Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on November 30, 2012.
As of Thursday, February 13th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsModification

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-176-37
  • Executive Order 176-37 / D176-37
  • ARB # D-176-37
  • Executive Order No: D-176-37
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-176-37
  • Resolution D-176-37
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-176-37 PDF

D-176-37 Document:


                                     State of California
                                 AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                              EXECUTIVE ORDER D 176—37 k

                        Relatmg to Exemptrons Under Sectlon 27156
                                  of the CahfornraVehrcle Code

                                  Dlnan Englneerlng, Inc.                   |
                         _Dinan EngrneerlngPerformance Software

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Sectlon 27156 of the
 Vehrcle Code; and .                               2

 Pursuant to the authority vested in the understgned'by Section 39515 and Section 39516
 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—02—003;                           _

 IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Dinan Engineering
 Performance Software, produced: and marketed by Dinan Engineering, Inc. of 865 Jarvis
 Drive, Morgan Hill, California 95037, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of
 the applicable vehicle pollution control systems and, therefore, is exempt from the. >
 prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the BMW vehicles listed in
 Exhrblt A

 The Performance Softwareis an ECU upgrade only. lnstallatlonisconducted using a /
 laptop computer and Dinan Engineering data files. The new program is uploaded through
 the vehicle‘s OBD II port. There are no user adjustments; installation is only conducted by
 an authorized Dinan Dealer

 This Executlve Order iis valid provrded that the lnstallatlon rnstructlons for the Dlnan
 Engingering Performance Software will not recommend tuning the vehlcle to ty
 specrfrcatlons different from those of the vehrcle manufacturer      —    a

  ‘Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the DinanEngineering
_ Performance Software, as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the
  performance of thevehicle‘s pollutron control system shall rnvahdate this Execut|ve Order.

 This Executive Order shall not apply to any Dinan Engineering Performance Software
 advertised, offered for sale, sold with, orinstalled on a new motor vehicle pnor to or—
 concurrent with transfer to anultlmate purchaser           200                 a

 Marketmg of the Drnan Englneerlng Performance Software usrng any ldentrflcatron other
 than that shown in this Executive Order or marketing of the Dinan Engineering
 Performance ,Sof‘tware for an application other than those listed in this Executive Order
 shall be prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board. —

 This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect the use of the Dinan
 Engineering Performance Software may haveon any warranty either expressed or
 implied by the vehicle manufacturer                        —           .


This Executive Order is granted based on emission test results in the modified
configuration using the Cold—Start CVS—75 Federal Test Procedure, Supplemental
Federal Test Procedure (USO6), boost pressure test, and an examination of the
On—Board Diagnostic II (OBD II) system. A 2011 model year BMW 5501 with a 4.4 liter
engine (BBMXVO4.4N63, LEV [ ULEV, PC) was used for the evaluation of the Dinan
Engineering Performance Software. Results from emissions testing conducted at
Automotive Testing and Development Services, Inc., located in Ontario, California, are
shown below (in grams per mile with deterioration factors applied):

                                 CVS—75                            USO6
                           NMOG CO NOx             HCHO         NMHC+NOx             CO
Standards, UL              0.040   1.7  0.05       0.008          0.14               8.0
Device Test                0.019     0.7   0.0%3   0.000           0.08              1.4 _

The emission test results in the modified configuration were all below the applicable
ceitification standards. Examination of the OBD II system showed the Dinan
Engineéering Performance Software does not affect OBD II system operation.

Similar effect on vehicle emissions is expected with the installation of the Dinan
Engineering Performance Software on vehicles listed in this Executive Order.

The Air Resources Board reserves the right in the future to review this Executive Order
and the exemption provided herein to assure that the exempted add—on or modified part
continues to meet the standards and procedures ofTitle 13, California Code of
Regulations, Section 2222, et seq.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board", may be made with
respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other oral or written

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of this order. The
order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of intention to revoke the order,
in which period the holder of the order may request in writing a hearing to contest the
proposed revocation. If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt
of the request and the order may not be revoked until a determination is made after the
hearing that grounds for revocation exist.

Executed at El Monte, California, this     30        day of November 2012.

                                Annette Hebert, Chief
                                  obile Source Operations Division _


                                 Exhibit A

 BMW Model     Model Years   Engine Size .    pinan Part#         NOtES

 1351            2008—10       3.0L T         p900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                              p900—30T            13 psi
                                              p3900—30TC          14 psi

 1351            2011—12                      D900—31TB          10.5 psi
                                              p900—31T            12 psi
                                              p900—31TC           13 psi

‘ 1 series M      2011                       ©P900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                              p900—30T            13 psi
                                              p900—30TC           14 psi

 3351            2oq7—}o                      p900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                              D900—30T            13 psi
                                              D900—30TC           14 psi

 335x1           2007—08                      p900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                              p900—30T      °_    13 psi
                                              ps00—30TC           14 psi

 3351 gDrive     2509-i0                      p900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                              p900—30T            13 psi
                                              D900—30TC          <+14 psi

 335i8s          2011—12                      P9060—30TB         10.5 psi
                                              D900—30T            12 psi
                                              p900—30TC          13 psi

 335i‘           2011—12                      p900—31TB          10.5 psi
                                              p900—31T            12 psi
                                              p900—31TC           13 psi

Eeep XDfive     .2011-12                      D900—31TB          10.5 psi
                                              P900—31T            12 psi
                                              D900—31TC           13 psi

 5351            2007—10                      P900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                              P3900—30T           13 psi
                                              p900—30TC:          14 psi

 5$5xi          '2907708                      P900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                             — D900—30T           13 psi
                                              P900—30TC          ‘14 psi

 535i-xD?ive     2509—10                      p900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                              P900—30T            13 psi
                                              D900—30TC          14 psi

