Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 16, 1974.
As of Friday, January 24th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1974 and older model year vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-37
  • Executive Order 37 / D37
  • ARB # D-37
  • Executive Order No: D-37
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-37
  • Resolution D-37
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-37 PDF

D-37 Document:


                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—37
                 Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                             of the Vehicle Code

                        OXFORD AUTOMOTIYE PRODUCTS
                    "MINI—JECTOR FUEL CONTROL" SERIES "M"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of the
Health and Safety Code;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLYED: That the installation of "Minf—Jector Fuel
Control" Series "M" device manufactured by Oxford Automotive Products, 5165
Sherbrooke Street West, Sufte 419. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and marketed
by the Duralon Supply of 6150 Mission Gorge Road, Suite 107, San Diego,
California 92120, has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of required
motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1974 and older model—
year vehicles.
The "Mini—Jector Fuel Control" device is a fuel pressure regulator installed
in the fuel line between the fuel pump and the carburetor. The normally open
vaive is biased by a spring force acting on a diaphragm which senses the
engine manifold vacuum. The device has an adjustable knob to control the fuel
pressure by varying the spring pre—load.    The name "Mini—Jector Fuel Control"
Series "M" is embossed on the device.
This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for this
device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different than
those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as originally
submitted to the Air Resources Board for evaluation that adversely affect the
performance of the vehicle‘s poliution control dev1ces shall invalidate this
Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that the
use of this device may have on any warranty efther expressed or implied by the
vehicle manufacturer.



No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

      "39130.   No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
      or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
      device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
      device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     . person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
      vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
      fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
      a misdemeanor."        —

      "39184.    (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
      tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
      device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
      device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
      accredited by the board.    No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
      tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
      accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
      violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
mitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this    _/& & day of October, 1974.

                                    WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                    Executive Officer

                          State of California

                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                           October 3, 1974

                               Staff Report

              Evaluation of the Oxford Automotive Products
                 "Mini—Jector Fuel Control" Series "M"
                Fuel Controller for Compliance with the
       Requirements of Section 27156 of the Motor ¥ehicle Code


    Oxford Automotive Products, 5165 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 419,

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada (formerly G. T. Performance Products —

    Reference Exhibit A) has applied for exemption from the prohibitions

    of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the "Mini—Jector Fuel

    Control" Series "M" device. This section prohibits the installation

    of any device which may reduce the effectiveness of the motor vehicle

    emission control system.   The applicant is requesting the exemption

    be granted for all 1974 and older model—year vehicles.

    The Air Resources Board has adopted criteria for the evaluation of

    "after—market" devices for compliance with Section 27156.    The basis

    for evaluation is defined in the "Air Resources Board Criteria for De—

    termining Compliance with Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code",

    dated February 17, 1971.

II. System Description and Function
   The device is a fuel pressure regulator installed in the fuel line between

   the fue! pump and the carburetor (Exhibit B — Installation Instructions).

   Exhibit C contains a description of the device.   A spring suspended ball

   is pressed against a spring loaded diaphgram assembly which senses the

   engine intake manifold vacuum through a rubber hose.

     "MINI—JECTOR FUEL CONTROL " SERIES "M"                                October 3, 1974

        The device has a control knob for adjusting the fuel supply pressure.

        The device has adjustment indications from "A for economy to E for power."

        The applicant calibration flow curve indicating the influence of intake

        manifold vacuum is shown in Figure 1.           The applicant claims that the

        device acts as a "combustion secondary fuel pump, pulsation damper and

        adjustable fuel pressure regulator" to control the flow ‘of fuel from the

        fuel pumé to the carburetor float bow?.          The device is designed to reduce

        fuei flow during engine operating modes when a high intake manifold vacuum

        is experienced.

