Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on March 29, 1983.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1993 and older model-year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-307
  • Executive Order 307 / D307
  • ARB # D-307
  • Executive Order No: D-307
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-307
  • Resolution D-307
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D-307 Document:


                                                                      (Page 1 of 2)

                                         State of California
                                         AZIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—307
                      Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                 cfi the Vehicle Code

                                             EM CAT, INC.
                                            POWERTECH 2000

WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sectionr 27156 and Title 13 California Code of
Regulations    (hereafter "CCR")           Section 2222(e),     authorize the California Air
Resources Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt add—on and
modified parts from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, EM Cat, Inc. has apyplied to the ARB for exemption from the
prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the Powertech 2000.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health
and Safety Code Section 3951% and in the Chief, Mobile Source Division by
Health and Safety Code Secticn 39516 and Executive Order G—45~5,                        the Air
Resources Board finds:

      1.    The Powertech 20                 an add—on device that is attached to the
                                  0 o

            fuel lins in a m             :z vehicle.

      2.    The    fuel   line   is pirt of the required motor vehicle poliution
            control system.

      3.    The Powertech 2000 :s intended for use with a required pollution
            control system.

      4.    The Powertech 2000 sy being installed on the fuel line alters the
            original design of           & motor vehicle pollution control system.

      5.    The Powertech 200C :s a device subject to the prohibitions of
            Vehicle Code Sectizn 27156 and an add—on part as defined by 13 CCR
  *         Section 1900(b)(1}.

      6.    The Powertech 2000 ioes not reduce the effectiveness of any
            required motor ve‘icle pollution control device.

                                                 f technical judgenm

                                                 ch 2000 will provide ei
                                                  in fuel economy.

      8.    It has net been d     mined what effect use of the Powertech 2000
            may have on any w     nty, either expressed or implied, by the
            manufacturer of a z stor vehicle on which the device is installed.

      9.    The Powertech 2000           is not a certified motor vehicle pollution
            contrcl devics pur:cant to Health and Safety Code Section 43644.

      10.    The                          an exemption to EM Cat, Inc. for the Powertech
            200                            nd or endorse in any way the Powert    2000
            for                  refuc:tion,    fuel economy,    or any other pur;

    EM CAT,   INC.                                                  EXECUTIVE ORDER D—307
    POWERTECH 2000                                                  (Page 2 of 2)

    IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the POWERTECH 2000 is exempt from the
    prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on 1993 and
    oclder model—year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles subject to the
    following conditions:                         ’

         1.        This exemption shall not apply to any device,            apparatus,       Or
                   mechanism advertised, offered for sale or sold with, or installed
          —        on, a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
                   ultimate purchaser.

         2.        No changes are permitted to the device as described in the
                   application for exerption.  Any changes to the device, applicable
                   model year, or other factors addressed in this order must be
                   evaluated and approved by the ARB prior to marketing in

         3.        Marketing of this device using an identification other than that
                   shown in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an
                   application other than those listed in Executive Order shall be
                   prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the ARB.
                   Exemption of this product shall not be construed as an exemption
                   to sell, offer for           le,    or advertise any component of the product
                   as an    individual ds

         4.        Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its
                   content by the EM Cat, Inc. its principals, agents, employees,
                   distributors, dealers, or other representatives must include the
                   disclaimer that the Executive Order or the exemption it provides
                   is not an endorsemert or approval of any fuel economy or emissions
                   reduction claims for the Powertech 2000 and is only a finding that
                   the device is exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section

         5.        Nc claim of any kins. such as "Approved by the Air Resources
                     ard" may be made w1th respect to the action taken herein in any
     »             advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above sonditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order.  The order may be revcked only after a ten—day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
request       in    writi            i      t   contest the proposed revocation.            If a
I                                                        d wirnin ten days of receipt of the
                                                      svoked urtil a determinaticn after h

Executed at El Monte,            Califor              this Cf?e?
                                                               day of March,        1993.

                                                              nt Division Chief
                                                              Source Division

                        State of California
                        AIR RESOURCES BOARD


1                           March,   1993

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                            Mobile Source Division
                            State of California
                            Air Resources Board
                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                            El Monte, CA 91731—2990

(This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication.  Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)


          EM Cat,   Inc. of Route 2,   Box 201,    Portales,   New Mexico 8§8130,    has

applied for exemption from the prohibitions in Section 27156 of the California

Vehicle Code for the Powertech 2000 device. The device is designed for

'instailation on 1993 and older model—year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.

          Previously the Air Resources Board (ARB) exempted three similar devices;

"Moleculator Fuel Energizer" and "Fuel Dominator" by Internal Energy Management

Corporation and "Top Eliminator" by Top Eliminator, Inc.              Based on the

engineering evaluation of the Powertech 2000 device and exemptions issued for

the devices that opegate in a manner similar to the Powertech 2000,                 the staff

believes that the Powertech 2000 will not have any adverse effects on the

exhaust emissions from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.

