
                    iew                              e ns n w w rewonn
                    ce                               N [nem[rmom] wA wa resures
 5             mers                                       edical                ream
Strmde 19M          |~"aglgg                          *   {man|man|   M       9 reans
$000000® cxxmsmso                                         se |rase]   W       w| resuses
                    maw                                                          ruan
           15 mm                                          se nasm                sns
              tDriem                                      Imaslmas|   M       M\ reass
              wumuy                                                              sovetes
                                                          [mae]se     un        reams
                                                                              w RERRHR?

                  se us >                                 Temjram
                                                          hamilmag|   i       w resmees



   nosu       trgee ver 2t $it
                           Tre |fetl]
                               [rawP           ntaitama
                                                 Ca9        Tacecar
                                                              BM        cuc,        hew
                                                                                  wccow    ((Pces
              oo e                                                    meayam                n
              tw    s                         "=     m        M       Invwdlo]    8    M   |remer
             nwinn ht
     o —H                                     ram    mm       wA      [nsrlime]   w    mt rernans
              mea —Hare
              ied hk
                   S                  mar m                      m |man ul                rma
              ts —Hamas                       n      mm       ul (niglriseel           us resatet
  Te          ina w
                                              mam    mm       SW      fnwrlmism] w     w sns
Taimazerss    o (sn                           Ts     ram      Nn      mantman
                                                                      [ReBat| n        xn reamses

   neee                       Tye (row] catmn |JGGail      o)                      cow     (Pecers
              mame     en sus lonr        zo    ao       |_°"                     PC       iecure
    %         w              E2e| in
              e       hests hy
  Je          EnvommiEvcr—arer—calied
  Faots       mossEten       Eczoiin mt 2901000 ogalmse]
                      rostccaprem                     rass sn                     0)   M resuns
  Seomes              DP|asar ve
                          Yow    Te                                      c        w        mo cons
                                 ie                                                           ure
  Tgs                  woae 2sa|        «a|_am_|     ma        ow     EeE
                                                                      Exaleal Sn Jn reaes
 Cnteger               Te aeer|         To | in      mm        en e ied|. w w w
  ane                  B asee           To| m        on        o e B.o t rooms
              merr mm asar|             va|_am_|     ram|      . |on| ie| w i recom
              4        s
                       Sus                    am     ram       NX Irsse[mae          c
                                                                         se| wa xh resoma
              ns       se
                       Bm    n ms                           o( n reaem|EELET] on it mm7
              ~. he ET s EAE n |m                                 se on M m
                                                               ue eR|
Dvange        Erovemmiesonconeor c
                        wrommerommue                           onnc on nc
                        ns |_rmox_| en                         w e| i w esns
                        To ow Tam:                             en TR RBH| in w ww
                        © _Tam| tam:                           6X [rmse|ram| . j resom
tm o                    Ta on on                               oc ETE| D w0 room
Tooner razass|_an_|asa| w |_mn_| im                            ja |mef e on i| resom
fna S                        on tm                             JeR RBF| io 10 recn:
 e _| rnanes                 m m                               x efls    [R| w h resaes

                      inrertmon mo~ roomunieas n scenourren cxsumatons— n aso2


5006E contru
                                              noemain                                meng
                 Saw       n—|_an_|asar
                           A        e
                                     logk in mm co, on go,
                                                       DA Exi
                                                          e e Ei
                                                                   sn                Accupre
                                                                                   i recures
                          TE( as ar s |_rem_| mm o        amron
                                                          e it n                       3
                                                                                   W reomes
                          TeE hervomt utm mm en           eit riiiehe w            e veomer
                     mmeaue 9 at| ve    mm      rom       im|man
                                                       olsn                N0 resaa
in HSHS              rene tevomnt ie mar mtoom—ie h weaer
smassosste           wraus s ar| io mm mm Nn [ritt]iiit] n Nt Rae              m
           sxispoe zuse| movuc| ie reon tm NR— |moe|imonl wA W reaned          im
                    mmemant ocm tm ran C monhromsfroomt n fewee Riet           e
              se avau 2s >      2| va |_rew_| ram oo Tsm  htie| on Y resoins
                             ie e                     ce                       Colme
    M         se
Comvicots |eaasrem     xk
                             se lond
                            sesr        oo respam
                                             @0        ao

    Eope    ssmiss   mm            m rem mss mmonlccatical
                                                       N it n N h roame
 esmnven Cooetes     ie            e§ im e we—nest        mm    ie nc ic remer  Rant
           sevee)    ons           *    =*      >      C  muslman]®   M    M ons

