Approval Details

Valid E.O.


This Executive Order approved the specified parts on on December 23, 1991.
As of Monday, October 21st, 2024 this Executive Order has not been overturned or superceeded.

Approved Parts

Part NumberModelsRemarks
6871,79711982-86 Chevrolet Camaro and Pontiac Firebird 5.0L V8Not for H.O or TPI

This Executive Order may be listed as:
  • C.A.R.B.E.O. D-215-1
  • Executive Order 215-1 / D215-1
  • ARB # D-215-1
  • Executive Order No: D-215-1
  • C.A.R.B. No. D-215-1
  • Resolution D-215-1
For Free CARB Executive Order Status verification, email an image of the device Executive Order label as well as the Year/Make/Model and Test Group # of the vehicle to [email protected]

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D-215-1 Document:


                                                       (Page 1 of 2)

                            State of California
                            AIR RESOURCES BOARD

                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—1
                Relating to Exemptions Under Section 27156
                           of the Vehicle Code

                              EDELBROCK CORP.
                           TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Air Resources by Section 27156 of
the Vehicle Code; and                        '

Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned by Section 39515 and
39516 of the Health and Safety Code and Executive Order G—45—5;

IT IS ORDERED AND RESOLVED:   That the installation of the Tubular Exhaust
System manufactured by Edelbrock Corp. of 2700 California St., Torrance,
California 90503, has been found not to reduce the effectiveness of required
motor vehicle poliution control devices, and therefore is exempt from the
prohibitions of Section 27156 of the Vehicle Code for those applications
listed in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

This Executive Order is valid provided that installation instructions for
this device will not recommend tuning the vehicle to specifications
different from those submitted by the device manufacturer.

Changes made to the design or operating conditions of the device, as
exempted by the Air Resources Board, that adversely affect the performance
of a vehicle‘s pollution control system shall invalidate this Executive

Marketing of this device using an identification other than that shown in
this Executive Order or marketing of this device for an application other.
than those listed in this Executive Order shall be prohibited unless prior
approval is obtained from the Air Resources Board.  Exemption of a kit shall
not be construed as an exemption to sell, offer for sale, or advertise any
component of the product as an individual device.

This Executive Order does not constitute any opinion as to the effect that
the use of this device may have on any warranty either expressed or implied
by the vehicle manufacturer.


No claim of any kind, such as "Approved by the Air Resources Board" may be
made with respect to the action taken herein in any advertising or other
oral or written communications.

EDELBROCK CORP.                                          EXECUTIVE ORDER D—215—1
TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM                                   (Page 2 of 2}

Section 17500 of the Business‘and Professions Code makes untrue or
misleading advertising unlawful, and Section 17534 makes violation
punishable as a misdemeanor.

Section 43644 of the Health and Safety Code provides as follows:

     "43644,   (a)   No person shall   install,    sell offer for sale,   or
     advertise or except in an application to the state board for
     certification of a device, represent, any device &s a motor vehicle
     pollution control device for use on any used motor vehicle unless that
     device has been certified by the state board.  Nc person shall sell,
     offer for sale, advertise, or represent any motor vehicle pollution
     control device as a certified device which,        in fast,   is not a certified
     device.   Any violation of this subdivision is a risdemeanor."

Any apparent violation of the conditions of this Execur:ive Order will be
submitted to the Attorney General of California for suth action as he deems

Executive Order D—215 is superceded and of no further force and effect.
Executed at El Konte,    California,   this i&%    day of December,   1991.

                                        éflia_'@% w....
                                          R.B.    Summerfield
                                          Assistant Divisicn Chief
                                          Mobile Source Div:sion

                     §tate of California
                     AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                        December 1991

                           State of California
                           AIR RESOURCES BOARD


                         Mobile Source Division
                           State of California
                           Air Resources Board
                           9528 Telstar Avenue
                         El Monte,   CA 91731—2990

{This report has been reviewed by the staff of the California Air Resources
Board and approved for publication.  ‘Approval does not signify that the
contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Air Resources
Board, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.)


