Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on October 28, 1976.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
SIG-1011976 and older vehicles, EXCEPT: (1) Vehicles originally equipped with breakerless capacitive discharge or Delco high energy electronic ignition systems (2) 1966-1970 vehicles equipped with AQP Pure Power NOx retrofit device

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-71
  • Executive Order 71 / D71
  • ARB # D-71
  • Executive Order No: D-71
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-71
  • Resolution D-71
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-71 Document:


    '\\                                                            (Page 1 of 2)

                                  State of California
                                  AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                EXECUTIVE ORDER D—71
                     Reiat1ng to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                 of the Vehicle Code

                                 STEVENS ASSOCIATES

    Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section
    27156 of the Vehicle Code; and

    Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 of
    the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—30A;

    IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:     That the installation of the "Steven‘s Capacitive
    Discharge Ignition System (S1G—101)", manufactured by Stevens Associates,
    P.0. Box 620, Alamo, CA 94507 has been found to not reduce the effectiveness
    of required motor—vehicle pollution control devices, and therefore, is exempt
    from the prohibitions of Sectton 27156 of the Vsehicle Code for 1976 and
    older model year vehicles except as follows:

    1.~    Vehicles originally equipped with breakerless capacitive discharge
.          or Delco high energy electronic ignition systems.       :        «

    2.    © Those 1966—70 vehicles equipped with a "AQP Pure Power" NOx
            retrofit device employing a capacitive discharge c1rcu1t com—
            bined with spark advance control.

    This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
    this device will not recommend tuning the vehicleto specifications different
    from those listed by the vehicle manufacturer.

    Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the devfce, as
    exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
    of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

    Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
    this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other
    than.those listed in this Executive Order shall be proh1b1ted unless prior
    approval is obta1ned from the A1r Resources Board.

STEVENS— AssOcIATEs     ho                                     EXECUTIVE ORDER D—71
SIG—101 CAPACITIVE DISCHARGE IGNITION SYSTEM               >       (Page 2 of 2)

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect
that the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or
implied by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by Air Resourcés Board" may—be made
with respect to the action taken herewnin any advertising or other ora1
or written communication.                                      .

Section 17500 of the Business and Professions Code makes untrue or mis—
leading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation punishable
as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644.   (a) No person shall install, sell, offer for sale, or adver—
     tise, or, except in an application to the State board for certification
     of a device, represent, any device as a motor vehicle pollution control
     device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that.device has been
     certified by the State board.> No person shall sell, offer for sale,
     advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution control device as
     a certified device which, in fact, is not a. certified dev1ce Any
     violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Executive Order w111'be
submitted to the Attorney General of Ca11forn1a for such action as he deems

Executed at Sacramento, California, this ;25       day of October, 1976.

                                      Original Signed By
                                    Thomas C. Austin
                                    Deputy Executive Officer—Technical

                            State of California

                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                  Staff Report

                                 August 30, 1976
  Evaluation of the Stevens Associates "SIG—101 Capacitive Discharge
           Ignition System" for Compliance with the Requirements
           of Section 27156 of the California Motor Vehicle Code

      Stevens Associates, P.0. Box 620, Mamo, California 94507 has submitted

      an application (see Appendix 1) requesting an exemption from Section

      27156 of the California Vehicle Code for its capacitive discharge

      electronic ignition system Model NO. S1G—101.

      Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code prohibits the installation, sale or

      advertisement of any device or mechanisms which alters the performance

      or design of the vehicle‘s emission control system.   The Air Resources

      Board is empowered to exempt any device from this prohibition if a

      finding shows the device will not reduce the effectiveness of the

      emission control system.

II.   System Description and Function

      The "Stevens Capacitive Discharge Ignition System" consists basically

      of electrical circuits for a d—c to d—c converter, a storage capacitor

      and a silicon éontro11ed rectifier which serves as an electronic switch.

      Other circuits act as point bounce eliminator, transfer relay to return

      the ignition system to normal operation in case of failure of the

      Stevens system, point cleaner which increases the primary current during

      starting, and power filters to eliminate noise.

