Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on July 30, 1975.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975 and older vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-55
  • Executive Order 55 / D55
  • ARB # D-55
  • Executive Order No: D-55
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-55
  • Resolution D-55
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-55 PDF

D-55 Document:


                          State of California
                          AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         ~EXECUTIVE ORDER D—55
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                          of the Vehicle Code

                       DEALER TOOL SYSTEMS, INC.
                      "SCOTSMAN FUEL ENERGIZER®"
Pursiant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the unders1gned by Section 39023
of the Health and Safety Code;

IT TS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the "Scotsman Fuel
Energizer" manufactured by Deater Tool Systems, Inc., 4825 North Scott
Street, Schiller Park, Illinois 60176 has been found not to reduce the
effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices and,
therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle
Code for 1975 and older model! year vehicles.

This tevice consists of a formed screen mounted under the carburetor. In
the center of the screen, a brass plated steel grommet is installed with
its center completely open. The grommet size is 0.388 inch I.D. and 0.558
inch D.D.              —

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those lTisted by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
of the vehicle‘s pollution control devices shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied
by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advert1s1ng or other
oral or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising and Section 17534 makes v101at1on punishable
as a misdemeanor.

‘Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as fo11qu:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that deyvice has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."                                          '

   . "39184.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle poliution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this      §Q7£Lday of July, 1975.

                                           WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                           Executive Officer

                              State of California

                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                 July   10,‘1975

                                 Staff Report

                  Evaluation of Dealer Tool System, Inc.
                  "Scotsman Fuel Energizer" Intake Manifold
                 Screen for Exemption from the Provisions of
                     Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code


      Dealer Tool System, Inc. 4825 North Scott Street, Schiller Park,

      Illincis 60176, has applied (application and amendment — Exhibit A)

      for an exemption for their "Scotsman Fuel Energizer" intake manifold

      screen gasket Models 100, 110, 120, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260,

      400, 410, 420, 430 and 440.       Dealer Tool Systems, Inc. intends to

      market this device for use with 1975 and older model—year vehicles both

      foreign and domestic.

II.   Device Description and Function

      The "Scotsman Fuel Energizer" is an intake manifold screen constructed

      by sandwiching a stainless steel, formed screen (24 mesh size) between.

      two automotive intake manifold gaskets.       For extra thick OEM gaskets a

      _spacer gasket is also supplied.      In the center of the screen, a brass

      plated steel grommet is installed with its center completely open {no

      screen).   This grommet anrd screen is present in a single barrel gasket,

      both sides of a 2 barrel gasket, and only in the primaries of a 4 barrel

      gasket.    The manufacturer states that the primary use of the device is

      to improve fuel economy.

Evaluation of Dealer Tool Systems, Inc. "Scotsman Fuel                  .
Energizer" Intake Manifold Screen for Exemption from                 goee d
the Provisions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code                 ‘Jufly 10, 1975

    ‘According to the manufacturer, at high flow rates the :screen scts as

     a restriction to flow and the grommet hole then acts to provitde an
     alternate, low restriction, flow path.. In addition, <the ftow math

     through the grommet hole is claimed to create a vortex whitch ‘hetps

     prevent the gasoline droplets from impinging. on the intake mantFold

     walls.   The presence of this grommet distinguishés the "Scctsman

     Fuel Energizer" from other intake manifold screen devices.

I1I. Device Evaluation

     This dev.'ice is in its fourth design configuration.   The "four cconfigura—

     tions are briefly described below:

         1)   The first form contained installation instructtons ‘that

              included advancing the initial timing and possitbly «adjustiimg

              the idle mixture richer than the vehicle manufactirer‘s        V

              specifications.    This application was denied.

         2) The second form was the same hardware as above. (The
              installation instructions werev revised to show —engtne settings

              according to manufacturers specifications. This aapp]iiz:a:tfii-m

              was denied due to an increase in carbon monoxtde.

         3)   The third form was a re—design of the grommet :to reduce the

              blockage area.    This application was also denied due +o an

              increase in carbon monoxide.