          The staff recommends that the Powertech 2000 device be exempted from the

prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 and that Executivé Order D—307 be


                               TABLE OF_CONTENTS

                                                   Page Number


CONTENTS                                               ii









              27156 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2222, TITLE 13, OF THE
                         CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS


       EM Cat,   Inc.   of Route 2,   Box 201,   Portales,   New Mexico 88130,    has

applied for an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section (VC)

27156 for the Powertech 2000 device.        The device is designed for installation

on 1993 and older model—year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.               The

applicant submitted installation instructions and specifications of the device

for our evaluation.


      ‘Previously, the Air Resources Board (ARB) exempted three similar

devices;   "Méleculator Fuel Energizer"     and "Fuel Dominator" by Internal Energy

Management Corporation and "Top Eliminator" by Top Eliminator,           Inc.    Based on

the engineering evaluation of the device and the exemptions issued to other

devices that operate in a manner similar to the Powertech 2000, the staff has

determined that the Powertech 2000 will not have any adverse effects on the

exhaust emissions from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.


       The staff recommends that EM Cat,         Inc.   be granted an exemption from the

prohibitions in California Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the Powertech 2000

device and that Executive Order D—307 be issued.


           The Powertech 2000 is a cylindrical shaped device with a core of metal

 alloy.     The metal alloy is composed of copper, tin,      zinc,   iron, antimony,

 nickel,    lead,   sulfur and manganese.   The device consist of five models which

 are narrowed on both ends in order to match the various fuel lines.            According

to the manufacturer, the device should be positioned on the fuel line between

 the fuel filter and the carburetor, or the first injector on a fuel injection

 system.     The device is secured in the Fuel line by two nylon fastening straps

 running around the device.       The device‘s ingtallation instructions along with

 the parts list are shown in the Appendix.

           The device is installed in series with a vehicle fuel line.        According

 to the applicant when fuel passes through the device, the electrical

 interaction of dissimilar metals causes ionization of the fuel.            The ARB did

 not perform any testing on the device.        It is the staff‘s opinion that the

 technical principles underlying the stated function of the device are not

 capable of producing any effects on emissions and fuel ecomomy.

 v.        DISCUSSION

           The ARS previously exempted three similar devices;        "Moleculator Fuel

~ Energizer" and Fuel Dominator" by Internal Energy Management Corporation and

 "Top Eliminator" by Top Eliminator, Inc.        Because of previous exemptions issued

 to similar devices with the same operating principle as the Powertech 2000 and

 the fact that qualifying for an exemption is based on not adversely affecting

 exhaust emissions,      the staff recommends that EM Cat,    Inc. be granted an

 exemption as requested.


     ‘I93     @3t33PM UNITED MARKETING ASSOCIATION                                     P.6

       Installation Instructions for Gasoline Engines

Before instélling the Power Tech 2000, establish a record of the mileage (MPG) of the
vehicle. It will also be valyable to secure an emissions report on HC and CO.

After the Power Tech 2000 is installed, it may take 1,000 miles of driving for the reactions
to remove excessive carbon build—up. During this period emissions may be expected to go
up as the internal engine cleaning process is going on. Following this period, you should
find improved combustion and engine efficiency.
 Your oil will need to be changed at 1,000 miles after installation due to the removed carbon. _
 Resume oil changes according to manufacturers suggested intervals.                               P
Note: Installation should be done by aqualified mechanic.

      Locate fuel supply line. On vehicles with fuel injection, there are two lines coming
      from the fuel tank, The larger line is usually the supply line and the smaller the return
      Find a location where it is safe from heat, moving parts and high output of electrical
      fields such as alternators, ignition coils and ignition wires It is recommended to
      install the Power Tech 2000 after the fuel filter to avoid debris from entering and
      plugging the unit.

      Clean the Power Tech 2000 with carburator spray cleaner or fuel to remove any dust
      or foreign material, Make sure fuel lines are extremely clean before cutting rubber or
      teflon line. Use a tubing cutter when cutting through metal fuel lines, not a hacksaw.
     The Power Tech 2000 is designed for a particular fuel direction flow! Be sure to install
     according to label on the unit indicating fuel flow direction, or inspect internal bar the
     end with the hole in the Reactor bar is the fuel inlet end.
     Check for leaks. Use nylon tie—wraps where needed to secure line from rubbing or
     coming in contact with moving engine parts.