Evaluation of the Stevens Associates "SIG@—101 Capacitive
Discharge Ignition System" for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California Motor
Vehicle Code

     Exhibit A is a detailed wiring diagram of the device and Exhibit B

     shows how it is connected to the vehicle ignition system.

111. Device Evaluation

     The applicant submitted back—to—back bench test ignition system

     performance data (ARB guidelines dated May 25, 1976) for the following

     ignition systems:

          1.   1966 Mercury — 8 cylinders

          2.   1973 Buick — 8 cylinders

          3.   1973 Ford — 8 cylinders

     A summary of the data for these tests is shown in Table I

     The ARB laboratory performed similar confirmatory back—to—back

     bench tests (ref. Lab Reports Project B—76—15) on the following

     ignftion systems :

          1.   1967 Ford — 8 cylinders

          2.   1973 Volkswagen — 4 cylinders

          3.   1974 Chrysler — 8 cylinders — Electronic breakerless

               ignition system.

     A summary of the data for these tests is shown in Table II.

     The applicant did not submit centrifugal or vacuum advance data

     and the submitted OEM spark duration data (Table IA) was too

     high when compared to manufacturers specifications.    The ARB

     laboratory performed confirmatory tests to determine OEM spark

     advance characteristics and all other ignition criteria critical

     to emission control.   This information is included in Table II.


Evaluation of the Stevens Associates "SIG—101 Capacitive
Discharge Ignition System" for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California Motor
Vehicle Code

      An evaluation of the test data showed that the device met the ARB
      criteria as given in the Guidelines dated May 25, 1976.   The results

      indicated a decrease in secondary voltage rise time which minimizes

      leakage and an increase in spark energy and available voltage.   This

      improves the ability of the spark plug to fire under adverse conditions.

      Although the spark duration was substantially decreased from the O.E.M.

      values, it still exceeded the minimum of 100 microseconds as given in

      the above criteria.

IV.   Applicant‘s Claims

      The applicant claims improved performance and gas mileage, lower fuel

      octane requirements, reduced exhaust pollutants, and less maintenance.

      The electrical characteristic of this system do not indicate any marked

      increase in performance or gas mileage or decrease in octane requirements

      or exhaust pollutants from a normal properly tuned engine.    However, the

      points and spark plugs should require less maintenance.

      Conclusion and Recommendations

      The staff concludes that the installation of this device on 1976 and

      older model engines will not result in increased emissions.

Evaluation of the Stevens Associates "SIG—101 Capacitive
Discharge Ignition System" for Compliance with the
Requirements of Section 27156 of the California Motor
Vehicle Code

       Based on test data and other information submitted by the applicant,

       the staff recommt;nds Stevens Associates be granted an exemption from

       the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the "Stevens SIG—101

       Capacitive Discharge Ignition System" installed on 1976 and older

       model        vehicles except for the following:

               1.      Vehicles originally equipped with breakerless capacitive

                       discharge or Delco high energy electronic ignitian systemsr

               2.      Those 1966—1970 vehicles equipped with the AQP—Pure Power

                       NOx retrofit device employing a capacitive discharge cir—

                       cuit combined with spark advance control.

       This recommendation is contingent on the applicant deleting from all

       published materials any reference to tuning the engine to specifications

       other than those in the original vehicle manufacturers instructions.

       (See Appendix I page 3).

                                   Table I

              Ignition System Data Submitted by Applicant

 Engine        1966 Mercury — v8           1973 Buick — 4 Cyl    1973 Ford — V8
  RPM        Baseline Device            Baseline Device       Baseline Device

. Spark Duration in Microseconds

  200         3,500      370             3,600     350         3,000     390
  600         2,500      370             3,000     350         3,000     390
 3000         1,500      370             1,750     350         2,000     390
. Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

  200            150      80                 100    80           150      80
  600            150      80                 120    75           150      80
 3000            150      80                 130    80           170      80

. Spark Energy in Millijoules

  200           19.0     22.8             22.9     23.3         16.3     24.0
  600           13.6     22.8             19.1     23.3         16.3     24.0
 3000            5.4     22.8             10.9     23.3          8.2     23.4

. Available Voltage With Load (KV)
  200             25      35                 23     34            25      32
  600             22      32                 25     34            25      32
 3000             18      32                 22     34            22      31