    II1. Laboratories Test Data

        A.       Aég]icant Data

‘                The following is a summary of test data submitted by the applicant

                 and/or his representatives for the ARB staff evaluation.
                 1.   Scott Research Laboratory report #1396—01—0973 dated September

                      13, 1973 performed by the Federal Hot CVS test method on a 1970

                      Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 350 CID — 2 Y¥ carburetor, automatic trans—
                      missfon, and has New York license #180 ORI, showing the following


                                                  ‘Emissions (gms/mi)         Fuel Economy
        Test No.         Test Type    Condition    HC       CO       NOx          MPG

             1           Hot CVS—1    Baseline    3.78      80.18   1.48         12.16

             2           Hot CVS—1    A—Setting   2.79      44.25   2.56         14.15

             3           Hot CVS—1    C—Setting   2.79     59.96    1.88         14.06

                                                                      October 3, 1974

        2.       Scott Research Laboratory report #1418—01—0174 dated January

                 11, 1974 performed by the Federal Hot CVS and Steady State

                 test method on a 1972 Chevrolet Camaro, 307 CID—2V carburetor,
                 automatic transmission and identification {VIN:            IQ87F2N167785),

                 showing the following data:
                                                                                           — Fuel
                                                                 Emissions (gms/mi)        Economy
       Test No.            Test Type            Condition       HC     CQ.    NOx            MP&A
        1, 6, 8          55 MPH—cruise      Baseline—Avg.      0.82       9.84    3.29      18.28

             e           55 MPM—cruise          Device—set A   1.04      12.94    3.21      18.%

             5           55 MPH—cruise          Device—set C   1.30      24.42    2.52 _    19.07

       2, 7              Hot CVS—1          Baseline—Avg.      3.83       92.55   2.53      13.30

             4           Hot CYVS—1         Device—set A        3.94     99.75    2.32      13.52

       3.        Scott Rgsearch Laboratory report #1418—02—0174 dated January 18,

                 1974 performed by the Federal Hot CVS and Steady State test

                 method on a 1970 Valiant, 225 CI§—1V carburetor with automatic

             —transmission and identification (VIN: VL41CO0RB355848), showing the

                 following data:

                                                                 Emissions (gms/mi)        Ecggg;y
       Test No.            Test Type            Condition       HC.       CQ      HOx        MPG

       1, 7              55 MPH—cruise      Baseline—Avg.      0.53       4.95     9.12     24.98

             5           55 MPH—cruise      Device—set A       0.63       6.45    8.62      25.03

             3           55 MPH—cruise      Device—set C       0.50       5.07    7.65      25.12

       2, 8              Hot CVS—1          Baseline—Avg.      1.62       32.59   6.06      17 .72

             6           Hot CVS—1          Device—set A       1.61       33.74   5.66      17.67

             4           Hot CYS—1          Bevice—set C       1.52       29.12   6.13      17 .89
                                         . to

    "MINI—JECTOR FUEL CONTROL" SERIES "M"                                    October 3, 1974

‘       Based on the variability of the data and anticipating operating

         characteristics of the device, the staff considered the above data

         inconclusive.     Consequently, confirmatory emission tests were per—

         formed by the ARB to investigate the effects of the "Mini—Jéctor Fuel

         Controi"       device on the existing emission control system,.

    ~B. ARB Data

        Back—to—back Hot CVS emission tests were run on the following vehicles:

        1.   1974 Ford Galaxie, Automatic, 2—Bbl Carb., 400 CID (274 KJC),

        Z.   1974 Ford Pinto, Automatic, 2—Bbl Carb., 2.3L (195 LEK).

        The device was maintained at setting A throughout the ARB tests to check

        the case of minimal fuel supply.      The tést data are presented in the

.       following table:

       1.    1974 Ford Galaxie, Hot CVS—1 emission tests:

                                                      Emissions (gms/mi)          Ecggg;y
                                               tm                                 _ We _
             Average Baseline (3 tests)       1.45         18.3      1.53           10.4

             Average Device (3 tests)         1.46         19.6      1.52           10.4

             % Change                         0.69          7.1     —0.65              0

        2.   1974 Ford Pinto, Hot CVS—1 emission tests:
                                                      Emissions (gms/mi)          Ecggfiéy
                                               Hc°~—      to         Nox         _MPG
             Average Baseline (3 tests)       0.69         16.9      1.17           16.4

             Average Device ( 3 tests)        0. 70        16.4      1.21           16.6

             % Change                         1.45        —3.0       3. 42        O 1.2

"MINI—JECTOR FUEL CONTROL" SERIES "M"                                 October 3, 1974

           3.   Bench Flow Tests

                In addition to the emission tests reported, bench flow

                tests were performed to establish the flow characteristics

                under varibus levels of signal vacuum and valve setting

                with water supplied at 5 PSfG.    The test data presented

                in the following tables are typical of the devices submitted.