 5351            2011—12                      p900—31TB          10.5 psi
                                              p900—31T            12 psi
                                              P900—31TC           13 psi

BMW Model            Model Years   Engine Size   Dinan Part#         Notes

5351 xDrive            2011—12       3.0L T      D900—31TB          10.5 psi
                                                 D900—31T            12 psi
                                                 D900—31TC           13 psi

5501i                  2006—10                   D900—505
                                                 D903—5052          Stage 2
                                                 D903—5053          Stage 3

5501                   2011—12       4.4L T      D900—44T5     12   psi   Stage

                                                                                      iob w N o—
                                                 D903—44T52    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T53    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T54    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T55    14   psi   Stage

550i xDrive            2011—12       4 .4L T     D900—44T5           12 psi
                                                 D903—44T52          14 psi
                                                 D903—44T53         Stage 3
                                                 D903—44T54         Stage 4
                                                 D903—44T55         Stage 5

550i GT                2011—12       4 .4L T     D900—44T5     12   psi   Stage

                                                                                      1b W ob i
                                                 D903—44T52    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T53    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T54    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T55    14   psi   Stage

6501                  2006—10                    D900—505
                                                 D903—5052          Stage 2
                                                 D903—5053          Stage 3

6501                    2012         4 .4L T     D900—44T6     12   psi   Stage

                                                                                    iob w ob s
                                                 D903—44T62    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T63    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T64    14   psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T65    14   psi   Stage

740i,    Li          2011—2012       3.0L T      D900—30TB          11.5 psi
                                                 D900—30T            13 psi
                                                 D900—30TC           14 psi

7501 L1               2006—08         4 .8L      D900—505
                                                 D903—5053           Stage 2

7501i,   Li           2009 —12       4 .4L T     D900—44T7    12    psi   Stage
                                                                                  ib W oD p—

                                                 D903—44T72   14    psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T73   14    psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T74   14    psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T75   14    psi   Stage

750i,    Li xDrive    2010 —12       4 .4L T     D900—44T7    12    psi Stage
                                                                                  Uiub W No:

                                                 D903—44T72   14    psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T73   14    psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T74   14    psi   Stage
                                                 D903—44T75   14    psi   Stage

 BMW Model       Model]. Years   Engine Size   Dinan Part#      Notes

 M3                2008—12          4 . OL     D900.—4 0M
                                               D903 —4 0MX       EXH

 MS                2006—10                     D900—51M
                                               D903 —51M2       Stage 2
                                               D903 —51M3      Stage 3

 MS                2011—12         4 .4L T     D900—44TM        14 psi
                                               D903 —44TM2     Stage 3
                           (                   D903 —44TM3     Stage 4
                                               D903 — 4 4TM4   Stage 5

 M6                2006—10                     D900—51M
                                               D903—51M2        Stage 2
                                               D903 —51M3      Stage 3

 M6                2012—13        .4 .4L T     D900—44TM        14 psi
                                               D903 —44TM2     Stage 3
                                               D903—44TM3      Stage 4
                                               D903 —44TM4     Stage 5

 X3 xDrive35i      2011—12         3.0L T      D900—31TB.      10.5 psi~..
                                               D900—31T c      12 psi
                                               D900—31TC ..     13} psi —

 X5 xDrive48i    ~—2009—10                     D900—49X.

 X5 xDrive351i     2011—12         3.0L T      D900—31TB .     10.5 psi_
                                               D900—31T         12 psi
                                               D900—31TC        13 psi

 X5 xDrive50i      2011—12                      D900—44TX       12 psi
                                               D903—44TX2      14 psi
                                               D903 —44TX3     Stage 3
                                               D903 —44TX4     Stage 4
                                               D903—44TX5      Stage 5

 X6 xDrive35i      2008—10                     D900—30TB       11.5 psi
                                               D900—30T         13 psi
                                               D900—30TC        14 psi

— X6 xDrive35i     2011—12                     D900—31TB       10.5 psi
                                               Dp900—31T        12 psi
                                               D900—31TC        13 psi

 X6 xDrive50i      2008—12                     D900—44TX        12 psi
                                               D903 —44TX2      14 psi
                                               D903—44TX3      Stage 3
                                               D903 —44TX4     Stage 4
                                               D903—44TX5      Stage 5

BMW Model                      Model Years        Engine Size      Dinan Part#       Notes

X5—M                             2010—12             4 .AL T       D900~44TXM        12 psi
                                                                   D903~44TXM2      13.5 psi
                                                                   D903 —44TXM3     Stage 3
                                                                   D903 —44TXM4     Stage 4
                                                                   D903 —44TXMS5    Stage 5

X6—M                             2010—12             4 .4L T       D900—44TXM        12 psi
                                                                   D903 ~—44TXM2    13.5 psi
                                                                   D903 ~44TXM3      Stage 3
                                                                   D903 ~44TXM4      Stage 4
                                                                   D903—~44TXMS5   _ Stage 5

24 sDrive35i                     2009—11             3.0L T        D900~—30TB      11.5 psi
                                                                   D900—30T         13 psi
                                                                   D900—30TC        14 psi

74 sDrive35is                      2011              3.0L T        D900—30TRB      11.5 psi
                                                                   D900—30T         13 psi
                                                                   ©900—30TC        14 psi

Stage                    low increasge in boost pressure.
          Uiab & ob q4

Stage                    medium increase in boost pressure.
Stage                    same boost level as previous stage but holds max pressure longer.
Stage                    same boost level as previous stage but holds max pressure longer.
Stage                    same boost level as previous stage but holds max pressure longer.

Document Created: 2013-03-15 09:33:49
Document Modified: 2013-03-15 09:33:49

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