     Edelbrock Corp.     (Edelbrock) of 2700 California St., Torrance,

California 90503, has requeséed to update Executive Orders D—215 which

exempts Edelbrock‘s Tubular Exhaust System (TES) from the prohibitions of

Vehicle Code Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code.        The existing

Executive Order D—215 exempts Edelbrock‘s TES for installation on 1987—91

General Motors trucks with either a 5.0 or 5.7 liter electronic fuel

injected (EFI) or throttle body injection (TBI) engine.        The update is

requested to include 1992 model—year General Motors trucks with either a 5.0

or 5.7 liter electronic fuel injected (EFI) or throttle body injection (TBI)

engine.   Edelbrock aléo requested that 1983—92 General Motors vehicles with

either a 4.3,   5.0,   5.7 or 7.4 liter BFI, TBI, or carburated engine be

includéd in the exemption (see appendix A for applications}.

     Based.on an enginsering evaluation along with emission test results

performed by Edelbrock at an independent laboratory,       and that the 1992

vehicles for which thé exemption update is requested are carry—overs from

the model—years for which an exemption has been granted, the staff concludes

that Edelbrock‘s TES will not adversely affect exhaust emission from the

vehicles for which an exemption is requested.

     The staff recommends that Edelbrock be granted Executive Order D—215—1

allowing the installation of their TES on those applicable 1983—92 Generai

Motors vehicles with either a 4.3,     5.0,   5.7 or 7.4 liter EFI,   TBI,   or

carburated engine,.

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                          Page No.

SUMMARY                   ©                                     1
contENnts                                                      4i
1.          INTRODUCTION                                        1
II.         COonCLUSION                          '              1

III.        RECOMMENDATION                                      2
iv.         TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM DESCRIPTION        ©         2
v.          DrscUssION OF THE TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM            3
vI.         APPENDIX          .                                 5
            APPLICATIONS LIST                                   6
            (TNSTALLATION INSTRUCTTONS                          8




        Edelbrock Corp.     (Edelbrock) of 2700 California St., Torrance,

California $0503, has requested to update Executive brders D~215 which

exempts Edelbrock‘s Tubular Exhaust System (TRS)           from the prohibitions of

Vehicle Code Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code.            The existing

Executive Order D~215 exempts Edelbrock‘s TES for installation on 1987—91

General Motors trucks with either a 5.0 or 5.7 liter electronic fuel

injected (EFI)        or throttle body injection (TBI) engine.      The update is

requested to include 1992 model—year General Motors trucks with either a 5.0

or 5.7 liter electronic fuel injected (EFI) or throttle body injection (TBI)

engine.     Edelbrock also requested that 1983—92 General Motors vehicles with

either a 4.3,     5.0,    5.7 or 7.4 liter EFI,   TBI,   or carburated engine be

included in the exemption (see appendix A for applications).

        Edelbrock claims no changes to the installation instructions or tune—up

specifications are necessary for use of the TRS on the 1992 updates.


        Based on an engineering evaluation along with emission test results

performed by Edelbrock at an independent laboratory, and that the 1992

vehicles for which the exemption update is requested are carry—overs from

the model—years for which an exemption has been granted, the staff concludes

that Edelbrock‘s TES will not adversely affect exhaust emission from the

vehicles for which an exemption is requested.


      The staff recommends that Edelbrock be granted Executive Order D—215—1

allowing the installation of }heir TES on those applicable 1983—92 General

Motors vehicles with either a 4.3,       5.0, 5.7 or 7.4 liter EFI, TBI, or

carburated engine (seé Appendix A).


      The Edelbrock TEé is specifically designed for installation on those

applicable General Motors vehicles with either a 4.3, §5.0,          5.7 or 7.4 liter

EFI, TBI,   or carburated engine.      The TES consists of exhaust manifolds and

pre—catalyst piping.      As with the original equipment manufacturer‘s (OEM)

exhaust system,     the fqnction of Edelbrock‘s TES is to route exhaust gases

from the two exhaust manifolds of the engine into a common pipe which then

feeds éo the catalytic converter.        Edelbrock‘s family of TES equipment share

the same cémmon features: all have the same tubular exhaust flange

configuration and thickness, their manifold assemblies are all designed

using dual diameter pgimary pipe components, and the TES intake heat stoves

are of the same configuration and dimensions.        The tubular exhaust primary

pipes have 1~1/2" and 1—5/8" outside diameters.        The primary tube diameter

on the 4.3 liter engine is 1—5/8" on cylinders 2, 4 and 6, and 1—1/2" on

cylinders 1, 3 and 5.      The 5.0 and 5.7 liter engines have a primary tube

diameter of 1—1/2" on cylinders 1, 4, 6 and 7, and 1—5/8" on cylinders 2,             3,

5 and 8.    The primary tube diameter on the 7.4 liter engine is 1—7/8" on

cylinders 2,   3,   5 and:8,   and 1—3/4" on cylinders 1,   4,   6 and 7.   All the

exhaust gases are then routed into a 2—1/4" diameter tube for the 4.3 liter

and 2—1/2" diameter tube for the 5.0, 5.7 and 7.4 liter which feeds into the

precatalyst piping.      All tubes are comprised of #16 gage steel.


