Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on August 29, 1974.
As of Thursday, March 6th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1974 and older, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles with OE electronic ignition system (2) 1966-1970 vehicles with Dana or Carter NOx retrofit device using an electronic speed sensor

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-36
  • Executive Order 36 / D36
  • ARB # D-36
  • Executive Order No: D-36
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-36
  • Resolution D-36
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-36 PDF

D-36 Document:


                         State of California
                         AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER D—36
               Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                           of the Vehicle Code

                         ENERGY INNOVATIONS
                       "CGAS ENERGIZER £1—100"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code; and
Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39023 of
the Health and Safety Code;
IT IS ORDERED AND RESQOLYED:   That the installation of "Gas Energizer EI—100"
device manufactured by Energy Innovations of 32136 Beach Lake Lane, Westlake
Village, California has been found to not reduce the effectiveness of
required motor vehicle pollution control devices and, therefore, is exempt
from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for 1974 and
older model—year vehicles except the following:

     1.   All vehicles equipped with an electronic ignition system.

     2.   All 1966—70 model—year vehicles equipped with a Dana or Carter
          NOx retrofit device using an electronic speed sensor.

The "Gas Energizer EI—100" is a single wire cofl wound in alternating
directions with a non—magnetic core. The coil is encapsulated in a
plastic mold and is stationary mounted by plastic tie down fasteners.
The device also includes two snap—fit electronic suppression cables.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different than those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device as
criginally submitted to the Air Resources Board for evaluation that
adversely affect the performance of the vehicle‘s pollution control
devices shall invalidate this Executive Order.

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

"GAS ENERGIZER E1—100"                                EXECUTIVE ORDER D—36


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes unlawful, untrue
or misleading advertising, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable as
a misdemeanor.

Sections 39130 and 39184 of the Health and Safety Code provide as follows:

     "39130. No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or advertise,
     or, except in an application to the board for certification of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device unless that device has been certified by the board. No
     person shall sell, offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor
     vehicle pollution control device as a certified device which, in
     fact, is not a cert1f1ed device.   Any violation of this section is
     a misdemeanor."                       '          —

     "39184. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the board for accreditation of a
     device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     accredited by the board. No person shall sell, offer for sale, adver—
     tise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as an
     accredited device which, in fact, is not an accredited device. Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be sub—
mitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this &2 4      day of August, 1974.

                                 WILLIAM SIMMONS
                                  Executive Officer

                            State of California

                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                             August 22, 1974

                               Staff Report

                   Evaluation of the Energy Innovations
                        "Gas Energizer EI—100"
                 Non—Magnetic Coil for Exemption from
         the Prohibition of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

 1. Introduction

    Energy Innovations, 32136 Beach Lake Lane, Westlake Village, California

    91361 has applied for exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156

   of the Vehicle Code for its "Gas Energizer EI—100" device.     This section

    prohibits the installation of any device which may reduce the effective—

   ness of the motor vehicle emission control system.     The applicant is

   requesting the exemption be granted for all 1974 and older model—year

   vehicles except the following:

       1 — All vehicles equipped with an electronic ignition system.

        2 — All 1966—70 model—year vehicles equipped with a Dana or Carter

            NOx retrofit device using an electronic speed sensor.

II. System Description and Function

   The device is a non—magnetic coil consisting of a single insulated copper

   wire wound in alternating directions around a Cycolac (pTasfic) core.
   The device shown in Figure 1 is 2 in. x 2 in. square,9 in. long, and

   weighs approximately 1—1/4 lbs.    The coil shown in Finge 2 Has 200 to

   214 turns and is encapsulated in Cycolac.      It has an electrical resistance

   of 1.2 to 1.4 ohms and uses No. 22 SPN insulated copper wire.     TVRS (TV

   and radio suppression) cables with snap—fit connection are inserted

   into the terminals at each end of the coil.     The TVRS cables are

   connected to the OEM coil and to the distributor.

Evaluation of the Energy Innovations "Gas
Energizer EI—100" Non—Magnetic Coil for
Exemption from the Prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                 August 22, 1974

     The applicant claims that the'“Gas Energizer E1I—100" will reduce the

     output voltage of the OEM coil if high and will increase the output

     voltage of the OEM coil if low.      The ARB staff is of the opinion that

     this device would have an insignificant effect on the output voltage

     in efther direction since the device has no magnetic core and has a

     relatively small electrical resistance.

