Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on February 14, 1996.
As of Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

GM listed in Exhibit A, EXCEPT those equipped with an On Board Diagnostic II (OBD II) system.

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-180-24
  • Executive Order 180-24 / D180-24
  • ARB # D-180-24
  • Executive Order No: D-180-24
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-180-24
  • Resolution D-180-24
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-180-24 PDF

D-180-24 Document:


                                                                     (Page 1 of 2)

                                       State of California
                                       AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                                      EXECUTIVE ORDER D—180—24
                             Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                                        of the Vehicle Code

                                       THE TURBO SHOP, INC.
                                        POWER SYSTEM CHIP

          Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources Board by Section 27156
          of the Vehicle Code; and

          Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and
          Section 39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—9;

          IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED: That the installation of the Power System
          Chip manufactured by The Turbo Shop, Inc., 940 W. Manchester Boulevard,
          Inglewood,; California 90301 has been found not to reduce the effectiveness
          of the applicable vehicle pollution control system and, therefore, is exempt
          from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for the General
          Motors applications listed in Exhibit A, excluding those equ1pped with an
          On—Board—Diagnostic II (OBD II) system.

          This Executive Order is valid provided that the installation of the Power
          System Chip will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
          different from those of the vehicle manufacturer.

          Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the Power System
          Chip, as exempt by the Air Resources Board, which adversely affect the
          performance of a vehicle‘s poliution control system shall invalidate this
          Executive Order.

          Marketing of the Power System Chip using any identification other than that
          shown in this Executive Order or marketing of the Power System Chip for an
          application other than those listed in this Executive Order shall be
          prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.
          This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
          the use of the Power System Chip may have on any warranty either expressed
          or implied by the vehicle manufacturer.

          No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
          made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
          oral or written communication.

THE TURBO SHOP, INC..                               EXECUTIVE ORDER D— 180—24
POWER SYSTEM CHIP                        ‘          (Page 2 of 2)

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order. The order may be revoked only after ten day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a
hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request and the order may not be revoked unt77 a determination after hear1ng
that grounds for revocation exist.

Executive Order Number D— 180 16 is hereby superseded and no longer of any
force or effect.

Executed at El Monte, California, this       /Z of February 1996.

                                      fobile Source Division

                                                              Exhibit A

                                  TRANS.         ENGINE                 87 OCTANE   92 OCTANE _

    corvette                      auto           .7 tpi (al. heads)                    8601P
_   corvette                      manual         5.7 tpi (al. heads)                   86QO2P
    corvette              —       auto   >       8.7 tpi (lron heads)                  8603P
    corvette                      manual         4.7 tpt (iron heads)                  8604P
    camaro, firebird auto                        5.0 tpi                               8605P
    grand national                auto           3.8 turbo                             8606P

    corvette                      auto           5.7 tpi                               87099
    corvette       _ manual                      5.7 tpi                               8710P
    camaro, firebird auto                        5.0 tpi                               8711P
    camaro, fircbird manual                      5.0 tpi                               8712P
    camaro, firgebird auto                       5.7 tpi                               8713P
    grand national auto                          3.8 turbo                             8714P
    safart/ astro                 auto           4.3 thi                  8701         8701P
    pickup                        auto           5.0 thi HD               8702         8702P
    pickup                        auto od        5.0 thi                  8703 >       8703P
    pickup                        auto           5.7 thi HD               8704         8704P
    pickup                        auto od        5.7 thi                  8705         8705P
    pickup                        manual         5.7 thi                  8706         8706P
    pickup                    _   auto           7.4 thi                  8707         8707P
    pickup                        manual         7.4 thi                  8708         87082

    corvette                      auto           5.7 tpi                               S814P
    corvette                      manual         5.7 tpi                               8815P
    camaro,    fircbird           auto           5.0 tpi                               8816P
    camaro,    firebird           manual         5.0 tpi                               8817P
    camaro,    firebird           auto           5.0 thi                               8818P
    camaro,    firebird           manual         5.0 thi                               8819P
    camaro, firebird auto od                     ®.7 tpi                               8820P
    $10/815         ~_—           aute           4.3 thi                  8801         8801IP
    safari/astro                  auto           4.3 thi                  8802         8802Pp
    pickup                        manual 5       4.3 tbi                  8803 >       8803P
    pickup                        auto 3 speed   5.0 thi HD               8804         8804P
    pickup                        auto od        5.0 thi                  8805         8805P
    pickup                        manual 4       5.0 tbhi                 8806         8806P
    pickup                        manual 5       4.0 thi                  8807         B80O7P
    pickup                        auto 3 speed   5.7 thi HD               8808         8808P
    pickup                        manual         5.7 thi HD               8809         8809P
    pickup                        auto od        5.7 thi                  8810         8810P
    pickup                        manual         5.7 thi                  8811         8811P
    pickup                        suto           7.4 thi                  8812         S812P
    pickup                        manual         7.4 thi                  8813         8SR813P

