Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 13, 1975.
As of Saturday, February 15th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1975 and older, EXCEPT : (1) Chrysler 6 and 8 cylinder (2) GM electronic ignition (3) Vehicles with dual point distributor (4) 1966-1970 vehicles with NOx retrofit device

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-57
  • Executive Order 57 / D57
  • ARB # D-57
  • Executive Order No: D-57
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-57
  • Resolution D-57
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-57 PDF

D-57 Document:


                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                           EXECUTIVE ORDER D—57                 ‘
                Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                        ’   of the Vehicle Code

                               PER—LUX, INC.
                     PER—LUX "IGNITOR" IGNITION SYSTEM

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Per—Lux Ignitor
Ignition System manufactured by Per—Lux, Inc. 804 East Edna Place, Covina,
CA 91723 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required motor
vehicle pollution control devices and therefore, is exempt from the pro—
hibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1975 and older model year
vehicles except as follows:         .

    ~1)      Those vehicles equipped with Chrysler Corporation 6 or 8
            cylinder engines.

     2)      Those vehicles originally equipped with GM breakerless ignition
            systems or dual point ignition systems where one of the points
            is used to retard timing. for emission control.

     3)     Those 1966 through 1970 vehicles equipped with "NOx retrofit
            devices" with a 4° retard in basic ignition timing (i.e.,
            Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer, Pure Power — Electro—NOx).
             This exception does not apply to General Motors or American
             Motors 8 cylinder engines.

This device replaces the breaker points and consists of a number of permanent
magnets (one for each cylinder) embedded in the distributor rotor. As the
rotor turns, the magnets trigger an electronic chip {Hall Cell) which opens
and closes the primary circuit to the coil.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions. for
this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to—specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer and the packaging
container is clearly labeled to indicate specific vehicle applications for
the unit.                                -

PER—LUX, INC.                                                EXECUTIVE ORDER D—57

 Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
 exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
 formance of the vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
 this Executive Order.

 Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
 in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
 other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
 prior:approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

 This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
 that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
 implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


 No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
 with respect to the action taken herein. in any advertising or other oral
 or written communication.

 Sect1on 17500 of the Bus1ness and Professions Code‘makes unlawful, untrue
 or misleading advert1s1ng, and Section 17534 makes violation pun1shab1e as
 a misdemeanor.

 Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

      "39130. No.person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
      or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
      device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
      device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
      person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a certified device. Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."

      "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
      tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
      device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
      device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
      accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
      tise, or represent any motor vehicle poliution control device as an
      accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
      violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

 Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
 submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

 Executed at Sacramento, California, this   43?32{ day of August, 1975.

                                       WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                       Executive Officer

                             State of California

                             AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                August, 1975

                                Staff Report

               Evaluation of Per—Lux "Ignitor" Ignition System °
                for Exemption from the Provisions of Section
                          27156 of the Vehicle Code


      The Per—Lux Corporation has applied for an exemption to the prohibitions

      of Section 27156 of the Motor Vehicle Code for the "Per—Lux Ignitor"

      breakerless ignition system.   This section proh%bits the installafion

      of any device which reduces the effectivenesé of motor vehicle emission

      control systems unless found by the Air Resources Board to not adversely

      affect emissions.   The applicant intends to sell the product as an

      aftermarket part for 1975 and older model—year vehicles.

II.   DevicevDescription and Function

      This device replaces the breaker points and consists of a number of

      permanent magnets (one for each cylinder) embedded in the distributor

      rotor.   As the rotor turns, the magnets trigger an electronic chip

      (Hall Cell) which opens and closes the primary circuit to the coil.

      A more detailed description of the device is contained in Appendix A.

Perskux "Ignitor" Ignition System                              August, 1975                   %
I11. Device Evaluation                                                                        ff
    The device was evaluated on the basis of bench tests made at the Air

                                                                                 mhuy s nc emin mempen
     Resources Board Laboratory (as detailed in the SAE ignition system

     measurement procedure J973a) using a Sun Model 504 fignition analyzer

     equipped with secondary voltage accessories and primary voltage supply.