                         "Mini—Jector Fuel Control"    Vaive Flow Characteristi¢cs
                                  (Gations per minute)                          >

                Valve Position
                Signal Vacuum                     Settings
                 (In.Hg.)               A            C            E

                     0                 1.1          1.1          1.1

                    16                 1.1         1.1           1.1

                    18                 0.9         1.1           1.1

                    20                 0.8—0.4     1.1—0.9       1.1

                   22                  0.6         1.0           1.1

                   24                  0.5—0.1     0.9—0.2       1.1—0.8

IV.   Staff Eya]fiation

      The staff evaluation is divided into three parts: (A) Evaluation of

      the air leak into the intake system, (B) Failure mode of the diaphragm,

      and (C) Evaluation of the ARB test data.
      A.   Evaluation of Air Leak into the Intake System

           In testing the "Mini—Jector Fuel Control"         Series "M" device,

           the staff discovered the O—ring seals in the control knob housing was

        "MINI—JECTOR FUEL CONTROL® SERIES "M"                                      October 3, 1974

    ’           allowing a small amount of air to enter the engine‘s intake

                system.      The applicant has stated that proper measures had been

                 taken to eliminate the air leak.          The applicant submitted two

                additional devices for evaluation.             The results of the ARB flow

                 tests of the new units and the old units are showed in the table

                below.      The amount of air leakage in the new units was considered

                 negligible and judged to have an insignificant effect on the OEM

                emission control ;ystem.           The new units will be identified by the

                 letter "M" stamped on the side of the device housing.

                                    Air Flow Rate (Cubic Feet per Minute)
                                                   New Units           .           014 Units
                                .   . Sample 1A           Sample 2B
    .           Vacuam               Knob Position                          Knob Position
.                (in.Bg.)            ADo       B                            A            B
                    1               0.01       0.01                        0.02         0.03
                    2               0.01       0.01      Less than         0.03         0.04

                   6                0.02       0.02      0.004 under       0.04         0.05

                    10              0.03       0.02      all conditions     0.04        0.05
                    16              0.03   .   0.03                        0.04         0.05

                   22               0.03       0.03                        0.03        0.04

           B.. Failure Mode of the Diaphragm

               If the diaphragm between the fuel side and vacuum side of the device

               failed, fuel would be drawn into the intake system.              This enrichment

               of the air/fuel ratio would be expected to increase hydrocarbon

"MINI~JECTOR FUEL CONTROL® SERIES "M"                            October 3, 1974

         and carbon monoxide emissions.    The applicant submitted a specifi—

         cation of the diaphragm material which is claimed to be sufficient

         to withstand the stresses encountered with the operation of the

         device (Reference Exhibit D).       The staff concurs with this opinion.

      C. Evaluation of the Test Results

         The emission and the bench flow data were performed with the old

         units.   The device was tested at the setting A which represents the

         minimal rate of fuel flow when com9gred to the baseline flow rates.

         The maximum fuel flow rate with the device is still sufficient to

         supply the power demands of the engine, hence no leaning of the air

         fuef ratio would be expected.    The device does not have the capability

         of increasing the fuel flow rate to the carburetor beyond the normal

         maximum capacity of the fuel pump.    The ARB data shows tfiat the

         "Mini—Jector Fuel Control"       device has no significant effect on
       . exhaust emissions or on fuel consumption.    Therefore, the new units

        would be expected to show similar exhaust emission effects.

¥.   Conclusion and Recommendations

     It is the staff opinion that the "Mini—Jector Fuel Control"        Series "M"

     manufactured by Oxford Automotive Products will not adversely affect motor

     vehicle exhaust emission control systems and hence should be exempt from

     the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code

     for all 1974 and older model—year vehicles.