    Evaluation of Dealer Tool Systems, Inc. "Scotsman Fuz!
    Energizer" Intake Manifold Screen for Exemption from *                        —     .        '
©   the Provisions of Section 27156 of the Vehicie code                           July 10, 1975

             4)   The fourth form was to further reduce the grommet blockage —

                    area.   The grommet size was 0.388 ‘in. L.D. and 0.558 in. 0.D.

         Detailed descm’ptions of the first three configurations are in the ARB

         staff report dated March 6, 1975.                           —
                    Device Evaluation of Fourth Configuration
         The manufacturer presented data on a '1‘9_14 TChevrolet Nova, 350 CID

         engine, two barrel carburetor and automatic tfirmnfiésfizon with the

         49 state emission control system.            The tests mere CYS—1975 Cold start

         tests with results as follows:

                                   _Emissions {gm/m+)              Calculated Fuel
         Test Condition            BC        C0       NOx          Economy in MPG
.        Baseline                   1.89 18.65 134                         12.4
         With device                1.91    17.12      137                 12.5

         Percent change             1.06 —8.20 135                         D.81

         The manufacturer also presented data on m 1974 AMC Hornet, 232 CID engine,

         single barrel carburetor and automatic transmission with the 49 state

         emission control system.        The tests were CVS—1974 hot start tests .with

         results as follows :

                                    Emissions (gm/mi)             CTalculated Fuel           —
         Test Condition.            HC        CO       NOx         Economy (MPG)
         Baseline                   1.80     32.17 2383                  17.0

         With device                1.27     14.06 2.:93                 16.9
         Percent change          '-29.44    —~56.29    353               —0.59

Wbeiinneti )HEHBLLL ieACertiolliteananscnameneno. .                                                         mmemmmmmomemeummemg

         *            —

              Evaluation of Dealer Tool Systems, Inc. "Scotsman Fuel
              Energizer" Intake Manifold Screen for Exemption from
'             the Provisions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code                                            July 10, 1975

                          An ARB confirmatory ;gsfxwas made.                The vehicle tested was a California

                          approved version 1975 AMC Hornet,, 232 CID engine, single barrel éarburetor

                          and automatic transmission.              The tests were CVS—1974 hot start tests.

                          The results of the emission tests are as follows:

                                                          Emissions (gms/mi)                     Calculated Fuel
                          Test Condition                  HC      ul      NOx              _     Economy in MPG
                          Baseline                         2.09     40.5 \ 1.03                      12.7        '
                          Device Test                      2.310   u42.8° 1.00                       13.0
                          Percent Change                  10.5 0     og.9     —2290   0_             2.4

                          An>apparant installation problem was experienced upon installing the

                          device on the vehicle.              It was discovered that the spacing between

                          the carburetor and the intake manifold had increased.                        The replacement

                          gasket with its incorporated screen was assembled with tfie original
                          0.E.M. gasket contrary to the installation instructions.                          An increase

                          in the idle RPM resulted and could not be corrected due to a change

                          in throttle linkage geometryvthereby increasing the throttle opéning.

                          It is also suspected that vacuum leaks may have occurred in the vacuum                           _

                          lTines.     This throttle link is not adjustable.                    Before the idie RPM could

                          be re—set to the vehicle manufacturers specification, an extension to

                          fhe linkage had to be improvi;ed.                 Due to these problems the ARB data

                          was considered invalid and the device was retested.

Evaluation of Dealer Tool Systems, Inc. "Scotsman Fuel
Energizer" Intake Manifold Screen for Exemption from
the Provisions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code                 Jduly 10, 1975

      The second test was made and the results were as Tollows:

                             —Emissions {gn/mi)               Calculated Fuel
      Test Condition          HC      CO     NOx              Economy in MPG

      BaseTine .              1.93          29.1   1.M4   .           14.2
      Device Test             1.82      26.800     1.21               14.0
      Percent Change         —5.7       —~7.9 _    6.3          .     —1.4

      This data is considered typical of carbursetor sscreen dlevices.

IV.   Conclusion and Recommendations

      It is the opinion of the staff that the "Scotsman Fue] Energizer"

      manufactured by Dealer Too'l. Systems, Inc., hn ‘its Fourth design form,

      has no significant effect on exhaust emisston wcontrol systems or fuel

      economy with California version vehicles.

