Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on May 8, 1991.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

1991 and older gasoline and diesel powered vehicles

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-197-1
  • Executive Order 197-1 / D197-1
  • ARB # D-197-1
  • Executive Order No: D-197-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-197-1
  • Resolution D-197-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

Download: Executive Order D-197-1 PDF

D-197-1 Document:


 XW@Aé[d /9"3(?;5: .
                              State of California
                              AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIYE ORDER D—197—1
                 Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                            of the Yehicle Code

                           P.A.C.E. SETTERS OF AMERICA
                                "VITALIZER®" DEVICE

WHEREAS, VeMcle Code Section 27156 and Title 13 California Code of
Regulations (Rereafter—"CCR") Section 2222(e), authorize the California Air
Resources Boar‘t (ARB) and its Executive Officer to exempt add—on and
modified parts   Krom the prohibitions of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

WHEREAS, P.A.C.E. ‘~etters of America has applied to the ARB for exemption
from the proh1b1t10ms of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the "Vitalizer"
device.                \

WHEREAS, pursuant to th% authority vested in the Executive Officer by Health
and Safety Code Section %9515 and in the Chief, Mobile Source Division by
Health and Safety Code Se‘t1on 39516 and Executive Order G—45—5, the Air
Resources Board finds:

     1.    The "Vitalizer" isutn add—on device that is attached to the fuel
           line in a motor vehih]e.

     2.    The fuel   line is part fz the required motor vehicle pollution
           control system.            &

     3.    The "Vitalizer" is intendé&,for use with a required pollution
           control system.

     4.    The "Vitalizer" by being 1nstagled in the fuel line alters the
           original design of a motor veh\hle pollution control system.

     5..   The "Vitalizer" is a device subJe»; to the prohibitions of Vehicle
           Code Section 27156 and an add—on part as defined by 13 CCR Section
           1900(b)(1).                           \

     6.    The "Vitalizer" does not reduce the efflgctiveness of any required
           motor vehicle pollution control device.\

     7.    The Air Resources Board, in the exercise o% technical judgement,
           is aware of no basis on which the "VitalizeN will provide either
           a decrease in emission or an increase in fueReconomy.

     8.    It has not been determined what effect use of the "Vitalizer" may
           have on any warranty, either expressed or implied, by the
           manufacturer of a motor vehicle on which the devidg   is installed.

P.A.C.E. SETTERS OF AMERICA                      EXECUTIVE ORDER D—197—1
"VITALIZER®" DEVICE                              (Page 2 of 3)

           The "Vitalizer" is not a certified motor vehicle poliution control
           device pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 43644.

     10.   The Air Resources Board by granting an exemption to the P.A.C.E.
           Setters of America for the "Vitalizer" does not recommend or
           endorse in any way the "Vitalizer" for emissions reduction, fuel
           economy, or any other purpose.

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the "Vitalizer" is exempt from the prohibitions
of Vehicle Code Section 27156 for installation on 1991 and earlier model—
year vehicles powered with gasoline or diesel internal combustion engines
subject to the following conditions:

     1.    This exemption shall not apply to any device, apparatus, or
           mechanism advertised, offered for sale or sold with, or installed
           on, a motor vehicle prior to or concurrent with transfer to an
           ultimate purchase.

           No changes are permitted to the device as described in the
           application for exemption. Any changes to the device, applicable
           model year, or other factors addressed in this order must be
           evaluated and approved by the Air Resources Board prior to
           marketing in California.

           Marketing of this device using an identification other than that
           shown in this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an
           application other than those listed in Executive Order shall be
           prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Air
           Resources Board. Exemption of this product shall not be construed
           as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
           component of the product as an individual device.

           Any oral or written references to this Executive Order or its
           content by the P.A.C.E. Setters of America, its principals,
           agents, employees, distributors, dealers, or other representatives
           must include the disclaimer that the Executive Order or the
           exemption it provides is not an endorsement or approval of any
           fuel economy or emissions reduction claims for the "Vitalizer" and
           is only a finding that the device is exempt from the prohibitions
           of Vehicle Code Section 27156.