                    .                                                PERCTNT or*.‘ INE LOAD                                               .
           *             0%                                25%                        50%               7




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               =                   .                                           PUEL PPESSUPE                                      L.
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                    * |                                                ;                                             f          —
                          |                                                                                  PERPORMANCE TEST
                          {                                                                                  OF NINI~—JECTOR      f
                          f                      704        1                                                PLuEL comtron In         |
                          |                 —"              |                                                1970 cuEv. v—8           [
                           uen   77                         j                                                 T
                    25                             :   —                   t                                                      t
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wo~,   s                 20"                               15"   ©                    10"               5"                      0"

                                                                     ruTP0TLDN VACUTUT READINQ

                 Exhibit A

        OXFORD AUTOMOTIVE                 —PRODUCTS
                    — pivision of
                  OXFORD INDUSTAES L1D,

               5165 Sherbrooke Street West
                         Suite 419
                     Montreal, Quebec

                                          September 20,    1974

Mr. 6.C. Hass
California Air Resources Board
9528 Telstar
E1 Monte, California   91731

Dear Sir,
            Please be advised that Oxford Automotive
Products of Montreal, Canada has purchased the patent
rights and title to the G.T. Mini fuel=—jector from G.T.
Performance Products of Branchville, New Jersey.

            Enclosed are photo copies to that effect.

  .        1 would also like to advise you that our
units will be manufactured as of the {fast two units —
which you inspected.

      .    The application for approval which was made
in behalf of 6.%. Performance Products by Mr, Lowman
of Duralon industries of San Diego is still officiaf.

            Would yourkindly forward any          letters of app—
roval to us at our Sherbrooke Street address              in Montreal.

            Thanking you,     |   remain,

                                           Yours truly,


                                           Norman Nulman
                                           Executive Vice—President


                                         Exhibit A (Cont‘d)
            mtm mrs             ;       tss   cctrays   Bd moyrsennt,"
            APVUNX —          AtuL.                      s      i

                                         ON OF
                               OxFORD iMDuSTRIES 1TD.

                                                           June 26, 1974

    GT Performance Products, Inc.,                 .

Attontion: Mr. James J. Spanos
           President and Chairman

Dear Mr. Spanos,

            This letter serves as a purch
GT Mint Fusl—fect



Products, Inc. Thi

list attached, patent r
UL.S. This doss not Include the purchase of GT as a corporefion.
               purchase of f
registered names such os, GT Performance Products and Mini Fusl—[ector.

              It is
that moy be due. | t is also
all encumbrances with respe

in New Jersey, Pannsy
the standard customary clauss to profect the purchasers as
    Sbovemantioned states.

                             hXh“”tA (Con# dJ Tt m

                       qual ; payment+ ofof
           commeneing July 30, 1974.
                                                      ix(6) equalt payments
                        ~? par month commencing December—30, 1974
                        es should be paid to Marchant and Edwards, C.P.A.,
           24 Fron{“ Streat, Port Jervis, New York

            For this Agrsement to be velic
Products, Inc. shall furnish;: Oxford Industries Ltd. all conventio*rcppl

for patants, assignments to be execute by Mr. Almguist for glob
rights specifically United Kingdom, Japan, Conada and France.

            It is olso undersfood thet any stockholders or boar
officers ond/or their corporations will not Including GT Performance Products,
Inc.   engage in the manufacture or assembly in the Mini fuel—{ectors for a

            s also undersfood th
            Jway 206 for a per
              t the expense of Oxf
              ouid be aequired
              7 light, powar, tele;

                              rd Indusirigs Ltd. folls to moke payment
                                      1         ved ond, Oxford Industr?
                                           riginal contract dated .v‘cr*l

thepurhase cgr-em
payment then the Tz
Products, Inc.

                                                      Yours very truly,

                                                      O ’Q?DINDUSTRIES LTD

            UNING KNOB                   Attoch lang thin hose (A) to
                                              /   vacuum source
                                                                                                                                                                              HosE To
                                                                                                                                                                              VACUUM SOURCE