 Available Voltage With Simulated Fouled Spark Plug (KY)

  200             16      25                  15    25            14      24
  600             16      23                  16    25            14      24
 3000             12      22        >         12    24            13      22

                                                              {1 of 2)

                                    Table II

                 Ignition System Data From ARB Laboratory

    Engine          1967 Ford— y3        1973 Yolkswagen 4 cy) 1974 Chrysler yg*
     RPM        BaselTine UVevice        Baseline Device       BaselTine DVéevice

 A. Centrifugal Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

     600           0        0               0         0             0      0
    1400           9.0      9.5             8.0       8.0          16.0   16.0
    2000          16.5     16.0            12.5      12.5          18.5   18.5
    2600          18.5     18.5            16.5      16.5          21.5   21.0
    3200                                   20.5      21.0

 B. Vacuum Spark Advance in Crankshaft Degrees

   In. Hg

      3.           0        0                  0      0             0      0
      6            2.5      2.0                0.5    0.5           0      0
      9           10.0     10.0                5.0    5.0           3.5    4.0
     12           16.0     16.0                5.0    5.0          12.5   12.0
     15           20.0     20.0                5.0    5.0          20.0   20.0
     20           24.0     24.0                5.0    5.0          20.0   20.0

 C. Spark Duration in Microseconds

    200           1900      440             800       500 °        2200    800
    600           1400      440            1000       500          1200    400
   3000           1100      440                                     900    400
   4000                                        800    500

 D. Secondary Voltage Rise Time in Microseconds

    200            100       60                 50     40           120    60
    600            120       60                 50     40           120    60
   3000            120       60                                     120    60
   4000                                        50     40

*Electronic Ignition

                                                              (2 of 2}

   Engine         1967 Ford y—8       1973 Volkswagen 4 Cy1. 1974 Chrysler v—8
    RPM        Baseline Device        Bbaseline   Device     BaselineDevice

E. Spark Energy in Millijoules

   200           34.2     22.7          14.0      24.5        54.3       45.3
   600           24.5     23.2          22.0      24.5        21.1       30.0
  3000           15.7     23.2                                22.8       30.0
  4000                                  15.1       27.6

F. Available Voltage With Load (KV)
   200           26.0     31.0          15.5      20.0        22.5       31.0
   600           23.5     29.5          19.5      20.0        22.0       32.0
  3000           19.0     29.5                                20.0       320
  4000                                  16.5       20.0

G. Available Voltage With Simulated Fouled Spark Plug (K¥)
   200           17.0     24.0          12.5       12.0       15.0       24.5
   600           16.0     23.0          15.0       17.0       14.0       25.0
  3000           12.5     22.0                                13.5       25.0
  4000                                 ©13.5       17.0

Electronic Circuit Diagram
                                                                                                  £~— bftointedntatal hi
                                                                                                  1       yon

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 aut caprciron vatute in mcroranans


                                                                                                                           —— anp. t

                                         Exhibit B                       { 1 of 5)

        Efdzre Connection Diagram

                                           STEVENS           %
                                            IGNITION          Iw}


                                                     existing wire
                                                     from points

                                                                                         /   (EATfl

                                                                                                 any other,
.                       BATTERY                  DISTRIBUTOFZ        accessories (tach.,      cgnnected}{o
                                                                     cruise control.etc.)     pos. terminal

        1        FOR SBREAKERLESS
                 1G@NITION SYSTENS                            & l
        |                                                     g8/
        |                                                    §1ij
        |                                  stevens     |[|"C i
        |                                  fenimion Li im

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             {                                   EXISTING WIRES
    +        |                                PREVIOUSLY CONKECTED + ggn.
            f                                   TO NEC. TERMINAL
©                                    L