  Euin        reaet
           LeRuen    hss           rnmmmree
                                   1i t Hare remboE3   lc Tds hi n    ue mssm
                                                                           lc eaer
           sag—Hae                 1(——|hi
                                   ieameec      h n             ren—it
                                                    >mmcomte0.oio          oi Rawe
  Expation  smy anramuso arse o vermg reur rame in mm|    Tamran w w rcomst
            rrvepy—mermey| mm
                            Ts     n frou nl rage               rose [erme oi veouey
   Epionr _|_savean mors arse ie e ram_ w |reat e| W 10 recoms
           mssWe     omm
              ves— o
            celg—|   ews           i3 d P99 M ram|ream                          sume
            i6 wind

              se     ts

                                                           Fnom|man|  8     MX rcoms

              o es
 meemerigs nc ol rne| n|~ e m io framramm on o se
isugmmiby Sn w es evcrm sw ie |—rame o cce frame ramfcmuc |coic] reamien
                      earas rert—| i 1—faig t ton c— en rame oi reomer
             suveene          T
                            aar     .,                     rass|ras
              sxw     owsn 4|           99. 991M on MA M reemer
   rassom se          aoaafhine
            —iERRR—HHBE     BeiN Toh on mberiefromhoustonecciwicremser
  Super D soamie      moam arar 51 w w |_mm_| mm 0| Toes
                      m                                    oon ie| NX t se rooms
           rremm~ Tsl en w n mar raer borwen es                 ds mt c reomn
                      m ie *            wl              M  Irvo nsl   t     §5 ns
                      fee           e m es ic e fraws oi ac weomer
     x          mmuin          am        va   |_am   am     en   td zit     w      w rcaumaa
    Team       s     +      —
                                Kizis |_mn_|
               |rerovict omm| rear                   m      No Tam
                                                               |it m
                                                                 m mm
                                                                   BB i            10 roomns
    Towen             i mm
               |soccoictan| aniTs
                               sear vais |_ram_|     ram    oo i m
                                                               fom P| No           10 recvs

                        inrentecn m rrosnaumens o srecnoveren cnusmntors— basoze


oemm                                            pommenee
    s                                   es           cutoma 12CGT       c       cew                              —recomp
   Te        1 m                        cud            zn    ao        ""      M                                 necupe
             Ligksa                      &
                                         Te       e mm w rass|ros ELE w w                                        reamer
                mc               rommcs
  maa          Ievieey           Tsm iei          me~| men w rams rney: o w                                      weauey
                sow         m    pomvarm|vs
                          avam | sear             |_mo m| in( T98 rass   [Rea] w t
snaby or o0 | suse.      e  5    acar x                           es
                                                  Tw mm ie PTe ie en     rasm
   Toune       a®
                svew     imss|
                          7      rew mainus       |_rem rem| on ras:
                                                                  |FEeBe ran
                                                                         ieR N on                                reaes
                  m        2|     e [raw]          catema® T9: cas   y    .  mecons
  Bett         uo         a       sue_lone           ga      ao    _     C |rccurre
  Jny          ax        sZ             s         es rase on [niseframal w x |resuner
 onrime        zs
              |—ihie—                                                        rem:
                                                  m ram WA fnowmlmal w en PEBRRT
              anissre    mnms| arse      va      maes            ram   |Wh       |i it             wl      it resmner
  togm      snissoe      moam 2ese n              |_rews_|       ram   w         Ts mm
                                                                                 |TBeai]           _i      w resaner
           wuspen on       se | is2C m
                         meay                     ram            mm    N         Tafraaw
                                                                                 [Tee              e       hok resaser
              on         —ima
 Saaravan   Cns          rovae       o           ree             mm    i Irasmlrane]               w      w ssm
           Sumpan:       avae
          sn trsum        msuer
                         meay        w           rewe_|          ow    w         e
                                                                                 |TeBBTeA          i       it smm
  Scooma        an       Hes             va       |_ram          ram   WR        [rasofrase        10     w ons
                s        ues                                                  t
 Sera ism     TeAE
               |—SE23    NBEange
                              aese voy           mm              mm       rase nuse
                                                                       wl BBR                      w      w ramer
 Sern BW    |rcaass                     } va     ow              ram   [Sliv     Iramefrssel       w      n es
  Gonia                  ue
                         rer                                                                                  ramn
                         nc                                                      rosn m                       rm:
              intarn                     1e      i               790   DL        Inn|man           MAL   (WER es
  Sies        insl                                           t                                                Ee
asmasone     sxwoon
              =oz                                reos|           ram   wA        \nwelease)        w      n rans
               in        romer ieon
                         mss                     mt [ 2998                 rom(rasm
                                                                       [WM Frows/ramel                       reame
                                                                                                   M8C    OM resnes
  Yuow       158Gem
 Wwlentt     cxvgen                                                                                         reauns
               e             wa                    mws           ram   i [rame/mse                 i      w rsaeer
             sawson LEGBE]RE                                                                   ¢            reams
               ane  ho
oS                                              pmmempres
                    k    ky       Tee. (raw]        tattme Taetanl                     ou,             .         rocon
 hm              se    "          sis_lon:            an     an                     |__C"          Fubicalill   Wertess
   ma        iceian | Bm         mer \e          |_mm m|o w                     |naw[nan           o mll         remmer
   i2        iawi
               a      asoaus
                        t        sese vsS        m rm nR                        |PBBRIRERTL
                                                                                nass    rean       0| w          resuner
 wsvur                mmeI
                      moms       Ne
                                 sese   In]vs     m
                                                 |_mn    mm w                   maatram
                                                                                [TBBRTRAT]         W w           remses