      Therefore, it is recommended that Dealer Tool Systems, Inc. be granted

      an exemption from the prohibitions of Vehicte Tode Section 27156 for

      its "Scotsman Fuel Energizer" device for use on 19735 and older model—

      year vehicles.


                                                              suourneneeinenit hnCl us

                                                                  Exhibit A

      4825 NORTH SCOTT STREET   SCHILLERPARK, ILLINOISAO176     (312) 67 —0200

April 21, 1975

Chief—Division of Emission Control
State of California
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, California      91731


I want to amend my application of March 25th by providimg the
additional data requested by Mr. %. J. Kenfdy in his letter of
April 3, 1975.
1.    All production units of Model 100 will have the air bleed
      passage between the intake manifold and the carburetor
     .~throttle body assembly to accommodate single barrel
       Chrysler vehicles.  This was alluded to in the penultimate
      paragraph of our application,.

2.    ©On April 17, 1975 Olson Laboratories, Inc. performed a
      CVS 1974 Hot Start (Baseline and Device) on an AMC 232 C.D.
      without air pump.  The results are enclosed.

3.    The adhesives and gaskets used in the assenbly of the
      Scotsman are developed for use with gasolime.

4.    In all production models of the Scotsman Fuel Energizer
      the stainless steel mesh will be electrically ronnected
      to the bolt hole eyelet which in turn will be in contact
      to both the carburetor base and the intake manifold.

I hope this information enables you to proceed with your evalua—~
tion of our application.                                                  y


Robert P.    Cameron



                                                                 Exh1b1t A

 4825 NORTH SCOTT STREET   SCHILLERPARK, ILLINO!IS 60176       (312) 671—0200

March 25, 1975

Chief — Div. of Emission Controll |
State of California
9528 Telstar Avenue
ElMonte, California


We manufacture a device known as the Scotsman Fuel Energizer
U. S. Patent Office #45777004.

The Scotsman is an asbestos gasket that has a stainless steel .
mesh cup with a brass eyelet inmsert. The purpose of the
Scotsman is to provide better fuel economy by maximizing the
combustion and thereby getting the most energy from each drop
of fuel.

The Scotsman is installed by raizsing the carburetor and re—
placing the carburetor base gasket with the Energizer.                (Instal—
lation instructions are enclosed.)

Components:  We use a high grade stainless steel in the mesh
and have inspected vehicles with as much as 65, 000 miles with—
out any evidence of corrosion.

All production models of the Scotsman Fuel Energizer w1ll/be
grounded by a capacitor from the staminless steel mesh to the
underside of the gasket.    This will ground the mesh to the
manifold.                           j                      .

Some 2V models will have an extra yasket with a third bolt hole.
This is to accommodate the PCV in sume models of Chevrolet..

All production units of the Scotsman Fnel Energizer will have
a protruding tag bearing the words "Scotsman" on one side and
"Do Not Remove" on the other side.      The tag will be located
at the left front for the convenience of State inspection

                                                                   Exhibit A

        Chief — Div. of Emission Control
        State of California
        March 25,    1975
        Page Two

        In order to comply with California standards we have reduced
        the amount of brass restriction surroundinmg the center port
        by still another one/third from our previous design.

        Enclosed are a complete battery of E.P..A. Dynamometer Schedules
        from Olson Laboratories,    Inc.   These ‘tnclude the 1975 cold
        start and other tests.

        We are also enclosing prototypes :of our mew models 100.
        {production models of model 100 will have mperture to corres—
        pond with the Chrysler single barrel gasket), 200, and 400
        with the still smaller brass restriction sp that you can see
        the improvement.

        We request a Board Certification under the provisions of
        Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for m1l carburetor equipped
        motor vehicles both foreign and domestic up to and including
        1975 models.

       ctfully submitted,

        Robert P. Cameron

        Enclosure:     Installation instructizons
                      Olson Report
                      Design News
                      Prototypes of Models 100., 200, 400


                                                                                                        Exhibit A

    1.   Check manifold vacuum at idle before removmg the carburetor. nunment the same RPM after
         atomizer installation.

