Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on June 22, 2009.
As of Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification
F300, F400, F500, F750, F1000See PDFSee PDF

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-352-2
  • Executive Order 352-2 / D352-2
  • ARB # D-352-2
  • Executive Order No: D-352-2
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-352-2
  • Resolution D-352-2
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-352-2 PDF

D-352-2 Document:


                                  State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D-352-2

                     Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                  Of the Vehicle Code

                      Advanced Power Systems lnternational lnc.
                                Fitch Fuel Catalyst

WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391, ahd Title 13, California Code of
Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(e), authorize the California Air Resources
Board and its Executive Oflicer to exempt add-on and modified aftermarket devices
from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, Advanced Power Systems International lnc. of 339 Main Street, Torrington,
CT 06790-5056, has applied to the Air R ~ S O I J ~Board
                                                    C ~ Sfor exemption from the
prohibitions in Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391 for the Fitch Fuel Catalyst
manufactured for use on the 2008 model year and older gasoline-powered vehicles
listed in the attached Exhibit A.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health and
Safety Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations Division, by
Health and Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G-02-003, the Air
Resources Board finds that:

1.    The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is an add-on device that is attached to the fuel line in a
      gasoline-powered motor vehicle. The device's housing is made of aluminum and
      contains multiple nylon trays that hold several discs comprised of a proprietary
      metal composition.

2.    The fuel line is part of the required motor vehicle pollution control system.

3.    The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is intended for use with a required motor vehicle pollution
      control system.

4.    The Fitch Fuel Catalyst by being installed around the fuel line alters the original
      design of a motor vehicle pollution control system. Fitch Fuel Catalysts for 2005
      model year and later vehicles listed in Exhibit A are installed with "quick connect"
      kits that do not require manual splicing of the stock fuel lines. Universal bolt-on
      kits that do require manual splicing are used for all older vehicles.

5.    The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is a device subject to the prohibitions of Vehicle Code
      Section 27156 and add-on parts as defined by Title 13, CCR, section 1900(b)(l).

6.      The Fitch Fuel Catalyst does not reduce the effectiveness of any required motor
        vehicle pollution control system.

7.      The Fitch Fuel Catalyst will not have an adverse effect on emissions based on
        testing conducted on a 2008 model year Ford Focus (Test Group
        8FMXV02.0VZP) certified to the Low Emission Vehicle II Super Ultra Low
        Emission Vehicle (LEV II SULEV) and Supplemental Federal Test Procedure
        (SFTP) standards. The exhaust emission test results are shown below:

        Federal Test Procedure:

                                                '   NMOG       CO        NOX
        Standards (glmi) -                          0.010      1.O       0.02
        Device (glmi) with d f s applied    .       0.007      0.3       0.01

        SFTP (US06 Cycle):

        Standards (glmi)
        Device (glmi)

        SFTP (SC03 Alternative AC2 Cycle):

                                                    NMHC+NOX            -
        Standards (glmi)                               0.20             2.7
        Device (glmi)                                  0.04             0.6

        The installed Fitch Fuel Catalyst also did not affect the test vehicle's ability to
        perform its on-board diagnostic system monitoring properly.

8.      The Air Resources Board has not determined what effect the use of the Fitch
        Fuel Catalyst may have on any warranty; either expressed or implied, by the
        manufacturer of a niotor vehicle on which the device is installed.

9.      The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is not a certified motor vehicle pollution control device
        pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 43644.

10.     The Air Resources Board by granting an exemption to Advanced Power Systems
        International lnc. for the Fitch Fuel Catalyst does not recommend or endorse in
        any way the Fitch Fuel Catalyst for emissions reduction, fuel economy, or any
        other purpose.

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Fitch Fuel Catalyst is exempt from the prohibitions
of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on the 2008 model year and earlier
gasoline-powered vehicles listed in Exhibit A subject to the following conditions:


1.     No changes are permitted to the Fitch Fuel Catalyst as described in the
       application for exemption. Any changes to the Fitch Fuel Catalyst or any of its
       components, or other factors addressed in this order must be evaluated and
       approved by the Air Resources Board prior to marketing in California.

