Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 1, 1974.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1974 and older vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-35-1
  • Executive Order 35-1 / D35-1
  • ARB # D-35-1
  • Executive Order No: D-35-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-35-1
  • Resolution D-35-1
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Download: Executive Order D-35-1 PDF

D-35-1 Document:


                         State of California
                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—35—1
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Yehicle Code


Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;

WHEREAS: It has been found that the "Tungsten Hydro Catalyst—California
Design" device has no statistically significant effects on exhaust emissions;

‘IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the "Tungsten Hydro
Catalyst—California Design" device manufactured by the Hydro—Catalyst
Corporation and marketed by Tungsten Contact Manufacturing Co., O1d
Bridge, N.J., has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of
required motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore,
is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle
Code for 1974 and older model—year vehicles.

The device consists of two formed screens made of fine mesh wire cloth
mounted under the carburetor barrels.    The upstream screen is plated
with cadmium and the downstream screen with nickel.

The "Tungsten Hydro Catalyst—California Design" device is identical in
construction and operation to the Hydro—Catlayst Corporation‘s "Precombus—
tion Catalyst—California Design" device. Reference Executive Order D—35.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as
submitted to the Air Resources Board . for evaluation that adversely
affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control devices
shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinfon as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implfed by the vehicle manufacturer.

"TUNGSTEN HYDRO CATALYST—CALIFORNIA DESIGN®               Executive Order D—35—1


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.
Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes such violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicie pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

     "39184.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for actcreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board.   No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

On the basis of its evaluation of the "Tungsten Hydro Catalyst—California
Design" device, the Air Resources Board has determined that the "Tungsten
Hydro Catalyst—California Design" device does not have a beneficial effect
on gasoline mileage or exhaust emissions.             To
Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
mitted %o the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

                                                  ,        CZ
Executed at Sacramento, California, this      /       day of     , 1974.

                                 WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                  Executive Officer

                            State of California

                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                               July 23, 1974

                               Staff Report

         Evaluation of Tungsten Contact Manufacturing Combany
          "Tungsten Hydro—Catalyst—California Design" Device
                   For Compliance with the Requirements of
                      Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

 1. Introduction
    Tungsten Contact Manufacturing Company, North Bergen, New Jersey, has

    requested permission to market a device in California identified as

    "Tungsten Hydro—Catalyst—California Design".     This device is to be

    manufactured by the Hydro—Catalyst Corporation, Old Bridge, New Jersey,

    and is to be identical in construction and operation to the Hydro—Catalyst

    Corporation‘s "Precombustion Catalyst—California Design".     The Air

    Resources Board Staff has evaluated an application submitted by Hydro—

    Catalyst Corporation for an exemption from the prohibitions of Section

    27156 of the Vehicle Code for the "Precombustion Catalyst—California

    Design" devige and recommended that the exemption be granted.     Executive

    Order D—35 was issued to Hydro—Catalyst Corporation granting the exemp—

    tion for the "Precombustion Catalyst—California Design" device.

I1I. Device Description

    For a description of the construction and operation of the "Tungsten

    Hydro—Catalyst—California Design" device, see the report of the Staff
   evaluation of Hydro—Catalyst Corporations‘ "Precombustion Catalyst—

   California Design" device dated July 23, 1974.

"Tungsten Hydro—Catalyst—California Design" Device      July 23, 1974

III. Conclusions and Recommendations

    The Staff has evaluated the "Precombustion Catalyst—California Design"

     device and found that it has no significant effects on exhaust emissions

     or fuel economy.   It is the Staff opinion that the "Tungsten Hydro—

     Catalyst—California Design" devfce, being identical in construction and

     operation, would also produce the same effects.

     It is recommended that Tungsten Contact Manufacturing Company be granted

    _an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

     for its "Tungsten Hydro—Catalyst—California Design" device for use on

     1974 and older model—year vehicles.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:28
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:28

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