Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 23, 2012.
As of Friday, September 20th, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

D-535-17 rescinds D-535-12 and D-535-13, and sale of LongMile Diesel Particulate Filter is prohibited.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-535-17
  • Executive Order 535-17 / D535-17
  • ARB # D-535-17
  • Executive Order No: D-535-17
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-535-17
  • Resolution D-535-17
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Download: Executive Order D-535-17 PDF

D-535-17 Document:


                                        State of California
                                    AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  EXECUTIVE ORDER D—535—17

                                  Relating to Exemptioné under
                                Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code

                               Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls
                                 LongMile Diese! Particulate Fllter

 WHEREAS, Vehicle Code Section 27156 and Title 13, Callfornla Code of Regulations
 Section 2222(e) authorize the California Air Resources Board and its Executive Officer to
 exempt add—on and modified parts from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

_ WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health and Sgfety
  Code Section 39515 and in the Chief of the Mobile Source Operations Divigsion by Health and
  Safety Code Section 39516 and Executive Order G—02—003, the Air Resources Board issued
  Executive Orders D—535—12 and D—535—13 which exempted Cleaire Advanced Emission
_ Controls‘ LongMile diesel particulate filter from the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Sectlon

— WHEREAS, said exemption was granted pursuant to and subjedt to the “Procedures for .
  Exemption of Add—On and Modified Parts," adopted on November4 1977 as amended.
 June 1, 1990. .                                                                                     .

 WHEREAS, Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls of 7485 Trade Street, San Diego,
 California 92121 has declared it will no longer sell or install the LongMile diesel particulate
 filterexempted under Executive Orders D—535—12 and D—535— 13 and has requested                  .
 rescission of the sald Executive Orders                                                     —

 H IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Executive Order D—535—12 issued on December 28, 2009,
 and Executive Order D—535—13 issued on July 18, 2011, are rescinded. Cleaire Advanced
 Emission Controls shall cease and desist all production of the LongMile diesel particulate
 filters covered in Executive Orders D—535—12 and D—535—13, effective the date of signature of |
 Executive Order D—535—17. Furthermore, Cleaire Advanced Emission Controls, its agents,
 and any busmesses connected with this product are prohibited from advertisement, offer for
 sale, sale, and installation of the LongMIIe diesel particulate filters after the effectlve date of
 Executlve Order D—535— 17

 Executed at El Monte,»Cahfornia, this     27 Mday of October 2012.

                                   | g finette Hebert, Chief .
                                   ' %(obile Source Operations Division

Document Created: 2012-11-02 13:09:29
Document Modified: 2012-11-02 13:09:29

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