Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on May 26, 2004.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModels
28140 & 281461975-1979 326-455 CID Pontiac Firebird and Trans Am, non-feedback only 1976-1977 326-455 CID Pontiac Grand Am and Lemans, non-feedback only 1975-1977 326-455 CID Pontiac GTO and Tempest, non-feedback only

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-167-27
  • Executive Order 167-27 / D167-27
  • ARB # D-167-27
  • Executive Order No: D-167-27
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-167-27
  • Resolution D-167-27
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-167-27 PDF

D-167-27 Document:


                                                                           _     State of California ‘
                                                                           AIR RESQURCES BOARD

                                                                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—167—27—
                                                                         Relating to Exemptions under
                                                                       Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code
                                                                                 Hedman Hedders
                                                                       Tubular Exhaust Manifold Systems

                                          Pursuantto the authority vested in theAir Resources Board(ARB) bySection 27156 of the
                                          Vehicle Code; and

 ‘                                  ~_    Pursuant to theauthority vested in the undersxgned by Sections 39515 and3951 6 of the
                                         — Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;               .

                                          IT is ORDERED AND RESOLVED: ‘That installation of the Tubular Exhaust Manifold                           _
                                          Systems, manufactured by Hedman Hedders of 12436 Putnam Street, Whittier, Califomnia..
                                          $0602, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehiclepollution
                                          contral system and therefore, theTubutarExhaust Manifold Systems are exemptfromthe.
                                          prohibitionsin Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for lnstanatlonon the vehicles hstedin
1|                                        Attachment A.

                                          Thls ExecutiveOrder is based on previcus Cold—Start CVS-?S Federal Test Procedure
                                          emissions andOn—Board Diagnostnc lSystem:tests Hedman. Hedders conducted with its
                 ons                      Tubular Exhaust Mamfold Systemss                                                                              < Wt

                                          This Executive Order‘isvalid provided that installation instructionsfor the TubularExhaust
                                          Manifold Systeins do not recommend tuningthe vehicles to Spec:f‘catmns different from’
                                          thoseof the vehicle manufacturer.. |

                                          ‘Changesmadeto the design oroperating conditionsof the Tubular Exhaust Manifold
                                          Systems as exemptby the ARB, which adversely affect the performance of:the:vehicle‘s:
                                          emission control system, shall mvahdate thisExecutive Order.

     |                                   Marketmg of the Tubular Exhaust ManifoldSystems usingldenhf‘cation other than that
     i                                    shown in this Executive Order or for an applicationother than thatlistedin. this Exec..ltwe
                                          Ordershall be prohibited\unless prior approvalis cbtamed from the ARB.

                                          Exemptionof the Tubular Exhaust Manifold Systems shall notbe—construed as exemptlonto
                                          sell, offer for sale, or advertiseany component of thesystem asan. mdwrdual device. —

                                          This Executive Order shallnot apply to any Tubular Exhaust Manifold: Systems adverhsed
                                          offered for sale; sold:with,or mstalled ona motor vehzcle or.concurrent wnh transfer
                                          to anultimate purchaser; |

                                          This ExecutiveOrder dogsnot constituteany ‘opinion as tothe effect the*use ofthe:Tubular
                                          Exhaust Manifold Systemsimayhave on—any warranty either expressed or impliedbythe —
ufls                                      —vehicle manufacturer;

                                          No—claimof:any kind, suchas "ApprovedbytheAirResources Board,"may‘be madewith
                                          respecttothe action takenherelnin anyadvertlsmg or other oral or: wntten commumcation

                                                                                                                       o 90 mt t sea owSnd morininlitmnngcncnidc kh
         bovrmectsnnmmitonns c +C

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        In addifion to the foregomg, the ARB reserves the: nghtin thefuturetoreviewthls Executwe ‘
        Order and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified
        part continues to meetthe standards and procedures of California Code of Regulahons.
        Title13, Section 2222, et seq.


