Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on March 19, 2002.
As of Thursday, February 6th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification
562045002001-2002 General Motors G2500/3500 Express vansFuel fill opening is moved rearward past the rear tire well.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-539
  • Executive Order 539 / D539
  • ARB # D-539
  • Executive Order No: D-539
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-539
  • Resolution D-539
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Download: Executive Order D-539 PDF

D-539 Document:


                                           State of California
                                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                       EXECUTIVE ORDER D—539

                                      Relating to Exemptions under
                                   Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

                                       Home & Park Motorhomes
                                         Fuel Fill Pipe Assembly

       Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board (ARB) by Section 27156 of
       the Vehicle Code; and

       Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and 39516 of the
       Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

       IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That installation of the fuel fill pipe assembly, part
       number 56204500, manufactured by Home & Park Motorhomes of 100 Shirley Avenue,
       Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2B—2E1, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
       the applicable vehicle pollution control system, and therefore, the fuel fill pipe assembly
       is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for use on 2001
       and 2002 model—year General Motors Corporation G2500/3500 Express vans.

       This exemption is based on the On—Board Diagnostic II System testing conducted by

       Home & Park Motorhomes with the fuel fill pipe assembly and on the engineering
       evaluation of its impact on vehicle emissions.

       This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for the fuel fill pipe
       assembly do not recommend tuning the vehicles to specifications different from those of
       the vehicle manufacturer.

       Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the fuel fill pipe assembly, as
       exempt by the ARB, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution
       control system, shall invalidate this Executive Order.

       Marketing of the fuel fill pipe assembly using identification other than that shown in this
       Executive Order or for an application other than that listed in this Executive Order shall
       be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the ARB.

       Exemption of the fuel fill pipe assembly shall not be construed as an exemption to sell,
       offer for sale, or advertise any component of the assembly as individual devices.

       This Executive Order shall not apply to any fuel fill pipe assembly advertised, offered for
       sale, sold with, or installed on a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
       ultimate purchaser.

       This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the fuel
       fill pipe assembly may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board," may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written

In addition to the foregoing, the ARB reserves the right in the future to review this
Executive Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on
or modified part continues to meet the standards and procedures of California Code of
Regulations, Title 13, Section 2222, et seq.


Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this Executive
Order.. The Executive Order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of
intention to revoke the Executive Order, in which period the holder of the Executive
Order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a hearing
is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request, and the Executive
Order may not be revoked until a determination is made after a hearing that grounds for
revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this     [2 1#   day of March 2002.

                                         Alle?éyons, Chief
                                         New Vehicle/Engine Programs Branch


                                EVALUATION SUMMARY

Manufacturer Name: Home & Park Motorhomes

Name of Device: Fuel Fill Pipe Assembly, Part Number 56204500

       Home & Park Motorhomes (HPM) of 100 Shirley Avenue, Kitchener, Ontario,
Canada N2B—2E1 has applied for an exemption from the prohibitions in section 27156 of
the California Vehicle Code (VC) for its fuel tank fill pipe assembly. The vehicle
application includes 2001 and 2002 model—year General Motors Corporation (GM)
G2500/3500 Express vans. The vehicles in this application are subject to the enhanced
evaporative emission standards and the On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD I1) System
requirements. These vehicles are not subject to the on—board refueling vapor recovery
emission standard.

   _— Grant exemption to Home & Park Motorhomes as requested and issue Executive
Order D—539.                      |