     Timing and spark advance were determined with the aid of a Sun Model

     918 ignition scope and timing light.   Secondary voltages, spark

     duration, and volitage rise time were measured with a Tektronics Model

     585A Oscilioscope.   The device was compared to a Chrysier, Ford and

     General Motors conventional 0.E.M. distributor.

     A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance

          Table I compares the centrifugal spark advance of the Per—Lux

          device with the O.E.M. ignition system in engine degrees.     An

          analysis of this data show a 1° to 3° advance between 1000 and

          4000 rpm for the Chrysler, 1° to 2° retard for the Ford between

          1400 rpm and 2400 rpm, and a 1° to 2° retard for the Chevrolet

          between 2000 and 3800 rpm.   All other data showed good correlation.

     B.   Yacuum Spark Advance   °

          Table II compares the vacuum spark advance characteristics of

          the Per—Lux device with the same OEM ignition system in engine

          degrees.   This data shows a 2° to 6° retard between 9" to 18" Hg

          vacuum for the Chrysler, a 2° to 4° retard between 9" to 18" Hg

    Per—Lux "Ignitor" Ignition System                              August, 1975

.               vacuum for the Ford and a 0.5 to 1—1/2° retard between 9" and 18"

                Hg vacuum for the GM distributor.    The spark retard for the Chrysler

                exceeded the accepted limit of 4°.    The spark retard for the Ford

                can be considered a borderline case but within the limit of

                experimental variability.

          C.—   Ignition System Performance

                Table III compares the electrical characteristics of the Per—Lux

                device with the Ford, Chrysier and General Motors OEM ignition

                systems.   The Per—Lux system showed an 8% decrease in spark

                energy at 3000 engine RPM as measured against the Chrysler

                System, a 17% decrease as measured against the Ford system and no
.               decrease for the General Motors system.   The decrease in spark

                energy for the Ford is somewhat higher than the other two but still

                within test variability.

    IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation

          The staff is of the opinion that the above system may be granted an

          exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

          éxcept for the following:                                       '
                1)   Those vehicles equipped with Chrysler Corporation 6 or 8

                     cylinder engines.

"Per—Lux "Ignitor" Ignition System                          August, 1975

         2)    Those vehicles originally equipped with GM breakerless

               ignition systems or dual point ignition systems where one

               of the points is used to retard timing for emission control.

          3)   Those 1966 through 1970 vehicles equipped with "NOx retrofit

               devices" with a 4° retard in basfc ignition timing ({i.e.,

               Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer, Pure Power — Electronic—NOx).

               This exception does not apply to General Motors or American

               Motors 8 cylinder engines.

                                                     Table I

                                Centrifugal Spark Advance — OEM Versus Per—Lux

                                         Spark Advance — Crankshaft Degrees

Engine                      72 Chrysler (8 cy1)                —    67 Ford (8 cy1l)                .  68 Chev (6 cyl)
RPM                        OEM          Per—Lux                    OEM        er—Lux               — OEM          er—Lux

 200                        0                   0                  —3          —3                    0             0
 400                        0        >          0                  ~1          =1                    0             0
 600                        0                   0                   0           0                    0             0
 800                        0             >     0                   1           1                    0             0
1000                        2                   4                   3           3                    1             1
1200                        8                  11                   4           4                    4             4
1400                       16                  17                   6           5                    8             8
1600                      19                   19                   7           6                   11            11
1800             >         20                  19                   8           7                   15            15
2000                       20                  20                  10            9                  18            17
2200     .                 22                  21                  13          11      .            20            18
2400         .             23                  22                  15          13                   21            19
2600                       23                  23                  16          16                   22            20
2800                       23                  24                  17          17                   23            21
3000                       24                  24                  18          17          >        24       ‘    22
3200                 10    25                  25                  19          17                   25            23
3400                       26                  25                  20          18                   26            24
3600                       26                  26                  21          19                   27            26
3800                       27                  27                  22          20              ‘    28            27