       Viclation of anyofthe aboveconditions shalt be grounds for rewmcaflon ofthis Exécutive
       ‘Order. The Executive Ordermay be revoked only afteraten—daywritten notice of intention
       to revoketheExecutiveOrder, in which period thehoider of the Executive Order may
      ~ fequest in writing a hearing tocontest the proposed revocation. Ifa hearingis requested,it
        shall beheld within ten days of receipt of the request, and the Executive Order maynot be. ~
       revoked until a determination is madeafter the hearing that.grounds for revocation exist.

       ‘Executive Order 0—167—7, datedJanuary 24, 1994 and Executive Order D—16?~26dated
       .April 8, 2&04 are hena*bgyr su;:erseded and are of nofurtherforceoreffect..

       ‘Executed at El Monta, California,this _ZZET*"_ dayofMay2004.


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                                                                        Attachment A                                                         (Page 1 of 2) |
                                                                                Vahicle Application
                          1975—1978 326455 CID Pontiac Firebird and Trans Am, non—feedback only
                          1976—1977 326—455 CID Pontiac Grand Am and Lemans, non—feedback only
   28140 & 281486         1975—1977 326455 CID Pontiac GTO and Tempest, non—feedback only                     '                                      —   255
    2B150 & 24156         1975—1979 326456 CID Pontiac Firebird and Trans Am, non—feedback only
    58060 & 53066         1975—1977 350 CID Oldsmobila 442 and Cutlass, non—feedback only
    SB0O70 & 58076        1978—1980 250—403 Oldsmobile 442, Cutlass,and Vista Wagon, non—feedback only
    58150 & 581856        1975—1976 400455 Oldsmobile 442, Cutlass, Oelta 88, and Vista Cruiser Wageon, nom—feedback only
                          1975—1977 396464 CIO Chevrolet Chavaile, non-’heedback only
    68197 & 66181         |1975—1979 396454 CID Chevrolat Nova, non—feedback only
                           1975—1977 398—454 CIC Chevrolet Chevalle and El Camino, without A.1.R., non—feedbackonly
    68197 & 66187          1975—1979 396—454 CIO Chevrolet Nova, without A.}.R., non—feedback only
                           1975—1980 265—400 CIO Chevrolet Camaro, non—feedback only
    68271 & 66271         197541979 265—400 CIO Chevrolet Nova, non—feedbackonly .
                          1975—1980 265—400 CIO Chevrolet Carnare produced before 1/1/80, without A.1.R., nonaleedbad: only
   ‘BBZTY & Bozr?         1975—1978 265—400 CID Chaevrolet Nove, without A.!.R., non—feedback only
               1 +        1975—1977 265400 CIO Chevrolet Chevelle, Ef Carmino, and Monts Garlo, non—feedback only
 _ 682851 $ 66291         1975—19B1 265400 CID Chevrolet impala and Caprice, non—feedback only
                          1975—1977 205—400 CID Chevrolet Chavalls, E) Camino, and Monte Carle, without A.1.R., non—feedback only
   68287 4 65297          1975—1981 265—400 CID Chevrolet impala and CGaprice, without A.1.R., non—feedback :only      e                         o       e
   68301 & 66301          1975—1980 350 CiD Chevrolet Corvette, non—feedback only                               ___
    68307 & 66307         1975—1880 350 CID Chevrolet Corvette, without A.1.R.. non—feedback only
                          1975—1980 265—400 CIO Buick Regal and Skylark, Chevrolat Chevella, Monts Carto, and El Caming, Oidsmoblle Cuflass and:
   ‘ea3f1 & s6an          Pontfiac Grand Prix, Lemans, and Tempest, non—feadback only _
                          1975—1980 265—400 CIO Buick Regal and Skytark, Chevrolet Chevelle, Monts Carlo, and El Camino, Oldsmobibe Culass, and
   Bas17& sedir_          Pontiac Grand Prix, Lemans, and Tempest, without A.!.R.. non—feedback only
                          1975—1980 265—400 C1O Chevrolat Camaro, Chevells, Nova {!, and Monté Carlo, non—feedback :only
