Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 14, 2004.
As of Thursday, March 27th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

2004 and older applicable Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors vehiclesThe throttle body spacers that are included in this Executive Order are the Torque Curve Spacer, Standard Spacer, Wide Open Spacer, and the Swirl Torque Spacer. Each spacer is designed for vehicles with either a multi-point or throttle body fuel injection system, and is installed under the throttle body.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-578
  • Executive Order 578 / D578
  • ARB # D-578
  • Executive Order No: D-578
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-578
  • Resolution D-578
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to

Download: Executive Order D-578 PDF

D-578 Document:


                                       State of California
                                   AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  EXECUTIVE ORDER D—578

                          Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                       of the Vehicle Code

                               Trans—Dapt Performance Products
                                     Throttle Body Spacers

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the Vehicle
Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and Section 39516 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the throttle body spacers, as listed
in Exhibit A, manufactured and marketed by Trans—Dapt Performance Products, 16410
Manning Way, Cerritos, California 90703 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
the applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions
of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the vehicle applications listed in Exhibit A.

The throttle body spacers that are included in this Executive Order are the Torque Curve
Spacer, Standard Spacer, Wide Open Spacer, and the Swirl Torque Spacer. Each spacer is
designed for vehicles with either a multi—point or throttle body fuel injection system, and is
installed under the throttle body.                                                             —

This Executive Order is valid provided the installation instructions for the throttle body spacers
will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications different from those of the vehicle

This Executive Order shall not apply to any Trans—Dapt Performance Products‘ throttle body
spacers advertised, offered for sale, sold with, or installed on a new motor vehicle prior to or
concurrent with transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the throttle body spacers, as exempt
by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution
control system shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of the throttle body spacers using any identification other than that shown in this
Executive Order or marketing of the throttle body spacers for an application other than those
listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air
Resources Board. Exemption of the throttle body spacers shall not be construed as
exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any component of the kit as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the throttle
body spacers may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle


This Executive Order is granted based on an engineering evaluation which determined that
the throttle body spacers will have no adverse impact on exhaust emissions if tested in
accordance with the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure. Furthermore, On—Board
Diagnostic II (OBD It) testing, using a 1998 model—year 4.0L Jeep Grand Cherokee, a 2003
model—year 4.6L Ford F—150, and a 2002 model—year 5.3L Chevrolet truck, showed that the
throttle body spacers did not affect the vehicle‘s ability to perform its OBD II monitoring

The ARB reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order and the exemption
provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part continues to meet the
standards and procedures of Title 13, California Code of Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with
respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order, in
which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed
revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the request
and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the hearing that grounds
for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this @["’“ day of April 2004.

                                4 Allei%ons, Chief
                                 Mobile Source Operations Division


                                        Exhibit A                                                     |
Standard MPFI Spacers

Part       Application

2715       1992—2002 Dodge Ram Trucks 3.9L V6, 5.2L, & 5.9L V8

2716       1997—2002 Dodge Dakota & Durango Trucks & SUV‘s 3.9L V6, 5.2L, & 5.9L V8

2717       1997—2004 Ford F150 & Expedition 4.6L (SOCH), 1996—2000 Crown Victoria & Grand
           Marquis 4.6L, & 2003 Ford Mustang GT 4.6L

2718 .     1987—1996 Ford Bronco F150, F250, F350 Trucks 5.0L, 5.8L & 7.5L

2764       1996—2004 Chevy & GMC $10, Sonona, Blazer, Jimmy, 1500 Trucks & Astro/ Safari
           Vans 4.3L V6

2765       1996—2000 Chevy Cadillac & GMC Trucks, Escalade, Sierra, Silvarado, Blazer, Denali,
           Jimmy, Suburban, Yukon Tahoe & Motorhome Chassis 5.0L & 5.71 V8

2766       1999—2004 Chevy Cadiflac & GMC Trucks, Avalanche, Hummer H2, Escalade, SSR,
           Sierra, Sitvarado, Blazer, Denali, Jimmy, Suburban, Yukon, Trailblazer (V8), Envoy (V8),
           Tahoe & Motorhome Chassis 4.8L, 5.3L, 6.0L & 8.1L V8, 1998—2002 Camaro/Firebird
           5.7L (LS1), 1998—2004 Corvette 5.7L (LS1) & 2004 Pontiac GTO 5.7L (LS1).

2767       1996—2001 Chevy & GMC Trucks, Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban, Yukon & Motorhome
           Chassis 7.4L V8

2769       1999—2004 Ford Lightning, 1997—2003 lincoln Navigator 5.4L V8, 1996—2004 Mustang
           Cobra, Mach 1, 4.6L (4—V), Mercury Marauder 4.6L V8, Excursion, F250, F350 &
           Motorhome Chassis 6.8L V10

2770       1999—2003 Ford Excursion, F250 & F350 5.4L (SOCH), V8

2771       1994—2002 Dodge Ram Trucks 8.0L V10

2772       1991—1997 Jeep TJ, YJ, XJ, Wrangler 2.5L, 1991—2004 Jeep TJ, YJ, XJ, Wrangler 4.0L,
           1991—1999 Cherokee 4.0L

Torque Curve MPFI Spacers

Part       Application

2515       1992—2002 Dodge Ram Trucks 3.9L V6, 5.2L, & 5.9L V8

2516       1997—2002 Dodge Dakota & Durango Trucks & SUV‘s 3.9L V6, 5.2L, & 5.9L V8

2517       1997—2004 Ford F150 & Expedition 4.6L (SOCH), 1996—2000 Crown Victoria & Grand
           Marquis 4.6L, & 2003 Ford Mustang GT 4.6L V8