           No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources
           Board" may be made with respect to the action taken herein in any
           advertising or other oral or written communication.

P.A.C.E. SETTERS OF AMERICA                        EXECUTIVE ORDER D—197—1
"VITALIZER® DEVICE                                 (Page 3 of 3)

Violation of any of the above conditions shall be grounds for revocation of
this order.  The order may be revoked only after a ten—day written notice of
intention to revoke the order, in which period the holder of the order may
request in writing a hearing to contest the proposed revocation. If a
hearing is requested, it shall be held within ten days of receipt of the
request and the order may not be revoked until a determination after hearing
that grounds for revocation exist.

Executive Order D—197, dated October 28, 1989, is superseded and of no
further force and effect.                 >

Executed at E1 Monte, California, this _____L_ day of May, 1991.

                                 /it772 ‘f
                                   R. B. Summerf        ///
                                   Assistant Division Chief
                                   Mobile Source Division

                    State of California
                    AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                           May 1991

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                            Mobile Source Division
                            State of California
                            Air Resources Board
                            9528 Telstar Avenue
                             El Monte, CA   91731—2990

{This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)


       P.A.C.E. Setters of America (PACE), of 1705 West University, Suite 2,

Tempe, AZ 85281, has requested to update Executive Order D~197 from the

prohibitions in Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code for the

"Vitalizer" device.   Executive Order D~197 currently exempts the Vitalizer for

installation on 1990 and older model—year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.

The update is requested to include 1991 model—year gasoline and diesel powered


       The Air Resources Board previously determined through an engineering

evaluation that the Vitalizer   would not adversely affect exhaust emissions

from 1990 and older model—year vehicles.    Since there are no changes in the

size, shape or operational principle of the device and a large number of

vehicles are carry—over from the previous year, the staff concludes the device

will have no adverse impact on emissions of 1991 or older model—year gasoline

and diesel powered vehicles.

       The Staff recommends that the Vitalizer device be exempted from the

prohibitions in Vehicle Code Section 27156 for 1991 and older model—year

gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and Executive Order D—197—1 be issued.

                                           Page Number


CONTENTS                                       11










           27156 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2222, TITLE 13, OF THE

       P.A.C.E. Setters of America (PACE), of 1705 West University, Suite 2,

Tempe, AZ 85281, previously received an exemption from the prohibitions of

Vehicle Code Section {VC) 27156 for the "Vitalizer" device under Executive

Order D—197.   This exemption allows installation of the device on 1990 and

older model—year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.   PACE has requested that

the exemption for the Vitalizer be updated to include 1991 model—year vehicles.

       The Air Resources Board (ARB) previously determined through an

engineering evaluation that the Vitalizer would not adversely affect exhaust

emissions from 1990 and older model—year vehicles.   Since there are no changes

in the size, shape or operational principle of the device, the staff concludes

that the device will have no adverse impact on emissions of 1991 or older

model—year gasoline and diesel powered vehicles.


       The staff recommends that PACE be granted an exemption from the

prohibitions in California Vehicle Code Section 27156 for the Vitalizer device

and that Executive Order D—197—1 be issued.


       The Vitalizer is a cylindrical shape device designed for installation in

series with the vehicle‘s fuel line.     The outer core of the Vitalizer is of

metal alloy which is composed of copper, tin, zinc, iron, nickel, and silver.

The device is narrowed on both ends in order to match the fuel lines.     The

Vitalizer is 5 inches long with a core length of 2.25 inches, and an inner core

diameter of 5/8 inches.   The device‘s installation instructions and drawings
are shown in Appendices A and B, respectively.

       PACE claims that when the Vitalizer is installed on a vehicle‘s fuel

line, it activates an electrostatic charge within the fuel matrix, resulting in

complete combustion of the fuel in the combustion chamber.     The ARB did not

perform any testing on the device to substantiate the claims made by the

manufacturer.   However, it is the staff‘s opinion that the technical principles

underlying the stated function of the device are not capable of producing any

effects on emissions and fuel economy.