                          1975—1981 265—400 CIO Chevrolat Caprice and Impala, non—feedback only
   "B8sO1 & se8o1         1978—1980 265—400 CIO Buick Regal and Oldsmobile Cutlass, non—feedback only
                          1975—1980 265—400 CIO Chevrolat Camaro, Chevelle, Nova I!, and Monte Carlo, without A.L.R.,nun-feedback only.
                          1975—1981 265400 CID Chevrolat Caprice and Impala, without A.1.R., non—feedback only °_
   ~68507 & Ge5o7         |1978—1980 265—400 CIDBuick Regal and Oldsmobile Cutlass. without A.1.R.,neon—feedback only: _
                     ~_   [197§5—1980 396—454 CHD Chevrolet GCamaro, non—feedback only
  88611 & 66611           |1975—1977 396—454 CID Chavrolet Chavelle, non—feedback only
          —     ‘         1975—1950 296—454 CID Chevrolet Camaro, without A.1.R.. non—feedback only
   ( 68617 & 665617       |1975—1977 386—454 CID Chevrolet Chevelle, without A.LR., non—feedback only
1. —69061 & 66061         |1975—41982 265—400 TD ChavraletGMCG G—series Van Class C, non—feedback only                 es
  _ §9097 &G6067          [1975—1982 266—400 CID ChevroletGMC G—series Van Class C, without A.L.R., non—feedback only      .                  ©
    *     j      —        1975—1882 255400 CID CheviolstGMC 2WD 1/2—1 tonpick up truck, Blazer, and Subuitan (K—5 Chass:s}, nan-feedback only
               .          1982 265400 CID ChevroleyGMC 4WDO 1/2—1 ton pick up truck, Blazer, and Suburban {K—5 Chassis), non—feedback only.
   ©§9091 &85091__|1975—1981 2565—400 CID ChevraleyGMCClass A MotorhomeGVWR greater than 6500 Ibe., nom—feedback only.
     <C              1975—1981 255—400 CID ChevrolatGMC 2WD 1/2—1 ton pick up truck, without A.LR., non—feedback oaly      >
                    |1962 285—400.CID ChevrolatGMC 4WG 1/72—1 ton pick up truck, Blazer, and Suburban (K—5 Chassls), without A.J.R~
                    {non—feedback only _
   69097 & seoo7. |1975.1991 2654100 CID ChavrolstGMC Class A Molorhome GVWR greater than 8500 ibs., without A.!.R., nomfeedbadconPY
                    11975—1986 396.454 CIO Chevrolat‘GMC 2WDO 1521 ton pick up truck, Biazer, and Suburban,, non—feedback only _
    69111 & 66111 . [1975—1981 396—454 CID ChavroletGMC 4W 1/2—1 ton pick up truck, Btazer, and Suburban, non—feedback only
                     1975—1981 396454 CID ChevrolevGMC 4WD 1/2—1 ton pick uptruck, without A.L.R., non—feedback only
   ga117 & 66117     1975—1986 396454 CID ChavreleYGMC 2WO 1/241 ton pick up truck, without A.1.R., nen—feedback only
    69121 & 86121 1975—1991 396454 CIU ChavrolevGMC Class A Motorhome, rear wheel driive only, non—feedback only _
    B2127 & es127 1975—1997 396—454 CID ChavroletGMe Class A Motorhome, rear wheel drive only, without A.1.R., mon—feedbackonly L
    69231 & 58231 _ 19795—1981 265400 CID ChevroleyYGMC WO 1/2—374 ton pick up tuck, Blazer, and Suburbar, non—feedback onty
    Bo23? & 66237 1975—1981 265400 CIO ChevroletGMC 4WC 1/2—3/4 ton pick up truck, Biazer, and Subuman. without A.L.R non-feedbadc mly
   "Eqio0& asi0e 1975—1976 352427 CIO Ford F1+Q0—F350 pick up truck, non—feedback only
    89120 & 89126 1975—1976 3§2—427 CID Ford F250 pick up truck, non—feedback only
‘| 89140 & 85146 1975—1979 460 CID Ford F100—F350 3WO pick up truck, non—feedback only : ~
    89150 & 88158    1975—1979302 CIO Ford £100 2WWD pick up truck, non—feedback only
    89160 & 89166 T1975—1980 302W—351WGIO Ford E—serfes van, non—feedback only
    89180 & 89186 {1975—1977 352—380 CID Ford F100 4WD pick up truck. non—feedback oniy
    89200 & 89206 1976—1980 460 CID Ford E—series van, non—feedback only
[ 89710 & 802186 1977 172—1979 3S1M—400M &0 Ford Sronce and F100—F2s0 awD pick up fruck, non—feadback OHIY
   891?0 & 892758 — 1980—1981 351W CID Ford F100-F350 ZWD plck Llp truck, nnn*feedback only                             vh9rt       _ _—s