                                                                                                                         AIR CLEANER

                                                                                                                                                                                 g._...-   ——»
            ‘ line
                                                                                                                             CARB. >
                                                                                                                                                         ee suce inlet (marked
                                                                                                                                                    Four Hose Clomps           IN on bottom of Mini=
                                                                                                                                                                               Fual Injector) fces
                                                                                                                                                                               fuel purap.. .
                 5/16"                                                                                                     ~ERGINE
                                                               IMPORTANT: If special hose‘clamp
                                                           pliers are not available, use regulargl—     d_
            HOW TO INSTALL YOUR                            ers. Be sure to compress the clamps on\\~—;—/
                                                           ly enough to slip over the hoses. Other—
             MINL FUEL—JECTOR                              wise, clamps will lose strength.                         HOW TO USE
                                                               NOTE: Occasionally, cars with air               THE PRESSURE TUNER
                                                            conditioning may have very little work—          FOR OPTIONAL ADJUSTMENT
             Your MINI FUEL—JECTOR may be                   ing space under the hood. If necessary,
             .»led anywhere in the fuel line be—            reroute the fuel line by bending it. If
              n fuel pump and carburetor. The               extra fuel line hose is required, it may                                                        NOT supply enough fuel. To "fin>
             ‘erted location is near the carbure—           be purchased from any garage or auto                                                            tune", simply turn the knob clockwise
Exhibit B

               However, the unit will operate               parts store. Be careful not to locate the                                                       until the idle remains smooth.
              ‘de down or at any angle without              MINEI FUELJECTOR or any part of                                                                    There are FIVE different pressure
               ing. Only in rare cases, will the            the hose near the exhaust manifold or                                                          —ranges. When making adjustments, af—
              line need to be bent.                         higher than the carburetor inlet.                                                               ways remember to push the knob
             ‘If you have a rubber fuel line,                  The MINL FUELJECTOR comes                                                                    DOWN while turning the knob clock—
             ply cut out a 4 inch section at any            factory adjusted to be used as a variable                                                       wise so that the knob will "climb" the
             »tion where there is enough space.             fuel control . . . but, also may be used                                                        next internal cam,
             ng pliers, slip the four clamps over           as a constant pressure control (as indi—
              hose and install the MINI FUEL—               cated in paragraph "B" below).
             :TOR.                                             (A) PREFERRED HOOK—UP                                                                           FURTHER PROOF: After instal—
              ‘If your fuel line is all metal, cut             Simply slip the rubber tubing pro—                                                           ling your MINL FUELJECTOR, you
             t a 4 inch section at any location             vided over the small (top) vertical                                                             can actually feel the improvement in
            < are there is enough space. If the fuel        tube "A" shown in the illustration.                                                             fuel system performance. Make this
             & must be bent in order to make                Then, connect the other end to any                                                              test: With your engine running, simply
              »m, a single cut will usually suffice.        couvenient engine manifold‘ vacuum                                                              touch the fuel line on the OUTLET
             + a tubing cutter if you have one, If          source (Direct manifold vacuum source                                                           side of the MINL FUELJECTOR and
            ack saw or file is used, be sute metal          will provide full vacuum) the key to                                                            you will notice that the MINI FUEL—
            ‘ps and burrs are removed. To safe—             our system. If necessary, cut the rubber                                                        JECTOR has eliminated the throbbing
            ird against possible leaks, it would            advance line leading to the distributor                                                         fuel line "knock" that exists on the
              advisable to flare ends of metal tub—         .. . and insert the "I" shaped connec—                                                          INLET side. This proves that the MINH
            : after cutting.                                tor provided. Then, connect the tubing                                                          FUELJECTOR reduces harmful fuef
             Hose adaptors and clamps are pro—              leading from the MINL FUELJECTOR.                                                               pump pulsations that otherwise would
            +d to fit all popular engines. Select           Cut excess off.                                  .   The MINIFUELIECTOR comes ad—               cause carburetor wear, float "bob" and
                sppropriate size to fit your fuel              (B) OPTIONAL HOOK—UP                          jl_xsted for your engine. However, a spe—       fuel waste, Though rare, a metal fuef
               and piece of hose on each              The MINI FUELJECTOR may be                    cial "Tuning Knob" has been provided           line may vibrate. This is normal. To re—
               and about half way. Then, slide a            used as a straight fuel pressure regula—         so that you may experiment with dif—           duce excessive vibration, simply tie the
             mp over EACH portion that fits                 tor by simply OMITTING the vacuum                fergnt pressure range settings if you so        inlet line to any convenience point.
             : the cut ends of the fuel line, Next,         connection. As such, it will provide               desire, To change adjustment, simply
              s a clamp over each hose before               the recognized advantages of a pulsa—©           . press down and turn the tuning knob
              1 install the MINI FUEL—JECTOR.               tion damper as it reduces harmful fuel            right (clockwise) to INCREASE . ..
              ‘ting the host     nectors will make          pump pressures to a S—M—O—0—I—H eco—              and left (counter—clockwise) to DE—            NOTE: In rare instaices, your starting
               :llation eas       ¢ sure to install         nomical flow. For maximum mileage,                CREASE outlet pressure. On larger              procedure may hav      e changed. For
                clamps ne?     h end of the hoses           turn adjusting knob counter—clockwise.           engines, do not turn the tuning knob            example, the acc       or pedal may
    ~sure a leal af connection.                             For racing, turn knob clockwise,                 too far counter—clockwise, as it may            have to be pumpe      ore starting. .