Device Description:
       HPM converts the Express vans to make them suitable for motorhome use. The
conversion includes lowering the van floor approximately two inches and installing
auxiliary equipment such as a water heater and a propane stove. These conversions
require removal and re—installation of the stock fuel tank one inch below the original
location. All original GM parts are re—used in this modification, and no additional
alteration is made to the original components. By equipping the vans with an auxiliary
heater and/or a stove, HPM needs to move the fuel fill opening in order to meet safety
standards with regards to minimum distance between an open flame and flammable
liquids. To comply, the fuel fill opening is moved rearward approximately six feet from
its original location, post the rear tire well. HPM‘s fuel fill pipe assembly provides the
extension between the fuel fill neck and the fuel tank. The assembly consists of two
HPM components—a 2—inch diameter aluminized steel tube and a fuel transfer hose
(meets SAE J30R10 specifications) placed inside the steel tube. The steel tube acts as
the vent tube between the fuel neck and the tank. In the instailation, four original GM
parts are re—used—the fuel fill neck (and gas cap), the plastic fuel transfer tube with a
back flow prevention valve, and two 2—inch diameter connecting hoses. HPM‘s
assembly is installed between the original fill neck and the fuel transfer tube using the
connecting hoses. No other modifications to the stock emission control systems are

Discussion/Basis for the Recommendation:
          This exemption is based on engineering evaluation of the emission impact of the
fuel fill pipe assembly on vehicle evaporative emissions. Installation of the assembly
does not require any modification to the stock fuel and evaporative systems, including
the emission carbon canister, canister purge system, and the fuel and vapor lines from
the fuel tank to the engine and emission canister. The extension fuel transfer hose,
which meets low vapor permeation standard, placed inside the steel tube is not
expected to have any adverse impact on vehicle evaporative emissions. The lowering
of the fuel tank is also not expected to have any negative impact on emissions.

                The fill pipe is part of the vehicle‘s evaporative system monitored by the OBD 11
         system. To show that HPM‘s assembly does not affect the operation of the vehicle‘s
         OBD II system, HPM tested a 2001 model—year 5.7 liter Express van (engine family
         1GMXA06.0188; evaporative family 1GMXEO111909; testing was conducted by
         Transfer Flow, Inc.). The van was tested with a 0.030—inch diameter leak in its
         evaporative system to ensure that the leak is detected by the OBD !I system. The leak
         was placed in two locations—the vehicle‘s fill pipe and the purge line between the purge
         solenoid and the emission canister. The tests showed that the vehicle‘s OBD II system
         is able to detect a 0.030—inch diameter leak (fault code PO442 for a small leak) in the fill
         pipe as well as in the purge line. HPM submitted the following results:

                         .          _           2 Fails (POA442).   1 Fail (PO442)
                 0.030            25—35         1 Fail (PO440)*     4 Aborts*                   ~

                         »          _
                                                21 Fails (PO442)
                                                   Fail (PO440})®
                                                                    22 Aborts*
                                                                       Fails (PO442)           atr   Bm
                                                                                       Pass (Fill Pipe)

                 0.030"           74—77         2 Fails (POA442)    2 Fails (PO442)            ——

                No Leak            48                   ——                  ——         Pass

              * No explanation was provided for the gross leak trouble code, aborted tests, or the false pass.

         Results showed that the vehicle‘s diagnostic system was able to detect the small leak in
         the vehicle‘s fill pipe and in the purge line when the fuel level is between 25 and 77
         percent capacity. At the lower fuel levels (25—48 percent), there were several aborted
         leak tests. A review of GM‘s certification records showed that thetest vehicle was not
         certified with a 0.030—inch leak detection capability. It was certified with a 0.040—inch
         leak detection capability. The aborted tests may be attributed to the very low fuel levels
         and the fact that the vehicle‘s OBD !I system was certified to detect a larger size leak.
         The results are consistent with the leak test enable conditions specified by GM. No
         other trouble codes were set during testing. It is concluded that the fuel fill pipe
         assembly does not diminish the effectiveness of the vehicle‘s OBD I! system. The 2002
         model—year Express vans are identical to the 2001 models, and similar results are
         expected when the assembly is used on the 2002 models.
                 Based on the above, the staff concludes that HPM‘s fuel fill pipe assembly meets
         the requirements for a VC 27156 exemption for the 2001 and 2002 model—ygar GM
         G2500/3500 Express vans.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:43
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:43

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