    2.   Disconnect the throttle linkage, fuel ling, and vacuum lines at the—carhuretor as necessary.

    3.    Remove the carburetor hold—down cap screws or nuts.
    4.    Remove the carburetor and discard the carburetor mounting gasket:

         NOTE:      Rochester 4 barre! carburetors sometimes use a steel”heatr}e‘flncmrsfiim; clean and
                    re—install this shim below the Fuel Energizer.

         NOTE:      On Ford Motor Company products the Fuel Energizer‘is imstaliet over the spacer
                    plate directly under the carburetor.                      —
    5.    Inspect the manifold/carburetor mounting surface to be sure thatitisxttean.

    6.   Place the gas atomizer in position over the manifold with "FrontsUp‘"fating toward the front of the
    7.     On vehicles using a %" or thicker stock carburetor mounting:gasleet ptace the supplementary gasket
.        — provided directly over the Fuel Energizer.

    8.    Re—install the carburetor and tighten the cap screws or nuts evenly‘foltowing©E.M. recommendations.

    1.   Check to see that all vacuum hoses are in their original position.

    2.   Start engine and check manifold vacuum. The vacuum should be—equal or slightly greater than the read-
         ing taken prior to mstailatlon of the gas atomizer.

    3.   Occasionally carburetor idle jets are set excessively lean. The FuelEnergizer will not function property
         when this occurs and engine roughness, hydrocarbon pollution, and/or idie speed fluctuation will be
         excessive. Check first for a vacuum feak. If a vacuum leak is found, re—tighten the carburetor hold—down
         cap screws or nuts while watching a vacuum gauge to obtain a maximum—reading. Engine smoothness
         should improve immediately and hydrocarbon pollutants should decrease. Idle fets should be set to
         give carbon monoxide levels in agreement with the automobile manufacturer‘s recommendations.

    4.    While the Fuel Energizer will increase gas mileage and generally improve performance, maximum
         efficiency can only be realized by keeping your engine in good running condition and maintaining
         proper tire inflation. Tune—up periods should not exceed 10,000—miles and tires should be checked
         regularly for proper inflation.

    5.   Best mileage will be obtained from your engine when the ignitton timing is not retarded from the
         recommended factory setting.

DEARLER TOOL SY/TEM/.INCG.                                                 -                         Exhibit A


      Check manifold .vacuum at idle before removing the carburetor. Compare t the same RPM after
      atomizer installation.

      Disconnect throttle linkage, fuel line, and vacuum lines ét the carburetor:asmecessary.

      Remove the carburetor hold—down cap scerews or nuts.

      Remove the carburetor and discard the carburetor mounting gasket.

      Inspect the manifold and carburetor base to be sure that they are clean.

      Place the Fuel Energizer in position over the manifold noting top position.

      On those units which use an insulator between the manifold and carbusetoriusetthe} rnsulator provided
      with the kit installing it over the Fuel Energizer.                                           .

      Re—instail the carburetor and tighten cap screws/or nuts following OE,‘.M.'Eecmmndafims.

      Check to see that all vacuum hoses are in their original position.

      Start engine and check manifold vacuum. The vacuum should besequal ~r slightly greater than the
      reading taken prior to installation of the Fuel Energizer.

      Occasionally carburetor idle jets are set excessively lean,. The Fuel Energizer—will not function properly
      when this occurs and engine roughness, hydrocarbon pollution, and/or idle speed fluctuation will be
      excessive. Check first for a vacuum leak. If a vacuum leak is found, re—tighten:the xarburetor hold—down
      cap screws or nuts while watching a vacuum gauge to obtain a maximum readiing. Engine smoothness
      shoutd improve immediately and hydrocarbon pollutants should decrease. Idle fets should be set to give
      carbon monoxide levels in agreement with the automobile manufacturer‘s—recommmendations.

      While the Fuel Energizer will increase gas mileage and generally improve performance, maximum
      efficiency can only be realized by keeping your engine in good running:condition and maintaining
      proper tire inflation. Tune—up periods should not exceed 10,000 miles :and :tires should be checked
      regularly for proper inflation.