2518       1987—1996 Ford Bronco F150, F250, F350 Trucks 5.0L, 5.8L & 7.5L V8

                                                 Exhibit A                                                     1

     Torque Curve MPFI Spacers
     Part No.   _   Application
     2564           1996—2004 Chevy & GMC $10, Sonona, Blazer, Jimmy, 1500 Trucks & Astro/ Safari
                    Vans 4.3L V6

     2565           1996—2000 Chevy, Cadillac & GMC Trucks, Escalade, Sierra, Silvarado, Blazer, Denali,
                    Jimmy, Suburban, Yukon, Tahoe & Motorhome Chassis 5.0L & 5.7L

     2566 .         1999—2004 Chevy, Cadiliac & GMC Trucks, Avalanche, Hummer H2, Escalade, SSR,
                    Sierra, Silvarado, Blazer, Denali, Jimmy, Suburban, Yukon, Trailblazer (V8), Envoy (V8),
                    Tahae & Motorhome Chassis 4.8L., 5.3L, 6.0L & 8.1L V8, 1998—2002 Camaro/Firebird
                    5.7L (LS1), 1998—2004 Corvette 5.7L (L$1) & 2004 Pontiac GTO 5.7L (LS1).

     2567           1996—2001 Chevy & GMC Trucks, Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban, Yukon & Motorhome
                    Chassis 7.4L V8

     2569           1999—2004 Ford Lightning, 1997—2003, lincoln Navigator 5.4L V8, 1996—2004 Mustang
                    Cobra, Mach 1, 4.6L (4—V), Mercury Marauder 4.6L V8, Excursion, F250, F350 &
                    Motorhome Chassis 6.8L. V10

     2570           1999—2003 Ford Excursion, F250 & F350 5.4L (SOCH), V8

     2571           1994—2002 Dodge Ram Trucks 8.0L V10

     2572           1991—1997 Jeep TJ, YJ, XJ, Wrangler 2.5L, 1991—2004 Jeep TJ, YJ, XJ, Wrangler 4.0L,
                    1991—1999 Cherokee 4.QL

     Wide Open MPFI Spacers
     Part No.       Application

     2615           1992—2002 Dodge Ram Trucks 3.9L V6, 5.2L, & 5.91 V8

     2616           1997—2002 Dodge Dakota & Durango Trucks & SUV‘s 3.9L V6, 5.2L, & 5.9L V8

     2618           1987—1996 Ford Bronco F150, F250, F350 Trucks 5.0L, §.8L & 7.5L V8

     2669           1999—2004 Ford Lightning, 1997—2003, lincoln Navigator 5.4L V8, 1996—2004 Mustang
                    Cobra, Mach 1, 4.6L (4—V), Mercury Marauder 4.6L V8,
                    Excursion, F250, F350 & Motorhome Chassis 6.8L V10

     2671           1994—2002 Dodge Ram Trucks 8.0L V10


                                            Exhibit A
Standard TBI Spacers
Part No.       Application

2733       .   1986—1992 Chevy & GMC $10, Sierra, Sitvarado, Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban & Tahoe
               1500, 2500, & 3500 Trucks 4.3L V6, 5.0L & 5.7L V8,
               1985—1992 Camaro/Firebird/Corvette, 5.0L,5.7L (non TP!)

2734           1993—1995 Chevy & GMC $10, Sierra, Sitvarado, Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban & Tahoe
               1500, 2500, & 3500 Trucks 4.3L V6, 5.0L & 5.7L V8

2735           1987—1990 Chevy & GMC Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban 1500, 2500, 3500 Trucks &
               Motorhome Chassis 7.4L V8

2736           1991—1995 Chevy & GMC Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban 1500, 2500, 3500 Trucks &
               Motorhome Chassis 7 .4L V8

Swirl Torque TBI Space}s

  No.          Application
2533           1986—1992 Chevy & GMC $10, Sierra, Silvarado, Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban & Tahoe
               1500, 2500, & 3500 Trucks 4.3L V6, 5.0L & 5.7L V8,
               1985—1992 Camaro/Firebird/Corvette, 5.0L,5.7L (non TPI)

2534           1993—1995 Chevy & GMC $10, Sierra, Silvarado, Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban & Tahoe
               1500, 2500, & 3500 Trucks 4.3L V6, 5.0L & 5.7L V8

2535           1987—1990 Chevy & GMC Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban 1500, 2500, 3500 Trucks &
               Motorhome Chassis 7.4L V8

2536           1991—1995 Chevy & GMC Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban 1500, 2500, 36500 Trucks &
               Motorhome Chassis 7.4L V8

Wide Open TBI Spacers
Part No.       Application

2633           1986—1992 Chevy & GMC $10, Sierra, Sitvarado, Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban & Tahoe
               1500, 2500, & 3500 Trucks 4.3L V6, 5.0L & 5.7L V8,
               1985—1992 Camaro/Firebird/Corvette, 5.0L,5.7L (non TP1)

2634           1993—1995 Chevy & GMC $10, Sierra, Silvarado, Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban & Tahoe
               1500, 2500, & 3500 Trucks 4.3L V6, 5.0L & 5.7L V8

2635           1987—1990 Chevy & GMC Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban 1500, 2500, 3500 Trucks &
               Motorhome Chassis 7.4L V8

2636           1991—1995 Chevy & GMC Sierra, Silvarado, Suburban 1500, 2500, 3500 Trucks &
               Motorhome Chassis 7.4L V8

Document Created: 2005-12-02 08:15:51
Document Modified: 2005-12-02 08:15:51

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