2.     Marketing of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst without a permanent label showing the
       Executive Order number or marketing of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst for an application
       other than the one stated in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
       approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. Exemption of this product
       shall not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
       components of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst as an individual device.

3.     Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its content by Advanced
       Power Systems International lnc., its principals, agents, employees, distributors,
       dealers, or other representatives must include the disclaimer that the Executive
       Order or the exemption it provides is not an endorsement or approval of any
       emissions reduction claims for the Fitch Fuel Catalyst and is only a finding that
       the Fitch Fuel Catalyst is exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section

4.     This exemption shall not apply to any device, apparatus, or mechanism
       advertised, offered for sale, sold with, or installed on a motor vehicle prior to or
       concurrent with an ultimate purchaser.

5.     No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
       made with respect to this Executive Order in any advertising or other oral or
       written communication.


Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order.
The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of intention to revoke it,
during which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest
the proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of
receipt of the request, and the order may not be revoked until a recommendation is
made, after the hearing, that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this             day of June 2009.

                                         Annette Hebert, Chief
                                         Mobile Source Operations Division

                                                   Exhibit A
                                                JE.O.# D-352-2)

                 Models including PIU,       Gasoline (no                        Fitch Fuel Catalyst Model options
   Make         SUV, passenger vehicles        hybrids)        Model Year            (Engine Size Dependent) *

   Acu ra                    all                    x          2005 - 2008               F300, F400, F500,

   Acura                     all                    x          1990 - 2004               F300, F400, F500,

Alfa Romeo                   all                    x          1965 - 2003               F300, F400, F500,

Aston Martin                 all                    x          1965 - 2002         F300, F400, F500, F75O1F10O0

   Audi                      all                    x          1992 - 2004         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI 000

   BMW                       all                    x          1975 - 2004         F300, F400, F500, F75O1F10O0

   BMW                       all                    x          2005 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FlOOO

   Buick                     all                    x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI 000

  Cadillac                   all                    x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F75O1F10O0

   C hevy                    all                    x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI 000

  Chrysler                   all                    x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI000

  Datson                     all                    x          1975 - 2000               F300, F400, F500,

   Dodge                     all                    x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F75O1F10O0

   Eagle                     all                    x          1980 - 2004               F300, F400, F500,

    Fiat                     all                    x          1975 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,

   * Bolt on OEM quick connects kits are offered to vehicles having OEM quick connect fittings (2005 MY and later).
   Ur~iversalkit is strictly offered to vehicles OUT OF WARRANTY (2004 MY and earlier) as indicated on Advanced
                                                   Power Systems website.                                     Pg. 1

                                                       Exhibit A
                                                    JE.O.# D-352-2)

                     Models including PIU,       Gasoline (no                       Fitch Fuel Catalyst Model options
      Make          SUV, passenger vehicles        hybrids)       Model Year            (Engine Size Dependent)'*

      Ford                       all                   x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI 000

      Geo                        all                   x          1980 - 2004                      F300

      GMC                        all                   x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI000

     Honda                       all                   x          2005 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      Honda                      all                   x          1972 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,     ,

     Hummer                      all                   x          2001 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI000

      lnfiniti                   all                   x          2005 - 2008             F300, F400, F500, F750

      lnfiniti                   all                   x          1990 - 2004             F300, F400, F500, F750

      lsuzu                      all                   x          2005 - 2008                      F300

      lsuzu                      all                   x          1985 - 2004                      F300

     Jaguar                      all                   x          2007 - 2008             F300, F400, F500, F750

     Jaguar                      all                   x          1960 - 2003             F300, F400, F500, F750

      Jeep                       all                   x          1985 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

       Kia                       all                   x          1997 - 2003                      F300

