Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 28, 1976.
As of Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
5021972-1976 Ford 8 cylinder, EXCEPT vehicles with a pivoted concentric breaker plate distributor EXCEPT (1) those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless ignition systems (2) 1966-1970 vehicles equipped with NOxretrofit devices with a 4 degree retard in basic ignition timing.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-70-1
  • Executive Order 70-1 / D70-1
  • ARB # D-70-1
  • Executive Order No: D-70-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-70-1
  • Resolution D-70-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-70-1 PDF

D-70-1 Document:


                                                                2, 0. Besk
                              State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                            EXECUTIVE ORDER D—70—1
              Relating to Exemptions under Section 27156
                            of the Yehicle Code

                           MALLORY ELECTRIC COMPANY
                          "MALLORY UNILITE MODEL §02"

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
27156 of the»VehicIe Code; and                                         .

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:     That the installation of the "Malliory
Unilite Model 502" breakerless ignition conversion unit manufactured by
Maliory Electric Company, Division of W. R. Grace & Co., 1801 Oregon
Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 has been found to not reduce the
effectiveness of required motor vehicle pollution control devices and,
therefore, is exempt from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the To
Vehicle Code for installation on 1972—1976 model year Ford 8 cylinder
vehicles equipped with a pivoted concentric breaker plate dnstrxbutor
except as follows:

     1}   Those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless ignition

     2)   Those 1966 through 1970 vehicles equipped with "NOx retrofit
          devices" with a 4° retard in basic ignition timing (f.e.,
          Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer,; Pure Power — Electro—NOx).

This device is a minjaturized breakerless conversion unit which is
installed inside the distributor. It consists of an opto/electronic
module and a shutter wheel. ;The electronic module consists of a.light
emitting diode, an infrared detector, and a transistor switchino circuit.

Th1s Executive Order is valid provided that 1nsta1 ation 1nstruct1ons
for this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the per—
formance of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate
this Executive Order.

"MALLORY UNILITE MOBEL 502"                               ,

Marketing of this devite using an identification other than that shown .
in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application
other than those lTisted in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless
prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resources Board" may be made
with respect to the action taken here1n in any advertising or other oral
or written communication.

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising un]awfu?, and Section 17534 naieg v1o]at1on punishable
as a mlsdemeanor                  —

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows: .

     "43644. (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the state board for certification
     of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that device has been
     certified by the state board. No person shall sell, offer for sale,
     advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as
     a certified device which, in fact, is not a certified device. Any
     violation of this subdivisfof\is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for such action as he deems

       |                   s
Executed at Sacramento, California, this
                                         ie      3416 dayy of October,   1976.

                                       Original Signed By
                                       Thomas C. Austin
                                       Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                             State of California

                             AIR RESQURCES BOARD

                              October 8, 1976

                               Staff Report

                  Evaluation of Mallory Electric Company
                  "Mallory Unilite Model 502" Breakerless
                     Conversion Unit for Exemption from
                  the Provisions of Section 27156 of the
                               Vehicle Code


      Mallory Electric Company, Division of W. R. Grace & Co., 1801

      Oregon Street, Carson City, Nevada, 89701, has applied for an

      exemption for its breakerless ignition conversion device, "Mallory

      Unilite Mode? 502".    The applicant intends to market the device for

      installation on 1972 through 1976 model year Ford 8 cylinder

      vehicies equipped with a pivotal concentric breaker plate distributor.

      (Exhibit A).

      The applicant has been previously granted an exemption by Executive

      Order D—70, dated September 19, 1976 for the same device identified

      as "Mallory Unilite Mode] 501" for Delco 8 cylinder applications.

      The Model 501 is é]ectrically identically to the Model 502.

II.   System Description

      The device is a unit to replace the contact points within the

      distributor.    The opto/electronic module consists of a light

      emitting diode, an infrared detector, and a transistor switching

      circuit.   The module has been reduced in size through the use of

      thick film hybrid solid state circuitry.

Evaluation of Mallory Electric Company "Mallory
Unilite Model 502" Breakerless Conversion Unit
for Exemption from the Provisions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                 October 8, 1976

     The module is mounted onto the distributor breaker plate using

     the screws supplied.    The shutter wheel has cut windows to allow

     lTight passage to activate the detector at the appropriate intervais.

     The wheel is mounted onto the distributor drive plate.     Exhibit B

     shows the electrical schematic of the device and Exhibit C is a

     copy of the installation instructions.