                                                                          Exhibit C

                                                                                                   Wov!   xA GAiANCE PRODUCTS, is C.

                              Patent Pending

                             Sm rr‘!                                            .
                              uiic9l baziBd                                         .          1

  automatically controls\fue!delivery through unique sensing
  of engine demand and feeds the exact fuel required for                                                   T
.maximum economy and passing power!                                                                              —             *

                                                  hdepflndor‘: controlled testing* conducted                                  * mR
                                                  with Dynamometer control shows:                                                   ~.
                                                             Improved acceleration
                                               o o

                                                             Fuel economy (both long and short trips}
                                                             Smoother overall performance
                                               e n o & o n

                                                             Easier starting
                                                             Fights poltution
                                                             Eliminates vapor lock and ‘iooc.m
                                                             Adjustable pressure tuner for maximum economy or power
       .   bya msrcrom fma‘rs                                Fits all cars, trucks, tractors, stationary or racing engines
      ...;fl“Li/ S1i tioGcid

                                                                                                                /Pressure Tuner
                                                                                        Vacuum Cannuctlon\

     Gasoline. from the fue!l pump, enters the Mini Fuel—Jector
     with "hammering". intermittent pulsations and passes
     around the hemispherical valve into the carburetor fuel
     ling. The high pressure surges of fuel exert force against
     the undersige of the diaphragm tending to close the valve.
    The resulting recuced fuel pressure permits the valve to.
    open again — delivering a full EVEN flow of fuel to the
.caroureior adequate for normal speeds. But, when a
     sudden demand is made on the engine for more power.
     the consequent reduction in manifold vacuum instantly
     releases the upper spring from its compressed position.
     This force overridas the pressure regulating diaphragm
     and holds the valve open so both fuel pressure and volume
     age stepped up to FULL pump capacity.

                                     Exhibit D

                               OVER TWENTY—FIVE YEARS OF TREND—SETTING
                   HIGHWAY 206, BRANCHVILLE, NEW JERSEY 07826     AREA 201—948—4303

    June 14, 1974

    Er. Anivr Ta
    State of C a    £
    Air Resource Board
    9528 Telster Avenue          —
    El Monte, CA   91731         '

    Dear   My. Tocawy:

    Confirming our conversation of Tuesday, June 11, you mentioned
    three points of interoest in quolifying the MINLI FUSL JECTOR in
    the state of Colifornia.

           1.                  the dicghroge.
*          2.                £ vapor-lock.
           3.            g of mixture at low flovw.

    Enclosed is a specification sheot on                 ;
    in our MFJ.  The monufacturer hos ausured us th
    kas both durebility and strongth to  withstand 4
    exposed to in our MFJ.  The spec sneev w1llsw

    Veporelock.  Voporisstion of fuel in the fue
    c:rbur‘tor from re;civ1“" the necessary volum
    to rum the engine. Vepor—lock is usua
    ccused by hot weather, pulling heovy l
 driving, hord, fast driving, on ineffieci                      ig system
or stop and go driving in slow traffiec.              Vaporwlock can ols
occur as a result of using volatile low grade gosoline or
gosoline designed for winter use and which vaporizes more readily
 in vorm veather.

The Mini Fuel Jector can help correct this "hot"
by holding the fuol in the line under comprossion s
not veporize until after it is delivered to the carb

The Mini Fuel Jector con also reduce vopor lock tendency by
increasing fuel pump output during the non—pumping part of the
pusp stroke.