       The ARB previously exempted four similar devices; "Moleculator Fuel

Energizer" and "Fuel Dominator" by Internal Energy Management Corporation, "Top

Eliminator" by Top Eliminator, Inc., and "Fuel—Cat" by Fuel—Cat, Inc.     Because

of the previous exemptions issued to similar devices with the same operating

principle and the fact that qualifying for an exemption is based on not

adversely affecting exhaust emissions, the staff recommends that PACE be

granted an exemption as requested.


                                                                         P¥rc   WO P   Y   4A

The Vitalizeris currently available in two sizes. The two units currently available
will accommodate all passenger vehicles, small/medium pickup trucks, delivery
units, service vehicles, and earth moving equipment.

The determining factor for installation is the diatheter ofthe fuel line leading to the
fuel pump. In standard production we currently have readily available:

      P /N                     ize           C                Application

       EcB—338—           ~S++64                       T’“emp;mt,..medm—m—rmpm'r;
                                     >           >     gas/diesel—fand—small<

       G.C. 34M            378"                        Medium to large passenger
                                         j             vehicles; delivery—size
                                                        trucks, gas/diesel.

Installation is easily accomplished for the small and medium size units.

On vehicles   with carburetors, the unit is installed between the fuel pump and the
carburetor in the fuel line.

On vehicles with fuel injection, either gas or diesel, the unit should be placed in the
fuel line as close to the actual injectors as possible.

                                SURE THAT THE UNIT IS NOT TOUCHING
                                OR RESTING ON ANY METAL SURFACES.
                                (IF GROUNDED THE VITALIZER WILL NOT


General Installation

Rubber Fuel Lines (IMlustration #1) and M‘Ial Fuel Lines (flustration #2) will
cover the majority of installations.

Tellon. Fuel Linges applications are given in Hlustration #3 and requires a slip
fitting reinforcement that goes inside the teflon line to keep it from ccllapsmg,
when tightening the screw clamps, tighten at the connections.


                           Vitalizer               . Tellon Line

                             3/8"            on          5/16"
                             5/16"     _     on           1/4"

Stee!l Braided Fuel Linesare covered under Mlustration #4 and is used primarily
on 1988 & 89 Chevrolet & G.M.C. V/8 Pick—ups.

        The most important step on all the above installations is the last one,

                             "Check for Leaks."
PACESETTERS is not liable because of faulty installations.


                             Automobile Installations

   Standard Information

   (a)     On vehicles with carburetors, your pressure will be 4 PSI to 12 PSI
           (PSI = Pounds per Square Inch}.

   (b_)    Automobiles having a fuel injection system will have pressures of 15 — 100 PSI.
           (Use Gates, Aero Quip, etc. fuel lines that are rated at 250 lbs. constant and 1,000
           burst pressure.

   (c)     Clamps — use a standard, U.S. made 3/8", screw—down mini—clamp.

   (d)     Vitalizer units should be placed as close to the point of use (no more than 12")
           as possible.

   (e})    After installation, check all connections to insure that there are no leaks.

    (f)    Size of the Vitalizers are either 3/8" or 5/16", which is determined by the
            existing fuel line size. The 3/8" Vitalizer casing is 3/4" longer than the 5/16".

.(g) It is impossible to put too large a unit on a vehicle. Ifin doubt, use the larger
            car unit and reduce the unit down to the fuel line size by using two step
            mer\dcrs, which are available at PACESETTERS.

    (h) Make sure that the unit is not ground«.d

    (i)     Before installation, clean out the Vitalizer with either water or gasoline, and
            blow through the unit to insure that all foreign objects are out.

     )      On vehicles with fuel injection, the Vitalizer must be put on the in—flow fuel
            line rather than the return fuel line. If you are unsure which is the in—flow
            line, see your mechanic for instruction.

     (k) The Vitalizer is an easy installation if you have the proper tools and a litile
            mechanical aptitude. However, we recommend that you establish a good
            rapport with a local mechanic that can and w111 work with you for future

     (1)    In selecting a rubber fuel line hose to use for connections, be sure that the
            connecting line does not use graphite in the construction of the hose. (This
            causes grounding and will weaken the performance of the Vitalizer). Gates,
            Aero Quip and Dayco do not use graphite. (Fuel Rate — 250 P.S.L hose)}.

