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This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-466
  • Executive Order 466 / D466
  • ARB # D-466
  • Executive Order No: D-466
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-466
  • Resolution D-466
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D-466 Document:


                                                                                                (Page 1 of 2)

                                              State of California
                                              AIR RESOURCES        BOARD

                                             EXECUTIVE ORDER D—466
                                  Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                              of the Vehicle Code

                                   UNLIMITED TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                — "THREE—WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER SERIES SA0O90"

          WHEREAS,     Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 3839%1,           and Title 13,     California    Code
          of Regulations (hereafter "CCR") Section 2222(n}, authorize the California
          Air Resources Board (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt new aftermarket
          catalytic converter from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

          WHEREAS, Unlimited Technologies International, Inc. (UTI) of 8632 Wilkinson
          Blvd, Charlotte, North Carolina 28214, has applied to the ARB for exemption
          from the prohibitions in Vehicle Code Sections 27156 and 38391 to market their
          aftermarket series SA090 three—way catalytic converter (TWC), with or without
          "ignitor" metal screen, for the following application, except for vehicles
          equipped with an on—board diagnostic II system:

          Type          Use          Series No.    Max.    Eng.   Size     Max.    Test Veh.   Wt.
          TWC           TWC          SAOYO         5.7L—(350 CID)          4,500    lbs.
          TWC           0C           SAOYO         5.7L    (350 CID})      4,500 lbs.

          wWHEREAS,    pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health
          and Safety Code Section 39515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Operations
          Division by Health and Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—45—9,
          the ARB finds that the above aftermarket catalytic converter complies with the
          California Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Title 13, California Code of
          Regulations, Section 2222(h).   Emission performance of the catalytic converter

          was based on durability bench—aging of the catalyst using AlliedSignal
          Environmental Catalyst (ASEC) bench—aging cycle ARL—102, accepted by the ARB
          for this application to be equivalent to 25,000 miles durability mileage
          accumulation using AMA driving cycle (Reference Appendix IV, Title 40, part
          86, Code of Federal Reqgulations (June 28, 1977)).

          Whereas, emissions tests conducted at Northern California Diagnostic
          Laboratories {NCDL), Napa, California, showed the following conversion
          efficiencies which meet the minimum requirements for new aftermarket catalytic

                                                  TWC Catalyst Application Test Results
          Pollution Component                     Without Ignitor          With Ignitor
          HC:     Min. Requirement                        70%                     70%
                 UTI‘s series SA0OYO                      87 .6     ‘             87 .7
          CO:     Min. Requirement                        70                      70
                 UTI‘s series SA0O90                      83.5                    83.9
          Nox: Min. Requirement                           60                      60
               UTI‘s series SAOYO                         83.1                    82.8

          IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the above catalytic converter is exempt from the
          prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on the approved
          application vehicles subject to the following conditions:

                  1.         No changes are permitted to the catalytic converter as described
                          in the application for exemption.  Any changes to the catalytic
                          converter or any of its components, and other factors addressed in
                          this order must be evaluated and approved by the ARB prior to
                          marketing in California.

;     "TWC SERIES SAO9YO"                                            (Page 2 of 2)

            2.    Marketing of the catalytic converter using identifications other
                  than those shown in the exemption application, and in this
                  Executive Order, or marketing of the catalytic converter for
                  application other than the ones shown in this Executive Order
                  shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the
                  ARB.  Exemption of this product shall not be construed as an
                  exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any components of
                  the catalytic converter as individual devices.

            3.    Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its
                  content by Unlimited Technologies International, Inc., its
                  principals, agents, employees, distributors, dealers, or other
                  representatives must include the disclaimer that the Executive
                  Order or the exemption it provides is not an endorsement or
                  approval of any emission reduction claims for the catalytic
                  converter and is only a finding that the catalytic converter is
                  exempt from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

            4.    Unlimited Technologies International, Inc. installation
                  instructions for the new catalytic converter must conform to
                  requirements in Paragraphs I and IX of California Evaluation
                  Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—Original Equipment Catalytic

            5.    Upon installation, the catalytic converter must carry a
                  manufacturer‘s warranty for 25,000 miles on the substrates and
                  50,000 miles or five years on the shell and end pipes.