 Installing Your Stevens Ignition
> 1 can install your Stevens Ignition quickly using a few hand tools.     green wire from the ignition unit. Connect the black wire from the
\\, _nply mount the unit and make the necessary wire connections as       unit to this same post. Replace the lockwasher and nut, then
 shown and described. Be sure to read the instructions all the way        tighten. Connect the wire from the distributor points to the screw
 through before you start. You may shorten any wire from the unit.        that holds the green wire on the insulating strip. Remaining
 {Cut and strip the wire, then crimp or solder a spare ring—tongue        accessory wires, if any, will be connected in Step 4.
 terminalto its end.)                                                   . Remove the nut and lockwasher from the positive (+ or BAT}
 Mounting and Connecting the Unit                                         post on the coil. Take off the existing wires.
 1. Pick a suitable location under the hood. Make sure that:              Over the positive post, slip the insulating strip attached to the red
    a. Air will flow freely over the unit during use.                    wire from the ignition unit. Connect the orange wire from the
    b. The four thinner wires from the unit reach the ignition coil      unit—and all other wires from any accessory that had been
       withouttouching hot or moving parts.                              connected to the negative coil post (tachometer, cruise control,
    c. The heavy yellow wire from the unit reaches the positive (+)      etc.) —to the positive coil post.
       terminal of the battery (or some other suitable point as             NOTE: To avoid interfering with the point—cleaning function of
      described in step 5).                                                 the Stevens Ignition, do not connect the accessory wire to any
      NOTE: If your vehicle has wood around the engine {common               terminals at the negative side of the coil.
      in motor homes and boats), try to mount the unit on a metal         Replace the lockwasher and nut, then tighten.
      part of the vehicle frame. If this cannot be done, you must         Locate the wires previously attached to the positive cail post.
      ground the unit to the vehicle frame through a 1/4 inch             Connect all of them to the screw that holds the red wire on the
      braided grounding strap less than 1 ft. long. Attach the strap
                                                                          insulating strip.
      under one of the unit mounting screws near the end where the
      wires emerge.                                                     . Finally, connect the heavy yellow wire from the ignition unit to
                                                                          the positive battery voltage—at the battery, alternator, or starter
 2. Using the unit as a guide, mark the four mounting holes on the
    mounting surface. Center—punch. Drill the holes, using the drill
    bit supplied, Mount the unit with the sheet—metal screws and          If you connect the wire at the battery, use the drill bit supplied to
    star washers.                                                         drill a hole 1/2 inch deep in the top of the positive battery terminal

                                                                                                                                                   (§ 30 ?)
                                                                         or its clamp. Then use the remaining sheet—metal screw and star
 3. Remove the nut and lockwasher from the negative {— or DIST}          washer to fasten the ring—tongue lug to the terminal or clamp. Be
 _ terminal post on the ignition coil. Take off the existing wires.
                                                                         sure to cover the connection with grease to prevent corrasion.
    Over the negative post, slip the insulating strip attached to the

                                                                            Operation Notes
Checking Your Installation                                                  Once installed, your Stevens Ignition will continue to perform inde
Your Stevens Ignition is now completely installed and ready to operate.     finitely without further attention.
Start the engine and check to see that the red indicator lamp on the        Indicator Lamp You can always check to see that the unit is
ignition unit is lit. This shows that the system is working properly        working properly by simply noting that the indicator lamp on the end
and will give you outstanding engine performance.                           panel is lit.
If the indicator on the unit is not lit with the engine running, it means   Safety Function (or, Operating Safeguard) The unit uses a                        \
the system is operating in the conventional mode {as if the ignition        standard 10—amp automictive fuse available at any service station. If        >
unit bad not been installed). Check to make sure the unit‘s fuse fits       for any reason the fuse is blown, the unit will automatically transfer
properly in its holder and is not blown. The unit uses a standard           engine operation to the conventional mode.
10—amp automotive fuse available at any service station.                    Engine Performance As stated previously, your Stevens Ignition
If the fuse is not the problem, check carefully to make sure the unit       is designed to give you many years of greatly improved engine
is properly grounded to the metal frame of the vehicle as noted in          performance. To get the full benefits from your unit, however, you
Step 1.                                                                     should see that any existing conditions in your engine or transmission
If the engine fails to start, go over these instructions again. Check the   system that may contribute to poor performance are taken care of.
wiring and correct all improper connections. If the engine still won‘t      While your Stevens Ignition may seem to compensate for such things
start, remove the fuse from the ignition unit. This will put the system     as burned valves, worn piston rings, or poor carburetion, eliminating
in the conventional operating mode and the engine should start. If          these problems will further enhance your vehicle‘s performance.
it does not, you have made an error in connecting the wires.                Initial Tuneup We recommend that after your unit is installed,
                                                                            you have your engine tuned and new points put in. These points
                                                                            should never need replacement as long as they operate with the
                                                                            Stevens Ignition. Spark plug gaps should be set at 0.050 in, (see
                                                                            discussion on pluqu under "Fuel Economy"). Timing should be
                                                                            adjusted as specified by the auto mariufacturer,
                                                                            Since many ignition test instruments will not work properly with this
                                                                            type of electronic ignition, the system should be put in conventional
                                                                            mode for tuning. This can be done readily by pulling the fuse on
                                                                            the unit.                                                             >