                  Automobile Installation Information

Listed below are seven installation situations and suggested methods:

1.)    Standard      Installation (Hlustration #1) — Rubber Fuel            Line.   Place the
       Vitalizer as close to the carburetor as possible.
       (a) Before installation, clean out the Vitalizer with either water or gasoline,
            and blow through the unit to insure that all foreign objects are out.
       (b) Cut the rubber fuel line.
       (c) Place two clamps on both ends of the rubber fuel line.
       (d) Insert the Vitalizer into the two ends of the cut rubber fuel line.
       (e) Tighten the clamps.
       (() Watch the unit for 5 minutes, while the vehicle is running to ensure that
              there are no leaks.             ©
       (g)    On vehicles with fuel injection, the Vitalizer must be put on them-flow
              fuel line rather than the return fuel line. If you are unsure which is the in—
              flow line, see your mechanic for instruction,

2.)    Metal Ling (Mustration #2)
       (a) Before installation, clean the Vitalizer with éither water or gasoline, and
              blow through the unit to insure that all foreign objects are out:
       (b)— Use tube cutters to cut the moetal fuel line, making sure that you are
              cutting the correct line. (See General Instruction).
       (c)    Make sure there are no loose metal shavings in the cut line.
       (d)    Make sure that you have not restricted the flow within the metlal line. It
              may be necessary to take a small hone to clean the cut surfaces inside of
              the line.              .                                  .
       (e)    Securely clamp a rubber hose to each end of the Vitalizer with good
              clamps. Use a rubber hose that will fit snugly over the line. (For fuel
              injection systems be sure to use flexible high—pressure hose — Gates,
              Aeroquip, etc.; rated at 250 lbs., constant and 1,000 lbs. burst pressure.)
        (£)   Slide the rubber line over the metal fuel line and attach securely with two
              screwclamp on each end.
              Watch the unit for 5 minutes while the vehicle is running, to ensure that
              there are no leaks.                       *
        (h) On vehicles with fuel injection, the Vitalizer must be put on the in—flow
            fuel line rather than the return fuel line. If you are unsure which is the in—
            flow line, see your mechanic for instruction.

 3.)    Teflon Ling (Mlustration #3)
        (a) Before installation, clean out the Vitalizer with either water or gasoline,
              and blow through the unit to insure that all foreign objects are out.
        (b)   Cut the teflon line.

      (c)     Insert slipfiuinbs, as in Step #2, into each end of the teflon cut line. A
              slipfitting is merely a metal insert that goes inside the fuel line that
          permits you to use clamps to tighten, making the teflon line ridged so that
          you may treat the tellon line as a metal line,
      (d) Securely clamp a rubber fuel line hose to each end of the Vitalizer with
              good scerewclamps. (The rubber line must be able to slip aver the outside
              of the teflon line.
      (e)     —Slide the rubber line over the teflon line and attach securely with a clamp
              on each end, making sure that the clamp is tightened down on the portion
              of the teflon line that has the ridged sleeve. PACESETTERS has
              slipfittings $1.00 for both the 3/8" and 5/16" sizes.

4)    Steel Bralded Lines (IMlustration #4)
      Fittings for steel braided lines may be difficult to find in your area. If so, you
       may obtain complete ready—made fittings from PACESETTERS for $12.95/ea.
       Mercly send in your existing Vitalizer along with $12.95 (plus taxes, shipping
       and handling). All you need to do is make two screwed—in connections and
       your installation is complete. This will also minimize the installation charge.
       If you do not obtain the ready—made fmmgs from PACESETTERS follow the
       following steps:
       (a)     Obtain a male and female fxumg the same size as the steel braided line
            fittings. .
       (b). Insert these fittings into a rubber line (approxxmately 6" long) using the
            clamps to secure these mlmgs to the rubber fuel line.
        {c)    Cut the rubber fuel line in the middle.
        (d)    Screw the fittings into their proper place (steel braided line and metering
               block).             >
        {e)    Place a screwclamp on each end of the cut rubber fuel line.
        (P)    Insert the Vitalizer into either end of the cut rubber fuel lines.
        (g)    Tighten clamps securely:
        (h) Watch the unit for 5 minutes, while the vehicle is runmng to ensure that
                there are no leaks.
        (i)    See general instructions to determine which is the return fuel line and
               which is the charged fuel supply line.