                                                    Table II

                                 Vacuum Spark Advance — OEM Versus Per—Lux
~Distributor       ’   '                         Spark Advance — Crankshaft Degrees
 Vacuum                     72 Chryster                           67 Ford                  68 Chev (6 cyl)
  "Hg          —           OEM            Per—Lux                OEM        Per—Lux   OEM            er—Lux

   0                        0                0                    0            0       0               0
   3                        0               0                     0           0       0                0
   6                        0               0                     0           0       0                0
   9                        2               0                     6           4       3—1/2            3
 12                         9               7                    14           10       8—1/2           7
  15                       21              15                    16           12      12              10—1/2
  18:                      21              15                    16           12      12              10—1/2

                                                                                             Table III

                                                                   Ignition Performance — OEM Versus Per—Lux
                                                                           Electronic:  Measurements

                                                             72 Chrysler 365390                                                            67 Ford C7AF12127AH
                                                           Baseline             *Per—Lux                                            Baseline                                             **Per—Lux
                           Test               —          © Engine RPM                            Engine RPM                     Engine RPM                                              Engine RPM
                           Variables              200 .        600            3000       200         600      3000         200                600            3000             200           600      3000
                           1. System        6                      14           14           6        14       14               6              14             14                             14         14
                              Primary Volt—
                              age.            .                                                                                                                          f
                           2. Coil Primary  6                      10           12.8         6        11.50    13.2             6         ~     9.0           11.8              6            10.8       12.9
                              (w/ballast                                                                                    .
                           3. Ignition Pri—        1.8              2.1          1.3     .1.2°         1.7          1.0         2.0            2.3             1.7              1 —4          1.9           1.3
                              mary Current                                               '
                              {amps)                           '                                                                                    —                               .
                           4. Secondary      20                    27 .         22       18           26        18         20                 22             20                15            20         18 >
                              Voltage Avail—               —
                              able %KV)                                                                                               .                              c
                           5. Secondary           10               11           10       10           11        10          10                 10             10             _ 10            10         10
                              Voltage Re—
                              quired (KY)
                           6. Required            40               35           35       50           35 _     40          40 >                30             30              40             35         35
                              Voltage Rise
                              Time (Micro—
                           7. Spark Dura— 1200             1500               1300     1000         1500      1000        800             1000              1200             750           1000       100
                              tion {micro—                                —                                                                             ‘
                              seconds)              P
                           8. Spark Volt—         1300     1200               1500     1500         1200      1800        1300            1200 .            1300             1500          1200      1500
                            ~ age — Average
va oonmitnensiustecceses

 o                                 |                       e —                        |                                     o
                                                Table III (Cont‘d)
                                Ignition Performance — OEM Versus Per—Lux
                                        E]ectronic'v Measurements

                                72 Chrysler 365350                                  67 Ford C7AFT2127AH
      ‘                      Baseline               *Per—Lux             Baseline                                **Per—Lux
Test           .           ‘Engine RPM             Engine RPM           Engine RPM            .         i       Engine RPM
Variables          —   200    600      3000    200     500    3000     200    600         . 3000            200     600    3000

9. Spark               12.07   12.93   10.78   10.34   12.93   10.78   12.93   12.95        15.09           10.34   12.92   12.95
   Current —                                   .
   Current —
   (Mamps )                                                                                                     .
10. Spark      =       18.83   23.28   21.01   15.51 23.28     19.40   13.45   15.52       23.53            11.64   15.52   19.40
   Energy                                                                       >                   ‘
  ~ Mjoules

* Per—Lux Part No. 03826

**Per—Lux Part No. 02816


                              Table 3 (Con‘t)
                 Ignition Performance — OEM Versus Per—Lux‘
                          Electrical Measurements
                                       Baseline              ~            ***Per—Lux
                                      Engine RPM                          Engine RPM
Test Variab]es                  200       600      3000           200         600      3000