111. System Evaluation

     A.   Laboratory Tests

          The applicant did not submit any emission data indicating the

          device will not have any adverse effect on the emission

          control system.    In lieu of emission tests the applicant

          submitted an ignition bench test on a 1974 Ford 8 cylinder

          distributor by comparing the output characteristics of the

          ignition system with and without the device.     The test was

          accompliished on an ignition system simulator in accordance

          with "ARB Guidelines for Testing and’Criteria for Emission

          Compliance of Ignition System Modifications".     The ARB per—

          formed a confirmatory test on a 1973 Ford 8 cylinder distri—

          butor.   Table I and II are the summaries of the applicant‘s

          test data and the ARB Laboratory test results.

Evaluation of Mallory Electric Company "Mallory
Unilite Model 502" Breakerless Conversion Unit
for Exemption from the Provisions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                      October 8, 1976

    B.    Analysis of Test Results

         1.   Applicant‘s Test Data

              The back—to—back ignition systeim test data submitted

              by the applicant did not show any significant change

               in the centrifugal and vacuum advance of the distributor

              tested.   In addition, no degradation was noted of other

              critical ignition system parameters such as spark dura—

               tion, rise time, available secondary voltage, and energy.

              ARB Test Data

              The ARB confirmatory test showed that the device intro—

              duced a maximum of 6° engine ignition retard.      This 6°

               retard consisted of one degree delay in centrifugal

               advance and 5 degrees delay in vacuum advance.     A special

               test conducted with the governor of the distributor

               locked, however, showed no intrinsic advance or delay in

               the "Unilite" electronic module indicating fhat the

               centrifugal delay noted above could have been due to the

               test variability.     Likewise the vacuum advance data

               points have one degree test variability due to a + 0.5°

               accuracy in the distributor advance test bench readings.

               It is the staff‘s judgement that the 2° retard in excess

               of the ARB maximum 4° retard criteria can be attributed

               to the test variability.

Evaluation of Mallory Electric Company "Mallory
Unilite Model 502" Breakertess Conversion Unit
for Exemption from the Provisions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                  October 8, 1976

                Table II also shows that the other critical ignition

                parameters were not adversely affected by the installa—

                tion of the "Vnilite" device.

          Manufacturers Clains

          The applicant claims the installation of the device on the

          motor vehicles will reduce tune ups, maintenance and adjust—

          ments .

          It is the staff‘s judgement that the installation of the

          device on a vehicle could result in the following:

          1.    This breakerless system offers potential for reduced

          2.        The electrical characteristics of this system do not

                indicate any significant benefits on the performance,

                fuel economy and emissions reduction greater than that

                would be expected from a properly tuned engine.

          Modification of the Intallation Instructions

          Item.No. 6 of the manufacturer‘s installation instructions

          recommends advancing the ignition timing so engine slightly

          pings under heavy load to obtain maximum engine performance

          and fuel economy.      Advancing the ignition timing over the

          manufacturer‘s specifications is not allowed per ARB ignition

Evaluation of Mallory Electric Company "Mallory
Unilite Model 502" Breakerless Conversion Unit
for Exemption from the Provisions of Section
27156 of the Vehicle Code                                  October 8, 1976

           system modifications criteria since this will increase the

           production of NOx.     The applicant was requested and agreed to

           delete the above recommendation from the installation instruc—


IV.   Conclusion and Recommendation

      The above evaluation of the "Mallory Unilite Model 502" unit by the

      ARB staff showed that the installation of the device will not

      adversely affect the ignition characteristics of the OEM ignition


      The staff therefore recommends that Mallory Electric Company be

      granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the

      California Vehicle Code for its "Mallory Unilite Model 502" LED

      breakerless ignition system for installation on 1972. through 1976

      model year Ford 8 cylinder vehicles equipped with a pivotal con—

      centric breaker plate distributor except as follows:

           1.   Those vehicles originally equipped with breakerless

                ignition systems.

           2.       Those 1966 through 1970 vehicles equipped with "NOx

                retrofit devices" with a 4° retard in basic ignition

                timing (i.e., Carter, Echlin, STP Air Computer, Pure
                Power — Electro—NOx).