      Best mileage will be obtained from your engine when the ignition:timing is not retarded from the
      recommended factory setting.

UesigniNews s19/%4                                                                                                         Exhibit A

‘;)esign IDEAS                                                                                                    MECHANICAL

  Wire gasoline atomizer cuts
  auto fuel consumption
  Increases hp while decreasingexhaust pollutants

  J. Ronald Ullmann, Midwest Editor

  Background: Until recently, gaso—
  line consumption has been of
  relatively little importance to‘ the
   American public. But with concern
  over air cleanliness, more and more
  pollution control devices have been
  placed on autos, resulting in both                 ye~~ ~ N        intake
  horsepower output per— cu inch                     S__ _ =        mameeco
  displacement as well as mileage                    useW"C
  reductions. With the:current gaso—
  line shortages, the public has been                \\ L*
                                                       =— ~
  urged to buy only small cars and the                      — >|

  national speed limit has been          suTreRfLy         i
                                           VALVE \\        ::
  lowered to 55 mph to help conserve
  fuel.                                          E 7N     _A
                                                        ~f—2          wihe sergen
  Problem: Most wire screen—type                                                     Since wire screens become opaque to
  atomizers cause an eight—cylinder                                                  gasoline flow at high running speeds,
  engine to choke out at about 50 mph                                                grommet allows gasoline to flow to engine
 ‘ and six—cylinder engines to choke                                                 at‘these higher speeds. Wire mesh serves
                                                                                     ‘to break up gasoline into droplets at low
   out at about 70 ‘mph because the
                                                                                     speeds and grommet sets up vortex to
   gasoline cannot pass through the                                                  break up yasoline at high speeds.
   screen at those speeds. Automobiles
  equipped with atomizers must be
  able to go at least 55 mph.            The wire screen mesh sets up—a.vortex in
  Solution: Compression Dynamics         the carburetor, breaking up gasoline—into
  Inc., in Skokie, IL has developed a    tiny droplets. As side benefit, both
                                         horsepower and engine vacuum wre
  wire screen—type gasoline atomizer
                                         increased when device is instalted.
  made from 24 by 24 strand stainless
  steel mesh with a brass grommet
  insert to solve both the problems of   a 22% increase in horsepower . at 48
  complete atomization of the gaso—      mph, an increase in vacuum of47%,
  line and the problem of chokeout at    a hydrocarbon decrease of 400%
  high speeds. The device is located     and a carbon monoxide decrease of
  between the carburetor and the         about 55%. And the data were
  intake manifold. At low speeds the     gathered from a 1974 car with—all its
  wire mesh breaks the gasoline into     pollution devices intact for the:tests.
  droplets that can be burned more         Mileage for this car increased
  efficiently by the engine. At high     about 30%for city driving and:from
  speeds the grommet acts to create a    35% at 50 mph to 15% at 60 mph
. vortex so that the gasoline can pass   under expressway conditions. But
 — through the now opaque screen and     since this device is made for—saving
  still be in droplet form for more      gas when the car is in a cruising—or
  complete combustion.                   idling mode, it won‘t save you much         Patented device is located between intake ,
     Test data on the same car showed    if you have a "lead foot".                  manifold and carburetor.

           *                                                    >                   Exhibit A.
                             SPARTAN II MODEL NUMEERS FOR
                             AMERICAN PASSENGER .AUTOMOETLES
                                    1. BARREL CARBURETOR
”              $ MARKET                                  —
     forn #    PENETRATION   VEHICLE MAKE                YEAR/C.I.D,.
     100          5%         AMERICAN MOPORS 6 InuIns® 64—74 232, 258 C.I.D.
 >                           BUICK 6 & v6              64—74 ALL
                             CHEVROLET 4 INLINE —        €3—70 ALL single Carburetor
                             CHEVROLET 6 INLINE            €3—74 ALL Inline Engines
                             CHRYSLER PRODUCTS:
                             (Dodge, Plymouth)           £2—74 ALL
                                             ©           €3—64 ALL              a
                             FORD PRODUCTS:                                 .
                             (Ford, Mercury)             €8—72 240 C.I.D.
                             OLDSMOBILE 6 INLINE % v6 b4—74 apL
                             PONTIAC 6 INELINE        B4—74 ATL
     110          L          FORD PRODUCES:                          .
                             (Ford, Mercury)             TO—74 170, 200, 250 C.I.D.
                  1%         CHEVROLET 4 INLINE          L—74 Vega
                                    2 BARREL CAREUREEO