III. System Evaluation

     A.   Applicant‘s Data

          The applicant submitted superimposed spark curve pictures taken

          from a 1969 Lincoln Continental Mark III, see Figure 3.     These

          pictures show a decrease in the output voltage.     The applicant also

          submitted Olson Laboratories, Inc. report # 8855—5101 dated July 2,

          1974.     This report contains data from Federal hot CVS tests performed

          on the following vehicles:

              1974 Ford Pinto, 2.3L, 4—cylinders, auto. trans. (915 KHN),

              1967 Lincoln Continental, 462 CID, V—8, auto. trans. (TRA 886).
          The obtained data are as follows:

          Ford Pinto             _HC_           CcB          _NOx_
           Baseline               0.51         21.00           1.18

           Device                 0.99         20.09           1.07

           % Change              94.1          ~4.3           —9.3

Evaluation of the Energy Innovations "Gas
Energizer EI—100" Non—Magnetic Coil for
Exemption from the Prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                     August 22, 1974

          Lincoln Continental            _HC_          cCO             NOx
                Baseline                  2.38        37 .22           6.16

                Device                    2.36        36 .40           5.79

                % Change                 —0.8         —2.2            —6.0

          An evaluation of the above data indicates that the increase in HC

          from the Ford Pinto may have been due to a possible misfire or a

          restart during the test.      Consequently, the ARB staff performed a

          confirmatory test series on an identical Ford Pinto to investigate

          this increase in HC.      In additioh, a 1974 Dodge 360 CID was used

          to investigate detailed electrical system characteristics.

     B.   ARB Testing
          The ARB performed calibration tests to investigate the effect of the

          "Gas Energizer EI—100" on the engine electrical system.            A 1974

          Dodge Monaco, 360 CID, V—8, auto. trans. (DH 430—41657587) vehicle
          was used.      The following results were obtained with the engine in

          the unloaded condition.

          1.   Centrifugal spark advance — degrees (BTDC)
                      RPM_            Baseline          Device
                      1000                7                    8
                      1500               21                  21
                      2000               23                  23
                      2500               25                  26
                      3000               27                  27

Evaluation of the Energy Innovations "Gas
Energizer E1—100" Non—Magnetic Coil for
Exemption from the Prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                          August 22, 1974

         2.   Secondary voltage rise time (microseconds)

                     RPM            Baseline                Device

                      750              25                    22—30

                     2000              20                    18—22

         3.   Spark duration {milliseconds)

                     RPM            Baseline                Device

                      750             1.2                    1.2

                     2000             1.0                    1.0

        4.    Available secondary voltage (KV)

                              RPM                   Baseline —           Device
                     650 Idle (in gear)                16                  19

                     750                               15                  18

                     2200                               9                  11

        5.    Idle exhaust emissions

                                               HC_in_PPM                      x%_C0
                        RPM                 Baseline Device             Baseline Device
              650 Idle (in gear)               62       121                0.6       0.7

              750                              95           93             0.3       0.5

              2200                             54           50             0.1       0.1

        The above data indicate that no significant effects occur beyond

        what is considered normal test variability.

Evaluation of the Energy Innovations "Gas
Energizer EI—~100" Non—Magnetic Coil for
Exemption from the Prohibitions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                August 22, 1974

         Confirmatory emission tests were performed by the Hot CVS—1 test

         method on a 1974 Ford Pinto, 2.3L, 4—cylinders, auto. trans.

         (195 LEK)}.   This vehicle is simtlar to the vehicle tested by Olson

         Laboratories Inc. and submitted by the applicant.     Three back—to—

         back Hot CVS exhaust emission tests were performed with and without

         the device.     The following data were obtained:

                                 HC.        co          NOx         ues
         Avg. Baseline          0.74       15.5        1.21         17.0

         Avg. Device            0.77       15.8        1.24         16.9

         Avg. % Change          4.1       _ 2.0        2.5          ~0.6
         The above data indicate that the device did not produce any significant

         effects on exhaust emissions or fuel economy.

 IV. Conclusion and Recommendation

     Based on the staff‘s evaluation and the available test data, the use of

     the "Gas Energizer EI—100" would not result in any significant effect

     on exhaust emissions or fuel economy of a motor vehicle.     It is the

     staff‘s opinion that "Gas Energizer EI~100" manufactured by Energy

     Innovations of Westlake Village, California should be granted an exemp—

     tion from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for

     1974 and older model year vehicles except for the following:

         1 — All vehicles equipped with electronic ignition systems.

         2 — AMl 1966—70 model—year vehicles equipped with an NOx retrofit

             device using an electronic speed sensor such as the Dana or

             Carter device.




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                Spark Curves of BaselTine Versus "Gas—Energiz
                         from 1969 Lincoln Continental
                                    Figure 3

Baseline at 750 RPM                                 "Gas Energizer"at 750 RPK

Baseline at 1800 RPM

 Baseline at 3500 RPM

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:39:42
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:39:42

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