Table I — Mallory Unilite Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary
          for 1974 Ford 8 Cylinder Distributor (Applicant‘s Test Data)

A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

          Engine RPM                    BaseTine                 Device
               800                          0                      0
              1400         '                6.5                    7.0
              2000                         11.5                   11.0
              2600                         16.0                   16.0
              3000                         20.0                   20.0
     Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
          Vacuum in. Hg.                Baseline                 Device
                6                         0.5                     1.0
                9                         7.0                     6.0
               12                        12.5                    11.0
               15                        17.0                    14.0
               18                        20.0                    17.0
               20                        22.0                    18.0
     Spark Duration in Microseconds

          Engine RPM                    Baseline                 Device
               600                         900                      700
              3000                         500                      500
     Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds
          Engine RPM                    Baseline                 Device
               600                         22                      22
               3000                        30                      25

     Spark Energy in Millijoules
          Engine RPM                    Baseline                 Device
               600                         30                      25
              3000                         12                      10
     Available Secondary Voltage in Killovolts (simulating fouled spark   plug)
          Engine RPM                    Baseline                 Device
               600                         14                      14
              3000                         12.5                    12
     Available Secondary Voltage in Killovolts {with load)

          Engine RPM                    Baseline                 Device

              600                          20                      20
              3000                         17                      16

Table II — Mallory Unilite Breakerless Ignition System Data Summary for
           1973 Ford 8 Cylinder Distributor (ARB Confirmatory Test)

A.   Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
          Engine RPM          Baseline        Device            Delay*
             800                    0          0                  0
            1400                    6.5        6.0                0
            2000                   11.0       10.0                0
            2600                   13.5       13.0                0
            3000                   16.0       15.5                0
B.   Yacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees
          Vacuum in. Hg.      Baseline        Device
                6                    2          0.5
                9                   10.5        7.0
               12                   16.5       13.0
               15                   21.0       16.5
               18                   24.0       19.0
               20                   24.5       21.0
C.   Spark Duration in Microseconds
          Engine RPM          Baseline        Device
              600                   1400          1200
             3000                   1100           880
D.   Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds
          Engine_RPM          Baseline        Device
              600                   120           100
             3000                   120           100
E.   Spark Energy in Millijoules
          Engine RPM          Baseline        Device
              600                   22.4          19.8
             3000                   15.7          17.6
F.   Available Secondary Voltage in Killovolts (simulating fouled spark plug)
          Engine RPM          Baseline        Device
              600                   15.0          13.5
             3000                   12.5          12.5
G.    Available Secondary Voltage in Killovolts {with load)
          Engine RPM          Baseline        Device
              600                   23.5          21.0
             3000                   18.5          19.0

*Tested with distributor governor locked.

                                                                              EXHIBIT A

                                                         Automotive Specialties Division

GWE                                                      W. R. Grace & Co.
                                                         7091 Belgrave Ave.
                                                         Garden Grove, Calif, 92641


                                     September 8, 1976

Mr. G. C. Hass, Chief
Vehicle Emissions Control Program
Air Resources Board
9528 Telstar Avenue
E1 Monte, California    91731

Subject:   Application for an ARB Resolution of Compliance with Section
           27156 of the California Vehicle Code.

Dear Mr. Hass:

This letter is an application for an ARB resolution of compliance with

Section 27156 of the Califorria Vehicle Code for the Mallory Unilite

electronic conversion for the 72 and later concentric Ford Distributors.

I am applying for the exemption in behalf of the Mallory Electric Company,

a wholly owned subsiderary of the W. R. Grace Company of New York.

A copy of a letter authorizing me to act in behalf of Mallory Electric has

been previously submitted.

Description Of Device

The device is a unique breakerless conversion ignition device that in—

corporates numerous design changes making it totally different than the

previous SS—1 conversion unit.

The new unit has been reduced in size through the use of thick flim hy—

brid solid state circuitry allowing the entire package to be mounted inside

the distributor offering simplified installation.

©@   crace
     Mr. G. C. Hass                       —2—                       $ September 1976

     Purpose of the Device

     The purpose of the device is to replace the conventional breaker points

     with a non—contacting infrared triggered unit.     The conversion eleminates

     the effects of point contact wear, timing changes,    & reduced energy out—

     put of the conventional point contact system.     It thereby offers reduced

     tuneup maintainance & adjustments.

     Installation Instructions

     Detailed instruction sheets as well as two sample units will be immediately

     forwarded under separate cover for your evaluation.

     Test Data

.    Bench test data has been supplied as per The ARB quidelines of 3—1—76 for

     the Concentric Vacuum Plate Ford Distributor.     The tests were performed with

     strict adherence to the ARB guidelines for testing & evaluation of Ignition

     system modifications.   A copy is attached.

     The data on the Ford unit was taken using the D3AF12127AB Concentric vacuum

     advance plate.