                 2224        BUICK 6 & v6                 70—71 ALL
                    .        BUICK v8                     7O—74 ALL
                             CHEVROLET v8                  69—74 327 C.I.D. Biscayme,
                                       '                             Bellaire, Impala(Large
                                                 .                   Base), 350, 396, 400 C.I.D.
                             OLDSMCBILE vé                 €1—64 Except FO5, 388
                                                           €65—74 ALL
                             PONTIAC v8 >                  60—62 Except Tempest
                                            —                63—74 Except 307 C.IL.D.

     210         1223%       AMERICAN Mozors vB            €B—74 ALG
                             CHRYSLER PRODUCTS:
                             (Chrysler, Dodge, Etymnuth) 70O—71 340, k40 (Holley)
                             FORD PRODUCES: v8
                             (Ford, Lincoln, Mercury) 62-7’4- ALL
     220          5%         AMERICAN MOTORS 6 TNLINE 65—70 196, 232 C.I.D.
                             BULCK 6 & v6é            62—69 ALL
                             BUICK v8                 65—69 ALL
                             CHEVROLET 4 INLINE              T1—74 Vega (Rochester)
                             CHEVROLET v8                  55—60 ALL
                                        >                    69—74 307, 327 Camero, Chevelle,
                                                                 Nova (Small Base)
                             PONTTAC v8                    TL—74 307 C.I.D.

     230          5%         CHRYSLER PROUCTS:
                             (Chrysler, Bodge,ElmDEbh 59—74 360, 361, 383, 400
                                                                    C.I.D. (La.rge Base)
.eb,o             5%         CHRYSLER PRODUCTSE:
                             (Dodge, Plymouth)             60—74 273, 318 C.I.D.
                                                     \           (Small Base)

r#                                                                                            Exhibit A

                                       2 BABREL CARBURETOR (Con‘t)
 250                          FORD PRODUCTS: 4 INLIN®                   —       .
                              (Ford, Mercury)                 to   Ti—73 122 C.I.D.

 260                          CHEVROLET 4 INLINE         T73—74 Yega CF (Holley)
                              FORD PRODUCTS: 4 INLINE v6
                              (Ford, Mercury)            72—74 MQ, 459, T71 C.I.D.
                                       1 BARREL CARBURETOR                  .
[‘ 400                        BUICK                                68—74 sn
                              CADILLAC        ,                    70—74 AIL
                              CHEVROLET                            65—74 Rochester, Carter

                              OLDSMOBILE                  .        66—7Th Qquadrejet
                              PONEIAC                              67—74 QueArajet
  k10                         AMERICAN Motors                      67—7h :KoL
                              CHEVROLET                            69—72 Holizy
                              CHRYSLER PRODUCTS
                              (Chrysler, Dodge Plymouth) 67—t2 Holley,, Certer (Not T/Q)
                              FORD PRODUCTS
                              (Ford, Lincoln, Mercury)             57—74 Except Epread Bore
  420                         CHRYSLER PRQDUCTS
                             (Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth) 71—74 Certer (T/g)

  430                         BUILCK                               57—65 Except PlZ, 300 C.I.D.
                                                      .            66—67 340, kn. c.I.Dp.    .
                              CADILLAC                             57—66 AIL Single Carburetor
                              CHRYSLER PRODUCTS
                              (Chrysler, Dodge,Plymouth) 64—66 ALL Single Carburetor
                                                                   67—71 426 CI3p.
                              OLDSMOBILE                           61—63 Except 385
                                                                   64—65 TL
                              PONTIAC                              63—67 NOT Quairajet
 ‘ io                         BULCK               .                66—67 00 High Performance
                                —                                           425, 430 C.I.D.
                              CADILLAC                             67—69 KLL

   All prices F.0.B. Skokie, Illinois.
   Prices effective as of June 6, 1974.

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:02
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:02

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