                                    Exhibtit D (Cont‘d)

Vith the Mini Fusl Jector, there is prectically mo opportunity
for vepor—lock
     2         to occur os a result of reduced p-flflsu-_, because
vepor prosont in the fuel line will be Rrormlessly controlled in
the MEJ‘s fuel chomber where it tends to additionaliy cushion
the flow of gosoline and therefore, do uo harm.

In reference to lecning of the mixture ot lov flow: ‘l“n product
at the "A" setting (low flow} is designéed to feed       imanm
amount of fuel,.   Asyou expleined the oxides of ni
is due to more fuel to\ylr mixture

I am totelly surprised that we lean the mixture           at the low flovw.
I would suspect it on the "E" setting.

 he basic prirciple of our system is to
Q"“a cccelerotion the vecuum is deplete                              i
ccmp*cuely depressed pond the fuel flowvs. On                   o driving,
the vacuum, which is constant, roises the dic                   n lifts
the valve and provides fuel required for the                    rditions.

Cur "A" to "E" settings do     no      an
regulator.   Once you   have   se       d
vehicle, nhe vacuum overrides     s
required. The control knob is     ig
engines and their fuel requirements.

We hope
     P thatr bhave supplied
                     PE      you with enough
                                          S information to ap—
prove our product. If there are any questions, please dom‘t
hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,



                                                                      Exhibit D (Cont‘d)

                                                      t »fiv.vw us

              a division of The Sichardson Company   579 SOUTH AVENUE, BEACON, NEW YORK 12508 C 914/837—

                                                 Chemorene, Inc.,                Beacon, N.Y.

                                                      CRP 60234 — Data Sheet                                      Eoo 4

                                                                                     Properties          Soéé"ication
                                                                                      of CRP             Mil—C—$068B                      Requirements
                                                                                     Spec, 6023           . Type II                       AMS 3274—D

         ardanc                        Points             —                      60 & 5                  60 + 5                                          i
     Tensile Strength,            PSI                                            1875                    11500 min.                                      .
     F       ati                                                  >              425                     400 min.                                        1

                                                                                 +                       £15 max,.                                       |
                                                                                 +10%                1—15% mex.
                                                                             Ilz6g                       —60% max.
                                                                                                                                          \                  |
                                                                                9 70                                                                     ;

                                                 Tyoe I) — 70 hrs. @ 75°F                                                                                :
                                                                             J —3.7%                     #25% max.                    |
                                                                             1 —8.7%                     #15% max.                    $
                                                                             } 5.0%                      —10% max.                    }
                                         —3136 Type HI) — 70 hrs. @75°F                                                                                  :

                                                                                                                 &R sh
                                                                                 to ts

                                                                                 o &








                                                                                 +17%                1+25% max.

                                  t          —                               j                                                    | Plain weave
                                                                                 Plain weave                                        or 2/1 Twill
     Weight, oz. /sq. yd.                                                        5.5°        .           5.5                      (
     Count, ends/inchk                                                           90 x 90                 90 x 90                  i                —
                                      Grab                                       150     350 lbs. i?m x20° Ts in                                 ———

                                                                                 20. 0               |
             ness                                                        .       025# .002 |.025 = . 002"
     Broaking Strength (Grab Method)                                             350 x 350 lbs.]| ——————
     Burst Strength, Original                                                    600 lbs,.           | 500 ibs.
     Burst Aiter 70 hrs. /212°F Air Age                                          500 los,            i 500 ibs. min.
     Burst After 70 hrs./75°F Type I Fuel                                        500 ibs.                500 lbs. min.
     Burst   Aiter 70 hrs,. /75°F Type III Fuel                                      ibs.                500 ibs. min.
     Tear        pesoid — ASTM D75                                                    25
                   f.    Fuel ‘A‘—24 hrs. /75°F Vol.
     ASTM R ci.    5
                          Fuel ‘B‘— 724 hrs. /75°F Vo..C                         +30
*_   ASTM Ref. Fuel ‘B‘ Dried 24 hrs. /1S8S°F
     Adhesion, lbs. /in. Peel                                                    7. 0                 4.0 rin.
     Low Temp. Briftlesess, 10 mins. /—67°F                                      Pass                ?‘Flexi
                                             11061 WALDEN ROAD, ALDE , NEW YORK 14004 + 716/684—2300

                       Aifaibar muahen runpiléfd . 576 eoure AVENMLIT,                           s

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:33
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:33

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