     Application of the Device

     The Unilite #502 is manufactured for use with the 8 cylinder Ford dis—

     tributor from 1972 and later with conventional breaker point ignition.        If

     you have any questions regarding the enclosed information, please do not

     hesitate to call.

                                          Sincerely,       /

©                                         7A               {f2a——————
                                          Andy Krumm
                                          Director of Research & Development

                                                                 Automotive Specialties Division

    GRACE                                                        W. R. Grace & Co.
                                                                 7091 Belgrave Ave.
                                                                 Garden Grove, Calif. 92641

                                                                 (714) 893—0595

                                           October 1, 1976

    Air Resources Board
    9528 Telstanr Ave.
    EL Monte, CA 91731

    Attn:     Fexrnand Tan

    Dear Mr. Tan:

         Regarding our recent teZlephone conversation concerning the letter
.   from Mr. Drachand, please modify the Mallony application to cover the
    1972 through 1976 model year Ford eight cylinder distributors equipped
    with a pivotal concentric breaker plate.

            The circuit diagram of the model 502 is identical to the 501 unit
    you have previousty evaluated. However, I have asked that one be formarded
    to you with the two sample devices.
            Please contact me if you have any further questions.


                                        Direotor        b{f Research & Development


PRINTED‘IN U.S.A.      1/76                                                                                        EXHIBIT C                          FORM 856

           AMERICA‘S IGNITION SPECIALISTS                         0110 r                                        FOR OVvER FIFTY YEARS


                                                                                                                                            voror—swurter wneek
      1. Remove and set aside distributor cap to allow clear access to                                                                      COrtie Interupter)
         distributor. Do not remove plug wires from cap.

      2. Remove points, condenser, primary lead wire and rotor from                                            g       g————————() 62 scaems
         breaker plate and distributor housing. Leave breaker plate and                                                 I
         ground wire intact.
                                                                                                                                            SWIuTE wObLe

      1. Using 8—32 x % flathead screw, install the lower mounting plate,    $—3258, Rit Hd S
         {see Figure A) to the stock circuit breaker plate. Before tight—
         ening, check hole alignment on remaining holesin plate.
                                                                             uprER MOWITNE Puate
     2. Having secured lower mounting plate, install the upper mounting      Wete: 2 Conntersnk botes.             |                         B42X4 Hat 86 Ser.
         plate, {refer to Figure A} using (1) 8—32 x % and (1) 8—32 x 5/16
     3. With mounting plates both secured, install the Mallory UNILITE
        module, as iflustrated, using (2) 6—32 screws provided.
                                                                                                            Q          é—,mlil wountine PLATE

     TIGHT BEFORE PROCEEDING.                                                                                               |Hoto: & Coontersimk bofe.

     4. Push wites through hole in side of distributor. Slide rubber
         grommet supplied over wires and fit into hole. With rubber
         grommet instafled, mount connector pins into plastic terminal
         pin bousing supplied. Be sure wires are shoved into connector
         as shown in Figure 8. Shove in until a definite "click" is heard.
         Install rotor—shutter onto sleeve.                                                                @&— sxommet
     NOTE: Rough timing for starting may be established by centering
       nearest shutter wheel apening with optic detector on module,
         There are three wires to be connected from the UNILITE distri—
         butor. Connect as follows:                                                                           FIGURE A
         Red Wire:     Connect to + (positive) terminal of original coil.
            (This terminal may be marked BAT.}                                                            NDEX R1B
         NOTE: With Mallory 28675 Voltmaster coil, connect Red Wire

           to terminal of coil resistor NOT connected to Mallory coil.
         Green Wire:    Connect to — {negative} terminal of original coil.
            (This terminal may be marked DIST.)
         Brown Wire: Connect to a good ground on engine. Clean any
            grease or paint away from engine block and stud. If brown
            wire is connected to coil hold—down bolt, be sure there is
            no paint or grease on bolt or engine block.

     5. With distributor cap on distributor, the engine is now ready to
        start.                                                                                           terminal pin housing wires must
                                                                                                         be installed into pin housing as shown
      . Use a timing light. Adjust initial timing at idle. Set timing as
        recommended by the engine manufacturer. For maximum per—                                         to mate with other portion of
        formance and economy, advance timing so engine slightly                                          wiring harness
        pings under heavy load.
                                                                                                               FIGURE B


    MALLORY ELECTRIC, DIVISION OF w. R. Grace & Co, * 1801 OREGON STREET, CARSON CITY, NEVADA 89701 « (702) 882—6600

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:42:00
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:42:00

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