Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on April 18, 2002.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModificationRemarks

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-540
  • Executive Order 540 / D540
  • ARB # D-540
  • Executive Order No: D-540
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-540
  • Resolution D-540
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Download: Executive Order D-540 PDF

D-540 Document:


                                      State of California
                                  AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  EXECUTIVE ORDER D—540

                         Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                      of the Vehicle Code

                                     Summit Industries, Inc.
                                       Thorley Headers

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156 of the
Vehicle Code; and

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Sections 39515 and 39516 of the
Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;

IT 1S$ ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of Thorley Headers manufactured
by Summit Industries, Inc. of 1220 Railroad Street, Corona, California 92882, has been
found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control system and,
therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for those
applicable vehicles as listed in Exhibit A of this Executive Order, excluding any vehicle
certified to the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standards or equipped with a close
coupled catalyst.

The Summit Industries, Inc.‘s Thorley Headers are of a long tube style design. Installation
may require the use of a connecting Y pipe. Both the exhaust header and Y pipe are
manufactured out of 14 gage mild steel. On vehicles that are equipped with an oxygen
sensor, the sensor is located either on the header‘s collector or at the top of the Y pipe
similar to the vehicles stock configuration.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for this device will not
recommend tuning the vehicles to specifications different from those of the vehicle

This Executive Order shall not apply to any Summit Industries, Inc.‘s Thorley Header
advertised, offered for sale, sold with, or installed on a new motor vehicle prior to or
concurrent with transfer to an ultimate purchaser.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as exempt by the Air
Resources Board, which adversely affect the performance of a vehicle‘s pollution control
system shall invalidate this Executive Order.       ‘

Marketing of this device using any identification other than that shown in this Executive
Order or marketing of this device for an application other than those listed in this Executive
Order shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the device
may have on any warranty either expressed or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


This Executive Order is granted based on emission test data conducted by Doug Thorley
Headers (Executive Order D—200—21).


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board," may be made with
respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written communication.

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after ten days written notice of intention to revoke the order, in
which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the
proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it will be held within ten days of receipt of
the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the
hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this     __z/r** day of April 2002.

                                    z»Allen Lyons, Chief
                                         New Vehicle/Engine Programs Branch


                                 Exhibit A

                   Chrysler Corporation Vehicles

Years     Applications                       Engines            Part#
1975—87   Vans/ "C" Motorhomes               273—360            106Y

1975—87   Vans/Motorhomes                    273—360            107Y

1975—93   Trucks                             273—360            114Y

1975—93   Trucks                             273—360            115¥

1982—95   "A" Motorhomes                     273—360            147Y

1979—89   D5Q0/ Arrow Pick—ups               2.0L 4 cyl.        131

1979—82   D50/ Arrow Pick—ups                2.0 & 2.6L 4cyl.   133Y

1994—99   Dodge Ram Pick—up 2wd              488 V—10           160Y

1996—99   Dodge Ram Pick—up 2wd              488 V—10 Cal       161Y

1994—95   Dodge Ram Pick—up 2wd              318—360            162Y

1996—99   Dodge Ram Pick—up 2wd              318—360            163Y

1994—95   Dodge Ram Pick—up 4wd              318—360            164Y

1996—99   Dodge Ram Pick—up 4wd              318—360            165Y

1995      Dodge "A" Motorhome                488 V—10           170Y

1989—91   Dakota Pick—up                     273—360            189Y

1992—94   Dakota Pick—up                     273—360            190¥

1992—94   Dakota Pick—up                     273—360            191Y

1994      Dakota Pick—up                     273—360            192Y

1995      Dakota Pick—up                     273—360            193Y

1995      Dakota Pick—up                     273—360            194Y

                                Exhibit A cont.

                     Chrysler Corporation Vehicles (Cont.)

