Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on January 17, 2013.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-57-27
  • Executive Order 57-27 / D57-27
  • ARB # D-57-27
  • Executive Order No: D-57-27
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-57-27
  • Resolution D-57-27
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-57-27 PDF

D-57-27 Document:


                                            State of California
                                        AlR RESOURCES BOARD

                                   EXECUTIVE ORDER D—57—27

                        C Relatlng to Exemptlons Under Sectlon 27156
                         t          _     of the California Vehicle Code _ =
                                  . Pertronix Performance Produots
                                        JBA and Doug s Headers

 Pursuant to the authonty vestedin the A|r Resources Boardby Sect|on 27156 ofthe
 Vehicle Code; and            —            2 L           .           :                L

  Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Sectlon 39516 of
~ the Health and Safety Code and Executrve Order G—02—003;                      —     l

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED That the installationof the JBA and Doug s Headers
 manufactured and marketed by Pertronix Performance Products (Pertronix); 440 E. Arrow
 Highway, San Dimas, California 91773, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
 the applicable vehicle pollution control systems and, therefore, is exempt from the . . _
 prohlbltrons of Section 27156 of the Vehlcle Code for the followmg Ford vehlcle appllcatlons
 listed in Exhibit A:     |                                                                         l

 The headers are a shorty style header design, manufactured out of 14 gage mlld steel or _
 16 gage stainlesssteel. The oxygen sensor, if appllcable is retained in thestock location
 at acollector.. The headers may include a ‘connecting Y-plpe that is also manufactured out _
 of 14 gage mild steel or 16 gage stalnless steel.

 This Executlve Orderiis valrd prov1ded thatthe installation instructions for theJBA and
 Doug‘s Héaders will not recommend tuning the vehlcle to specifications different from those
 of the vehicle manufacturer                             .

 Changes made to the desrgn or operatlng condltlons of theJBA and Dougs Headers as
 exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the '
 vehicle‘s pollutlon control system shall rnvalldate thls Executlve Order

 This Executlve Orderis granted based on submrtted emissions test data generatedon a:
 2011 model year 5.0L Ford Mustang, modified with the JBA header. Test results showed
that emission levels, with the header installed,‘met the applicable emission standards when
tested using the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure (FTP) test cycle and the
Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP—US08) test cycle. Examination of the OBD II
‘system showed that the header did not affect OBD II system operation.

~ Results from emissions testing conducted at the AutoClub Emissions Laboratory, located
  in Diamond Bar, Callfornla are shown below (in grams per mlle)

        2011 5.0L Mustang                CVS—75 FTP                              SFTP USO6
    ,                    —    NMOG        CO NOx HCHO                        NMHC+NOx    CO
        Standards*            0.070       21 0.04 0.011                         0.14   . 8.0
        Device Test 1         0.022        0.7 0.01 0.000                       0.02      0.4
        Device Test 2         0.021        0.5    0.02       0.000       '                      j
        Average               0.022         0.6   0.02       0.000
        Average w/idf         0.055        0.9    0.03       0.001
 *LEV II ULEV CVS—75 FTP Useful Life emis_sions standards.


The Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order and
the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part
continues to meet the standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of
Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.


Marketing of the JBA and Doug‘s Headers using any identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of the JBA and Doug‘s Headers for an application other
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is
obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order shall not apply to any JBA and Doug‘s Headers advertised, offered
for sale, sold with, or installed on a new motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to
an ultimate purchaser.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the JBA
and Doug‘s Headers may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle

No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with
respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order, in
which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the
proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of
the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the
hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this     /74'@’—-   day of January 2013.

                                     Annette Hebert, Chief
                                      Aobile Source Operations Division

                  PERTRONIX — JBA AND DOUG‘S HEADERS — D—57—27

                                                            Exhibit A

                                                                                   ty   s

 Year                 Engine : * |     Application                            Part Number
 04—06                A4.6L 00   «;    |04—10 F150 4.6L _                     16875 «[‘
 02—05          ..
                [4.6L=5___. |O2—05 EXPLORER 4.6L >                            16785 «C —<__
 1998       . . |4.6L       98 COBRA 4.6L _        .                          16255—6 °> .
 11—14.              15.0L            _ Mustang GT, Boss 302 _ ;        >     16855 — /
 94—95 ..             |5.0L            94—95 MUSTANG 5.0L 1—5/8" .            16245—4
  87—95 . ... [5.0L           87—95 FORD TRUCK 5.0L .. >                       16275 —‘
  86—93 ..      |5.0L         86—93 MUSTANG 5.0L 1—5/8":                       16245—2 .
 186, 96 .      5.0L          86, 96 FORD TRUCK 5.0L ; ...       02            1627513 0.
  79—95,.    . [5.0L          1979—1995 FORD PASSENGER CARS                    1620, 1621, 1624
  79—85         5.0L          79—85 MUSTANG GT 5.0L                           16218 = CC
  1996        ‘[5.0L .      ©[1996 FORD TRUCKS 5.01 —        ,            :    1667     ;
  66—96        5.0L; 5.8L"     |1966—1996 TRUCKS 5.0L, 1966—1986 TRUCKS 5,
                                                                         8L_' 1627 |_—
  99—04        5.AL           99—04 EXCURSION/SD 5.4L                          16795—1 ©®.
  99—04        5.4L5O         99—04 EXCURSION/SD 5.4L _ _                   _  16795—2"
  99—04        5.4L        .. |99—04 FORD LIGHTNING 5:4L                       16795—3:
  99—02        5.4L           99—02 NAVIGATOR 5.4L(32V) _                      16795—4¢ >
  97—06 .      |5.4L.~        97—06 FORD TRUCKS 5.4L 0 _ >                     1676, 1679
  97—03 .      54L 222 2. 97—03 FORD TRUCK 5.4L                                16795 >
  04—10        5.AL           04—10 F150 5.4L 3V                               16768 .+ >
  04—10        5.AL           07—10 F150 5.4L 3V                               D6659      .
  05—10        5.AL           05—07 Ford F—250 5.4 C ; > _                     16765—1; :
|93—95. .      [5.8L          93—95 FORD LIGHTNING 5.8L >                      16285—2 /
  87—96 .. |5.8L              87—96 FORDTRUCK 5.8L HD®        >                16285—3° |
  87—96        5.8L           87—96 FORDTRUCK 5.8L HD >=~—                     1628§5—4% «:
 86—96      .         |5.8L            86—96 FORD TRUCK 5.8L ~ =._ >          1628§5 © )‘
 77—96 .              5.8L         —.|77—96    FORDTRUCKS 5.8Lm : ~>>~        16528
 97—06                6 CYL         . |97—06   FORD TRUCKS 6 C¥L ;     _      1672
 99—04                6.8L        _ 199—04     FORDTRUCK/EXCUR V—10 >         16695
 99—04                6.8L           |99—04    FORDTRUCK/EXCURV—10            16695—1 ;
 05—10                6.8L.            05—08   FORD TRUCK V—10 |_= ~.>        16705 s ~
 98—08                                 98—08 FORDTRUCK 10 CYL _               1669, 1670