                                                               PAGE 1
    {1) 3.08 & 3.42 RATIO
    (2) 3.73 & 4.10 RATIO

                                                        EXNLIDLT   A

                          TRANS.          ENGINE                87 OCTANE       92 OCTANE

    corvette              aluto           5.7 tpi                                  8914P
    corvette              manual          5.7 tpi                                  8915P
    camaro,    firebird   auto            5.0 tpi                                  8916P
    camaro,    firebird   manual          4.0 tpi                                  8917P
    camaro,    firebird   auto            5.0 thi                                  8918P
    camsro,    firebird   manual          £.0 thi                                  89199
    camaro, firebirdauto                  £.7 tpi                                  8920P
    $10/815               auto            4.3 thi                      8901        #901P
    safart/astro          auto            4.3 thi                      8902        8902P
    pickup                manual 5        4.3 thi                      8903        8903P
    pickup                auto od         4.3 thi                      8904        8904P
    pickup                auto 3 speed    5.0 thi HD                   8905        8905P
    pickup                auto od         5.0 thi                      8906        B906P
    pickup                manual 5        5.0 tbhi                     8907        8907P
    pickup                auto 3 speed    5.7 thi HD                   §908 _      8908P
    pickup                manual 4        8.7 thi HD                 8909          89092
    pickup                aute od         5.7 thi                    8910          8910P
    pickup                manual 5        5.7 thi                    8911          8911P
    pickup                auto            7.4 thi                    8912          8912P
    pickup                manual          7.4 thi                  — 8913          8913P —

    corvette              auto           ~ 5.7 tpi                                 9017P
    corvette         manual                5.7 tpi                                 9018P
    camaro, firebird auto                  5.0 tpi                                 9019P
    camero, firebird manual                5.0 tpi                                . 9020P
    camaro, firebird auto                  5.0 thi                                 s021P
    camaro, firebird manual                5.0 thi                                 9022P
    camaro, firebird auto                  5.7 tpL—                                9023P
    $10/818               auto             4.3 thi                     9001        9001P
    510/815               manual           4.3 thi                     9002        9G002P
    safari/astro          auto             4.3 thi                     9003        9003P
    pickup                manual           4.3 thi                     9004        9004P
    pickup                auto od          4.3 thi                     9008        9005F
    pickup                auto 3 speed     5.0 thi HD                  9006        9006P
    pickup                auto od          5.0 thi                     9007        007P
    pickup                auto             5.7 thi HD                  9008        9008P
    pickup                manual 4         5.7 tbi HD                  9009        9009P
    pickup                auto od          5.7 thi                     9010        9010P
    pickup                manual 4         5.7 thi                     9011        9011P
    pickup            manual 5             5.7 thi                     9012        9012P
    pickup                auto             7.4 thi                     9013        9013P
    pickup                manual           T.4 thi                     9014        9014P
    SS pickup             auto             T.4 thi                     9015        9015P
    Motorhome             auto             T.4 thi                     9016

    (1) 3.08 & 3.42 RATIC
    (2) 3.73 & 4.10 RATIO

                                            Exhibit A

                 TRANS.        ENGINEK               87 OCTANE   92 OCTANE
 corvette        auto          5.7 tpi                              9120P
 corvette        manual        5.7 tpi                              91212
 camaro, firebird auto         5.0 tpi                              Y122P
 camaro, firebird manual       5.0 tpi                              $123P
 camaro, firebird auto         5.0 thi                              9124P
 camaro, firebird manual       5.0 thi                              #125P
 camaro, firebird auto         5.7 tpi                              S126P
 $10/815         auto          4.3 thi —                9101        9101P
 $10/8515        manual        4.3 thi                  9102        9$102P
 safari/astro    auto |        4.3 thi                  9103        2103P
 pickup          manual        4.3 tbi                  9104        9104P
 pickup          auto od       4.3 thi                  9105        9105P
 pickup         4L30K.         5.0 thi HD               9106        9106P
 pickup         700R4          5.0 thi                  9107        91072
 pickup         manual 4      5.0 tbhi                  $108        9108P
 pickup         manuxi 5      5.0 thi                   9109        91099
  pickup        4L80K         5.7 sbi HD                9110        9110P
  pickup        manual        5.7 thi HD                9111        111P
. pickup        TO0OR4        5.7 thi                   9112        9112P
 pickup         manual 4      5.7 tbi                   9113        9113P
 pickup         manual 5       5.7 thi                  9114        9114P
 pickup         4L80K (1)      7.4 thi                  9115        9115P
 pickup         4L80EK (2)     7.4 thi                  9116        Y116P
 pickup         manual         7.4 thi                  9117 :      #117P
 SS pickup      4L80E          7.4 thi                  9118        9118P
 Motorhome      4L80E          7.4 thi                  9119