Years     Applications                   Engines             Part#
1998—99   Durango 2wd                    318—360             196Y

1998—99   Durango 4wd                    318—360             197¥

1996—99   Pick—up 2wd                    318—360             196Y

1996—99   Pick—up 2wd                    318—360             197¥

1981—86   Jeep CJ                        4.0L &4.2L 6 cyl.   604Y

1981—86   Jeep CJ                        304—401             605Y

1981—86   Jeep CJ                        304—401             606Y

1981—93   Jeep J Series                  304—401             615Y

1981—93   Jeep J Series                  304—401             616Y

1981—93   Jeep J Series                  304—401             617Y

1993—95   Jeep Grand Cherokee            273—360             630Y

1987—92   Jeep Grand Cherokee            4.2L, 6 cyl.        632Y

1987—90   Jeep Cherokee                  4.0L 6 cy1.         633Y

1991—99   Jeep:YJ.TI.XJ,ZJ               4.0L 6 cyl.         634Y

1987—95   Jeep Wrangler                  4.0L 6 cyl.         636Y

1996—99   Jeep Grand Cherokee            318—360             631Y

                                   Exhibit A cont.

                          Ford Motor Company Vehicles

Years       Applications                   Engines       Part#
1987—94     Motorhomes                     379—460       209Y

1982—87     Trucks/Vans/ "C" Motorhomes    379—460       211Y

1987 —97    Vans/ Motorhomes               379—460       212Y

1985—89     Gillig Motorhomes               379—460       213

1986—98      Trucks/Vans/Motorhomes         379—460       214Y

1981—82     Trucks                          351M—400M     215

1981—82     Trucks/Vans                     351M—400M     225

1979—83      Courier Pick—ups               1.8L 4cyl.    245Y

1980—85     Trucks/Vans/Bronco              302—351W      248Y

1986—95    . Trucks/Vans/Bronco             302W           249

1982—85     Ranger/Bronco II 2wd            2.3L 4cyl.    250¥

1986—98      Trucks F250/F350               31W           251

1983—85     Ranger/Bronco II 4wd            2.8L 6cyl.    255

1990—95     Explorer/Bronco (WRanger        4.0L 6cyl.    257

1980—95     Mustang/Capri                   255—302       285

1994—95      Mustang/Capri                  255—302       286

1975—78      Mustang/Capri                  255—302       287

1979—85      Mustang/Capri                  255—302       288

1996—98      Mustang/Capri                  255—302       290

                                    Exhibit A cont.

                                General Motors Vehicles

Years       Applications                     Engines       Part#
1981—88     Trucks                           262—400       300Y

1996—99     Trucks                           350 Vortec    301Y

1996—99     Trucks                           350 Vortec    302Y

1991—95     Motorhomes                       366—454       303Y

1987—91     Trucks                           366—454       303Y

1987—91     Trucks                           366—454       304Y

1987—95     Motorhomes w/Allison trans.      366—454       305Y

1987—99     Motorhomes                       366—454       306Y

1996—99     Trucks                           350 Vortec    307Y

1999—2000   Trucks/Tahoe/Yukon/Suburban     4.8L & 5.3L    310Y

1981—95     Vans/ "C" Motorhomes             262—400       315Y

1981—95     Vans/ "C" Motorhomes             262—400       316Y

1928—95     Cars/Trucks                      262—400       317Y

1996—98     Trucks/Motorhomes                262—400       318Y

1980—85     Chevy Luy pick—ups               1.8L 4 cyl.   335

1982—87     Trucks                           2.8L 6 cyl.   345

1985—95     Astro/Safari Vans                4.3L 6 cyl.   346

1988—95     Trucks/Vans                      4.3L 6 cyl     347

1988—95     Trucks                           4.3L 6 cyl.   348

1987—90     Revcon Motorhomes                 366—454       354Y

                                 Exhibit A cont.

                  General Motors Vehicles (Cont.)