     The TES is functionally identical to the cast iron exhaust manifolds

and tubular steel collector pipes of the OEM exhaust system.       The difference

is the design dimensions of fhe TES which optimizes the flow characteristics

of the exhaust gases.     The manufacturer claims TES was designed to improve

the flow of exhaust gases from the cylinder heads to the catalytic

converter, therefiy promoting improved volumetric and combustion efficiency. ‘

     The system operates in conjunction with the OEM computer controlled

electronic fuel injection and emission control systems already certified

with the stock engines.        The TES models are available both for vehicles with

A.I.R.   and without A.I.R. emission control system.      The installation of the

TES is dore by fitting only and requires no welding, modifications or

adjustments to the emission control system of the affected vehicles (see

Appendix B).    Edelbrock supplies complete installation kits,     including

bolts,   flafiges,   washe;s,   and gaskets.     -


     Edelbrock has requested an update to their Executive Orders D—215 to

allow the use of the TES on the applicable 1992 model—year vehicles.           Their

Tubular Exhaust Systems are identical to those previously approved for the

1987—91 trucks.      The staff compared the engine design of the 1991 and 1992

model—year trucks.      Since the 1992 model—year trucks certified for

California sales were carried—over from the 1991 model—year,       no additional

exhaust emission tests were required or performed.

     Edelbrock also requested the exemption to cover installation of TES on

4.3 liter trucks,     5.0 and 5.7 liter passenger cars and 7.4 liter trucks as

listed in Appendix A..     To evaluate the emission impact of the TES on these

vehicles, the staff used prior CVS~75 emission data as well as require

Edelbrock to test a 1991 GM 7.4 liter Silverado truck to determine the


emission impact of the TES on bigger engines.        Table 1 shows emission test

results conducted at Milton Roy Company,      Orange,   CA on a 7.4 liter truck and

previous emission test results conducted on a 5.7 liter truck.

                                      Table 1

                      CVS—75 Tests Conducted by Edelbrock

             Engine Size        Vehicle Tested          (AC     co      NOx) g/m

Device          7.4             91 GM Silverado          .831   8.497 4.925
Baseline                        Full Size Truck          .820   §.443 4.65
Difference                                              +.01l   +.054 +.275

Device          5.7             89 GM K1500              .481   4.789   .519
Baseline                        Full Size Truck          .486   4.506   .555
Difference                        '                     —.005   +.283 ~.036

     Based on the emi;sion test results,        it appears that the TES affects

vehicle emission the most when installed on bigger engine sizes.           The

biggest engine size tested was a 7.4 liter GM truck, but the emission

increase due to the use of the TES is within the allowable increase of 10

percent or O.1 g/mi HC, 15 percent or 1.0 g/mi CO, and 10 percent or 0.1

g/mi NOx above the baseline as specified under the "Procedures for Exemption

of Add—On or Modified Parts."    The additional vehicle applications requested

by Edelbrock are within the range of the two worst case test vehicles.

Therefore, staff concludes that based on the two vehicles that Edelbrock has

tested, no emission impact would be observed on those applicable 4.3,            5.0,

5.7 and 7.4 liter engines when the TRS is installed.

     The staff recommends that Edelbrock be granted Executive Order D—215—1

allowing the installation of their TES on those applicable 1983—92 General

Motors vehicles with}either a 4.3,     5.0, 5.7 or 7.4 liter EFI, TBI, or

carburated engine (sée appendix A for applications}.