                                                                              mm en
 corvette         auto        LTi                                   9218P
 corvette         manual      LTI                                   9219P
 camaro, firebird auto        5.0 tpi                               $220P
 camaro, firsbird manual      5.0 tpi                               $221P
 camuro, firebird auto        5.0 thi                               9222P
 camaro, firebird manual      5.0 thi                               9223P —
 caumars, firebird auto       5.7 tpi                               9224P
 510/8515       auto          4.3 thi                   9201        $201P
 S$10/8515      manual        4.3 thi                   9202        9202P
 safari/astro   auto         ~ 4.3 thi                  9203        9203P
 pickup         manual         4.3 thi                  9204        9204P
 pickup         auto od        4.3 thi                  92046       9205P
 pickup         4L80K          5.0 thi HD               9206        $206P
 pickup         700R4          5.0 thi                  9207 °      92079
 pickup         manual 5       5.0 thi                  9208        9208P
  pickup        4L80K.         5.7 thi HD               9209        93099
_ pickup        manual         5.7 thi HD               9210       ~9210P
 pickup         700R4          5.7 thi                  9211        11P
 pickup         manual 5       5.7 thi                  9212        Y2132P

                                            PAGE 3
 (1) 3.08 & 3.42 RATIO
 (2) 3.73 & 4.10 RATIO

                                                     Exhibit A
                TRANS.               ENGINE                                    87 OCTANE                      92 QOCTANE

pickup          4L808K (1)           7.4   thi                                   9213                              9213P
pickup          4L8GE (2)            7.4   thi                                   9214                     .        9214P
pickup          manual _           . 7.4   thi                                   9215                              9215P
SS pickup       4L80K.               7.4   thi                                   9216                              9Z16P
Motorhome       4L80K      |         7.4   tbi                                   9217

corvette         auto                LTI                                          t   t                            9321P
corvette         manusal             LTI                  f                               —                        9322P
camaro, firebird auto                LTI                                                                           9323P
camaro, firebird manual              LTA                                                      .                    s324P
S10/515         4L60K                4.3 thi                                     9301                              9301P
S10/5156        manual               4.3 thi                                     $30%                              #302P
safari/astro    4LG0XK               4.3 thi                                     9303                              9303P
pickup          manus]               4.3 thi                                     9304                              9304P
pickup          4L80KE               4.3 thi                                     9305                              9305P
pickup          4L60K              . 4.3 tbi .       t            20             9306                              Y306P
pickup —        4L80KE               5.0 thi HD                                  9307                 '            9307P
pickup          4L60E (1)            5.0 thi                                     9308                              9308P
pickup          4L60E (2)            5.0 thi                                     9309                              9309P
pickup          manual 4             5.0 thi                                     9310                              9310P
pickup          4L80KE         —     5.7 thi HD                                  9311                              9311P
pickup          manual               5.7 thi HD                                  9312                             . 9313P
pickup          4L60E {1).           5.7 thi                                     9313                              $313P
pickup          4L60E (2)            5.7 thi                                     9314                              9314P
pickup          manual 5             5.7 thi                                     9315                              9316P
pickup          4L80E (1)            7.4 thi                           '         9316                              9316P
pickup          4L80E (2)            7.4 thi                                     9317                              9317P
pickup          manual               7.4 thi                                     9318                              9318P
SS pickup       4L80K .              7.4 thi         .                           9319                              $319P
Motorhome       4L80K                7.4 thi                                     9320

corvette          auto               LTIl        —                                                                 9432P
corvette          manual             LTl                                   »                                       $433P
camaro, firebird auto                LTi                                                                           9434P
camasro, firebird manual             LTli                                                                          9435P
caprice          4L60E               LTA                                                                           943GP —
impala ss       4L6OE                LTi                                                                           9437P
S10/85156       4LGO0E               4.3 thi                  '                  9413                              9413P
$10/5186        manual               4.3 thi                                     9414                         >    9414P
safari/astro    4L60E                4.3 thi                                     9415                              9415P
pickup          manual               4.3 thi                                     9416                              _ J416P
pickup          4L80E                4.3 thi                                     9417                              9417P
pickup          4L60K                4.3 thi                                     9418                              $418P
pickup          4L80K                5.0 thi HD                                  9419             .                9419P
pickup          4L60E                5.0 thi                                     9420                              g420P
pickup          manual 5             5.0 thi                                     9421                              942Z1P
                                                         PAGE 4
(1) 3.08 & 3.42 RATIO                                      es
(2) 3.73 & 4.10 RATIO