     If your vehicle has a Computer—Monitored Fuel System, you will need to re—calibrate
     the computer, which will enable the engine‘s computer to compensate for the more
     complete combustion that takes place after FPower Tech 2000 installation.
     Drive the vehicle for about four miles, Immediately disconnect first the negative
     terminal of your battery then the positive.. Clean the terminals. Leave disconnected
     for 5 minutes, then reconnect the terminals, first the   positive then the negative. Start
     the engine and run at triple the idle speed (about 2500 rpm‘s) for two minutes, then
     drive a mile. CAUTION on vehicles with air bags, refer to owner manual for specific
     disconnection procedure.                >

Troubleshooting Note:
     If increased mileage and reduced emissions are not noticed after 1,000 miles, check
     the Oxygen Sensor, There may be some deterioration due to lack of manufacturers
     specified maintenance.                          j

                3SPM UNITED MARKETING ASSOCIATION                               P.S



Carefully check to see that the rubber hoge part of the unit is not resting on any
surface. Engine vibration will, in time, cause wear on the part of the rubber hose that
is resting or touching another surface.

After installation, carefully check all connections for tightness. Let engine run a
sufficient time to check for leaks,              ..                    *

MBR 15 ‘93    @3:32PM UNITED MARKETING ASSOCIATION                                       P. 4

                           Large Diesel Installation

  Before installing the Power Tech 2000, establish a record of the mileage (MPG) of the
  vehicle. It will also be valyable to secure an emissions report on HC and CO.

 After the Power Tech 2000 is installed, it may take 1,000 miles of driving for the reactions
 to remove excessive carbon build—up. During this period emissions may be expected to go
 up as the internal engine cleaning process is going on. Following this period, you should
 find improved combustion and engine efficiency.
 Your oil will need to be changed at 1,000 miles after installation due to the removed carbon.
 Resume oil changes according to manufactuzers suggested intervals.                       —

 Note: Installation should be done by a qualified diesel mechanic familiar with fuel
        delivery systems.

 Use one of the two methods to determine the best location for the Power Tech 2000.

 Standard Multiple Line System: After the fuel pump there is a separate fuel line running
 to each individual cylinder. The Power Tech 2000 installs on the in—flow (supply line) after
 thefuel filter and before the fuel pump. The Power Tech 2000 should be installed as close
 to the pump as possible.
 Loop Rail System: After the fuel pump, there is one supply line that runs to the engine
 block. After reaching the engine block this line goes by each cylinder and connects back
 to itself to form a loop. The Power Tech 2000 installs on the in—flow (supply line) after the
 fuel pump and before the line goes into the engine.
 On Loop Rail Systems be sure the fuel pump pressure has not been turned up over
 manufacturers specifications. The Power Tech 2000 should not be installed on a line
 containing more than 250 psi constant pressure. If constant operating pressure is more
 than 250 psi the Power Tech 2000 should be installed before the injector pump.

 Points to Consider:

 1.    The Power Tech 2000 comes with a 5/8" jic #10 female fitting on fuel inlet end and a
       5/8" male fitting on the outlet end..
 2.    Double check to see that you are installing the unit on the supply (in—flow) side of the
       fuel system.
 3.    Clean the Power Tech 2000 with carburetor spray of fuel to remove any dust of
       foreign material. Make sure fuel lines are extremely clean before cutting rubber of
       teflon line, Use a tubing cutter when cutting through metal fuel lines; not a hacksaw.
  4.   The Power Tech 2000 is designed for a particular fuel direction flow! Be sure to install
       according to label on the unit indicating fuel flow direction, or inspect internal bar the
       end with the hole in the Reactor bar is the fuel inlet end,                         '
  5.    The unit may be longer than the section of fuel line you are installing it on. In this
       .case, the unit runs past either the filter or pump and is pigtailed back by means of the
        appropriate hose and connections,.

AR 15 +493    ©3:32PM UNITED MARKETING ASSOCIATION                                       P.

                     "Power Tech 2000"
                              &                                                  8.

 The Power Tech 2000 is a patented catalytic fuel treatment tinit that substantially improves
 fuel economy while reducing engine emissions. It is installed in the fuel line of gasoline
 or diesel engines between the fuel tank and the carburetor or injector pump.

 The unit has a specially designedreactor bar of nonferrous metals contained within a
 housing that allows easy installation in the fuel line of any production veahicle. Several
 models are made for a wide range of vehicles from passenger cars to light and heavy duty

     Power Tech 2000 CU 1/2"                                 Power Tech 2000 MU 3/4"
 Standard duty unit; up to 350 cid,                     Light duty unit; trucks and vans to
                5.7 liters                               1 ton 350 ~ 454 cid, 5.7 — 7.4 liters

                             FPower Tech 2000 TU 1 3/4"
                  Medium duty unit; trucks 350 — 454 cid, 5.7 — 7.4 liters

                                          Power Tech 2000 TU 2 3/4"
                                  Large diesel trucks, buses, CAT 3208,
           Cummins 240 — 300, International 9 liters, large Mercedes and Volvo trucks


                      n       _       .       Power Tech 2000 TU 3 3/4"
                              Heavy duty unit; tractor trailerssuch as CAT 923 cid,
                          *                   Cummins 350/365 855 cid

       Power Tech 2000 provides several models for a wide range of vehicles.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:11
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:11

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