                                                        Appendix A

                                           EDELBROCK TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTENS

                                     CAMARO IROG & 228 and PONTIAG FIREBIRD_FORMULA

           PN     PN          Vehicle Model.                     Year         Engine                    Remarks

          6871    7971     Chevrolet Camaro and          1982—86            5.01 V8           Not for .0. or TPI
                            Pontisc Firebira
          6872    7972     Chevrolet Camaro TROG & 228    1986—90           5.0 & 5.7L V8     TPI (Single Cat.)
                            and Pontiac Firebird Formila
          6873    7973     Chevrolet Camaro IROC             1985           5.0 & 5.7L V8     TPI (Single Cat.)
                            and Pontiac Firobird Formula
          6874    7974     Chevrolest Camaro H.0. and        1983—850       5.01 v$8          4—bbl. carburetor H.0.
                            Fontiae Fivrebird H.O.
          6875    7975     Chevrolet Camaro RS               1988—92        5.0L V8           TBI (Single Cat.)
                            and Pontiac Fivebird Formula
          6875    7975     Chevrolet Camaro 228/Conv.            1991e02    5.0L v8               ‘TPI (Single Cat.)
                            and Pontiae Firebird Formula
          6878    7978     Chevrolet El Caminc/                  1933—88    5.0L LG—4 VB          Low output
                            Monte Carlo              '
           6879   7979     Chevrolst El Camino/                  1983—88    S.0L L—69 V8.         High output
                            Monta Carlo

i.                                        CHEVROLET BLAZER AND_GMC_JIMMY
i          Edelbrock                                              ,
i           PN      PN          Vehicle Modal                     Year          Engine                    Remarks

1.         6854 7954        P/U $—10 & 5—15                      1988—92     4.3L v6              2 W.B. Fuel Injection
           6855    7955     Blazer 5—10 & Jinmy S—15             1988—92     4. 3L V6              2 W.D. Fuel Injection
           6856    7956     P/U Blazer S—10 & Jimmy S~150        1988~92      4.3L V6             4 W.D. Fuel Injection
           6834    7934     P/UD s—10 & S—15                      1988—92    4.3L v6é              2 W.D. Fual Injection
           6835    7935     Blazer 5—10 & Jimmy S—15              1988—92    4.3L V6               2 W.D. Fuel Injection
           6836    7936     P/VY Blazer S—10 & Jimmy §—150        1988+92     4.3L V6              4 W.D. Fuel Injection

                                 CORRECTIONS TO THE ORIGINAL C.A.R.B.  E.0.               D—215
                                        CHEVROLET AND CMC LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS

            PN        PN        Vehicle Model                .    Year           Engine                   Remarks

           6866    7966     P/V 1500 & 2500 Seriss                1988—92    5.0 & 5.7L V8         4 W.D., EFI w/o A.I.R.
           6867    7967     P/U 1500 & 2500 Series                1988—92    5.0 & 5.7L V8         4 W.D., EFL w/ A.L.R.
           6864    7964     Suburban 1500 & 2500 Series           1987—91    5.7L V8               4 W.D., EFI w/o A.L.R.
           6865    7965     Suburban 1500 & 2500 Series          1987—91     5.7L V8               4 W.D., EFI w/ A.I.R.
           6824    7924     Suburban 1500 & 2500 Series          1987—90     5.7L v8               2 W.D., FFI w/o A.I.R.
    i      6825    7925     Suburban 1500 & 2500 Series          1987—90     5.7L V8               2 W.D., EFI w/ A.L.R.
    #0.    6826    7926     Suburban 1500 & 2500 Series          1991        5.7L V8               2 W.D., EFI w/o A.I.R.
    :      6857    7957     K—5 Blazer/Jimmy                     1987—91     5.7L V8               4 W.D., EFI w/o A.I.R.
           6858    7958     K—5 Blazer/Jimmy                     1987—91     5.7L V8               4 W.D., EFL w/ A.T.R.
           6889    7989     P/U 1500 & 2500 Series               1988~92     4.3L V6               2 W.D., BFZ w/ A.I,.R.