                                                                                                                                                         (q 10 ¢]
                                                                            After the initial tuneup, you will be able to drive 40,000 to 50,000    _‘
                                                                            miles before your next tuneup.

                                                                           Technical Description —
 |_ 2l Economy Your Stevens Ignition will bring you substantial            The Stevens Ignition is an electronic ignition unit of the type known
 savings by improving gas mileage. It will also, in some cases, further    as capacitive—discharge {C—D). The Stevens Ignition is also unique in
  reduce fuel costs by lowering the octane rating requirements. This       thatit is carefully engineered to provide the following:
 will depend on the compression ratio of the engine and the tempera—       1, Maximum spark energy with optimum voltage and current.
 ture rating of the spark plugs.                                           2. Maximum reliability and durability.
     NOTE: With your Stevens Ignition you can install plugs                3. Simple installation in any 12—volt, negative—ground system.
     that are one or two grades colder and thereby use a more              Some of the more important design features used to accomplish the
     economical, lower—octane gasoline. Surface—gap plugs, which cannot    above are discussed in the following paragraphs with reference to
     be used with standard and most electronic ignition systems (because   the electronic circuit diagram.
    these plugs tend to foul}, work very well with the Stevens Ignition,   Basic Operation The unit‘s energy storage capacitor C1O (section
     improving performance still further and reducing octane               P on the diagram} is charged to the proper energy level and then
     requirements.                                                         discharged through the ignition coil every time the points in the
 If your engine has a very high compression ratio, it will still require   distributor open. The coil in turn transfers the accumulated energy
 the use of premium gasoline.                                              through the distributor to the spark plugs.
 Beyond this, you can periodically check the dwell for fine adjustment.    Energy Storage Capacitor (P) in the Stevens Ignition, the energy
                                                                           storage capacitor is 3 to 4 times larger than that found in other C—D
                                                                           units. As a result, it pumps much more energy into each spark
                                                                           discharge, as well as causing the coil to operate more efficiently.
                                                                           It also lengthens the duration of the spark to between 400 and 600
                                                                           microseconds, which guarantees optimum ignition under all conditions.

                                                                                                                                                   C ))

                   Ten Year Wan‘amy

The care exercised in the design, development, and production of this unit will
provide years of trouble—free service and reliable performance. Before your ignition
leaves our facility it is thoroughly tested and inspected.
Every Stevens Ignition manufactured by Stevens Associates iswarranted to be free
from defects in material and workmanship. We will, for a period of 10 years from
date of purchase, at our option repair or replace—FREE OF CHARGE—any unit
that proves defective.
The complete unit must be returned by the original owner, transportation prepaid,
to Stevens Associates, P.O. Box 620, Alamo, CA 94507. This warranty is void if
the unit has been tampered with or subjected to abuse or collision.
Please specify the Model and Serial Number found on the Identification Plate in
all correspondence concerning your Stevens Ignition.

                                                                                       (g 30 5)

                                               Appendix I


    P.O. Box 620
    Alamo, CA 94507                                     .
    (415) 837—9164                                          July 29, 1976

          Mr. Irv Ettinger
          Air Resources Board
          9528 Telstar Avenue
          El Monte, California 91731

          Dear Mr. Ettinger:

          It was a pleasure speaking with you on the phone the other day and meeting
          with Mr. Luczynski several weeks ago. Since that time, we have been
          conducting a complete series of bench tests to assure the compliance of our
          ignition system with Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code. Base—line tests and
          tests with our ignition have been run with three different vehicles. The test
          results are enclosed.        Installation of the Stevens ignition requires no
          modification to the vehicle distributor and connections are all made directly
          at the coil and at a battery supply source.