                                        Exhibit A

Year      Engine         Application                            Part Number
00—04     2.OL           00—04 FOCUS/ESCAPE 2.0 ZETEC           16808
88—90     2.9L           88—90 RANGER/BRONCO II 2.9L            16325
88—90     2.9L           88—90 RANGER/BRONCO If 2.9L            16325—1
86—91 —   2.9L >         1986—91 RANGER/BRONCO if 2.9L          1630, 1632
86—87     2.9L    > .    186—87 RANGER/BRONCO 11 2.9L           16308
66—77     289—351 CID |66—77 FORD TRUCKS 289—351 CID            1660
65—73     289—351CID |65—73 FORD MUSTANG/COUGER 289—351 CID     1650—1653
98—01     3.0L 0_     ~ 198—01 FORD RANGER 3.0L V—6         |   16478
95—97     3.0L         |(95—97 RANGER 3.0L                      1646S—1
91—93     3.0L           91—93 RANGER/MAZDA B3000 3.0L          164658
91—06     3.0L           91—06 FORD TRUCKS 3.0L                 1646, 1647
02—08     3.0L           02—09 FORD RANGER 3.0L V—6.            16475—1
11—14 _   3.7        11—13 Mustang 3.7 V6                       16188
99—04     3.8L       99—04 MUSTANG 3.81.                        16195—1
99—04     3.8L       99—04 MUSTANG 3.8L                         16195—4
94—98     3.8L       94—98 MUSTANG 3.8L W/O AIR INJ             16195
94—98     3.8L       1994—1998 FORD PASSENGER CAR               1619
1998      3.8L       98 MUSTANG 3.8L W/AIR INJ                  16195—3
99—06     4 Cyl      99—06 FORD PASSENGER CAR 4 Cy!I            1680
98—00     4.O0L      98—00 RANGER/EXP 4.0L                      16345—2
98—00     4.0L       98—00 RANGER/EXP 4.0L W/EGR                16345—3
97—11     4.OL       97—09 RANGER/EXPL 4.0L SOHC                16745—1
95—98     4.0L       95—98 EXPLORER 4.0L V—6.                   16345—1
95—97     4.0L       95—97 RANGER 4.0L V—6                      16348
95—06     4.0L       95—065 FORD TRUCKS 4.0L                    16534
90—94     4.OL       90—94 EXPLORER/RANGER 4.0L                 16335—1
00—06     4.0L       98—06 EXPLORER/RANGER 4.0L OHC             1674
05—10     4.OL       05—10 FORD MUSTANG V6 4.0L     ~           16175
00—11     4.0L       00—09 RANGER/EXPL 4.0L SOHC                16745
05—10     4.OL       05—10 FORD PASSENGER CAR V6                1617
03—11     4.0L       03—09 RANGER/EXPL 4.0L SOHC                16745—2
97—03     4.2L       97—03 FORD TRUCK 4.2L V—6                  16725
94—97     4.6L       (1994—1997 FORD PASSENGER CARS 4.6L        1626
99—04     4.6L       99—04 COBRA 4.6L                           16255—7
99—04     4.6L       99—04 MUSTANG GT 4.6L (2V)                 16255—9
97—06     4.6L       97—06 FORD TRUCKS 4.6L                     1677, 1678, 1687
97—03     4.6L       97—03 FORD TRUCK 4.6L                      16775
96—98     4.6L       96—98 MUSTANG 4.6L 1—5/8"                  16255—8
96—97     4.6L       96—97 COBRA 4.6L                           16255—5
96—06     4.6L       1996—2006 PASSENGER CARS 4.6L              1625, 1675
96—04     4.6L       96—04 FORD PASSENGER CARS                  16255
94—97     4.6L       94—97 T—BIRD / COUGAR 4.6L                 16265
04—10     4.6L       04—10 FORD TRUCKS 4.6L.                    1687
05—10     4.6L       05—10 MUSTANG 4.6L 3V 1—5/8"               16755
05—10     4.6L       05—10 MUSTANG 4.6L 3V 1—5/8"               D6682

Document Created: 2013-03-14 10:45:56
Document Modified: 2013-03-14 10:45:56

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