                                me rrocummens mos                              cxmmarors—omor


   wese                           Yowr    ‘we [rew]           catoma Tacccun                     ,   [rrecone
                                          sie_|on                20     zo     3t            *       Incume
 Cormanter                       mouus| 2s ar ve                   I         remesm
                                                           |_rams _| mm w\ Iriit i           h   w es
   Chstes            m            mge.                                         mae lsw
lound Cherine                    arrinc )ns a«             rem                 fronmo                resom i
                     en          mss
    ubery                        o spainsarlse
                                        nsa                es    ram       Ekss Cw w resra
                                                                        hn [RA
   Wrangr                                                                  Te m mas |naus] resua
                    l aswe| va|                            o     mm     m[iBTBA

   nosn                Engie      Yowr   Twe     (rew]       Caon®  T2C C1         ouy               rocens
                                           ue    |to            zo      zo                           AccuPro
  nuigrer          Taw
                  _|_saveoy      mmius) sese 2
                                 m                |va1¥    m mm NX             rempam
                                                                               |16ld ht               reasma
  wome           a%
                |suscoci|         ow
                                 aman             ¥os      |_rim mm w          rae
                                                                               [d ramhoh             ream
  To _            |cx.       o                     tm      mm se t             es ow
                                                                               mss m                 nex!
   Tey          |smvoooid|          am             va      |_tam row w         Te|raw
                                                                               res m                 mm
    wosa      Engow               Yo               Rear]    cuoma                 s                  recens
                                                   gexd        20                                    secupro
 Grnd Mauim cssh                  mm
                                 aniaes             e      rem ram             rempam
                                                                               en heal               reammsa
   Tings     m _|                on                 To     Te fa               ram[rew               rom:
   arktr     save
             savon                omm
                                 wone            |I ww      e
                                                           rem    ram          ram ram
                                                                               ts                     siows?
    ttim     mwin  en            aooms
                                 moae               w      rem ram             romras
                                                                               ce                     soe:
  Howtow          sz
             eavson              momn               ws     mm    me            rome es
                                                                               hen  ras               reomss
    Saie        ~
             sawey                  i
                                 mmam               w—     mm    m             e ras
                                                                               ts                     reounss
                                               Rear]        corne                                    rocens
                  hk   hn                      ce             ao        zo         ul                Accubre
                 on | naae                      is         mm _| rae    ux     (nemfnom              rem
                 muse  mom                   r w           mm | m       yer    |reead|riam           reame
                                                                               ram o
                      zoan                      s          ram tm       |Sto   framaram
                                                                               [mt                   reamser
                      m                          2|        Tag far      6      n[riowl               ue

                   Engre          Yowr            faar catama Tat=Cal1   ou,                          rocems
                                                  gox    20      zo                                   sccupro
                   socose_|      msae              MESIEaueas          mapam                          reamer

                   Engve          Yowr            foarT      cuoma Jae Cl           ouy               wocens
                                                  x            a0    a0                               AecuPro
                  musse            3
                                 none              w       rem row ho          mmpam
                                                                               [Rit                   remer
                  russe          mone              w       reme row Nx         maaTnaor               remmer
                                                                               [maval m

                              inrerteon, me— prosmwwnens wo seecooverer cauonatons~ 80z2

                            Speedometer Calibrator

               Model          Year Tie Size Rear Gear       Part #
             Expeation       anew|__aw         m            Tome
                             Tcz |_  j         wor          Tovies
                F450         rowane  j         ho           To
                             Tss     |__faw    wer          ooo
                               zo    Cu        ww           roous
              rasise         [Zean)  ay        ww           To
                               To    Ew        w            oone
                             To—zms  Jw        wor          Toom
              Navigator      anszo0r ww        s            Fonz

                Mode!           Year Tire Size| Rear Gear    Part #
            Truck/SUVivan    zo17—z0ral __AY       sw       [rsorza
            TruckSUViVan     zota—zor| Y           ww       —[rsoto2
            Truck/UViVan     2007—2003]___AY       w        —(rsoon
            TruckSUVivan     2002—z001] Y          m        {7zom

               Model           Year Tire Size Rear Gear     Part #
                              Toan     _A        h          rams
                              Zoozms   j         anr        Tooree
               Frontier       zooz0s   iY        ay         rsows
              Pathfinder      2t00z006     an        aiy    rsoros
                Titen         ameans       |_aw      n      Tooms
                              zorzoo       _A        wor    Tovree
              Xtorra          ze205        i         wor    Tovrce
               Mode!            Year Tire Size Rear Gear Part #
             FJ Cruiser       amanr     |__aiy    ww     __[rsoros
             Highiander         zm      hy        hy     [soms
                Rava          Zoez0s    _         wy     [Fsoria
               Sequoia        rneaoe    |__aw     my     —[roms
                              Torszs    aw        ww     |7sotos
                                 ae     Aw        my     [reoies
               Tecoma         Imow |__aw          Evementh
                              Zorizas   aw        ht     |rsoior
                              Te |__jw            h      —|reons
                              zo        aw        h      |rsotes


Document Created: 2017-02-10 10:58:59
Document Modified: 2017-02-10 10:58:59

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