                        CHEVROLET/GMG 7.4L HEAVY DUTY. VEKICLES

PN      PN        Vehicle Model              Year         Engine                Remarks

6838   7938   Suburban 2500 Series           1987—89   7.4 Litre V8      w/ A.l.K.
6839   7939   Suburban 2500 Series           1990—92   7.4 Litre V8      w/o A.I.R.
6861   7961   Crew Cab 3500 Series           1987—89   7.4 Litre V8      2 W.D. w/ A.I.R.
6862   7962   Crew Cab 3500 Series           1987—89 ° 7.4 Litre V8      4 W.D. w/ A.I.R.
6841   7941   Crew Cab 3500 Series           1990—92   7.4 Litre V8      2 W.D. w/o A.I.R.
6842   7942   Crew Cab 3500 Series           1990—92    7.4 Litre   V8   4   W.D. w/o A.I.R.
6860   7960   Pick—up 1500 Series (4548§8)   1990      7.4 Litre    V8   2   W.D., F.I. w/ AI.R.
6859   7959   Pick—up 2500 & 3500 Series     1988—92    7.4 Litre   V8   2   W.D.., F.I. w/o A.L.R
6860   7960   Pick—up 2500 & 3500 Serios     1988—92   7.4 Litre    V8   2   W.D. F.L. w/ A.L.R.

                                                                                     nppsus id is

                                                                                                      TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                           CATALOG #6873
                                                                                                                   1985 IROC Camaro 305 &350 c.i.d.¥8
                                                                                                      T.PI auto & standard rransmission (siagle convencr)
                  PLEASE study these instructions carefully before installing your new Tubalar Exbaust Sysiem (TES). If you have any questions or
                  problems, do not hesitaie to coniact our Techuical Hotlise at : (213) 731—9318.

                  TUBULAR EXHAUST SYSTEM: These components are designed as a systemto improve the exhaust efficiency of the GM T.P. L
                   {luned port injection) V8 engine. A performance gain canbe expected by the instillation of the sysiem. This systemrequires no
                   welding for installation and retains all O.E.M. emissions equipment.

                   SUGGESTED TOOLS FOR INSTALLATION: This vehicle has some metric fasteners
                           — 3/8" raichet socket set with extensions and universal 13mm and 15mm swivel sockes
                           —— Combination set of open—end wrenches
|                                         — Jackstands, scrowdrivers, pliers, crescent wrench, eic.
                                          — Liguid penetrant, (GM #1052627) anti—seize compound (GM #5613695)
{10                                       —— Spark plug wirs crimping tol
                    Disconnect battery negative cable from battery.
              plr Boph paopc

                               Raise vehicle and support with jackstands.
                               Use penctrating oil on all nuts und bolts to be removed. This will prevent the possibility ofbroken or stripped nuts and bolis.
                               Making sure converier is cool, remove the catalytic converter.
                               Remove crossover exhaust pipe.
                               Lower vehicle o the ground

                 DISASSEMELY LEFT SIDE
                 1. Remove air cleaner system (now position of line and hose connections).
                 2. Disconnect A.LR. (air injection reactor) hose from exhaust manifold.
                 3. Remove air conditioner compressor rear support bracket (if air conditioning is applicable,
                 4. Remove powersicering pump support bracket (if power steering is applicable.
                 5. Disconnect spark plug wires andremovespark plugs.
                 6. Remove 02 sensor, being careful not to rupture or duwoy the unitWARNING: Do not cleanthis uui in uny cleuning solvents and
                               do not rupture wire.                                                                                                      —
                 7. Disconnect iemperature sensor wire at cylinder head.
                 8. Remove temperature sensorwire support bracket from valve cover bolt and lay wire back over engine.
                 9. Remove bolts and exhaust manifold fromtop side.
                 10. Disconnect steering columinconnector and lower slip tube downto steering box. CAUTION: Do not um stcering wheel or front
                               wheels while this systemis disconnected.

                 1. Disconnect A.LR. injection huse from exhaust manifold and catalytic converier tube.
                 2. Disconnect electrical connecior and vacuum hoses from A.LR. diverter valve assembly (note position of hose uind electrical
                             Remove A.LR. pump feed hase fromdiverter valve assembly.