Years       Applications                           Engines   Part#

1987—98     S—10/8—15        ‘                 4.3L 6 cyl.   361

1987—98     T—10/T—15 Vehicles                 4.3L 6 cyl.   362

1975—91     Trucks                             262—400       364Y

1983—89     Trucks                             2.8L 6 cyl.   365

1975—91     Trucks                             262—400       367Y

1975—81     Camaro/Pass Cars                   262—400       373Y

1982—92     Camaro/Pass Cars                   262—400       374Y

1980—87     Camaro/Pass Cars                   262—400       375Y

1980—95     Passenger Cars                     262—400       378Y

1993—95     Camaro/Pass Cars                   262—400       379Y

1982—1990   Camaro/Pass Cars                   262—400       380Y

1988—92     Camaro/Pass Cars                   262—400       381Y

1988—95     Trucks/Suburban/Blazer/Yukon       262—400       383Y

1988—95     Trucks/Suburban/Blazer/Yukon       262—400       384Y

1988—95     Trucks/Suburban/Blazer/Yukon       —262—400      385Y

1988—95     Trucks/Suburban/Blazer/Yukon       262—400       386Y

1988—95     Trucks/Suburban/Blazer             366—454       388Y

1988—94     454 "SS" Trucks                    366—454       392Y

1996—98     Motorhomes                         366—454       395Y

1996—98     Trucks                             366—454       396Y

                          Exhibit A cont.

                General Motors Vehicles (Cont.)

1996—98   Trucks                            366—454               397Y

1987—91   Trucks                            366—454               398Y

1987—91   Trucks                            366—454               399Y

                             Geo Vehicles

Years     Applications                       Engines               Part##

1983—95   GEO Tracker                        1.3 to 1.6L 4 cyl.    700Y

                          Isuzu Vehicles

Years     Applications                       Engines               Part#

1984—87   Trooper                            2.3L 4 cyl.           800Y

                        Mitsubishi Vehicles

Years     Applications                       Engines              Part#

1982—89   Pick—ups                           2.0L 4 oyl.          131Y

1979—89   Pick—ups/Montero                   2.6L 4 cyl.          133Y

                           Exhibit A cont.

                           Nissan Vehicles

Years     Applications                       Engines          Part#
1978—80   Pick—ups                           2.0L 4 cyl.      405Y

1981—88   Pick—ups                           NAP—Z 4 cyl.     450Y

1986—88   Pick—ups                           NAP—Z 4 cyl.     456Y

1986—95   Pick—ups/Pathfinders               3.0L 6 cyl.      462

1986—95   Pick—ups/Pathfinders               3.0L 6 cyl.      464

1989—95   Pick—ups/Pathfinders               NAP—Z 4 cyl.     490Y

                          Suzuki Vehicles

Years     Applications                   Engines              Part#

1983—95   Samurai/Sidekick               1.3 to 1.6L 4 cy1.   700Y

                          Toyota Vehicles

Years     Applications                       Engines          Part#

1976—85   Celica                             20R/22R          502Y

1982—85   Supra                              20R/22R          530Y

1981—87   Pick—ups/4—Runner                  20R/22R          542Y

1984—88   Pick—ups/4—Runner                  20R/22R          550Y

1988—95   Pick—ups/4—Runner                  20R/22R          555Y

                       Exhibit A cont.

                   Chrysler Corp. Vehicles

Years     Applications                   Engines    Part#

1975—91   Vans/Motorhomes _              361—440     109Y
1975—91   Trucks                         361—440     134Y

1975—79   Dart; All Pass Cars            273—360     153

1975—82   Jeep CJ Series                 304—401     605Y

1975—82   Jeep CJ Series                 232—258     610

1975—79   Jeep Cherokee/Wagoneer         304—401     615Y

1980—82   Jeep Cherokee/Wagoneer         304—401     625Y

                Ford Motor Co. Vehicles

Years     Applications                   Engines    Part#

1975—76   Trucks                         352—428     203

1975—79   Trucks                         379—460     210

1975—81   Trucks/Vans                    379—460     211Y

1977—79   Trucks                         351M—400    230

1975—77   Bronco                         255—302W    263

1975—76   Trucks                         352—428    264

1975—78   Cougar; Pass Cars              351/400    265

                      Exhibit A cont.

                General Motors Vehicles

Years     Applications                  Engines    Part#

1975—81    Trucks                        262—400    300Y

1975—79    Camaro/ Pass Cars             262—400    308

1975—81    Vans/ "C" Motorhome           262—400    315Y

1975—77    Cutlass                       350—403     332

1975—79    Firebird                      350—455     332

1976—81    Trucks                        L8L        335

1975—79    Firebird (Pont. Engine)       350—455    341

1975—81    Corvette                      262—400    350

Document Created: 2007-02-02 15:18:55
Document Modified: 2007-02-02 15:18:55

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