.         When you examine the test results you will note that they are consistent over
          the full range of engine speed, battery voltage and vehicle type. The Stevens
          Ignition is the only ignition system on the market that we know of that has a
          regulated voltage supply. Also, it is the only one with a 4 microfared
          capacitor, allowing for the longer spark duration in excess of three hundred
          microseconds and considerably higher millijoules spark energy. The only
          slight change in energy is created by a change in the inductance of the coil,
          as can be noted from the test on the ‘73 Ford, an 8.4 millihenry coil
          inductance changed the spark energy only ‘a few percent over the 5.0
          millihenry coil inductance on the other vehicle.

          Only the Delco HEI Ignition approaches the energy in the spark of the Stevens
          over the full operating range. We will apply for separate approval of a
          different model for use with the HEI at a later date.

          Since the energy in the spark of all conventional units depends upon the coil
          inductance and the current flowing in the system, whether mechanical or
          solid state breaker points are used, we are applying for approval for
          installation of our system on all vehicles utilizing a Kettering Ignition
          System, mechanical, solid state or photoelectric points. We have researched
          the literature for Ford, Chrysler, General Motors and American Motors and
          determined through the specification for coil inductance and primary current
          that we will exceed the spark energy with our unit in all cases.

          We feel confident that we can meet the Delco HEI criteria with our unit,

however, improvement in engine performance would not be as great, since the
spark plug gap is already at .080. We feel it necessary to develop another
system for this application.

It is noted that in Section 7.0 "Data should be presented in Test #2 for any
device which alters parts of any distributor that controls spark advance

The Stevens ignition does not alter any parts of the distributor and, therefore,
should not alter spark advance timing and does not introduce any delay from
the time the points open to the firing of the spark. This is evident from the
evaluation of the data comparing the conventional ignition and Stevens
ignition equiped 1973 Buick.

The above data was evaluated per Section 8.1 Ignition timing. The allowable
spec is +0 — 2 degrees distributor timing. The data gathered on the tests show
that the Stevens ignition introduces a delay of % degree at high RPM, which is
well within the allowable specification.

In the light of the tests performed on timing delays, we find that the Stevens
ignition will not introduce any delay regardless of the switching element used.

In accordance with your May 5, 1976 testing criteria, we submit the following:

9.1        The signature of C.R. Stevens appearing below is that of the
           President of Stevens Associates, the manufacturer of the device.

9.2        Detailed description is attached and titled "FACTS ABOUT THE

9.3     The purpose of the device is to reduce exhaust pollutants, increase
        performance and improve gasoline mileage.

9.4     See enclosed Owners Manual.

9.5     Approval‘s requested for all vehicle makes and models other than
        those utilizing the Delco HEI system. The device part number, SIG
        101, is the same for all vehicles.

9.6     Test data results are attached.

9.7     The device submitted for testing should be returned upon completion
        of the tests.

9.8     Identification of the device is Stevens Ignition Model No. SIG—I01.

9.9     The device will be marketed in the State of California by the Stevens
        Associates Independent Distributor Organization under the name of

9.10    The device is compatable with all retrofit emission control devices
        and speed sensors and retrofit devices with a 4 degree retard in
        timing. The device further has a tachometer output for connection to
        any device that requires electronic speed sensing.

9.11    The device is compatable with electronic fuel injector systems and,
        further, the same tachometer output may be used for synchronization
        with systems that require it.

9.12    It is recommended that spark plugs of up to two ranges colder gapped
        at .050 to .060 be installed and that the timing may be advanced up to
        4 degrees beyond manufacturers specifications when using the colder
        plugs or to the point just before the engine starts to "ping".

We are pleased to enclose the bench test data you require and look forward to
your approval of the Stevens Electronic Ignition System for sale in the State
of California.   We would most appreciate copies of the results of your tests.
We also have enclosed the promised copy of a technical paper delivered to the

If you require any additional information, please call us.

Very truly yours,


(d fi;fi/;//,//fz)
C. R. Stevens


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Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:44:50
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:44:50

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