                                              Exhibit A

                    TRANS.       ENGINE                 87 OCTANE   92 OCTANE

  pickup            4L80K        5.7 thi KD                 9422       9422P
  pickup            manual       5.1 thi HD                 9423       9423P
  pickup            4LG6OE (1)   5.7 thi                    9424       9424P
  pickup            4LGO0E (2)   5.7 thi                    9425       A425P
  pickup            manual 5     5.7 thi                    9426       9426P
  pickup            4L80E (1)    7.4 thi                   9427        9427P
  pickup            4L80K (2)    7.4 thi                   9428        9428P
  pickup            manual       7.4 thi                   9429        9429P
  55 pickup         4L80K        7.4 thi                   9430        9430P
  Motorhome         4L80K        7.4 thi                   9431

                    INJ. PUMP P/N 10225930

  2500/3500         4L30E        LGS                      — $401
  3800HD            4L80E        Lé4®                       9402
 ©Suburban          4L806        L6S                        9403
  2500/3500         MTS          L165 —                    9404
  3500HD            MTB          LG4S                      9405
  Maotorhome        4L30E        4&                        9406

  C Pickup          4L80E        LS6                       9407
K Pickup, Blazer 4L80E           1LS6                      9408

                    INJ. PUMP P/N 10225929
  2500/3500.    _   4L80E        L65                       9409
 3500HD             4L80E        165                       9410
 2500/3500          MTA          L6S                       9411
 3500HD             MT8          L65                       9412

 | corvette         auto         LTAi                                 9528P
   corvette         manual       LT1                                 95299
 camaro, firebird auto           LTI                                  9530P
 camaro, firebird manual         LT1                                  9531P
  caprice       _   4L60€        LTi                                  9532P
  impala s#         4LG60E       LTi                                   9533P
 S10/§15            4L60K        4.3 thi                   2509        9509P >
 $10/815            manual       4.3 thi                   9510       9510P
 safari/astro       4L60K _      4.3 thi                   9511       9511P
 pickup             manual       4.3 tbi                   9512       9512P
 pickup             4L80K        4.3 thi                   9513       9513P
 pickup             4LG6OE       4.3 thi                   9514       9514p
 pickup             4L80K.       5.0 thi HD                9515       9515P
 pickup             4L60K        5.0 thi                   9516       9516P
 pickup             manual 5     5.0 thi                   9517       95179
 pickup             4L808K       5.7 thi HD                9518       9518P
 pickup             manual       5.7 tbi HD                9519       95s19Pp
                                               PAGE 5
  (1) 3.08 & 3.42 RATIO
  (2) 3.73 & 4.10 RATIO

                                             CAiiasiat   oi

                       TRANS.     ENGINE               87 OCTANE      92 OCTANE

       pickup         4L6OE (1)   5.7 thi                     95230      ‘9520P
       pickup         4L60E (2)   5.7 thi                     9521       9521P
       pickup         manual 5    £.7 thi                     98522      9522P

       pickup         4L80K (1)   1.4 tbhi                    9523       9§23P
       pickup         4L80E (2)   7.4 thi                     9§24       9524P
       pickup         manual      7.4 thi                     9425       9S25P
       $§ pickup      4L80K       7.4 thi                     9526       9526P

                                                                                  hm nenmamemmmmes
       Motorhome      4L80E       7.4 thi                     9527
       2500/3500      4L80E       LGS                         9501
       3500HD         4L8OE       145                         92502
       Suburban       4L80E       LG6S                        9503
       2500/3500      MW3         L6S                         9504
       3500HD         MW3         L6S                         9505
       Motaorhome     4L830E      L&5                         9506
       C 10           4L80E       1L5S56           '          9507
       C 20, K        4L80E       LS6                         9508

       (1) 3.08 & 3.42 RATIO
       (2) 3.73 & 4.10 RATIO

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:40:27
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:40:27

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