            6.    Unlimited Technologies International,           Inc.   has elected to conduct
                   emission testing of one production catalytic converter, at a
                   minimum, for every 5,000 converters produced, in lieu of their
                   quality control procedures as required in Paragraph IX of
                 . California Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket Non—Original
                   Equipment Catalytic Converters.  Their production quantity data
                  must be submitted to the ARB on semi—annual basis on or before
                  February 15 for the first period, and on or before August 15 for
                  the second period.

      Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
      this order.  The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
      intention to revoke it, during which period the holder of the order may
      request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation.  If a hearing
      is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request, and
      the order may not be revoked until a determination is made,                after the hearing,
      that grounds for revocation exist.

      Executed at El Monte,   California,   this

                                               R.B.       Summerfield,   Chief
                                               Mobile Source Operations Division

                             PROHIBITIONS IN VEHICLE CODE SECTION 27156, AND TITLE 13,
                                   CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS SECTION 2222(h)

               I.            INTRODUCTION

                             Unlimited Technologies International,           Inc.   (UTI)   of 8632 Blvd,     Charlotte,

           North Carolina 28214, has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions in Vehicle

               Code Section 27156 for their new series SAO9O aftermarket three—way catalytic

               converter    (TWC)}   in accordance with California requlations on new aftermarket catalytic

               converters.     The ceramic monolith substrate of the new catalyst was manufactured and

               bench—aged by AlliedSignal Environmental Catalyst              (ASEC).       The new aftermarket

               catalyst is intended for the following vehicle application:

               Converter Type        Converter Use     PN/Series        Max. Eng.       Max. Veh.
                                                                        Size            Test Wt.
               TWC                   TWC               SAQ9O            5.7L            4,500 lbs.
               TWC                   OC                SA0%O            5.7L    .       4,500 lbs.

               The new catalytic converter may be sold with a metal screen called "ignitor" in front

               of the substrate.           UTI intends to market the new TWC as a replacement for catalytic

               converters on‘applicable vehicles whose manufacturers‘ warranty has expired and the

               need for replacement of the original equipment manufacturer                   (OEM)   catalytic converter

               has been esfablished and documented.             Excluded from the application are those vehicles

                              h an On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD—II)           system.

               II.           CcONCLUSION

                             The applicant has submitted all the required information, and based on the

               applicant‘s submitted exhaust emissions test data,              the staff concludes that the new

           aftermarket catalyst meets the criteria set forth in Vehicle Code Section 27156,                                and

               Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222(h)                 for the stated application.

               III.          RECOMMENDATION

                             Staff recommends that the exemption be granted as requested and that

               Executive Order No.         D—466 be issued,    permitting the advertisement,          sale,   and

               installation of the new aftermarket catalyst on applicable vehicles.

               IV.           DEVICE DESCRIPTION

           ”                 UTi‘s new aftermarket TWC is designed to use oval ceramic monolith

               substrate.     The substrate is coated with platinum and rhodium in 5:1 ratio.                       Each

               substrate measures 3.0 inches along the major axis,              6.0 inches along the minor axis,

               and 6.0 inches in length, and has a volume of 93 cubic inches.                    The active

               constituents of the washcoat are alumina,            ceria,   and barium.       The substrate is

                                           State of California
                                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                        PROHIBITIONS IN VEHICLE CODE SECTION 27156, AND TITLE 13,
                              CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS SECTION 2222(h)

                                               October 1998


                                    Mobile Source Operations Division
                                        Aftermarket Parts Section
                                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                                         El Monte, CA   91731—2990

          (This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources Board and
          approved for publication.  Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily
          reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources Board, nor does mention of trade
          names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.)