                           . Remove nut from diverier valve support bracket at exhaust manifold and Ioosen lower altcrnator pivot bolt, lhmranove diverier
                               valve assembly.
                           . Disconnect spark plug wices und remove spark plugs.
          10 po ut gn pa

                           . Remove dip stick and tube fromengine, CAUTION: Do not dumage tube.
                             Remove bolis and exhaust manifold from top side.
                           . Althis time clean exhaust flange surfaces on cylinder heads.
                           . Unbok oil cootant tube from frame rail and bead rear brace around tube. Boh new flat brice (supplied) to frame rail. This will move
                               coolant tubs above andon topof frame which will allow more clearance for exhaust system,

      %            ASNEMBLY LEFT SIDE
                   1. Install T.E.S. flunge gasketul one 3087 16 x 1"bolt and lock washer at rearmost bolt hole (leavebolt Iooze enourh i0 necept
      REV #/89                                                                                                                               «1989 Rdelbrsct C.op

               Install left side T.E.S. manifold from top side.
               Install all but the front three bolts and washers on left side (do not tighten at this time).
               Reinstall rear power steering support bracket. Do not tighten at this time.
               Reinstall rear A/C support bracket with boits, lock washers and spazers supplied (see Figure 2 for spacer locations).
               Align all parts and tighien left side bolts and nuts at this time.
               Reconnectsteering column coopler. WARNING: Make sure coupler bolt is tight and check to see that steering wheel is in same
               orientation as prior to disassembly.
           8. Form brake lines to clear T.E.S. pipes.
           9. Reinstall spark plugs and reconnect wires left sxdc.
           10.Change spark plug wire ends and boots as needed.
           11. Reinstall temperature sensor wire support bracket and reconnect wire to temperature sensor,

           ASSEMBLY RIGHT SIDE                                   :
             1. Install T.E.S. flange gasket and one 3/8"— 16 x 1" boit and lock washer at rearmost boit hole (Ieave bolt Ioose enough to accept
                        Install right side T.E.S. manifold from top side with dip stick tube at same time.
i9 go ur n pr o po ho

                        Install remaining boits, lock washers and dip stick tube bracket (see Figure 1). Do nottighien bolts at this time.
                    Reinstall O.E.M. front stud Bolt with spacer (supplied). Align all parts and tighten all right side bolis at this time.
                    Reinstall spark plugs and reconnect wires.
                  . Change spark plug wire ends and boots as needed.
                    Reinstall diverter valve assembly in front O.E.M. stud bolt and tighten.
                        Reconnect electrical connections and vacuum lines to diverter valve assembly.
              Remove A.LR. check valves from O.E. manifolds and reinstall them on T.E.S. For 1986 & 1987 models, use plastic connector and
              5" hose supplied . Reconnect air hoses. For 1988 models remove 1/2" from formed 900 rubber O.E.M. elbow and install plastic
              connector. Use 2" of hose supplied and reconnect air hose. Reconnectall injection hoses at this time,
           10. Raise vehicle and support with fackstands..

        1. Assemble both lower pipes with catalytic converter, adapter and clamp (1985 only). Do not clamp tight al this point.
        2. Install crossover pipe assembly on vehicle with four 3/8" bolts ( lock and flat washers and gaskets supplied). Do nottighten at this
        3. Form A.LR. injection tube to catalytic converter. Align and tighten all bolts and clamps.
        1. Connect negative cable to batiery. At this point, it would be a good idea to look everything over and make sure nothing is missed in
       2. Start vehicle and bring up to normal operating temperature and check for possible leaks.
       3. Turn engine off and let cool. Then tighten all boits again.

    1—Manifold left side #25—9007                              1—1/4" flat washer
    1—Manifold right side #25—9009                             2—5/8" x 1.53 Tube spacer                      2.Ciooone,Umtcaspoys
   1—Extension pipe left side #25—9508                         1.5/8" x .72 Tube spacer                       penyunrald amagint
   1—Extension pipe right #25—9509                             1—S/8" x 1.12 Tube spacer                       q /3 8’: lt’: 1* :Ix CaP S,:L:fS
   1—Adapter #25.9510                                          2—2—1/2" donut gaskets                         > 3k ie: 256neacls
   1—]1)1;1stick tube Ernckel                                  1—Flange connector                            1: g/8:’ 5 pl);l fc;c{( was;::rst   bous
   1—1/4" 28 x 5/8" hex cap screw                              1—2—1/2" U muffler clamp                      4—3/8" A N flat washers
   1—1/4" — 28 hex nut                                         1—12" 02 sensor pig tail wire                                         P
   1—1/4" sptit lock washer                                                                                  1——02 Sensor plug (if needed)

                                      .720" spacer

_ Figure 2
  Left Side

                                 1.125" spacer

              \ 1.530" spacers

Document Created: 2005-09-01 12:43:47
Document Modified: 2005-09-01 12:43:47

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