    Land Rover                   all                   x          2007 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      * Bolt on OEM quick.connects kits are offered to vehicles having OEM quick connect fittings (2005 MY and later).
      Universal kit is strictly offered to vehicles OUT OF WARRANTY (2004 MY and earlier) as indicated on Advanced
                                                      Power Systems website.                                     Pg. 2

                                                       Exhibit A
                                                    JE.O.# D-352-2)

                     Models including PIU,       Gasoline (no                       Fitch Fuel Catalyst Model options
      Make          SUV, passenger vehicles        hybrids)       Model Year            (Engine Size Dependent) *

    Land Rover                                         x          1970 - 2003                F300, F400, F500,

      Lexus                      all                   x          2005 - 2008             F300, F400, F500, F750

      Lexus                                            x          1984 - 2004             F300, F400, F500, F750

      Lincoln                    all                   x          1985 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      Mazda                      all                   x          2006 - 2008                      F300

      Mazda                                            x          1975 - 2003                      F300

     Mercury                     all                   x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FlOOO

      Merkur                     all                   x          1990 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,

    Mini Cooper                  all                   x          2006 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

    Mitsubishi                   all                   x          1990 - 2003             F300, F400, F500, F750

       MG                        all                   x          1970 - 2004                      F300

      Nissan                     all                   x          2005 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      Nissan                     all                   x          1975 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,

    Oldsmobile                   all                   x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FlOOO

       Opal                      all                   x          1975 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,

      * Bolt on OEM quick connects kits are offered to vehicles having OEM quick connect fittings (2005 MY and later).
      Universal kit is strictly offered to vehicles OUT OF WARRANTY (2004 MY and earlier) as indicated on Advanced
                                                      Power Systems website.                                     Pg. 3

                                                       Exhibit A
                                                    JE.O.# 0-352-21

                     Models including PIU,       Gasoline (no                       Fitch Fuel Catalyst Model options
      Make          SUV, passenger vehicles        hybrids)       Model Year            (Engine Size Dependent) *

     Peugeot                                                                                 F300, F400, F500,

     Plymouth                    all                   x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI 000

     Pontiac                     all                   x          1985 - 2008         F300, F400, F500, F75O1F10O0

     Porsche                     all                   x          1975 - 2003         F300, F400, F500, F750,FI000

     Renault                     all                   x          1975 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,

      Saab                       all                   x          2000 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      saab                       all                   x          1975 - 1999                F300, F400, F500,

      Saturn                     all                   x          1985 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      Scion                      all                   x          2006 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

     Subaru                      all                   x          2005 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

     Subaru                      all                   x          1975 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,

      Suzuki                     all                   x          2007 - 2008                      F300

      Toyota          all except PriusNaris            x          2005 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      Toy ota                    all                   x          1975 - 2004                F300, F400, F500,

    VoIkswagon                   all                   x          2005 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

      * Bolt on OEM quick connects kits are offered to vehicles having OEM quick connect fittings (2005 MY and later).
      Universal kit is strictly offered to vehicles OUT OF WARRANTY (2004 MY and earlier) as indicated on Advanced
                                                      Power Systems website.                                     Pg. 4

                                                   Exhibit A
                                                (E.O.# D-352-2)

                 Models including PIU,       Gasoline (no                       Fitch Fuel Catalyst Model options
  Make          SUV, passenger vehicles        hybrids)        Model Year           (Engine Size Dependent) *

Volkswagon                   all                    x          1975 - 2004               F300, F400, F500,

  Volvo                      all                    x         2005 - 2008                F300, F400, F500,

  Volvo                      all                    x          1975 - 2004               F300, F400, F500,

   * Bolt on OEM quick connects kits are offered to vehicles having OEM quick connect fittings (2005 MY and later).
   Universal kit is strictly offered to vehicles OUT OF WARRANTY (2004 MY and earlier) as indicated on Advanced
                                                   Power Systems website.                                     Pg. 5

Document Created: 2009-07-01 13:09:02
Document Modified: 2009-07-01 13:09:02

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