1.   System Primary               6000 14               14            6           14        14
2.   Cofl Primary
 ~   (w/ballast
     resistor) voltage         6 mtoss             1225               6. 10.6          12.5
3.   Ignition Primary
     Current (amps)              18       2.0       1.0           1e          1.3       1.2
4.   Secondary Voltage
     Available (KV)              30      30        26            26          28        22
5.   Secondary Voltage
     Required (KY)              13.      e                       13          12        12
6. Required Voltage
     Rise Time (Microd
     seconds)                    40      40        30            40          35        30
7.   Spark Duration
     {microseconds)            1800      2000      1700          1700        1900      1700
8.   Spark Voitage —
     Average Voltage           1000      1000      1200          1000        1000      1200
9.   Spark Current——
     Average current
     (ampJ                   <42.9       6100      12.9)         12.9        5.1       12.9
10. Spark Energy
    60.    Mjoules             23.3      30.2      26.4          ‘22.0       28.7      26.4 °

***Per—Lux Part No. O1616

ECONOMICAL . . . the PER—LUX (2.i~?pays for itself as a result of less shop time for tune—ups and increased gas mlleage
EASY TO INSTALL . . . The perfect after—market ignition system. The £A¥T2Zfits inside the distributor and it‘s as easy to                                                  /
install as changing points. No holes to drill, no wires to cut and there are no external "black boxes" to mount.                                                          L
ELIMINATE MINOR TUNE—UPS ... No more points to replace or adjust. The ZE/YFCextends spark plug life. Once the                                                              ...
timing is set, dwell remains constant.
INCREASED GAS MILEAGE . . No change in timing due to pomts ‘and/or spark plug wear or fouling.

The PER—LUX £2"Y77is a premsely engineered system. A permanent magnet for each cylinder, imbedded in the rotor,
triggers an electronic chip (Hall cell) thus eliminating the need for a reluctance pick—up coil and magnet. The A2¥F3.?
switches twice the energy of any other system. And it‘s immune to dust, dirt, moisture and oil. The £2.477.? will fire down
to zero RPM for fast cold weather starting requiring only minimum battery power. in the unlikely event that the unit fails,
points can be re—installed in a roadside emergency situation. That‘s something that‘s impossible with other aftermarket
breakeriess ignitions. The PER—LUX Z&//7GR is guaranteed for 5 years. Update your car or truck to ‘75 specs today with
a PER—LUX 70/7/70R,                                                                                                                                              .

       Specifications:                     >                                    ;        .
       Operating Voltage: 6—V to 16—V DC                  j        ©        Available for:                                                           *
       Temperature Range: —50° to 300° F.                               —_F9rd V—8/6 cyl.                                             1960—75
       RPM Range: Full operating range of engine down                      Lincoln—Mercury V—8 1960—75*
                  to Zero RPM. (There is no minimum                        nepmemermecinotcizn,
                    starting RPM)                                                         .
       Timing Accuracy: 4°                                o                 International Harvester V—8                          >    1960-72i .
       12—V Negative Ground Only                                            Porsche 4 & 6 cyl.                                          _ Alf

PERLWUX —~YmmP°                                                                                                                                                                   |
804 EAST EDNA P LACE» COVlNAv CAUF' 91723                         *Wil not fit cars or bnicks with factory installed electronic breakerless distrbutors
                                                      ’           **12only without vaccum control
                                                                 Additional models are now being developed. If your car or truck is not listed,check with the factory directly.

                                      J+                                                 —                .                            .