                                   HEDMAN:HEOOERS:— TUBULAREXHAUST MANIFOLD SysTEMS— 0:187—27

                                                                             Attachment A —                         '                                          {Page2 of 2)

     Haader P/N                                                                      Vehicle

                                            TL                                                                     convertars
                  1988«                      L Chevrolet‘GMC
                  1988—1993                  L ChevrolatGMC                                            with AJ.R,
                  1990—19953     4.0 L           Ranger
                  1992—1893 4.0 L Ford
                          1                      trucks
                  1977—189                                vans, 1977—1979            1/2—344 ton PND       up trucks and 1988 and older
                                                 with calalytic converters and non—feedback controlled 361440 CID
                                                       vans, 1977—1979            1      ton 2WD pick up        and 1988 and older C
                                                 with           convarters and non—feedback controlled 361—440 CIO angines

                                                               1 ton, nG                 vans,
                                                                             .     y, Suburban,


                  1979—1980 304401 CID American Motors AMX Spirlt, with A.L.R nonmfeedback only
                  1975 304—401 CID Amertean Motors Gremiin, with A.].R., non—feedback only                              kCt
                  19785—1978 304—401 CIO American Motors Homet $¢C, with A.1.8., non—feedback only ©
                  1975—1978 304401 CID American Motors Matador, with A.].R., non—feedback
                   $791980 304—401 CID American Motors AMX Spirt, without A.LL.R., nom—feedback only
                  1975 304—401 CID Amarican Motors Gremiin, without A.).R., non—feedback only
                  1975—1876 304—401 CID Amarican Motors Homat S/C, without A.1.R., nonfeedback only
                  1978 304—401 GID American Motors         . without A.LR., nom—feedback
                                                                                      ,   W—1
                      963—     >                                           ton      up trucks, and 4¥                                           ton pick up
                      3983—1991 §.0—5.7 L ChevroleYGMC 4WD Suburban, wilhout A.L.R.                                                    —           ho t
                      98341                                                        172—1 ton pick up trucks,                    1/72—3/4        ton pick up trucks,
                  1983—1901 5.0—5.7 L ChevrolatSMC 4WD Suburtan, with A.1.R, _                                          |          |              ‘            60
                  1          1992 5.0—5.7 L                                                     .R.
                  1          1    5.0—5.7                                        vith A.!.R.

                                                      1         ton
                          1995 4.0 L Ford Explorer ZWOMWL
                                                                                   without A.!.
                             1991                               Bronce             with A.LR.
                                    5.0 L                                           >       To:

                  1991—1989 4.0 L Jeep Cherokae
                      993—1998 4.0 L Jeep Grand Cherokee
                      9$91—1999 4.0 L
                        i—             L                         1

                                    4.7 L
                            4.T L Ram gitk        trucks
                             1               L            Ram

                                 HEDMAN HEDDERS — TUBULAREXHAUST MANIFOLD SYSTEMS—D—167—27
                        t                                  .                                                   .            —              m   eaut   ns      200.. tpthtentetes   C

Document Created: 2014-06-12 11:40:19
Document Modified: 2014-06-12 11:40:19

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