5.)     Step Menders — available from PACESETTERS at $3.75/pair . The step menders
        will allow you to use a large Vitalizer on small car fuel lines.


    Step #
    Cut rubber fuel
    line no more than
    12 inches from

                      Step #2
                      Place screwclamps on each end
                      of cut fuelline. Insert Vitalizer
                      Into rubber fuel line.

                                .          2oL            */Screwclamp
                      §)            _ Vitalizer _,    f

6                          Screwclamp
    Step #3.

    Tighten Clamps.

                        Step #4

                        Check for Leaks.

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Step #1                                                                                                      I
Cut with tube cutter.
Make sure the cut
ends are cleaned
of metal shavings.

          Step #2

           Use rubber fuel line (or high—pressure hose for fuel—injected
           systems) the same size as the Vitalizer ends and the metal
           fuel tine. Rubber fuel line (approximately 3" on each end) to
           be attached to both ends of the Vitalizer and secured with
           screwclamps.                              *     ’

                                       —                  +                                             _ _/ Screwclamp

                                           Step #3

                                           Slide the rubber line that has the Vitalizer
                                           altached over both ends of the metal fuel
                                           line and tighten securely.

                                 (Screwclamps\                         k.                              (Screwclamps\
                                                          q        Vitalizer                       _
                                                              Inliulbneresransieinisstopsaciocat                       es
                            sHmtssssSsiIl. _ _ .                                           _            0e       *     $   >

*                           t Metal Fuel Line inserted into Rubber Fuel Linej

                                 Step #4 — Check for Leaks.


              (B) Slip Fittings
                      4                x

   Sltip Fitiing — a metal insert that is placed
   Insida the fuel line which allows clamps
   to clamps to tighten.

  Step #1

  Place the Vitalizer as close as possible to the
  carburetor / fuel block. Cut teflon line no more
  than 12" from carburetor or fuel block.
                          wore mmews sns sowen ts

Step #2

Insert 51.p fittings Into each open end of teflon line.

                  i4              omm
                   <siip Conneclorsz

                                                    {continued on next page)

      Teflon Line (IMlustration #3; con‘t)
. C
                Step #3

                Attach rubber fuel line to each end of the Vitalizer
                and secure both ends with screwclamps.

          (E)        Screwclamp
                                          _NVitalizer _

                            \Hubi)er Fuélv Line

      Step #4

      Insert.    Hlustration (D) Into Mlustration (E) and secure with fastner.


                                            _Vitalizer _n‘
                                      [ ———.l

                            Step #5

                            Check for Leaks.

       Mm&%       e                                          Hlustration
       & \&,,e ons
                                                                 1# 4

                         (A) Steel Braided Fiitings

                                     Rubber Fuel Llné



                                     (B) Vitalizer
                                    »_____         _


—€@               Step #1
  . Screwclamps            -            Screwclamps          Step #

                                                             Insert Vitalizer into
                                                             rubber ends of steel
                                                             braided fittings.

                                             Step #2
                                Screwgclamps         t     Screwclamps

      Tighten clamps           Br

                     ©                                   ({continued on next page)

             Steel Braided Line (Hlustration #4; con‘t)

                                         /Currenl Stee! Braided Fue} Line


                                                Step #3

                                                Disconnect your fuel line from
                                                the carburetor or fuel black.

      Steel Braided Fuel Line,
                                    fl                  ©,   .      — .

\v.                   |         .            Step #4

                                             Slide your fuel line back so that
                                             you will have room to screw the
                                    6s       Vitalizer fittings into the fuel
                                         >   line and into the carburetor or
                                             fuel block. Tighten securely.

      R/ carbur ator \f
      f\Fue! Biock /M

h       |                 |Step #5 — Check for leaks.

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Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:31
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:31

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