        Conventional ignition system wiring diagram                    Ignitor system wiring diagram {only one additional wire to Instail)

                      PER—LUX, INC.
                          804 EAST EDNA PLACE        .
                      COVINA, ‘CALIFORNIA 91723 >
                 °_     AREA CODE (213) 33114801

                       FOR FORD 8 DISTRIBUTORS

     ® Make sure the ignition switch is "OFF".
     @ Remove the distributor cap from the distributor. Leave
       high voltage wires connected to the distributor cap.
     © Remove and discard rotor. (1)
     © Remove and discard points and screws. (2]
     © Remove and discard grommet and wire which con—

       nected points to ignition coil. (3)
     ® Clean all oil and dirt from breaker plate and cam.
     © Install the two wire grommet assembly through the
       distributor waill from the inside. The grommet will lock
       in place when the ears pass through the hole in the
       distributor wall. (41    _
     © Prior to installing the "Ignitor", push the right angle
       connector from the grommet assembly onto the pin in
       the "Ignitor"‘. (5)
       Use caution when making this connection to avoid
       bending pin.
     © Install the "Ignitor", Be sure that the locating pin on
       the adaptor plate (6) is in the correct hole on the
       breaker plate. (7) It is imperative that the adaptor
       plate sits flat on the breaker plate and the slotted hole

       in the adaptor plate (8) lines up with the threaded
       hole in the breaker plate. (10)

  Install the 8—32 x 5/16 screw (9 through the ground
  lug and adaptorplate and into the breaker plate. Do
  not tighten at this time.                       *
  Using the furnished 6—32 locking nut, connect the con—
© denser lead and the black spade lug to the threaded
  stud on th}e "Ignitor". (11)
  Install the replacement rotor {12} in the same manner
  as the conventional rotor. Be sure the rotor is fully
  seated on the distributor shaft.
  Using the furnished plastic feeler gauge, adjust "Igni—
  tor"‘ to skirt of rotor to clearance of gauge and tighten
  screw (9) securely. Clearance should be .015 to .022.
  Replace the distributor cap makingsure all high volt—
  age wires are securely seated.
  Connect the black wire from the grommet assembly to
  the side of the ignition coil marked "Dist"" or (—). 13
  Connect the red wire from the grommet assembly
  to the side of the ignition coil marked "Batt" or [ + ).
  "CAUTION® — Prior to starting the engine be sure
  that all high voltage wires are securely seated.
0 The engine can now be started. Let the engine run for
  a few minutes and then set the timing in the conven—
  tional manner. it will be worth while to set the timing
  exactly as it will never vary and never have to be
  The wiring diagram of the original and the conversion
  systems are shown in Figures 1 & 2.

                                     piacram sHowine
  .   \ ©                         CONVENTIONAL roints         DIAGRAM SHOWING
                                                           INSTALLATION PROCEDURE

                                                ‘To Dht

        «    *   yo4       Butiey Tersinat   >
                                             7 D. Tamiad
                     +     t    in L  6
                         Iyntan      _\
mua   C TS               mé:l
                 .                 j    I

                                        [ BA

     ©                                                   ‘

                                                       Suggestions for added
                                                  ~ Reliability and Performance
                                        Installation of Silicone high tension wiring will
                                        strengthen the overall system and give added
                                        reliability to your vehicle. To take full advant—
                                        age of the "ignitor‘s‘ capability and obtain
                                        added performance from your vehicle, replace
                                        the ignition coil with a high performance coil.
                                        If the condenser is oldit is suggested that it
                                        be replaced. The use of a high performance dis—
                                        tributor cap is recommended in conjunction
                                        with Silicone wiring.

               ,                        This "Ignitor" has been thoroughly tested and
      *                                 is guaranteed. However, in the unlikely event
          U        w                     that it should fail, and another "Ignitor‘" mod—
                   ie C                 ‘ule is not available, simply replace the module
m    5o focy               j             with a set of points, regap and you are on your
~        '                .              way. There is no need to remove the red wire
                                         as it is fully insulated and cannot ground. Sim—
                                         ply leave it inside the distributor. The cail wire
                                         remains the same and the rotor does not need

          o           >        PL—210

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:30
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:30

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