                        Unlimited Technologies International,     Inc.   (UTI)   of 8632 Wilkinson Blva,

           Charlotte,   North Carolina 28214,    has applied for an exemption of their new series

           SA090 aftermarket three—way catalytic converter (TWC) from the prohibitions in Vehicle

           Code Sections 27156,    in accordance with California reqgulations on new aftermarket

           catalytic converters.      The two test catalysts were aged using AlliedSignal

           Environmental Catalyst     (ASEC‘s)   bench—aging cycle, ARL—102.      Each converter can

           contains one substrate of ceramic monolith type.        The substrate is coated with

           platinum and rhodium in 5:1 ratio.        The new catalytic converter may be installed on

           TWC and OC vehicles powered by an engine of 5.7L or less, and having an equivalent

           test weight of 4,500 lbs.     or less,   except for those vehicles equipped with an On—Board

           Diagnostic II (OBD—II)})   system.    It may also be installed with a metal screen which UTI

           refers to as "ignitor"     located in front of the substrate.

                        Emissions data submitted by the applicant show that the catalytic converter

           meets the requiremefits of Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Title 13,           California Code of

           Regulations, Section 2222(h)     for the stated application.      Based on the above, the

           staff recommends that the exemption be granted as requested and that Executive Order

           D—466 be issued.


       SUMMARY                             i

       conTENTS                           1i







           contained in outer 316L 20 gauge stainless steel shell with Unifrax Corporation‘s NV

           type chemilucent material or intumescent mat, to prevent vibration and exhaust by—

           pass.      The electrically charged screen or "ignitor", which may be installed in front

           of the substrate,        is made of 14 gauge stainless steel.          The shell is sealed by seam

           weld,     and bushings are attached by arc welding.            The container has a volume of 170

           cubic inches.         Aluminized soft steel heat shield is spot—welded to the upper and

           bottom sides of the converter to protect vehicle underbody from excessive heat,                    and

           prevent materials on the ground from direct contact with the catalyst shell.                  The

           catalyst may be sold as a unit with installation instructions or may be used in

           cuétomized direct fit exhaust application.              It is also sold with a warranty for 25,000

           miles on the substrate,           and five years or 50,000 miles on the container or shell,          and

           the end pipes.

           v.                DEVICE EVALUATION

                             UTI submitted data from testing conducted by Northern California Diagnostic

           Laboratories (NCDL), Napa, California.              The test catalysts were aged by AlliedSignal

           Environmental Catalyst using their ARL—102 bench—aging cycle. The test catalysts were

           shipped directly to NCDL where the emissions teéts were conducted for three—way (TWC)

           application using a 1995 Dodge RAM 15000 5.9L at the equivalent test weight                  (ETW) of

           5,500 lbs.,        which were the certification parameters for the test vehicle selected by

           UTI.      However, the application limits for the new catalyst cannot exceed 5.7L/4,500

           l1bs.    since the catalyst was aged for that application.              UTI did not conduct testing on

           oxidation vehicle; however, the installation of the new catalyst on oxidation is

           permissible under Paragraph I of California Evaluation Procedures for New Aftermarket

           Non—Original Equipment Catalytic Converters,                for the same application limits as the

           TWC.       Duplicate test set were conducted on the catalyst.             The first test was conducted

           without the "ignitor"            incorporated,   and the second test was conducted with the

           "ignitor" incorporated.             The test catalysts were labeled as #3 and #4.        Testing

           consisted of two cold—start CVS—75 with a simulator                ("dummy" catalyst),   followed by

           two cold—start CVS—75 for each of the test catalysts.                  The test results for the

           catalyst are shown below:

                                                        NCDL, Napa, California

                                                        TWC — Without Iqgnitor

                               Ssimulator     Cat #3          Cat #4             Conv. Eff.
                               Average        Average         Average            Average
           HC      (g/mi)        1.853         0.241           0.217             87.6%
           cCO     (g/mi)       21. 342        3.651           3. 361            83.5%
           NOx     (g/mi})       6.983         1.223           1.137             83.1%


                                    TWC — With Ignitor

uC (g/mi)       1.853       0.224         0.227          87.7%
co (g/mi)      21.342       3.343         3.527          83.9%
Nox (g/mi)      6.983       1.225         1.171          82.8%

The above test results show that series SAO9YO meet the minimum requirements of the

California reqgulations on new aftermarket catalytic converters.   The results also show

that the "ignitor" has no effect on the performance of the catalyst.    Due to time

constraints,   the ARB did not conduct confirmatory tests on the catalyst.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:37
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:37

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